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A. PRONUNCIATION I.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. effect B. wetland C. delta D. shelter
Question 2. A. warming B. warn C. walk D. mangrove
Question 3. A. apologize B. appearance C. awareness D. campaign
Question 4. A. campus B. student C. graduate D. University
Question 5. A. figure B. strive C. skip D. disappear
Question 6. A. cyberbully B. ecosystem C. coral D. conservation
Question 7. A. touch B. achieve C. character D. changing
Question 8. A. campaign B. psychology C. passion D. apology
Question 9. A. cyberbully B. apology C. poverty D. psychology
Question 10. A. destroy B. conservation C. ecosystem D. Reserve
Question 11. A. teacher B. other C. together D. term
Question 12. A. extinct B. ecosystem C. electricity D. recycle
Question 13. A. diversity B. conservation C. successful D. reserve
Question 14. A. marine B. ecological C. drilling D. plastic
Question 15. A. scholar B. technique C. archaeology D. achievement
Question 16. A. passion B. collaboration C. analyse D. exchange
Question 17. A. depression B. pressing C. pretend D. anxiety
Question 18. A. admit B. argue C. verbal D. approve
Question 19. A. nature B. manage C. balance D. campfire
Question 20. A. destroy B. physical C. festive D. self-study
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. reserve B. value C. balance D. issue
Question 2. A. struggle B. police C. pressure D. status
Question 3. A. approach B. issue C. advice D. campaign
Question 4. A. declare B. remove C. struggle D. affect
Question 5. A. major B. degree C. tutor D. subject
Question 6. A. overuse B. continue C. endanger D. recycle
Question 7 A. confidence B. awareness C. sympathy D. animal
Question 8. A. successful B. essential C. critical D. ambitious
Question 9. A. admission B. promotion C. nursery D. tradition
Question 10. A. conservation B. technology C. diversity D. community
Question 11. A. loyalty B. constancy C. acquaintance D. confidence
Question 12. A. endangered B. resources C. habitat D. pangolin
Question 13. A. performance B. influence C. musician D. ambition
Question 14. A. hesitate B. depression C. bullying D. sympathy
Question 15. A. routine B. problem C. wisdom D. hygiene
Question 16. A. awareness B. computer C. government D. attention
Question 17. A. routine B. problem C. money D. hygiene
Question 18. A. borrow B. provide C. destroy D. succeed
Question 19. A. broaden B. provide C. pursue D. succeed
Question 20. A. college B. degree C. language D. subject
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
To- infinitive clause
1.Awareness campaigns also __________ more empathetic and understanding of others.
A. encourage people to be B. encourage people to being
C. encourages people to be D. encourage people being
2. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is the only place in Southeast Asia __________ as a mixed heritage
site by UNESCO.
A. to be recognizing B. recognizing C. to be recognised D. to recognize
3.This is the most beautiful landscape for foreign travelers ________.
A. visiting B. to visit C. visit D. visited
4. We were invited to an international fair ________ our famous cultural heritage sites.
A. introduced B. introduce C. introducing D. to introduce
5. Marleen is the only girl ________ her opinion about going to historical sites.
A. to raise B. raising C. raised D. raises
` Perfect gerund & perfect participle
1: __________ about academic education in CTU university, Kang chose to get Doctorate.
A. Having heard B. Heard C. Hearing D. Have hearing
2. Ms. Agatha told me she felt regretful for ___________ out of high school too early.
A. leaving B. having left C. being left D. have left
3. He regrets __________ so much money on unnecessary things.
A. spend B. to spend C. having spent D. spent
4 . __________ finished all my homework, I had some free time to relax.
A. Having B. Have C. Had D. Has
5. Not __________ to Paris before, she was excited about the trip.
A. Have gone B. Having gone C. Having not gone D. Not having gone
Cleft sentence
1. It was Henry _____ showed me how to earn my parent’s trust.
A. who B. which C. whom D. what
2. __________ I installed the time-management app.
A. It was from this platform that B. I was from this platform where
C. It was this platform which D. It was this platform who
3.________________ planned all my weekly schedules.
A. My father B. My father who C. It is my father who D. It was my father who
4.______________ taught me how to rinse the rice correctly.
A. It is my mother that B. It was my mother who C. My mother who D. My mother that
5. _______________ I earned my parents’ trust.
A. It was the day I turned 18 which B. It was the day I turned 18 that
C. The day I turned 18 D. It was the day I turned 18 when
1. ___________________ it rained, we stayed home.
A. Although B. Because C. Therefore D. As a result
2. The residents moved inland ___________________ the hurricane.
A. despite B. although C. because of D. moreover
3. Lan is afraid of heights. ___________________, she will not walk across the glass-bottomed bridge.
A. Moreover B. However C. Because D. Therefore
4. I put on my sunglasses ___________________ it was a dark, cloudy day.
A. because B. so that C. in addition D. though
5. Bullying is forbidden at school. _______, an increasing number of school students are often bullied.
A. However B. As a result C. In addition D. Therefore
6. A lot of people want to live and work in urban areas. ________, these areas become overpopulated.
A. By contrast B. As a result C. In addition D. However
7. Bullying is a big concern at school. ________, it is a worrying problem at work.
A. Although B. Therefore C. In addition to D. Besides
8. My father doesn't like some of my friends ________ he thinks they have a bad influence on me.
A. because B. due to C. so D. but
9. Overpopulation is a big problem in big cities; ________, air pollution is another worrying concern.
A. so B. because C. but D. in addition
10. It is never easy to stand up to peer pressure; ________, many teenagers copy their peer bad behaviours.
A. in addition B. because C. as a result D. so
1. Teenagers are not allowed to buy or use ________ drinks.
A. alcoholic B. juice C. cool D. orange
2. Parents' strict controls may result in low ________ in their teenage children.
A. selfish B. self-confidence C. self-motivated D. self-study
3. There are many risks attached to ______ media sites, and cyberbullying is one of the largest risks.
A. online B. website C. social D. public
4. Youth in the behavioural risk group were more likely to report negative peer _______ than were youth in
the optimal group.
A. campaign B. ecosystem C. experience D. pressure
5. Ageing is simultaneously an academic problem, a pressing social _______ and an urgent personal concern.
A. bullying B. issue C. form D. skill
6. Body ________ is criticizing yourself or others because of some aspect of physical appearance.
A. clothes B. appointment C. shaming D. parts
7. The campaign has certainly succeeded in raising public ___________________ of the issue.
A. service B. awareness C. security D. school
8. ______ management app is a type of financial software which helps manage banking, investing and
A. Time B. Money C. Finance D. Decision
9. You can see ________ animals like aquatic birds, crocodiles, and Indian elephants in Nagarahole National
Parkin India.
A. nature B. open C. environment D. wildlife
10. This _____ bird could have been extinct but thanks to considerable efforts put in to save it, it still persists.
A. endanger B. endangering C. endangered D. endangerment
C. CLOSEST Circle A. B. C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
1.In order to stay healthy, make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals.
A. take-off B. take-away C. consumption D. digestion
2.Grand Canyon is a land of breathtaking natural beauty and wide regional diversity which is created by
massive mountains, plain areas and deserts.
A. difference B. similarity C. stability D. feature
3.Parents and school staff are working together to find solutions to the urgent issue of bullying.
A. violent B. drunk C. pressing D. aware
4. Elephants are one of the most endangered species in the world. We should find ways to protect them.
A. searched B. collected C. struggled D. threatened
5.Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil cause destruction to wildlife.
A. organization B. contamination C. protection D. damage
6. We really appreciate your help without which we couldn’t have finished our difficult tasks.
A. understand B. believe in C. recognize D. ask for
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
1.I have just received my first job offer after having been unemployed for two years.
A. got B. gained C. rejected D. acquired
2.Working with teenagers is hard, and we need to struggle on for some time.
A. fight against B. stop due to difficulties C. try our best D. continue despite problems
3. The books on this list are essential for the course.
A. important B. dispensable C. vital D. basic
4. Students should be encouraged to report any offensive bullying they witness or experience.
A. pleasant B. annoying C. slim D. illegal
5.The maintenance of this company is dependent on international investment.
A. affective B. self-reliant C. self-restricted D. reliant
6. Jackfruit is native to and widely-planted in Asia though known to originally came from India.
A. original B. natural C. local D. foreign
E. COMMUNICATION Choose the best respond.
1.Tom: Mai, I don’t like the way some of our classmates give negative comments on others’ appearance.
Mai: _______, Tom. Body shaming must be stopped.
A. That’s so bad B. It’s so exciting C. I’m very tired D. That’s acceptable
2. Mai: “It is very kind of you to donate such a big amount of money to help protect native wildlife”.
- Minh: “_________”
A. It makes my day to do that. B. It’s no bother. C. That is amazing! D. I am very proud of you.
3. David and his mom are talking to each other.
David: "Mom, I've received an offer for a summer internship in Singapore!”
David’s mom: “___________________”
A. Really? Good luck! B. Oh, that's great! Congratulations!
C. I couldn't agree more. D. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
4. Mary: “Please accept my apology.” - Daisy: “______”
A. Not at all B. Poor you C. I don’t agree D. Yes, I do too
5. "When will our factory be expanded?” – “ __________”
A. It was expanded in 1996. B. It depends on our director’s decision.
C. I didn't hear about it. D. That’s good news.
6. Linda: Minh, will you be available on Thursday afternoon? We could discuss the presentation for the next
biology class.
Minh: ______. Are you free in the morning of Thursday?
A. All right, I’ll see you then B. I’m afraid I can’t make it at that time
C. OK, I’ll see you next week D. Sorry, I don’t understand
7. “What a boring lecture!" - “ ”
A.Yes, it was dull, wasn't it? B. I don't agree. It's dull.
C. It's interesting, wasn't it? D. I'm sorry not.
8. “I believe people will have a better life in the future.” - “ Life will be more enjoyable than it is today,
won't it?”
A.No, I don't think so. B. Not exactly. C. Yes, I agree. D. You can't be right.
9. "What's the weather forecast?” – “ ”
A.Don't forget your raincoat, will you? Don't forget your raincoat, do you?
B.It's going to rain. Don't forget your raincoat, will you?
C.It's going to rain. Don't forget your raincoat, do you?
10. “Oh, I'm sorry! Am I disturbing you?” – “ ”
A.Sure, you're a real nuisance! B.You're such a pain in the neck!
C.No, never mind. D.No, you're OK.

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