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1) Perform a proof in total of 15000 people with 35$ and compare it with financial
2) Compare the income earned through annual food with this year to the last year income
3) For a sample of advance ticket received confirm its excluded from the current year and
recognized as Deferred Income(cut off)

4) for a sample of donation received trace it to the sign documents and to the bank
statements, cashbook and income receipts to confirm that they are recorded(completeness)


1) Review the Board meetings whether the decision regarding the restructure of the production
was approved and confirm the decision was made in march 2025( Existence)
2) Check the value of provision is correct or not(Valuation and Allocation)
3) Check whether the provision is recorded in the correct account or not(Classification)
4) Review whether the provision has recorded in the books of accounts(completeness)
5) Investigate whether the provision has recorded as per the relevant standards or not and has
disclosed in the disclosure notes or not(Presentation)


1) Review the loan agreements for the duration, loan amount, interest rate etc and confirm the
amounts (Existence)
2) Review whether the bank loans has recorded in the disclosure notes or not as per the
relevant standards or local legislation (Presentation)
3) Review that the Bank loan amounts has split into Current liabilities as well as Non Current
4) Obtain a break down of Bank loan amounts and recalculate the value of bank loan by adding
the finance cost and agree the amount recorded in it.(valuation)
5) Agree the New Loan Proceeds to Cash Book or Pass Book(Bank statements)(Completeness)

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