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1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from ..... to .......
Taking advantage of its geographical location, Cuc Phuong has 4 different seasons with distinguished
beauties. From November to January next year, the national park is cold (1)_________difficult terrain to
move. So, we should not visit the park this time to ensure your safety.
From Feb to April, this is changing season period, so the weather is cool with a bit of sunshine. It suits for
people to start a date at the park and discover the (2)__________of eco-life here.
The nicest time to explore the park is at the end of April and the beginning of May. This is famous
(3)_________being the most beautiful season of the year. The atmosphere is relaxed and fresh with beautiful
Cuc Phuong National Park waterfalls. Especially, this season is a special period (4)________butterflies break
their cocoon and show their most gorgeous appearance to be “true butterflies”.
Between June and August, the weather is quite hot this time, so it is great when you visit the park to
(5)________the summer heat. Finally, the most incredible time for camping and enjoying the beauty of
Autumn will be from August to October.
Question 1. A. and B. such as C. but D. or
Question 2. A. diversifies B. diversity C. diverse D. diversify
Question 3. A. about B. for C. with D. up
Question 4. A. when B. who C. whom D. whose
Question 5. A. change B. enhance C. show D. avoid
2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from ..... to .......
When teens want to live independently, they need to develop (1) ________ skills for themselves.
First, they need to know how to do their own laundry. A good way to care for their clothes is to break things
down into steps, (2) ________ sorting dirty clothes, washing, folding to storing them after they're dry.
Second, they need to be able to manage a budget. This may be not easy for those who have (3)________ with
math. There are lots of apps that can help with money management and budgets.
Third, preparing and storing food safely is (4) ________ to good health. They need to know how to plan
meals in advance and how to shop for groceries.
Fourth, they have to know how to get around town. Teens who drive need to understand directions. It's also
important to know when and (5) ________ to fill the gas tank and how much gas costs. Their budget should
also account for motorbike care, such as repairs and oil changes.
Independent living is a serious decision. It's important that both parents and teens feel ready for this step.
(Adapted from
Question 1. A. care B. life C. study D. work
Question 2. A. about B. for C. from D. to
Question 3. A. difficulty B. hardship C. lesson D. struggle
Question 4. A. balanced B. nutrient C. next D vital
Question 5. A. what B. who C. where D. Which
3. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that
best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
If the world's ocean is a country, it would be the seventh largest economy in the world. It is (1)________
around $2.5 trillion and 40% of the world's population depend on the biodiversity and services it provides,
including for food, fresh water, renewable energy, tourism and trade are just a few examples. The seas also
absorb about 30% of (2) ________ CO2 emissions and more than 90% of the excess heat in our climate
(3)________, persuading the public to save great seascapes presents a special challenge. While they
belong to all Americans, just like national parks on land, few people will ever see them (4) ________.
People can hike into the Grand Canyon, but it takes a submarine to visit the Seamounts, along and beyond
the edge of the continental shelf. In 2022 alone, more than four million people (5) ________ Yellowstone
but most Americans will never swim with the whale on Cashes.
1. A. worth B. deserving C. useful D. beneficial
2. A. human-generation B. human-generational C. human-generated D. human-generating
3. A. Moreover B. In addition C. However D. In other words
4. A. in person B. at first C. by accident D. on purpose
5. A. will visit B. have visited C. were visiting D. visited
1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
option that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
When you think of agriculture, most people think of rural areas. But did you know that over 800 million
people worldwide practice urban agriculture?
By preserving agricultural land in urban areas, we can shorten supply chains and the amount of CO2 emitted
when transporting food from rural to urban areas. Producing and selling more fresh food within the city itself
can reduce the environmental impact of food distribution. They also increase opportunities for inclusive local
supply chains and improve access to nutritious foods, for example through farmers' markets.
In Medellin, Colombia, FAO has been supporting the departments of Nariño, Antioquia and Boyacá to build
community gardens. More than 7500 families have benefitted from these gardens, allowing them to grow
their own food with the possibility of selling the surplus. The project was so successful that Colombia is now
developing a number of political, legislative and governmental initiatives to promote similar schemes
Question 1: Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Agricultural Community Gardens B. Urban Food Distribution
C. A New Method of Reducing CO2 D. Promoting Urban Agriculture
Question 2: According to the passage, which is NOT mentioned as a benefit of preserving urban agricultural
A. Producing and selling more fresh food B. Shortening supply chains
C. Improving access to nutritious foods D. Increasing food transportation
Question 3: The word “them” in paragraph 3 refers to______.
A. community gardens B. farmer's markets C. departments D. families
Question 4: The word “promote” in paragraph 3 mostly means_______.
A. change B. boost C. rise D. concern
Question 5: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Urban agriculture can reduce the amount of CO2 emission.
B. People can grow their own food in the community gardens.
C. Most people believe that agriculture is mainly in rural areas.
D. More than 800 million rural people practice agriculture worldwide
2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
option that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
It is often held that technology in general does little to help family relationships as, in many cases,
family members are more interested in their smartphones and the TV than they are in each other. Before
smartphones, the TV was blamed the most for breakdowns in communication between parents and children. It
was argued that 'the box' stopped them from talking to each other, and clashes between family members over
what programmes to watch created barriers and caused resentment.
However, TV programmes can be both informative and entertaining. They often provide topics for
family members to discuss, bringing them closer together rather than driving them further apart. What is
more, twenty-first century families do not need to watch the same programme at the same time. The fact that
people can watch what they want results in more time for families to be together rather than less.
The smartphone has taken over from the TV as the major reason for a lack of communication between
family members. Parents often do not see why their children spend so much time online and fail to see the
importance of having an online identity while most teens feel their online image is part of who they are. They
often criticise the amount of time their children spend online rather than attempting to understand why they do
it. In fact, adults are often not very good examples themselves. Who has not witnessed a table at a restaurant
where all the family members are silently focused on their mobile devices?
Broadly speaking, smartphones do have some negative effects on family relationships. This technology
is still relatively new, so many families have not yet learned how to deal with it. Parents and children should
discuss how they use technology to help them all make the most of technology instead of blaming it for their
(Adapted from High Note)
Question 1: Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. How to Deal with Generation Gap in the Family B. How Technology Affects Family Relationships
C. Negative Impacts of Technology on Schoolchildren D. TV and Smartphone as Means of Communication
Question 2: The word clashes in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. chances B. benefits C. arguments D. TV programmes
Question 3: According to paragraph 1, the TV .
A. makes family members become more interested in each other.
B. is often believed to be greatly helpful in fostering family bonds.
C. encouraged more communication among family members.
D. was claimed to prevent parents from conversing with children.
Question 4: The word them in paragraph 2 refers to .
A. positive B. minimal C. topics D. harmful
Question 5: The word negative in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .
A. family members B. barriers C. interesting D. worries
Question 6: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The lack of communication in the family is now mostly blamed on the TV.
B. The majority of teenagers regard their online image as important to their identity.
C. The TV can serve as a source of both information and entertainment.
D. Parents and children should work on how to utilise technology to their advantage.
Question 7: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Most families prefer talking to one another to using smartphones in restaurants.
B. Twenty-first century families are generally not in favor of watching television together.
C. Parents in the past did not criticise their children for watching too much television.
D. A lot of families are still incapable of making good use of smartphones.
Circle A. B. C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).
1.In order to stay healthy, make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals.
A. take-off B. take-away C. consumption D. digestion
2.Grand Canyon is a land of breathtaking natural beauty and wide regional diversity which is created by
massive mountains, plain areas and deserts.
A. difference B. similarity C. stability D. feature
3.Parents and school staff are working together to find solutions to the urgent issue of bullying.
A. violent B. drunk C. pressing D. aware
4. Elephants are one of the most endangered species in the world. We should find ways to protect them.
A. searched B. collected C. struggled D. threatened
5.Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil cause destruction to wildlife.
A. organization B. contamination C. protection D. damage
6. We really appreciate your help without which we couldn’t have finished our difficult tasks.
A. understand B. believe in C. recognize D. ask for
7. If children are challenged by a difficult situation, have them come up with their own plan for how to
handle the situation.
A. apply B. bring C. demand D. supply
8. In order to become independent, get into the habit of controlling your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
A. come up with B. get rid of
C. begin ... regularly D. start... definitely
9. Using social media is one of the most effective ways to promote our cultural heritage.
A. appreciate B. encourage C. improve D. propose
10. The world natural heritage site in our city has been renowned for its beautiful landscape and long
cultural history.
A. unknown B. ordinary C. unpopular D. famous
11. Having been bullied many times, he became depressed and didn't want to go to school.
A. discouraged B. dishonest C. active D. positive
12. Although peer pressure badly affects teenagers, it is not easy for them to stand up to peer pressure.
A. to follow B. to develop C. to accept D. to resist
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
1.I have just received my first job offer after having been unemployed for two years.
A. got B. gained C. rejected D. acquired
2.Working with teenagers is hard, and we need to struggle on for some time.
A. fight against B. stop due to difficulties
C. try our best D. continue despite problems
3. The books on this list are essential for the course.
A. important B. dispensable C. vital D. basic
4. Students should be encouraged to report any offensive bullying they witness or experience.
A. pleasant B. annoying C. slim D. illegal
5.The maintenance of this company is dependent on international investment.
A. affective B. self-reliant C. self-restricted D. reliant
6. Jackfruit is native to and widely-planted in Asia though known to originally came from India.
A. original B. natural C. local D. foreign
7. The students are encouraged to carry out their demanding task.
A. abandon B. deal with C. implement D. solve
8. Making use of financial management apps is one step toward effective budgeting.
A. Applying B. Accepting C. Ignoring D. Taking advantage of
9. We always turn off all the electric appliances after working hours to conserve energy in the office.
A. save B. overuse C. have D. produce
10. Something must definitely be done about global warming or wildfires will start more easily and spread
more rapidly.
A. undoubtedly B. surely C. certainly D. possibly
11. In some cases, it is better to tell a white lie so as not to hurt someone.
A. harmless untruth B. near truth C. harmful untruth D. little truth
12. It's now much easier to spread information about cultural heritage to the public.
A. prevent B. transfer C. introduce D. provide

5. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions from 36 to 42.
You don't have to be successful to become independent. Just remind yourself that you are fantastic and
you have special skills, a unique worldview and you deserve to be where you are as much as anyone else. As
long as you are confident and friendly, people will generally accept you for who you say you are provided
that you can back it up when necessary. Gradually, this method of 'fake it till you make it' will turn you into
the one you want to be.
You also need to have plans if you want to be independent. Get yourself professional, financial or any
best-laid plan that you can consistently stick to. Keeping to your own plans is an effective way to avoid
following others. After having plans, turn them into habits by making efforts to continue following them.
Every time you follow through with your plan, you are one step closer to getting into a habit, which helps
you unconsciously become drawn to positive actions.
As you get more comfortable in your independence, you can be confident in your own judgments. It's
helpful to get someone else's opinions every now and then, but frequently you need to make your own
decisions however they are big or seemingly insignificant ones. While it seems minor in many cases, giving
yourself the freedom to make your own choices can have a big impact.
One very important way to be more emotionally independent is to learn to give yourself emotional
support. Dependent people tend to feel controlled by events, people and situations outside of themselves. In
times of stress or pain, those people usually wait for others to come and affect their emotions. True
independence, however, comes when you are able to give yourself emotional support, when you realize that
your feelings exist inside of you and that they can be soothed by you.
To do it, you need to allow yourself to experience your own feelings. You need to give yourself space to
find out what makes you feel comforted and not to consider your sadness and joy as no big deal.
Question 1: According to paragraph 1, which of the following is not TRUE?
A. Anyone can be independent.
B. 'Fake it till you make it' means you persuade others that you are confident.
C. Believe in yourself and then you can become a better person.
D. Sometimes you need to supply evidence to support that you are who you are.
Question 2: The word best-laid in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. ambitious B. well-planned C. impractical D. long-term
Question 3: The word it in paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A. your independence B. your freedom
C. your opinion D. your decision making
Question 4: Why is learning to give yourself emotional support important?
A. Because others tend to control your feelings.
B. Because you will no longer have to wait for others to come and comfort you.
C. Because you can become emotionally independent.
D. Because you don't realize that you have feelings inside.
Question 5: Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?
A. The importance of your own emotions
B. Getting into good habits
C. How to make choices out of your judgements
D. Ways to be more independent

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