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How will technology impact the world?

In 2021, nearly 90% of adults in the UK owned a smartphone. This statistic will
most likely increase in the coming years, as technology becomes more popular. In
the past years, technology has become increasingly relevant and present. It has
changed how people live, how they work, and how they communicate. With the average
person owning at least one device, it is safe to say technology is incredibly

◦ Make eye contact with the audience, look all around the room, your eyes
surfing the listeners.

Technology has since revolutionised the medical field, creating advancements in

equipment and medicine. This will lead to better outcomes for patients, and make
better quality of lives for some people. It has also revolutionised cities and
towns. With the creation of smart cities, crime can be reduced and security
increased, dangerous behaviour can be reduced and safety increased.

However, more and more people are realising the deteriorating nature of technology
on your mind. It can impact focus, desensitise your brain to dopamine due to the
fast rush of dopamine caused by the device. It can also hinder memory and fact
retrieval, as most people can just do a quick search on google or use Siri to ask a

◦ Purposeful pauses

Therefore, this resulted in many users participating in the occasional social media
detox - or just technology detox overall - in an effort to combat these effects.
This may cause a decrease in technology users and purchases. I recently
participated in a social media detox, and it helped me become more productive, more
active, and more present. I think that social media detoxes can change and improve
your life.

◦ Convey the seriousness with body language, less smiling, less hand

In addition, technology can also be used for invading peoples privacy and security.
Cybersecurity threats and doxxing have become more prominent in the past years,
leading to a decrease in people’s safety online. Data privacy can also be impacted,
and the data used irresponsibly or dangerously. Hackers-for-hire are becoming more
popular as the risks increase.

◦ Lighten up

In the future, I predict that technology will become more advanced, with more
features and improvements. However, an advancement in technology could increase
risks mentioned above, including serious mental health deficits and leakage of
personal information.

◦ Think about volume, maybe project your voice a little more.

In conclusion, I believe that technology will have a mostly positive impact on the
world, now and in the future.

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