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Title: Investigating Wine Fermentation: A Laboratory Activity

Objective: The objective of this laboratory activity is to understand the process of wine
fermentation by observing the conversion of grape juice into wine through the action of


1. Grape juice (preferably without preservatives)

2. Wine yeast
3. Fermentation vessels (glass containers with airlocks)
4. Airlocks
5. Hydrometer
6. Thermometer
7. Stirring rod
8. pH strips or pH meter
9. Graduated cylinder
10. Labels or markers
11. Notebook and pen



1. Sterilize all equipment and fermentation vessels to prevent contamination.

2. Ensure that grape juice is at room temperature and free from any preservatives that
might inhibit fermentation.

Fermentation Setup:

1. Pour the grape juice into the fermentation vessels, leaving some headspace.
2. Activate the wine yeast according to the manufacturer's instructions.
3. Add the activated yeast to the grape juice in each fermentation vessel.
4. Seal the vessels with airlocks to allow gas to escape while preventing contaminants from

Observations and Measurements:

1. Measure and record the initial specific gravity of the grape juice using a hydrometer.
This will provide a baseline for sugar content.
2. Measure and record the initial pH of the grape juice.
3. Monitor the temperature of the fermentation vessels throughout the process, aiming for
a consistent temperature within the yeast's optimal range.
4. Observe and record any visual changes in the grape juice, such as bubbling or foaming,
which indicate fermentation activity.
5. Take daily measurements of specific gravity using the hydrometer to track the progress
of fermentation.
6. Periodically check the pH of the fermenting wine to monitor acidity levels.


1. Compare the initial and final specific gravity readings to calculate the alcohol content of
the wine.
2. Analyze the changes in pH over time and discuss the impact of acidity on fermentation.
3. Discuss any observations of fermentation activity and relate them to the metabolic
processes involved.
4. Consider factors that might influence the fermentation process, such as temperature
variations or yeast strains.

Conclusion: Summarize the key findings of the laboratory activity, including the
transformation of grape juice into wine through fermentation and the factors
influencing the process. Discuss any unexpected observations or challenges
encountered during the experiment.

Safety Precautions:

1. Handle glassware and fermentation vessels with care to avoid breakage.

2. Follow proper sanitation procedures to prevent contamination.
3. Use caution when working with chemicals such as pH strips.
4. Ensure proper ventilation in the laboratory when handling fermenting wine to prevent
the buildup of carbon dioxide gas.

Note: This laboratory activity provides an overview of wine fermentation and can be
adapted to suit different educational levels and available resources.

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