If clause conditionals

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Name: ___________________

If Clauses - Mixed Conditionals

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given.
1. If he had been able to afford it, he _____________________ her a diamond ring. (BUY)
2. If it rains this afternoon, we _____________________ out. (NOT GO)
3. If she ___________________ the exam, she won't get the job she has applied for. (NOT PASS)
4. If she posted the letter now, they _____________________ it by Tuesday. (RECEIVE)
5. If I _____________________ about the dinner I would have come earlier. (KNOW)
6. My boss _____________________ angry if John comes to work late again. (BE)
7. If my girlfriend left me, I _____________________ miserable. (FEEL)
8. I _____________________ that if I were you. (NOT SAY)
9. If I had lost my way I _______________________ to the nearest police station. (GO)
10. If I _____________________ a spider in my bathroom I would cry out loud. (SEE)
11. The teacher will be very angry if you _____________ in your homework on time. (NOT HAND)
12. If you _____________________ to learn a lot, you would have taken this course. (WANT)
13. If you _____________________ quickly you will catch the bus. (RUN)
14. I would be very proud if she _____________________ my sister. (BE)
15. I _____________________ to your party if I had had time. (COME)
16. If you _____________________ the flowers, they won't survive. (NOT WATER)
17. The beach would be an ideal place for a picnic if it _______________ so crowded. (NOT BE)
18. If she _____________________ the book carefully, she would have understood it. (READ)
19. Be careful! If you touch this wire you _____________________ a shock. (GET)
20. She could win the race if she _____________________. (TRY)
21. If Anne’s father gets seriously ill, they ______________ (BRING) him to the hospital.
22. If I ____________________ (BE) you I would pay more attention in class.
23. They ____________________ (NOT GO) out if they don’t get a babysitter.
24. The manager would have fired him if he ________________ (HAVE) someone else to
replace him.
25. I ____________________ (LIKE) her more if she hadn’t asked such stupid questions.
26. If you ____________________ (NOT KNOCK) they won’t let you in.
27. If I had missed the bus, I ____________________ (TAKE) a taxi.
28. We will visit the sports centre tomorrow unless it ____________________ (RAIN).
29. I would have helped him if I _____________ (KNOW) that his condition was so bad.
30. He ____________________ (NOT GO) to the course if it were not so interesting.

Designed by Joy of Learning

Name: ___________________

If Clauses - Mixed Conditionals

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given.
1. If he __________________ (EAT) everything he _____________________ (BE) ill. (3)

2. The police __________________ (ARREST) him if they __________________ (CATCH) him (1)

3. What __________________ (HAPPEN) if my parachute __________________ (NOT OPEN) ? (1)

4. I __________________ (BE) angry if he __________________ (MAKE) more mistakes . (2)

5. If he __________________ (NOT BE) late we __________________ (GO) without him (3).

6. If I _______________ (LEND) you 10 pounds, __________________ (YOU, GIVE) it back to me ? (1)

7. If you _______________ (NOT LIKE) this one, I __________________ (BRING) you another one. (1)

8. If I __________________ (KNOW) that I __________________ (VISIT) you . (3)

9. I __________________ (NOT DRINK) that wine if I __________________ (BE) you. (2)

10. If we ________________ (HAVE) more rain our crops __________________ (GROW) faster (3)

11. If you _________________ (PAINT) the walls white the room __________ (BE) much brighter (1).

12. I ______________ (CAN REPAIR) the roof myself if I __________________ (HAVE) a ladder. (3)

13. You _______________ (NOT HAVE) so many accidents if you ____________ (DRIVE) slower (2).

14. What __________________ (YOU, DO) if you __________________ (HEAR) the alarm ? (2)

15. If you __________________ (GO) to Paris where __________________ (YOU STAY ) ? (1)

16. I __________________ (BRING) you something to drink if I __________________ (KNOW) you

were thirsty (2).

17. If anyone __________________ (ATTACK) me, my dog __________________ (JUMP) at him (3).

18. If everybody __________________ (GIVE) me 3 pounds we ______________ (HAVE) enough. (1)

19. If every animal ____________ (TALK), humans ____________(BE) (2)

20. If I _________________(CHANGE) myself, I _______________ (KEEP UP WITH) my peers. (1)

Designed by Joy of Learning

Name: ___________________

If Clauses - Mixed Conditionals

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given.
1. If I lived in the country ______________________________________________________________

2. The milk would have turned sour if __________________________________________________

3. If you took a course in computer programming ______________________________________

4. I could have walked more quickly if __________________________________________________

5. You job sounds awful ! If I were you __________________________________________________

6. They would have paid you more if ___________________________________________________

7. If there was a power strike _________________________________________________________

8. If you tell this to anyone ____________________________________________________________

9. If you don’t like films why ___________________________________________________________

10. I would have been able to win the match if __________________________________________

11. If the weather clears up ____________________________________________________________

12. If John hadn’t eaten those mushrooms ______________________________________________

13. She would have received the letter if _______________________________________________

14. I’ll buy you a box of chocolates if ___________________________________________________

15. If I was an animal _________________________________________________________________

16. If I became a superman/superwoman ______________________________________________

17. I would change ____________________ if I were the president of my country.

18. If my mother were a celebrity_____________________________________________________

19. If my best friend’s parents were millionaires ______________________________________

20. If my parents quit their jobs

Designed by Joy of Learning

Name: __________________________

If clauses - Mixed conditionals

Complete the sentence with a verb in the correct form.
1. (First conditional) If we __________________ (not / work) harder, we
__________________ (not pass) the exam.
2. (Third conditional) If the students __________________ (not be) late for the exam,
they __________________ (pass).
3.(Third conditional) If the weather __________________ (not be) so cold, we
__________________ (go) to the beach.
4. (Second conditional) If she __________________ (have) her laptop with her, she
__________________ (email) me.
5. (First conditional) If she __________________ (not go) to the meeting, I
__________________ (not go) either.
6. (Third conditional) If the baby __________________ (sleep) better last night, I
__________________ (not be) so tired.
7. (First conditional) If the teacher __________________ (give) us lots of homework this
weekend, I __________________ (not be) happy.
8. (Second conditional) If Lucy __________________ (have) enough time, she
__________________ (travel) more.
9. (First conditional) If the children __________________ (not eat) soon, they
__________________ (be) grumpy.
10. (First conditional) If I __________________ (not go) to bed soon, I __________________
(be) tired in the morning.
11. (Second conditional) If I _____________ (want) a new car, I ______________ (buy) one.
12. (Second conditional) If José __________________ (not speak) good French, he
__________________ (not move) to Paris.
13. (First conditional) If John __________________ (drink) too much coffee, he
__________________ (get) ill.
14. (Third conditional) If we __________________ (tidy) our flat, we __________________
(not lose) our keys.
15. (Third conditional) If Luke __________________ (not send) flowers to his mother, she
__________________ (not be) happy.
16. (Second conditional) If the children __________________ (be) in bed, I
__________________ (be able to) have a bath.

Designed by Joy of Learning

Name: __________________________

If Clauses - Mixed Conditionals

Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets !

1. If Anne’s father gets seriously ill, they _________________ (BRING) him to the hospital.

2. If I ____________________ (BE) you I would pay more attention in class.

3. They ____________________ (NOT GO) out if they don’t get a babysitter.

4. The manager would have fired him if he ________________ (HAVE) someone else to

replace him.

5. I ____________________ (LIKE) her more if she hadn’t asked such stupid questions.

6. If you ____________________ (NOT KNOCK) they won’t let you in.

7. If I had missed the bus, I ____________________ (TAKE) a taxi.

8. We will visit the sports centre tomorrow unless it ____________________ (RAIN).

9. I would have helped him if I _______________ (KNOW) that his condition was so bad.

10. He ____________________ (NOT GO) to the course if it were not so interesting.

11. I ____________________ (CALL) if I had had his mobile number.

12. If I ____________________ (WIN) in the lottery I would go on an extended vacation.

13. If I ____________________ (NOT BE) careful, he would have lost his job.

14. ____________________ (SHE STAY) at home if I asked her to ?

15. If her daughter ____________________ (WORK) harder she would pass the exam.

16. If the French lessons had been more interesting , Mary ____________________ (NOT

ATTEND) a different school.

17. He wouldn’t have been so happy if he________________ (NOT HAVE) such a good life.

18. If I were a millionaire I ____________________ (STOP) working at once.

19. If you ____________________ (MARRY) Peter, you would be happier.

20. I ____________________ (GIVE) you the news as soon as I get it.

Designed by Joy of Learning

Name: __________________________

If Clause - Conditionals Type 2

If Clause Result
Past Simple S + would + V-infinitive
__________________ __________________
Note: Note:

Put the verb into the correct tense to make the second conditional.

1. If I _________________ (be) you, I _________________ (get) a new job.

2. If he _________________ (be) younger, he _________________ (travel) more.

3. If we _____________ (not / be) friends, I _________________ (be) angry with you.

4. If I _____________ (have) enough money, I _________________ (buy) a big house.

5. If she ____________ (not / be) always so late, she ___________ (be) promoted.

6. If we _____________ (win) the lottery, we _________________ (travel) the world.

7. If you _________ (have) a better job, we __________ (be) able to buy a new car

8. If I _________________ (speak) perfect English, I _________________ (have) a good job.

9. If we _________________ (live) in Mexico, I _________________ (speak) Spanish.

10. If she__________ (pass) the exam, she ______________ (be) able to enter university.

11. She _________________ (be) happier if she _________________ (have) more friends.

12. We ______________ (buy) a house if we _________________ (decide) to stay here.

13. They __________ (have) more money if they __________ (not / buy) so many clothes.

14. We _________________ (come) to dinner if we _________________ (have) time.

15. She _________________ (call) him if she _________________ (know) his number.

16. They __________ (go) to Spain on holiday if they _______________ (like) hot weather.

17. She _________________ (pass) the exam if she _________________ (study) more.

18. I _______________ (marry) someone famous if I _________________ (be) a movie star.

19. We never ________________ (be) late again if we _________________ (buy) a new car.

20. You _________________ (lose) weight if you _________________ (eat) less.

Designed by Joy of Learning

Name: __________________________

If Clause - Conditionals Type 3

If Clause Result
Past Perfect S + would + have + PP.II
__________________ __________________
Note: Note:

Put in the correct third conditional verb form.

1. If you ______________ (not / be) late, we ______________ (not / miss) the bus.

2. If she ______________ (study), she ______________ (pass) the exam.

3. If we ______________ (arrive) earlier, we ______________ (see) John.

4. If they ______________ (go) to bed early, they ______________ (not / wake) up late.

5. If he ______________ (become) a musician, he ______________ (record) a CD.

6. If she ______________ (go) to art school, she ______________ (become) a painter.

7. If I _______ (be) born in a different country, I _____________ (learn) to speak a

different language.

8. If she ______________ (go) to university, she ______________ (study) French.

9. If we ______________ (not / go) to the party, we ______________ (not / meet) them. 10.

If he ______________ (take) the job, he ______________ (not / go) travelling.

11. He ______________ (be) happier if he ______________ (stay) at home.

12. She ______________ (pass) the exam if she ______________ (study) harder.

13. We ___________ (not/get) married if we ___________ (not/go) to the same university.

14. They ______________ (be) late if they ______________ (not / take) a taxi.

15. She ______________ (not / meet) him if she ______________ (not / come) to London. 16.

He ______________ (take) a taxi if he ______________ (have) enough money.

17. I ______________ (call) you if I ______________ (not / forget) my phone.

18. We ______________ (come) if we ______________ (be) invited.

19. She ______________ (not / do) it if she ______________ (know) you were ill.

20. He ______________ (be) on time if he ______________ (leave) earlier.

Designed by Joy of Learning

Name: __________________________

If Clauses - Mixed Conditionals

Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.If he had been able to afford it, he _____________________ her a diamond ring. (BUY)

2. If it rains this afternoon, we _____________________ out. (NOT GO)

3. If she___________ the exam, she won't get the job she has applied for. (NOT PASS)

4. If she posted the letter now, they _____________________ it by Tuesday. (RECEIVE)

5. If I _____________________ about the dinner I would have come earlier. (KNOW)

6. My boss _____________________ angry if John comes to work late again. (BE)

7. If my girlfriend left me, I _____________________ miserable. (FEEL)

8. I _____________________ that if I were you. (NOT SAY)

9. If I had lost my way I _______________________ to the nearest police station. (GO)

10. If I _____________________ a spider in my bathroom I would cry out loud. (SEE)

11. The teacher will be very angry if you _____________________ in your homework on

time. (NOT HAND)

12. If you _________________ to learn a lot, you would have taken this course. (WANT)

13. If you _____________________ quickly you will catch the bus. (RUN)

14. I would be very proud if she _____________________ my sister. (BE)

15. I _____________________ to your party if I had had time. (COME)

16. If you _____________________ the flowers, they won't survive. (NOT WATER)

17. The beach would be an ideal place for a picnic if it _____________________ so

crowded. (NOT BE)

18. If she ____________________ the book carefully, she would have understood it.


19. Be careful! If you touch this wire you _____________________ a shock. (GET)

20. She could win the race if she _____________________. (TRY)

Designed by Joy of Learning

Zero conditional sentences express general truths or known facts.

First conditional sentences express possible future events or
actions that are likely to happen.

Write some zero 0 conditionals

1. If you leave ice out on a warm day, it melts.

2. When you add sugar to coffee, it (become) ______________ sweet.

3. Water (boil) ________________ if you heat it to 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. It gets dark outside when the sun (set)________________.

5. If there is smoke in the house, the fire alarm (go off) ____________.

6. ________________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________________________

11. ________________________________________________________________________

12. ________________________________________________________________________

13. ________________________________________________________________________

14. ________________________________________________________________________

15. ________________________________________________________________________

Designed by Joy of Learning

Name: __________________________

If Clauses - Conditionals Type 1

Put the verb into the correct first conditional form.

1. If I ______________ (go) out tonight, I _______________ (go) to the cinema.

2. If you ____________ (get) back late, I __________________ (be) angry.

3. If we ___________ (not / see) each other tomorrow, we ___________ (see) each

other next week.

4. If he __________________ (come), I __________________ (be) surprised.

5. If we __________________ (wait) here, we __________________ (be) late.

6. If we ________________ (go) on holiday this summer, we __________ (go) to Spain.

7. If the weather _____________ (not / improve), we ___________ (not / have) a picnic.

8. If I _____________ (not / go) to bed early, I ________________ (be) tired tomorrow.

9. If we __________________ (eat) all this cake, we __________________ (feel) sick.

10. If you _____________ (not / want) to go out, I _____________ (cook) dinner at home.

11. I _______________ (come) early if you __________________ (want).

12. They __________________ (go) to the party if they __________________ (be) invited.

13. She __________________ (stay) in London if she __________________ (get) a job.

14. . He ____________ (not / get) a better job if he ____________ (not / pass) that exam.

15. I _______________ (buy) a new dress if I __________________ (have) enough money.

16. She ____________ (cook) dinner if you __________________ (go) to the supermarket.

17. They __________________ (go) on holiday if they __________________ (have) time.

18. We __________________ (be) late if we __________________ (not / hurry).

19. She __________________ (take) a taxi if it __________________ (rain).

20. I __________________ (not / go) if you __________________ (not / come) with me.

Designed by Joy of Learning

Name: __________________________

If Clauses - Conditionals: Type 0 vs Type 1

Complete the sentence with a verb in the correct form.

1. If we _______________ (not / work) harder, we ______________ (not pass) the exam.

2. If she __________ (not go) to the meeting, I ______________ (not go) either.

3. If children ___________ (not eat) well, they aren't healthy.

4. 5. If you ___________(mix) water and electricity, you get a shock.

5. If the teacher_________ (give) us lots of homework this weekend, I _________ (not

be) happy.

6. If the children ____________ (not eat) soon, they __________________ (be) grumpy.

7. If people _____________(eat) too many sweets, they get fat.

8. If I _____________ (not go) to bed soon, I _____________ (be) tired in the morning.

9. If John _______________ (drink) too much coffee, he __________________ (get) ill.

10. Lots of people come if Jenny _______________(have) a party.

11. She _____(buy) expensive clothes if she goes shopping. She likes luxurious things.

12. The river ________________ (freeze) if it's very cold.

13. If she _______________ (go) to the library, she __________________ (study) more.

14. If they __________________ (not / arrive) soon, we __________________ (be) late.

15. If you __________________ (buy) the present, I __________________ (wrap) it up.

16. If Lucy _______________ (not quit) her job soon, she __________________ (go) crazy.

17. My daughter _____________(pass) her exams if she works hard.

18. David ________________(be) sick if he drinks milk.

19. My flatmate _______________ (clean) really well if she cleans the house.

20. Everybody ____________________(be) grumpy if it rains a lot.

Type Zero Type 1

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

Designed by Joy of Learning

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