Body Systems Quiz # 1_

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Body Systems Quiz # 1 Name _________________

______/25 _______%

Skeletons and Muscles p. 176-179 (1 mark each)

____1. What kind of skeleton do arthropods have?

A. endoskeleton C. fluid
B. exoskeleton D. no skeleton

____2. What is true about cartilage?

A. It’s harder than bone.
B. It’s a tissue that’s more flexible than bone.
C. Human skeletons are all cartilage.
D. Insects have a cartilage skeleton.

____3. Which animal groups have joints?

A. mollusks C. vertebrates
B. cnidarians D. earthworms

____4. What happens when one muscle in a pair contracts?

A. The other muscle contracts as well.
B. The other muscle will get stretched.
C. The other muscle does not move.
D. The other muscle relaxes.

The Nervous System p. 181-183 (1 mark each)

____5. What is the nervous system?

A. It receives information and coordinates responses.
B. It’s the body system that includes a stomach and intestines.
C. It’s the body system that has lungs.
D. It’s the body system that has a heart and blood vessels.
____6. Which one is NOT a type of neuron?
A. sensory neuron C. motor neuron
B. interneuron D. muscular neuron

____7. Which animal has the simplest and least organized nervous
A. reptile C. cnidarian
B. mollusk D. fish

The Digestive System p. 208, 209, 214 (1 mark each)

____8. Animals that have both pointed and flat teeth are most likely___
A. carnivores C. herbivores
B. omnivores D. filter feeders

____9. Complex animals have a digestive system with a tube that has
__________ opening(s).
A. one C. two
B. four D. depends which animal

____10. What do filter feeders eat?

A. dead animals C. each other
B. plants D. very small organisms in the

____11. Which animal has a digestive system most like humans?

A. dogs C.insects
B. jellyfish D. sponges

Fill in the blanks. (2 marks each)

12. Animals with very simple nervous systems likely do not have a
__________ like animals such as mammals or insects.

13. A cnidarian will get rid of waste through its ____________.

14. A __________ is a body part where two parts of a skeleton meet.

15. A ___________ is a nerve cell that receives and passes information.

Short Answers. Use sentences. (3 marks each)

16. Give an example of a stimulus and response in an animal. (3 marks)

17. Choose any animal and explain how they can move. Include if they
move in air, water or on land. (3 marks)


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