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against the two greatest problems being faced by humanity and the consequences of

human vices with an increased effectiveness.


(A) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow
He should be lurking in shadow,
Sliding through long grass near the water hole
Where plump dear pass.
Q.1 According to the extract, why the poet wishes for the tiger to be sliding through the foliage? Answer in about
40 words. (2)
Q.2 Which fact DOES NOT connect with the significance of the water hole for the tiger?
i) Many tigers chase prey into the water and hold the victim‘s head under water until it drowns.
ii) Prey feed in the water on water -lilies, and often wander into the middle of the water hole, where they were
vulnerable and easy for the tiger to kill
iii) Prey that has quenched its thirst ensures consumption of hydrated meat for the tiger.
iv) Chasing the panicked pray from shallow to deep water where the tiger grabs it.
Q.3 Pick the options that DOES NOT use ‘lurking’ correctly to fill in the blank.
i) The Thug was the alley late evening, for suspecting passers -by.
ii) The hyena was its den after a good meal
iii) The detective cautioned her team about the..........danger likely to impact the case.
iv) The prejudices ............ beneath the surface create misunderstandings.
Q.4. ‘Shadow' here refers to the shadow of:
i) the tiger
ii) long grass
iii) water hole
iv) dear
―He should be snarling around houses
At the jungle‘s edge,
Baring his white fangs, his claws,
Terrorizing the village!‖
Q.1. From the above lines, the poet is suggesting that……
a. tiger has a very haughty temperament
b. tiger can get annoyed easily
c. tiger should be in his natural habitat
d. tiger brings harm to everyone
Q.2. Snarling around houses at the jungle’s edge indicates:
a. the tiger is desperate to have a luxurious shelter
b. the tiger terrorizes the villagers
c. the tiger wakes up the denizens to feed him
d. the tiger registers his majestic presence
Q.3 In which way the tiger expresses his scary character? Answer in about 40 words. (2marks)
Q.4 ‘Snarling around houses‘ which poetic device is used here?
a. Onomatopoeia
b. Oxymoron
c. Personification
d. Metaphor
1. To express rage quietly is not the nature of a tiger, still he prefers to demonstrate this behavior. Explain.
2. Is it safe to allow the tigers to live in their natural habitats these days? Why/ Why not?

1. Imagine the tiger writes a complaint letter to the Curator of the zoo about his confinement and the
curtailment of the freedom, reproduce the letter for him jotting down all the emotions of this majestic
A 1. as it helps in keeping the prey unsuspecting of the predator‘s sound.
2.iii) Prey that has quenched its thirst ensures consumption of hydrated meat for the tiger.
3.ii) The hyena was __________ in its den after a good meal.
4.ii) long grass
B 1.d. tiger should be in his natural habitat
2. b. The tiger terrorizes villagers
3. Baring his white fangs and claws
. By Snarling around houses
. Terrorizing villagers
4.e. Onomatopoeia


1. The tiger is quite known for his wild gestures. But his helplessness is mostly visible behind the bars. Being
helpless he has chosen to remain as a silent protestor.
2. It is quite safe to allow the tigers to live in their natural habitat. They are the part of the eco system and help in
sustainment of the food cycle.
1. content of the letter
-Freedom is essential for every living being
- Freedom can‘t be curtailed at any point
- No one should be under anyone‘s suppression
- Man must respect animal‘s right
- Animal etiquettes must be learned by all the humans
- All should live harmoniously on this earth


1. Read the extract carefully and answer the questions that follow.
"If strolling forth, a beast you view,
Whose hide with spots is peppered,
As soon as he has lept on you,
You'll know it is the Leopard
Twill do no good to roar with pain,
He'll only lep and lep again."
i. Given below are the examples of some activities done by Rani. Choose the option that correctly demonstrates
‘strolling‘. (1)
a) Rani roams in the garden, relaxing while listening to her favourite song.
b) Rani dashes inside after being chased by the dog.
c) Rani skids sharply on the icy skate rink.
d) Rani rushes to close the window as soon as she hears the rain.
ii. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the extract? (1)
a) The poet asks the reader to hide on seeing the leopard.
b) As per the information of the poet the skin of a leopard is covered with dark spots.
c) The poet alerts the reader that a leopard can launch repeated attacks.
d) The poet tells that there is no escape from a leopard even if one cry with pain.
iii. Complete the analogy by selecting the suitable word from the extract. (1)
Angel: Beast:: Comfort: _________________
iv. When does one come to know that the beast is a leopard? Answer in 30-40 words. (2marks)
2. Read the extract carefully and answer the questions that follow.


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