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First Quarter Summative Exam

Name: ________________________________________ Section: __________

A. Direction: Multiple Choice. Read and understand very well the questions. Select the best
answer by writing only the letter on the blank provided.
___ 1. They are individuals who can strategically identify products or services needed by the
community, and have the capacity to deliver them at the right time and at the right place.
A. Businessman C. Managers
B. Entrepreneurs D. Market Vendors
___ 2. What is both an art and science of converting business ideas into marketable products or
services to improve the quality of living.
A. Marketing C. Entrepreneurship
B. Industry D. Management
___ 3. What do successful entrepreneurs continuously develop and improve?
A. Personal Enterprise Commissions
B. Personal Entrepreneurship Committees
C. Personal Entrepreneurship Competencies
D. Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies
___ 4. This means working diligently and being consistent at all times.
A. Hardworking C. Skilled
B. Industrious D. Tactful
___ 5. “Possess people skills” means a well-developed interpersonal skill can make a huge
difference between success and failure of the business.
A. True
B. False
___ 6. It is generated by examining the goods and services sold in the community.
A. business creation C. business concept
B. business pricing D. business idea
___ 7. It is a process of making new products which will be sold to the customers.
A. product analysis C. product
B. product conceptualization implementation D. product development
___ 8. These are luxuries, advantages and desires that every individual considers beyond necessary.
A. wants C. requirements
B. desires D. needs
___ 9. It is a factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that a product or service is
different from and better than that of the competition.
A. unique selling plan C. unique pricing policy
B. unique selling proposition D. finding value-added
___ 10. A stage in which the needs of the target market are identified, reviewed, and evaluated.
A. concept development B. economic analysis
C. project development D. refine specification
___ 11. A usually herbaceous plant grown for an edible part that is eaten as part of a meal.
A. legumes C. fruits
B. vegetables D. herbs
___ 12. These vegetables are cultivated in a wide plain area of land and rarely cultivated in the
A. Upland vegetables crop C. lowland vegetables crop
B. Hilly vegetables crop D. temperate vegetables crop
___ 13. An activity that can help augment the supply of vegetables for the family and even the
A. School vegetable production C. Potting vegetable production
B. Backyard vegetable production D. A & B only

___ 14. These vegetables are preferred by the people in the school and in the community because it
is fresher than commercial vegetables, safe from chemicals, sold at lower than the prevailing
market prices, and delivered free at the right place and at the right time.
A. True B. False
___ 15. As the art or science of growing and culturing of various vegetable crops for human
A. Vegetable consumption C. Vegetable cooking
B. Vegetable gardening D. None of these
___ 16. Vegetable ranks ____________ to ornamental in terms of income generated per unit area
A. First C. Third
B. Second D. Fourth
___ 17. Among the crops in the Philippines, what vegetable leads in value of production with
in 1999 from just P0.6M in 1990?
A. cabbage C. squash
B. eggplant D. tomato
___ 18. An intensive way of growing various kinds of vegetables which are adaptable in the
A. Home gardening C. Market gardening
B. Truck gardening D. Vegetable processing
___ 19. It is the opposite of market gardening since a large tract of land is used to produce
for distant markets.
A. Truck gardening C. Vegetable processing
B. Home gardening D. Market gardening
___ 20. As the name implies is a type of gardening located near centers of population which are
market of their produce.
A. Vegetable processing C. Home gardening
B. Market gardening D. Truck gardening
B. List 10 reasons why we need to grow vegetables?
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________________________

C. Read and anlyze the questions and explain your answer on the blanks provided below.
“ Supposed you are a successful businessman whose type of business is related with agricultural
1. How did you solved business related problems during the early years of your business operation?

2. What do you think are the main characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills and traits that made
you successful in your business? Use the table below to wite your answer.


“You”, A

Prepared: Checked: Noted:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher I Principal l

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