Copy of CSEC LAB MANUAL 2023-2025

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8 – Thermal Physics

Title: Thermal Physics
Skill : Planning and Designing
Problem Statement:
A beaker contains water and some metal blocks as shown. A student
uses an electrical heater to produce a particular temperature increase
in water.
It is suggested that the electrical energy E supplied to the heater is
related to the mass m of metal blocks by the relationship, E = am
+b .

Where a and b are constants, Plan and design an experiment to test the
relationship between E and m.
To investigate the relationship between the Electrical Energy supplied and the mass of
the metal block.

Manipulated Controlled Responding (dep


Mass of the metal block Volume of water Electrical Energy

Temperature change
Diagram of Apparatus:
DIAGRAM SHOWING ……………………………….

Treatment of Results:
Expected Results:
Sources of Error:

Note: The Planning and designing lab does NOT have a




1. Latent heat of Fusion -

2. Reflection
3. Refraction
4. Series and parallel circuits
5. I-V Relations
6. Radioactivity
7. Current - Electricity
8. Implementation
Experiment # 10: Latent heat of Fusion

Title: Latent heat of fusion
Aim: To determine the latent heat of fusion of ice using the
method of mixture.
Answer the following questions
I. What is melting?
II. Explain what occurs at the microscopic level during melting.
III. State the equation used to calculate the latent heat of fusion,
explain each term in the equation.
Apparatus/Materials: Calorimeter cup, thermometer, water, ice,
electronic balance
Diagram of Apparatus:

1. Using the electronic balance determine the mass of the empty
calorimeter cup, Mc. Record this value.
2. Fill the calorimeter cup to about half full will warm water. The
water temperature should be between 5o – 10o above room
3. Determine the mass of the calorimeter cup and water, Mcw.
Record the value.
4. Measure and record the initial temperature of the water, Tw.
5. Dry several pieces of ice with a paper towel to remove any adhering
6. Add the ice to the calorimeter and keep adding ice periodically until the
temperature of the mixture is between 5o – 10o below room temperature.
Keep the mixture well stirred.
7. When the ice has melted, measure and record the equilibrium temperature
8. Measure and record the combined mass of the calorimeter cup and water,
which now includes water from the melted ice, Mcwi.
9. Calculate and record the mass of the ice, Mice = Mcwi - Mcw

**The mass of melted ice is the same as the mass of ice.
Mass of empty calorimeter cup (Mc) = ___________ g

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Mass of calorimeter cup and warm water (Mcw) = ___________ g

Mass of warm water (Mw= Mcw- Mc) = ___________ g

Mass of calorimeter cup and water (after ice melts) = ___________ g


Mass of Ice added (Mice = Mcwi –Mcw) =___________ g

Specific Heat capacity of water (Cw) = 4.2 J g--1 oC

Initial Temperature of warm water (Tw) = ___________ oC

Final temperature of water and melted ice (Tf) = ___________ oC

Data Analysis:
Heat lost = heat gained
Heat lost by warm water = heat needed to melt ice + heat needed to warm
water which was once ice

i. Determine the latent heat of fusion

ii. Convert your answer to SI Units
iii. Calculate the percentage error

i. State any assumptions made
ii. List the precautions you took to ensure accuracy and explain how
they increase the accuracy of your answer.

Sources of error:

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Experiment # 11 : Reflection

Aim: To investigate reflection using a plane mirror.
Answer the following

∙ Define reflection
∙ State the properties of an image formed by a plane mirror

Diagram of Apparatus:

1. Draw a line 10 cm long near the middle of the blank ray-trace sheet
supplied. Label the line MR. Draw a normal to this line that passes
through its centre. Label the normal NL. Label the point at which NL
crosses MR with the letter A.
2. Draw a line 8 cm long from A at an angle of incidence i = 30° to the
normal, below MR and to the left of the normal. Label the end of this
line B.
3. Place the reflecting face of the mirror vertically on the line MR.
4. Place two pins P1 and P2 on line AB a suitable distance apart.

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5. View the images of pins P1 and P2 from the direction indicated by the eye in
the figure. Place two pins P3 and P4, some distance apart, so that pins P3 and
P4, and the images of P1 and P2, all appear exactly one behind the other.
Label the positions of P3 and P4.
6. Remove pins P3 and P4 and the mirror. Draw the line joining the positions
of P3 and P4. Extend the line until it meets NL
7. Measure, and record in the table, the angle α between NL and the line
joining the positions of P3 and P4. At this stage the angle θ between the
mirror and line MR is 0 °, as shown in the table.
8. Remove pins P1 and P2. Draw lines at angles θ = 10 °, 20 ° and 30 ° to
MR, one of which is shown in Fig. Repeat steps (4) to (7), placing the
mirror on each of the new lines in turn, so that you obtain four sets of

Ensure to include your final trace sheet in your lab book.

Table of results:

θ/o α/o







Treatment of Results:
1. Plot a graph of α/o vs θ/o
2. State whether your graph line shows that the angle α is
directly proportional to the angle θ. Justify your statement by
reference to your graph line.
3. Suggest one precaution that you would take with this
experiment to obtain reliable results.
Sources of error/Limitations

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Experiment # 12: Refraction

Title: Refraction.
To determine the refractive index of glass and the critical angle and to observe
the path of light rays passing through a glass block.
Answer the following questions.
i. What is the refractive index of a medium? What
symbol is it denoted by?
ii. Does it have a unit? Why or why not?
iii. Define
a. The normal
b. Angle of incidence
c. The angle of refraction
Manipulated Controlled Responding
(Independent) (Dependent)


∙ Lamp
∙ Glass block with lower surface painted white
∙ Protractor

Diagram of Apparatus:

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1. Place the glass block with the white painted surface on the paper
and its long side along line AOB in the figure above. Draw the outline of
the block onto your paper.
2. Mark the normal to the block at O.
3. Align the lamp and the single slit so that a beam of light is
incident on the block at O at an angle of incidence of 30o.
4. Draw in the incident ray, the refracted ray and the emergent ray;
measure the exact angle of each to the surface normal with a protractor
and record your results in the Table
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with an angle of incidence as seen in the
Table of results :

Angle of Angle of Angle of Sin Sin n = (Sin

incidence, i refraction, r emergent i r i /Sin r)
/o /o ray , θ/o






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Data Analysis:
i. Plot a graph of sin i vs sin r
ii. Calculate the gradient of the graph
iii. Calculate the average value for the refractive index of glass
and compare to the values obtained for the gradient.
iv. Calculate the critical angle of the glass block

● Discuss how the experiment could be improved to give more reliable


● Explain what is meant by the critical angle c

Sources of error:
Conclusion: State the refractive index and the critical of glass.

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Experiment # 13: Series and Parallel Circuits

Series and Parallel Circuits:
To measure the currents in series and parallel circuits.

Manipulated Controlled Responding



Figure 1
1. Connect up the circuit of Figure 1 making sure the + terminal of the cell
goes to the + terminal (red) of the ammeter. When the switch is closed
and the lamp is on, record the reading of the current through the ammeter
in Table 2.
2. Disconnect the ammeter and reinsert it in the circuit at position Y.
When the circuit is complete, record the current through the ammeter

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Figure 2

3. Connect two cells and two lamps in series with the ammeter as shown in
Figure 2. The + terminal of one cell should be connected to the – terminal
of the other. When the switch is closed and both lamps are on, record the
current reading through the ammeter in Table 2.
4. Disconnect the ammeter and reinsert it in the circuit at position B.
when the circuit is complete, record the value of the current through
the ammeter.
5. Repeat step 4 with the ammeter inserted into positions C and the D
in the circuit.

Figure 3

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6. Connect the two lamps in parallel with one cell as shown in Figure 3.
When the switch is closed and both lamps are on, record the current
passing through the ammeter in Table 2.
7. Disconnect the ammeter and reinsert it in the circuit next to the lamp
at position P. When the circuit is complete and both lamps are on,
record the value of the current through the ammeter.
8. Repeat step 7 with the ammeter inserted into positions Q and then R
in the circuit.

Table of Results:

Ammeter Current/A Ammeter Current/

Position Position A





Discuss how the experiment could be improved to give more reliable results.
Use your results to explain the difference between current flowing in a
parallel circuit and that in a series circuit.

Sources of error/Limitations:

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Experiment #14: I-V relationships
Title: I-V Relationship
To investigate the relationship between potential difference and
current for a resistor.
i. Define:
- Resistance
- Potential difference
ii. State Ohm’s Law

Manipulated Controlled Responding


Diagram of Apparatus:

Power supply, Voltmeter, ammeter, resistor, crocodile clips,
slide wire, switch

1. Set up the circuit as shown
2. Close the switch
3. Adjust the position of the crocodile clip on the slide wire until the
potential difference V across the resistor is 0.4 V.
4. Record, in the Table, the value of the current I shown on
the ammeter.
5. Move the crocodile clip and record values of I for V = 0.8
V, 1.2 V, 1.6 V and 2.0 V.
6. Switch off the circuit

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Table of results:
Table showing……………………….

Potential difference, Current,







Data Analysis:
1) Plot a graph of V/ V (y-axis) against I/ A (x-axis). Start both axes
at the origin (0,0)
2) Determine the gradient G of the graph. Show clearly on the graph
how you obtained the necessary information.
3) The resistance R of the resistor is numerically equal to G.
Give a value for R, to a suitable number of significant figures for this
experiment. Include the unit.
4) A student suggests that potential difference and current for
this resistor should be proportional.
State whether your graph supports this suggestion. Justify your
statement by reference to your graph.
5) The student notices that her slide wire becomes very hot during
the experiment. Suggest a change to the apparatus or procedure that
might prevent this.
Sources of error:

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Experiment # 15: Radioactivity-Analogous systems

Aim: To use an analogous system to illustrate the nature of
radioactive decay
Radioactive decay is the spontaneous transformation of an unstable nucleus
into a more stable one by the release of radiation. It is a random process
which means one cannot know what nucleus will decay or when it will decay
because it is down to chance.

Half-life is the time it takes for half of the unstable nuclei in a sample to decay
or for the activity of the sample to halve or for the count rate to halve.
Count-rate is the number of decays recorded each second by a detector, such
as the Geiger-Muller tube.

(tabulate please)
Manipulating variable: n –the number of throws
Responding variables: t-the number of undecayed atoms
Controlled: the type of coins

200 coins, large can with lid

Diagram of Apparatus: Procedure:

Diagram showing ……………..

1. Note the number of coins present (undecayed atoms) when n =0.

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2. Allow heads to represent a decayed atom and tails to represent
an undecayed atom. Place the coins in the can and snap on the lid.
3. Shake the can vigorously. Then remove the lid and pour out
the coins. Record the number of tails i.e. the number of undecayed
atoms t for n=1.
4. Put the number of heads to one side (decayed atoms).
5. Place the number of undecayed atoms back in the tin.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 at least 5 times (until n = 5)

Table of results:
Table showing: _______________

Number of Throws, Number of undecayed Number of decayed

n atoms, t atoms, h

0 200 0

Data analysis:
1. Plot a graph of the number of throws (n) on the x-axis against the number
of undecayed atom (t) on the y-axis.
2. Use your graph to estimate at least three values for the half-life.
3. How many half-lives would it take for a sample of Carbon-14 to be
reduced to 132of its original mass?
4. Given that Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5700 years, determine how long it
would take for this reduction to occur?

Sources of error:

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Based on aim. State the half life.

Experiment # 16 : Planning and Designing -Current Electricity

Problem Statement:
A student is investigating how the resistance, R ̧ of nichrome in the form of a wire
varies with temperature θ. It is suggested that
R = R0 (1 + α θ)

Where R0 is the resistance at ice, α is a constant and θ is the temperature in oC. Design
an experiment to test the relationship between the resistance, R and Temperature, θ.


Diagram of Apparatus:

Sample Diagram of Apparatus

Treatment of Results:
Expected Results:

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Sources of Error:

Note: The Planning and designing lab does NOT have a conclusion.

T.Douglas © 2023 Science department

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