A Triumph of Surgery

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2024 - 2025
SUBJECT: English
TOPIC: A TRIUMPH OF SURGERY (Footprints without Feet)

(To be written in the Notebook)

I. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow.

A) Poor old lad, I said. You haven’t a kick in you, but I think I know a cure for

(a) Why does the speaker say ‘poor old lad’?

(b) What cure did the speaker know?
(c) What is the meaning of a ‘kick’ in the extract?
(d) Write a synonym of cure.

B) I had made my plans in advance. The only way was to get Tricki out of the
house for a period. I suggested that he be hospitalized for about a fortnight to
be kept under observation.

(a) Identify ‘I’ in the above extract.

(b) What was his concern?

(c) Who did the speaker suggest to?
(d) What kind of a person do you think the narrator is?

II. THINK AND ANSWER - Long Answer Type (Value Based) Questions

1. Dr Herriot was an intelligent doctor. He had sympathy and compassion for both the
patient and his owner. He had a practical approach in his treatment. Do you think doctors
should be compassionate and practical like Dr Herriot?

2. Over pampering is not only bad for humans but also for animals. Do you think over-
pampering by parents is the cause of ill-mannered children? What are the undesirable values
that a child imbibes from overprotection and over pampering? Elaborate with reference to the
story ‘A Triumph of Surgery’.
For Class discussion

Think about it - Textual Questions - Questions: 1-3


*Over-indulgence is making children selfish and self - centred.


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