Class1 English Worksheet

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International School

Subject English Date:2-74
Name Class: I Sec:1B
Choose the correct conjunction to complete the sentences (and/but)
1. Ihada box of cookies bt Ilost it before eating even one.
2. Tim andHarry Harry are best friends.
3. The king was rich ard selfish.
4. We visited the museumt after that we went to the zoo.

5. My favourite colours are blueAnd pink.

6. I wanted a puppybeut my sister wanteda kitten.
II. Join the sentences using and / but.
1. We wanted togo to the beach. It was raining.

2. Mac is tall. Mac is strong.

Mac ie tall and ateenda
3. I play the piano. I don't play the guitar.

4. The concert was big. The concert was beautiful.

II. Tick the correct conjunctions to complete the following sentences :

i) Ilove to eat pizza And burger.
i) John More his uniform bat forget his socks. but


IV. Circle the conjunctions in the following sentençes:
The squirrel 6hd the puppy were good frierids4
i) He won the game butwas not hapPY.
V. Fill in the blanks with a suitable article
i) This is Ha story of two friends.
i) Igaved -orange and_Abandlof nuts to my siste
i) Jenny loves to watch thestars.
VI. Underline the verbs in the following sentences t
) The little puppy was running fast.
i) The girls were watching the magic show.
ii)We should helpthe poor and needy.
|VII. Give one adjective for the following nouns
) pizza-hmn ii) elephant
i) friend - a t i) forest -
VIII, Put the correct punctuations mark -
i) We are going to Mumbai
i) Where are the book.2


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