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Infinite Manifestation Loops

by Richard Dotts

© Richard Dotts 2022

1st Kindle edition
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Creating Infinite Manifestation Loops In Your Life

Chapter 2 - Strong Resolution Energy from NOT-MIND
Chapter 3 - Using Recursive Manifestation Loops to Dissolve Your Mind
Chapter 4 - Connecting NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND
Chapter 5 - Turning Your Current Reality into Immense Satisfaction and Peace
Chapter 6 - Recursive Manifestation Protocols for Money and Finances
Chapter 7 - Recursive Manifestation Protocols for Health, Vitality, and Boundless Energy
Chapter 8 - Recursive Manifestation Protocols for Life Development
Chapter 9 - Structuring Your Life for Recursive Manifestations
Chapter 10 - Living A Recursive Life
Chapter 1 - Creating Infinite Manifestation
Loops in Your Life
What does it feel like to create infinite manifestation loops in your life?
Infinity means never-ending, while the concept of a loop points to a cycle
that goes on and on. Therefore, the concept of an infinite manifestation loop
means putting in place one desired manifestation after another in your life.
You go from one physical manifestation to the next, with each
manifestation taking you closer to, or even surpassing your wildest dreams.
Your journey of creation on this planet is never done. Everything is
dynamic and ever-changing. Hence your manifestation journey never has an
endpoint. It continues even after the perceived end of this physical life

This book ties together many important manifestation topics that I have
discussed in my recent books. Readers will now be familiar with my
principle of tapping into NOT-MIND for manifestations. NOT-MIND is the
unlimited, infinite part of our being that goes beyond the mind. It is
indescribable and ungraspable by the mind. NOT-MIND is where all
manifestations arise before physical conditions become apparent to the

One of the major hurdles in implementing NOT-MIND is the mind’s

interference. This is natural, of course, since we have been taught to use our
minds to “think” from the first day of our education. Over time, we have
become overly reliant on the mind’s ability to rationalize and solve
problems. This, in itself, is not necessarily a bad thing. The mind allows us
to make sense of and organize the world around us. However, as I have
repeatedly mentioned, too much of the mind is too much of a good thing!
When we rely exclusively on the mind to the stubborn exclusion of
everything else, we introduce slowness and negative emotions into the
process. We lose touch with our innate abilities to freely create and
The primary premise is to show you how to structure infinite
manifestation loops in your life effectively. Believe it or not, most people
are already in a manifestation loop. Unfortunately, many find themselves
stuck in a negative manifestation loop and the destructive cycle of mis-
creating what is undesired. They manifest one problem, illness, or
relationship issue after another. Sometimes, these undesirable conditions
can be so persistent that they persist from job to job or from one
relationship to the next. I often teach that underlying patterns in our lives
point to stuck energy patterns perpetuated by our minds. When you free up
the underlying energetic patterns, the physical conditions also have to

Therefore, the first part of the integration process involves dissolving or

resolution. We are dissolving existing energetic patterns and conditions that
have been long-held by the mind. Some of these patterns may be held in
place due to long periods of mental conditioning, but many have their roots
in social conditioning. We can be just as susceptible to the collective
influences of the community and society, especially in more turbulent times
like this.

After these mental influences have been dealt with, the next integration
stage is to direct the energies intentionally. We use our intentions to guide
these creative energies, so they result in new conditions and new
possibilities. However, this step is best done only when the underlying
energies have been restored to their zero state. I call this zero state our
natural state. It is always easier to manifest from a blank canvas than to try
and write or draw over what we previously created. Therefore, the act of
dissolving / dropping before we direct is key.

These two steps alone are more than enough to result in boundless
manifestations. Hundreds of thousands of readers worldwide, many with no
previous spiritual or energetic backgrounds, have realized these principles
for themselves. However, there are ways to deepen the integration of these
teachings further. As I have continued to experiment and develop them, I
drew Universal inspiration from two separate fields that would typically not
be related.
The first is the concept of infinity, which is never-ending and boundless.
While our limited minds conceptualize the concept of infinity as being a
very large number beyond our mental capacity, infinity goes beyond that.
When something is infinite, it does not merely refer to a very large number
beyond our imagination. Instead, infinity refers to something that has truly
no ends or no bounds. It goes on and on forever. It has no limits.

So when we invoke the concept of infinity in these teachings, I am not

just referring to something large or beyond your imagination. I am referring
to something that is endless and has no physical boundaries or limits. This
is the first concept of infinity.

When we say that NOT-MIND is beyond the mind and infinite, that is
what we are referring to. NOT-MIND doesn’t end. It goes on and on. There
are no limits or perceivable boundaries. It does not have a center because it
stretches out infinitely in all directions. For something to have a center, it
would need to have clearly-demarcated boundaries.

Once again, we quickly realize the physical limits of language once we

attempt to elucidate these spiritual principles. But let us use their closest
physical equivalent instead of pondering it with logic and our minds. Logic
is, by its very nature, already limited by the mind. But what is beyond the
mind (NOT-MIND) is infinite and cannot be known by the mind. The best
way is to know and absorb these teachings with the heart if you so desire.

Related to the concept of infinity is that of a loop. Just as how infinity

never ends and stretches out in all directions, a loop could also continue
indefinitely. The start of the loop is connected to the end, and the cycle
repeats itself endlessly. It is always welcome news when we are stuck in a
positive loop, but not so much when we find ourselves in a negative loop!

In computer programming, negative loops can lead to issues with your

computer crashing or freezing. For example, when there is something
wrong with the way the code is written, the computer could execute the
same set of instructions repeatedly and not be able to get out of it. Similarly,
when there is an issue with your inner manifestation code, you could
manifest the same undesirable situations repeatedly. This book shows you
how to disrupt current patterns and reset your internal computer to a clean
and fresh slate. But more importantly, it also shows you how to put in place
positive manifestation loops.

When coding, computer programmers are careful not to write code that
will cause the program to be stuck in an infinite loop. Looping a program is
not only a waste of computer resources, but it is not necessary to keep a
program looping for longer than what is needed to achieve the desired
objective. For example, a programmer may loop a program until certain
calculations are completed. When that is done, the code terminates the loop.

This analogy can be applied to our physical manifestations as well. I

often teach that we should develop a keen manifestation awareness. This
means recognizing when our inner states are disturbed and clouded with
negative emotions and thoughts. When these conditions are met, we have to
immediately snap ourselves out of the loop instead of letting it continue due
to mental programming. A computer does this instantly and without
question, leading to instantaneous results. When we tap into our inner
resources, we can be just as effective at influencing inner and outer

In itself, the concept of a loop is not much of a paradigm shift. However,

when we combine it with the concept of recognizing certain triggering
conditions from programming, it can be applied in powerful ways to our

For example, how about using NOT-MIND to dissolve negative fears,

worries, and emotions each time we recognize them welling up in our inner
consciousness? How about using NOT-MIND to dissolve these emotions
until we are at zero? The condition for knowing when to “end the loop” will
be when our inner states are completely calm and at peace.

There is a third and even more transformational way to incorporate

infinite loops into our manifestations. That is with the process of recursion.
It is also the topic we will discuss the most in this book. Groundbreaking
shifts can occur when we apply the concept of recursion to our
In the simplest terms, recursion is when something refers to itself. The
easiest way to understand this is through the Droste effect, a visual effect
that has been used in art. Imagine someone taking a picture of you while
you hold that same picture of yourself in the frame. That’s what the Droste
effect is. The picture will show you holding a picture of yourself, which in
turn contains a smaller picture of yourself holding a picture of yourself, and
so on! This goes on endlessly. Of course, this is limited by the image's
resolution and what is visible to our eyes. Eventually, the “picture within a
picture” becomes too small to draw or visualize.

The same thing happens when you stand between two mirrors. The first
mirror reflects the second mirror’s reflection, which in turn creates an
endless succession of reflections, one smaller than the other. This is yet
another visual example of recursion.

What does this concept have to do with physical manifestations? So far, I

have explained that the two essential elements for effective manifestations
are a resolution of existing circumstances and an intentional energetic
direction of desired ones. These two are already powerful when used on
their own. Then, we added the concept of a loop. If these two concepts can
be applied successively in a loop with no delays, then you will move from
one manifestation to another without any perceived issues.

Any perceived problems will be resolved before they can take root in
your physical reality firmly. Yet the loop concept has to depend on
triggering conditions that set the loop in place. This is where recursion
comes in. We do not only want to have conditions that start the loop. We
also want to implement these energetic intentions so that these intentions
strengthen and reinforce themselves. This is the primary concept of

When you make your intentions recursive, you multiply their effects
infinitely. Just as how an infinite loop never ends, a recursive loop that
keeps triggering and referring to itself continues on and on until all the
energies are freed up. In my early days of experimenting with this material,
I often had to manually apply a process thousands of times to let go of
negative feelings or beliefs. The repetition was necessary because my
mind’s grip over my consciousness had become strong over time.
Today, there is a better way to do it. Instead of manually applying or
directing these energies thousands of times, you can start the process once
and tap into these Universal forces to stay on the right track. There is no
longer a need to keep applying the same steps repeatedly. When our
energetic intentions are structured recursively, we bring together three very
powerful concepts from seemingly different fields to change how we use
our inner computers.

I am so excited to be meeting you once again in the pages of this book.

As always, it is my sincere intention that you will not just read this book
with your mind. Instead, you should read it openly with your heart and
immerse yourself fully in the material. The world is your playground, and
there is nothing off-limits. By becoming willing to dissolve your mind's
mental boundaries and perceived identity, you free yourself up to create
from the Universal perspective of oneness. In that place, there are no
internal or external manifestations. There is no inside or outside. There is
no “you” apart from your manifestations. There is only one awareness here
and now. Everything that I write is to help you return to that primal
awareness. Let’s get started.
Chapter 2 - Strong Resolution Energy from
Manifestations are best done from a completely neutral state. Of course,
it is possible to manifest even if you are not completely clear and quiet on
the inside. However, your results will be directly proportionate to the level
of inner peace and neutrality that you experience. The greater your
proportion of inner peace is to the negative disturbances, the faster your
manifestations will occur.

When I first started on my path to inner manifestations, I wasn’t doing so

from a completely neutral inner state. Instead, I was still knee-deep in my
everyday fears and worries. However, even a small reduction in those
worrisome thoughts was enough to free up my consciousness and produce
results in my life. This is why I keep emphasizing the importance of doing
whatever you can to find some relief on the inside. If you have been
worrying incessantly about your financial future, even a mere one percent
reduction in the intensity of your worries will create huge tangible changes
on the outside. As you progressively implement these seemingly small
changes, each additional percentage point of reduction becomes easier. The
first steps of the journey are often the most challenging.

The best time to start is always now. Don’t wait until you feel inspired to
begin your integration of these principles. Instead, start right here and now
with whatever you have. Acknowledge whatever is going on in your
physical life experience and inner state, but then become quiet about them.
To be an effective creator, one has to stop “minding” these issues in their
life. This means letting them take a backseat for a moment and bringing all
your attention to the forefront. The forefront is the present moment—full,
conscious awareness of your being to the exclusion of everything else.

Before we discuss how to implement recursive manifestation loops in

your life, I would like to discuss several related reinforcing concepts.
Collectively, these will help build a strong foundation for later.
The first relates to moving through life with strong resolution energy. I
first introduced this concept in my book, How to Resolve Anything and
Manifest Everything. Having powerful resolution energy means that you
always approach every issue, interaction, or event in life while drawing on
this strong energy from within.

Suppose you are scheduled for a meeting with your boss at work. Your
old way of functioning could have been to dread the meeting and worry
about it for days, wondering how you would be assessed. That is not
approaching life with strong resolution energy. On the contrary, you let your
thoughts and emotions about the meeting weaken you in advance! As a
result, you are approaching the meeting with weak and barely any
resolution energy. It then becomes no surprise that the meeting ends on an
uninspiring note or that you feel stifled by your boss’ energy.

Now let’s flip the whole thing around. Instead of approaching the
meeting from the position of weakness, you now approach it from a
position of higher energy and strength. You plan for the meeting with a
sense of high-resolution energy. This means moving strongly into the
meeting, engaging with your boss at an even higher level, and taking charge
of the outcomes of the meeting.

Note that I am not referring to what you say or do at the meeting. You
can be saying the same words or doing the same things, but your inner state
can be completely different. When you change your inner state from one of
worry to infinite peace and poise, you come from a higher position of the
Universe, and things get resolved more easily. You can remain completely
still and silent on the inside, but physical changes will still occur outside.
Draw on this high-resolution energy as you prepare and participate in the
actual meeting.

I use this all the time in my life now, regardless of what I do. Every
interaction in my life is handled with high-resolution energy. I move into
and out of any meeting or conversation with high-resolution energy, and the
other parties will respond accordingly. Often, I do not even speak or say
much at meetings. However, the energy in the room will be transformed
because you are bringing the room to a higher level of prevailing
consciousness. One person holding the consciousness of a group can change
the outcome of physical events.

When you approach meetings or interactions with weak or shaky energy,

the other parties often pick up on that. Unfortunately, sometimes this could
bring out the worse in people. For example, I recall encounters when certain
interactions made me feel weak, which invited others to act in a nasty,
condescending, or disrespectful manner. While this may seem like a blatant
act of discrimination, know that crisscrossing or chaotic energy streams can
cause people to act unconsciously.

Someone who is not firmly centered in their inner state is often swept
away by the energies of others. Therefore, when their minds perceive a
weakness in others, the conditioned mind’s impulse is always to exploit and
take advantage of the situation. We see this manifesting as rude and
bullying behaviors at the workplace. Often, the perpetrator is not fully
aware that he is acting in this manner. He is too caught up in these energies
and responding with his conditioned mind.

The best way to handle these situations is to pre-condition yourself and

approach the situation from the highest resolution energy. Before interacting
with the parties involved, approach the situation with high-resolution
energy—plan for the situation from a position of strength instead of
weakness. You do not have to change anything on the outside when you
physically meet with this person. This is key. There is no need to use your
body language or words to express your strength. This is how the mind
wants to do it, and it is the forceful approach. In fact, this is exactly what
someone would do if they were being rude to you—using their words and
body language to express their displeasure. But you know better than to use
a mind-based approach when dealing with situations like this.

So as you approach every interaction in life, you project your inner

strength and powerful resolution energies silently. You can project them
even before the meeting or actual interaction starts. Doing so will keep
these people away from you forcelessly because you no longer trigger their
mental impulses! They will fall away from your life, or as Abraham-Hicks
put it, they will “zig as you zag!”
I used to deal with an aggressive colleague at the workplace who tended
to pick on “weaker” coworkers. By weaker, I mean coworkers who were
meek and were less prone to respond strongly against his tirades. This is
common workplace aggression behavior and usually stems from
inadequacies of the perpetrator himself. Initially, I was upset and found
myself being further off-balance each time I interacted with this individual.
Later on, I realized why. I approached each interaction from the point of
weakness instead of strength, which further weakened me! Each interaction
made me feel bad, which caused more turmoil in my inner state.

Fortunately, I was in touch with these Universal principles at that time.

All it took was to flip the switch on the inside. I began projecting my inner
strength at the person. Whenever I recalled these unhappy episodes, I
brought NOT-MIND's strength to the situation. I kept doing so until my
inner resistance and unhappiness subsided to inner peace. Then I did it each
time I was around the person or had to interact with the person.

I did not change a single physical behavior on the outside. I did not stoop
down to the aggressor's level and use similar language or tactics against
him. Instead, I merely projected the strength of NOT-MIND at the situation.
Guess what happened? This individual became meek and started keeping
quiet around me! Eventually, his duties were altered such that our paths did
not cross. He must not have known what was happening, but his mind was
becoming silenced by NOT-MIND. His tendencies to act were being
dissolved because there was nothing for him to act on. This is the truly
forceless way to resolve anything in life.

I have spent some time explaining this concept as it relates to human

interactions because physical interactions tend to throw up the most
curveballs. Human interactions deal with the inner states of multiple people,
along with their negative emotions, conscious or unconscious beliefs, and
past conditioning. Therefore, if not handled properly, such episodes can
often end unhappily or worse, with physical harm suffered by the parties.
When we attempt to resolve relationship issues forcefully using the mind,
we invite the use of mental or physical force into the process. This can only
lead to more suffering.
Instead, the highest way is always to take an energetic approach. We do
so not by insisting or visualizing a desired outcome. Whatever outcome that
can be visualized is still limited by the mind’s eye. Instead, we approach a
situation on the outside while staying completely neutral and stable on the
inside. We draw on our projection of strength as if we have our backs
against a huge mountain. Nothing can touch or affect us on the outside. Just
this vibrational stance alone is enough to send a message that you have the
powerful backing of the Universe. Other people’s minds will pick that up
and know that you are not someone to be trifled with. Once again, there is
no need to resort to harsh words or aggressive actions. Always respond

When you can apply these spiritual principles to resolving the trickiest of
physical conditions, your ability to apply them to the other situations in life
will improve greatly. For example, you can approach even non-aggressive
situations with strong resolution energy. I go shopping with strong
resolution energy. I drive my car with strong resolution energy. I travel with
strong resolution energy. When you do everything with strong resolution
energy, you rest in Universal strength. Traveling with strong resolution
energy ensures that you always meet cooperative airline staff, security
personnel, and fellow passengers.

Emotions run high during traveling due to the chaotic energies at the
airports. The culmination of everyone’s energies can cause travelers to be
swept up in convoluted energy streams. This is why terrible disputes and
fiery arguments often happen at airports and during travel. It is no wonder
that the TSA personnel are often rude, shouting right in passengers' faces. I
once saw a lady suffering a nervous breakdown when a TSA officer shouted
for her to put her belongings in the trays for inspection.

The next time you travel, try doing so from a strong resolution energy.
This is best done even before your physical trip begins. Two weeks before
your trip, look at your itinerary and project this strong resolution energy
from NOT-MIND towards every aspect of your trip. Every flight,
connection, transit, timing, and seat can be connected to NOT-MIND, along
with every individual that you will meet along the way. Also, bless your trip
or vacation itself!
You will be surprised at how this changes everything. You will meet
some of the friendliest and kindest airport staff who go out of their way to
help you. Even when unexpected issues crop up during your trip, your
connection to NOT-MIND allows you to resolve them quickly, easily, and
without the interference of emotions. This is the way I demonstrate
Universal goodness when I travel. It is a much easier way to travel, and I
recommend that you integrate this into your life. Most importantly, a single
traveler doing this holds the consciousness for everyone else. You make the
traveling experience a lot more pleasant and soothe the inner states of
everyone who is connected to you in that same time and space.

Many minor disturbances and annoyances in life are taken away when
you approach everything with stronger resolution energy. On the other
hand, when you approach life from weakness, you invite more things that
upset you into your life. Each upsetting episode then knocks you further off
balance. Something comes up and upsets you before you even have time to
recover from the previous episode. This is not an enjoyable way to live, but
it is the unconscious pattern that many have fallen into.

The good news is that you can flip the switch starting right now. After
that, each experience you encounter becomes even more energizing, and the
loop continues.
Chapter 3 - Using Recursive Manifestation
Loops to Dissolve Your Mind
The Universe works in mysterious and miraculous ways. The mind
considers the ways of the Universe to be mysterious because they are
beyond the mind’s comprehension. No logic, analysis, or rules can be
applied to understanding how the Universe operates. When manifestations
occur, the mind notices them and tries to come up with an explanation for
the situation. Sometimes it could take credit, saying, “I did that!” At other
times, the mind could dismiss things as a mere coincidence.

I have learned that the best way to manifest is to leave the mind out of
the process entirely. This means not using the mind to make sense or
explain how things came about. As I’ve discussed in previous books, the
mind should only be used briefly to decide and develop what you want. You
can use the mind to specify the structure of your intentions, but everything
beyond that point has to be dropped and left to the Universe. If the mind is
allowed to cling to the creative process, it will attempt to monitor the
progress or intervene through logic. Since manifestations are beyond the
realm of the mind, this interference always, and without a single exception,
slows down the process.

In the beginning, the mind needs to have some degree of Universal trust.
The mind has to be convinced to let go, although it will have trouble doing
so fully in the beginning. On the other hand, NOT-MIND does not work
based on trust or beliefs. It is already everything that can be expressed and
encapsulated in the Universe. Therefore, the mind needs convincing in the
beginning, to get the process started.

This is when we introduce the powerful technique of recursion. As

discussed in the Introduction, recursion is the act of something referencing
or calling upon itself. For example, visual recursion occurs when a picture
contains a smaller version of itself, which contains an even smaller version
of itself, ad infinitum. Eventually, the picture within a picture within a
picture becomes so small that it cannot be properly drawn or represented in
graphical form.

In computer programming, a recursive function calls upon itself. Before

we talk about what recursive functions are, we first have to know what a
function is. A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. For
example, I could have a function that sorts a list in alphabetical order. When
this function is called upon to perform the task, it always executes the same
instructions to sort the list. Therefore, I could simply “pass” or input the
unsorted items of the list into the function, and it would “output” the list in
sorted form.

A computer always does what it is programmed to do, one hundred

percent of the time. It does not rely on beliefs, emotions, or mood to
function. There is nothing random about a computer’s outputs. Similarly,
when you call upon a computer function, it always performs the same set of
pre-programmed instructions without fail. What differs is the input you
provide to the function so that it can do its job. Each input produces a
different but predictable output.

Another example of a simple function could be to “add five to a number

and multiply it by ten.” Therefore, when I invoke this function by inputting
the number six, it gives me the output of 110, which is (6 + 5) x 10. The
function always does what I want and executes the same instructions
regardless of the outer circumstances.

This holds many parallels with how the Universe operates. The Universe
always responds precisely and instantly to your intentions. When you hold
an intention, the Universe responds with the same set of code and produces
the desired output without fail. However, the Universe responds precisely to
your counter-intentions and conflicting thoughts as well. So if you execute a
set of instructions and immediately override it with another, you end up
with no usable output.

Now that we have covered what a function is, let us talk about the
powerful concept of recursive functions. Recursion is the act of calling
upon itself. Therefore, a recursive function contains an instruction to invoke
the same function within a function. This sounds slightly abstract, so let us
use the earlier example with some modifications.

Suppose we have a function that takes a number, adds five, and

multiplies that number by ten. To turn it into a recursive function, we just
have to let this function call upon itself at the end. So now, our function
becomes: Take any number, add five to it, multiply that by ten, and then
pass that result into this same function.

Do you see what just happened here? By making the function recursive
and adding a “function within a function,” the process now becomes a
recursive loop and could go on forever. While we first started with the
number 6 and ended up with 110, the recursive nature of our function
means that the process does not stop. Our function now adds five to 110 and
then multiplies it by ten, and so on. In this case, we will eventually end up
with such a large number that it overwhelms the computer's processing
capabilities. Therefore, if this were actual code, the programmer would also
need to specify a condition to terminate the function, perhaps when the
input or output becomes greater than a million.

How does this idea of recursion relate to your manifestations? The same
concept can be applied to the manifestations process. Instead of setting an
intention to direct the energy once, you structure your intention such that it
becomes recursive. In this way, the intention invokes an intention within an
intention, and so on. The final result is a dissolution of the mind’s
interference and a magnification of the external results.

Let us first discuss how to dissolve the mind’s influence through

recursion. Suppose that your mind frequently interferes with negative
thoughts and emotions during the day. Instead of engaging the mind and
following its train of thoughts, you would use NOT-MIND to dissolve a
negative thought or emotion each time it occurs. Each time something
comes up on the inside that knocks your inner state off-center, you
immediately connect NOT-MIND to the emotion, feeling, or thought
instead of engaging in it. This quick connection will cause you to become
mindless and thoughtless about the situation. In a way, connecting NOT-
MIND to the situation is like a basic non-recursive programming function.
Now let’s take it a step further with a simple modification. When you
invoke NOT-MIND and connect to a specific issue that bothers you, also
hold a brief intention to apply NOT-MIND infinitely till you reach the zero
state. In this way, you not only direct NOT-MIND to the situation once but
as many times as needed to dissolve the situation completely. Let’s go
further and direct NOT-MIND to spontaneously connect to any situation
that upsets your inner state in the future without your conscious direction.
These two modifications take a few seconds, and you will notice an
immediate shift in your inner state.

Finally, the third modification is to apply NOT-MIND in connecting

NOT-MIND to your inner state whenever it is not at zero and to completely
dissolve any interference to nothing. Regardless of the content of your
thoughts or worries, NOT-MIND resolves and dissolves everything back to
its natural state.

Let’s take a look at the changes we just applied. First, we learned the
importance of applying NOT-MIND to specific issues in life that bother
you. This conscious, once-off application works on any negative thoughts,
emotions, fears, or worries that might arise in your conscious awareness.
This works like a basic function.

Second, each time a specific feeling comes up that demands your

attention, you apply NOT-MIND and also hold a simultaneous brief
intention for NOT-MIND to apply itself until everything goes back to zero.
This greatly magnifies the effect of your conscious, single application of
NOT-MIND to any situation.

Third, you direct NOT-MIND to connect to any disturbance that could

occur in the past, present, and future without your conscious intervention
until everything is resolved to zero. This magnifies the effect of the
previous two steps and automatically applies NOT-MIND to things that you
may not be conscious of.

Finally, you connect NOT-MIND strongly to the above three items such
that each invocation of NOT-MIND does all of the above to infinity. It is
Now take a moment to notice how you feel on the inside. This calming
effect will be perceived by the mind as absolute inner stillness, but the
effects go beyond that to all levels of your being. You might experience it as
a tingling or even a high-frequency flow of powerful energy now that all
mental resistance has been eliminated. This is a very powerful and
condensed technique to let go of the mind, without you having to
consciously monitor the process or keep yourself on track.

When you apply NOT-MIND in this manner to dissolve the mind, the
mind’s influence on your life has to diminish. As I have mentioned
repeatedly in the past, this does not mean that you lose your capabilities for
decision-making or your abilities to function in this world. On the contrary,
you will live and function way more effectively than before. If decisions
need to be made, you will make them while being strongly connected to
your Universal source of energy. You will be free from the influences of
social conditioning and the fears of people around you. You will feel
calmer, at peace, and strongly connected on the inside at every moment.

This change could be so jarring for some people that it might feel like
something is off. What feels off is the noticeable absence of the mind.
Therefore, what you perceive is the absence of the mind’s influence in
everything. When you make decisions, move through life, and engage with
others freely at the level of your intuitive being, instead of seeing
everything through the mind, all the judgments and criticisms have to drop
away. What is left is Universal love. You will experience everything and
everyone from the perspective of love, without judgments or assessments of
any situation.

This is a wonderful way to function because it is our natural state. Our

natural state is one of love, and everything else expresses that love. Only
when our minds are involved do we start drawing artificial boundaries, see
the need to hoard money or material items to prove our superiority, and
perceive all the problems in our lives. When NOT-MIND is applied
recursively to dissolve the mind such that its influence is kept to a
minimum, you will always perceive from the Universe’s perspective.

Problems are resolved even before you get there by these Universal
energies through the natural process of fine-tuning and clarification. You
will never have an issue blow up as a huge physical symptom in your face.
Instead, most of the issues in your life will be taken care of and resolved
energetically, even before their physical signs manifest. Even with physical
symptoms, they will be reduced in magnitude and easily taken care of.

This is why readers who have been in touch with this material often find
a spontaneous resolution of their longstanding issues in life. You could be
applying these techniques to a certain issue but find that several other
unrelated issues have quietly dropped out from your life as well. All the
other issues have become non-resonant with you. They are no longer in
your vibrations and are no longer a match to your frequencies. This is the
best way to resolve anything and everything in your life—by paying
absolutely no attention to them and staying as close to your natural state as
possible most of the time.
Chapter 4 - Connecting NOT-MIND to
The previous chapter discussed the powerful concept of adding
recursion to your conscious intentions. This concept means that instead of
having to repeat the same intention, you state it once or twice and let the
Universe take care of it. Making your intentions recursive means stating
them even more precisely with a light touch. When we state recursive
intentions, we add clear conditions for how the energies should be directed.
Therefore, when you make your intentions recursive, you clarify your
intentions to make them more concise.

In this chapter, let us go deeper into alternative uses of recursion and how
it could help in other areas of your life. We have already discussed the
importance of approaching life with strong resolution energy. In other
words, you want your energy to be stronger than each person, group,
situation, or interaction that you encounter. When you approach an issue
from a place of strong resolution energy, you shift the underlying energy of
the situation such that the outer conditions have to change. In contrast, if
you approach an issue from a place of weaker energy, the energy of the
issue affects you instead! As a result, you get dragged down by the lower
vibrational energies of the situation, which makes it even more difficult to
resolve anything. Therefore, your inner state should always hold its ground
and be peaceful. It should hold its high-resolution energy to the exclusion of
everything else.

A practical example is paying financial bills and obligations. Many

people do not approach this activity with strong resolution energy. As a
result, just the thought of paying bills weakens a person and affects their
inner state. Regardless of your current financial situation, you could flip a
switch and approach the act of paying your bills with high-resolution
energy. This change means paying your bills from a higher level and
strongly feeling that Universal energy on the inside. Nothing that you do on
the outside has to change, but this inner shift transforms how you handle
money. It will change your energetic relationship with money and open up
new financial possibilities previously closed off to you.

If you will pay your bills and taxes anyway, why not approach them from
a place of strong resolution energy instead of letting them control you?
When you pay them from a position of strength and Universal power, the
thought and act of paying money have no negative effect on you. On the
contrary, it energizes and strengthens you. This change is the first step to
changing the flow of money in your life, in which outflows must be
balanced with inflows. When you reach a completely neutral state, you
become stronger and more energized each time you pay money.

I dreaded paying my bills and taxes before learning about these Universal
principles. Then I realized that if I was going to pay them anyway, why not
milk the situation for all it is worth? Why not turn each payment into an
opportunity to energize my connection with Universal abundance? That is
what I did. I approached paying my taxes from a place of Universal
abundance and connected strongly with the situation from high-resolution
energy. Paying taxes made me feel more abundant than before. It was a sign
that I was making more and therefore paying more! Eventually, my physical
reality matched up to that inner reality. The more I paid in the form of bills
or taxes, the more I made. This is Universal law because bills represent
payment for services I received, which means freeing up my own time so I
could focus on my unique talents.

We will return to this topic of using recursive manifestation loops to

manifest money later on. But first, let us look at how to lay a strong
permanent foundation for our manifestations.

Laying a strong foundation involves using recursive manifestation loops

to help you maintain that high-resolution energy. First, before approaching
any situation in life, strongly connect to NOT-MIND and feel the immediate
difference in your inner state. There is no need to analyze or describe the
specific changes you feel on the inside. It is sufficient to know that there is
Universal strength supporting you in every step along the way. You are
always lovingly supported by the Universe even when things don’t seem
like so! This step can be done right now and in advance before you
anticipate meeting with that situation.
Second, let’s set a recursive intention to connect NOT-MIND to NOT-
MIND until all aspects of a situation have been resolved to zero. This
connection ensures that all aspects of a situation, conscious or unconscious,
are taken care of. Therefore, there is no need to state and go through every
detail of a situation manually. Instead, when you apply NOT-MIND to
NOT-MIND, you connect with every aspect of the situation that needs
resolution, whether you have stated it verbally or otherwise.

Third, set a recursive intention to connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND

across all time and space and for all levels of your being, whether you are
aware of them or not. Connecting NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND is a recursive
intention that magnifies the effects of NOT-MIND beyond our conscious
comprehension. Doing so ensures that perceived issues from the past, the
present, and possible issues in the future are handled. If you take a few
seconds to make these three connections, your job is done!

In the beginning, you could go through this three-step process multiple

times a day. Doing so takes no more than a few seconds, which is a more
efficient use of your time and energy. Instead of being mired in worrisome
thoughts or negative emotions for most of your day, just apply the process
and be done! A few seconds of directed application creates a lifetime of
transformation changes and results.

What we just did creates a permanent foundation for manifestations. We

put in place powerful energies for resolution and manifestations (PERM).
These energies form the basis of your future manifestations. When you
manifest from a stable base, you state your intentions and direct the
underlying energies more effectively. Even unstated intentions get picked
up precisely because of the lack of interference from your mind. This
foundation forms the basis of all manifestations.

After you have laid a stable and permanent foundation, you can apply
recursive intentions to specific areas of your life. Let us return to the earlier
example of paying your bills and taxes. One simple change can magnify the
effect of your intentions beyond the mind’s comprehension. When I pay
money for whatever reason, I always state a quick recursive intention for
the money to be multiplied in the Universe and its effect to be returned to
me as financial inflow.
A quick intention, lasting no more than one or two seconds, is all that is
needed. You lightly state an intention for money magnification and return
while placing no limits or expectations as to the channel or source. For
example, the money you paid to your accountant does not need to come
back through your accountant. It can flow back to you through infinite
Universal sources. What is important is that your money, which is energy,
has an amplified effect in the world and will eventually flow back to you as

Stating this simple intention each time you pay money creates a strong
recursive effect. It creates an infinite manifestation loop for the money you
allow into your life. I know that the more I spend, the more I will have. The
key is not to limit the time, channel, or modes through which money will
come to you. Money could flow through new clients and new job
opportunities, or it could also be through new ideas and impulses. Each of
these is equally valuable and should not be disregarded. When you make
yourself a conduit for free-flowing energy, you send and receive energies
freely without adding more disturbances. You send out only intentions
(energies) in your highest good, pure and untainted by negative emotions.
Similarly, you receive physical manifestations (also energies) that align
with your highest good, purely and untainted by anything.

Receiving and giving are two sides of the coin for manifestations. It is
impossible to do one without the other. Someone who expects to just
manifest physical stuff all day but not give is not acting in accordance with
these Universal principles. He is creating a stagnation of energies in his life,
which eventually dries up the flow of manifestations. This is why
individuals who focus on manifesting and creating to the exclusion of
everything else often have little results. They are not engaged in the creative
process with true Universal backing.

Similarly, someone who is only involved in giving but not asking will be
drained. Eventually, the giving has to stop because one is physically drained
or finds themselves unable to progress because of the reluctance to “ask”
for anything. Giving to the exclusion of everything else, which often stems
from a sense of spiritual ego, is also detrimental.
The most balanced approach is to freely give and receive in life. Ask for
what you want abundantly with no limits, but at the same time, give freely
with no limits. This giving or outflow does not always have to be in the
form of money. You could give your energies in many different ways. For
example, when you mentor someone at work or provide feedback on their
ideas, you contribute your creative energies. When you spend some time
taking care of a loved one, you are similarly giving. All acts of giving have
to be balanced with receiving.

Receiving does not mean in terms of physical manifestations only. Many

manifestations occur at the non-physical and intangible levels. As some of
my readers have done, you could manifest new opportunities and instant
shifts in their inner state. You could dissolve stubborn and longstanding
circumstances in your life. You could make progress and improvements in
various areas of life, your career, or relationships. All these have to be
recognized as potential manifestations and properly received.

When you broaden your notions of giving and receiving to more than just
money or material things, you realize that you have been living in an
abundant Universe all along. You could have been fixated on a very small
area of your physical life conditions and hence perpetuating the illusion of a
perceived issue. When you free yourself to look from an unlimited
perspective, you realize that life may not be as limited as you think. In fact,
the thought that “life is limited” is an unconscious limitation in itself!

Broaden your perception to perceive all the ways in which you are
already giving and receiving in life. These energy exchanges take place all
the time. Having a simple conversation in the elevator on your way to work
is a form of energetic exchange, albeit a smaller one with fewer
consequences. A departmental meeting where you contribute or receive
feedback is also an energetic exchange. These exchanges have to be first
balanced out and amplified on a Universal level.

Do you hold back your giving or receiving in certain areas of your life? If
so, take a look at your reasons for doing so. For example, do you perceive
that you have not enough to give or that you will run out of something if
you give too much? As I mentioned, giving does not always have to be on
material terms. For example, you could give your energies, which
ultimately originate from the Universal energy source. Eventually, you will
become more proficient at converting energies into material items.

Are you holding yourself back from receiving because of beliefs about
deservingness or asking for too much? Again, that is no good reason for
you to stop the flow of money or anything good into your life. It is the mind
that imposes limitations on how much you can receive, not the Universe.
These artificial limitations have to be let go of. There is no such thing as
“too much money” in your life because you can always turn around and
redirect that money as outflow. There is only “too much” of something
when you hoard.

When you become a clear channel for Universal energies, there is no

longer too much of anything. Instead, faster receiving means faster giving.
You increase the flow of manifestations in your life and be a part of these
infinite manifestation loops.
Chapter 5 - Turning Your Current Reality
into Immense Satisfaction and Peace
Connecting NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND magnifies the energetic effect
of your intentions. By tapping into the powerful concept of recursion to
clarify your intentions, you start a sequence of energetic directions by
making a single connection. This process takes no more than a few seconds
to apply each time, which means that you could easily connect NOT-MIND
to NOT-MIND during challenging situations.

The end result is that you will never be thrown off your feet again,
regardless of the outer circumstances. So, if you ever find yourself in an
unpleasant situation or interaction where you feel unsettled, uneasy, or
unsafe, just take a few seconds and connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND.
The intentions that I have programmed into these connections will take care
of the rest.

The effects of this connection occur beyond the mind. Therefore, there is
no need to monitor or analyze the changes that occur after that. Any form of
analysis or monitoring by the mind merely slows down the process instead
of speeding it up. You are inadvertently “minding” things when you use the
mind to take a look. After making a quick connection, all you need to do is
feel for the difference and just quickly notice the change in your inner state.
This is all that is needed.

Because making this connection is so quick and easy, you could apply it
several times in quick succession. Doing so would still take less time than
repeating affirmations, visualizations, or engaging in long processes to
attract what you want. The difference here is that all these processes go
through the mind and attempt to convince the mind. On the other hand,
connecting with NOT-MIND bypasses the mind entirely and hence does not
depend on any mental perceptions or changing beliefs. For this reason,
using the mind to detect any changes is counterproductive. These changes
occur deeper than what the mind can pick up. Gradually, the effects trickle
down and are noticed by the mind as physical manifestations.

Therefore, there is a perceived time delay when you connect NOT-MIND

to NOT-MIND and attempt to use your mind to detect any changes. There
are immediate changes at the energetic level, but these changes will not be
immediately perceptible to the mind at the mental or physical level. Despite
this, rest assured that changes are taking place.

In the previous chapter, we discussed how to lay a permanent foundation

for your manifestations. This involves using PERM: powerful energies for
resolution and manifestations. In this chapter, we go even deeper into this
concept and examine how to firmly state your intentions. Here, we use
another acronym to guide us along: Forceless infinite recursive
manifestations (FIRM).

We have devoted a large portion of this book to discussing the concept of

recursion. Recursion implies an infinite loop where something invokes
itself endlessly. These intentions refer to and state themselves endlessly
when we embed recursion into our intentions. This creates an infinite
manifestation loop that changes the energy even when we are not
consciously involved in the process.

Making the manifestation process recursive means, we no longer have to

be there to initiate the process or monitor it. We state an intention once and
then forget about it completely. Even though the intention has been let go of
by our conscious minds, it does not mean that its energetic effects end there.
On the contrary, the effects become magnified with each recursive iteration.
The process goes on until we set a conscious intention to stop the process.
This is why the idea of recursive intentions is so powerful. Setting one
intention purely is equivalent to setting billions of intentions in the same

The concept of recursive intentions can be integrated with that of

forceless manifestations. Forcelessness is when you do not apply mental or
physical force to achieve what you want. This is different from doing
nothing at all and becoming passive. Some people interpret the absence of
force as a form of weakness. This cannot be further from the truth. When
you are truly forceless, you are one with Universal consciousness. There is
no one or thing apart from the Universe. You become one with the Tao and
that which cannot be described. You become formless, nameless, and thus
completely transparent.

Ancient spiritual masters have described this forceless state in different

ways. The Tao Te Ching says, “A truly good man does nothing, yet nothing
is left undone.” When you first read it, this sentence makes no sense to the
mind. How is it possible to do nothing and yet leave nothing undone?
However, as with all spiritual sayings, they are best understood from the

You realize that when the personal “you” (the artificial identity you have
come to associate with) does nothing, it frees up the Universe to do
everything through you. You become one with, and part of, Universal will.
In more modern language, you become a clear conduit and effective
channel for the manifestations in your life.

Not all of these manifestations will be “yours” in the traditional sense.

When you become part of the Universal action, you will also become a
conduit for other people’s manifestations. You could become an integral
part of fulfilling other people’s lives and their Universal purposes. For
example, writing this book as a clear conduit is how the Universe uses me
to express its infinity. In turn, these teachings get disseminated to readers
worldwide, who go on to manifest even more in their lives.

Your job could be a form of Universal expression, even if it may not

seem so. Whether you are an IT technician, teacher, lawyer, engineer, store
clerk, or stay-at-home mom or dad, you are part of the divine Universal
grand scheme. Our roles in the Universe are not always apparent to us.
There could be days when you wonder why you are even in a particular job!
However, the Universe is using each of us in miraculous ways.

The more you apply these Universal principles, the more open you
become as a Universal conduit. This does not mean ceding conscious
control but recognizing your limitless potential within this infinite
Universe. It means letting the Universe lead you to where you want to be
and allowing things to happen through the path of least resistance. You can
only do so if you stop fighting current reality. Instead, completely drop any
undesired conditions from your mind and permanently clear the space for
new manifestations. The conditions in your life are temporary and will
dissolve once you recognize your permanent connection to the Universe.

We often hear the spiritual teaching that where you are right now is
exactly the right place for you. This can be difficult for some people to
accept. How could they accept all the suffering and unbearable conditions
in their lives? How could things that are so unbearable be “right” for them?
Once again, this saying cannot be interpreted by the mind. It has to be
absorbed by the heart.

This saying expresses the following: Everything that has come before has
led us to this powerful moment in time. Therefore, our current conditions
are the physical culmination of everything we have thought and all the
energy streams we have directed. All that has brought us to the current
circumstances. In other words, the Universe has responded precisely to our
previous energetic patterns, which brought us to this point in time.

Suppose you prefer not to be in your “current” circumstances. In that

case, you can always reverse, resolve, and manifest new possibilities. In
fact, where you are right now has brought you to an even higher platform to
set new intentions. Your observation of all the current conditions in your
life has led to new intentions and desires. Therefore, there is great value in
the current circumstances.

Would you have been able to clarify your intentions so powerfully if you
did not experience the existing conditions? It would be difficult to tell. If I
had not gone through decades of worrying and negative thoughts, my desire
to completely break free from them would not have been as great.

There is great value in using your current circumstances as a

manifestation platform. Acknowledge the way things are without pushing
them away. Accept that they are already in your life. These “current”
circumstances are already fading into your past even as you read these
words. However, to go from what is old to what is completely new, you
cannot be cursing your current circumstances. You cannot be irritated or
frustrated by their presence. This is perhaps the hardest thing for most
people to grasp. Even the slightest feelings of irritation or resentment with
how things are could result in a tumultuous inner state, leading to even
more undesired manifestations.

Drop your concern over the current circumstances and feel completely
neutral about them. Neutrality is the absence of any feelings or emotions. It
is a feeling of peace and absolute satisfaction at where you are. Satisfaction
means being happy with whatever you already have and turning it into a big
thing! For example, suppose you can magnify the little things that light up
your day and be completely satisfied with them. In that case, the Universe
will surprise you further with its spontaneity and willingness.

There was a time in my job when I felt that I wasn’t given enough
opportunities and that my career progression wasn’t fast enough. But, of
course, these thoughts can only stem from the mind’s criticisms and
assessments of the situation. The mind loves to compare itself with others in
terms of relative progress. Trust me, when it comes to physical standards,
there are many things that can be compared!

I found myself mired in unhappiness and dissatisfaction for the longest

time whenever I thought about my work situation. I should be at a better
place or at a higher position. All these thoughts stemmed from the mind.
This was before I applied these spiritual principles to my job. Eventually, I
decided to apply these spiritual teachings to my job and career.

First, I became completely mindless about my career situation. I no

longer minded where I was or what I was doing compared to others. This
means the absence of thoughts and assessments about my situation. Of
course, I still continued doing my job to the best of my abilities on the
outside. I left nothing undone. However, I no longer insisted upon things
based on my personal will.

Second, I started becoming satisfied with where I was. This is not the
mind’s definition of satisfaction. The mind thinks it can only be satisfied
when certain conditions are met or when it gets more. However, you’ll
realize by now that the mind never gets satisfied! It always wants more and
more… regardless of how much it already has.
The satisfaction I am speaking of stems from my inner state. I became
immensely satisfied with everything related to my job on the inside. I took a
small position and busked in immense satisfaction until I felt absolute
peace. All my critical assessments of the situation went away. This was the
only change I made on the inside.

Eventually, due to this single inner change, career opportunities started

opening up to me. More people started noticing me doing my job, and my
superiors even started asking me to apply for certain positions. Finally, the
opportunities I had so desired started manifesting themselves. What resulted
in their manifestations? It stemmed from first having a sense of immense
satisfaction with my current circumstances instead of complaining about

The more you complain about current circumstances or the way things
are, the more you perpetuate current reality. The key is to be completely
silent, both outside and inside. Continue engaging in the work you have
always been doing while feeling a sense of immense peace and satisfaction.
This is everything you need to do to shift the situation. Then go one step
further and make everything recursive by connecting NOT-MIND to NOT-
MIND. You’ll find the current circumstances fading away so quickly that
reality shifts each time you look. Soon, everything in your physical
environment pleases you so much that you no longer have to consciously
reach for that place of satisfaction. Instead, it spontaneously arises within
you, and you feel incredibly blessed beyond words for this Universal
Chapter 6 - Recursive Manifestation
Protocols for Money and Finances
So far, we have discussed the importance of manifesting from a strong
and stable foundation. When you manifest from a state of immense
satisfaction and inner peace, you clear away all the obstacles that are in the
way. Then, each time you go back to that permanent foundation (remember
PERM: Powerful Energies for Resolution and Manifestation), you reset all
the disturbances on the inside. It’s like clearing everything in your
workspace and starting a new project from a clean slate. Similarly, you start
work on a new intention free from any burdens of the past or future.

The specific content of your intentions can change, but this permanent
foundation always remains the same. It is clear, empty, and fully receptive
to your energetic requests. It is a wide-open, spacious awareness. This open,
aware space is always ready to accommodate your intentions and
preferences. Whatever you drop into this space will shift the energy and
cause it to respond accordingly. Therefore, the act of manifestation is really
about shaping the formless energy that is the potentiality of all things. We
are turning that formless energy into form in a directed manner.

Applying recursion to the manifestation process means removing all

limitations related to the process. For example, you might have found it
necessary to keep going back to your intentions and restating them in the
past. Or you might have kept adding more intentions related to the same
issue. All of that falls away when you structure your intentions recursively.
All you need to do is apply an intention once in the beginning. Then, the
process goes on without your active, conscious intervention. Of course, you
can still provide clarifications as needed. Still, there is no longer the worry
that things will not happen without your conscious intervention.

The concept of recursion can be applied practically to manifest money

and financial abundance. This chapter will cover ways to use recursive
intentions to manifest more abundance in your life. While some of these
situations may not directly apply to you, I encourage you to adapt these
techniques to your own personal situation. Perhaps there is a relevant
principle related to your current situation in life. Also, these protocols clear
up your inner beliefs and negative programming at all levels of your being.
Therefore, changes could also occur at multiple levels beyond your
conscious awareness.

Since you are already familiar with the general concepts of recursion, we
shall move on to their direct application with minimal explanation.

Money forms an integral part of our lives because we strongly associate

it with our personal freedom. At the same time, money has to be recognized
for what it is—a medium of exchange in modern society, and nothing more
or less than that. When we deliberately try to downplay the importance of
money due to our negative beliefs about money or spiritual conditioning,
we deny ourselves the freedom associated with money. Conversely, when
we consider money to be of paramount importance, we could be driven to
take extreme actions at the expense of our personal health or well-being.

Let us connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND to enjoy a healthy

relationship with money. Let us recognize money for what it is, as neither
important nor not important, as neither positive nor negative, but simply as
pure energy. Let us connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND to connect strongly
to the energetic essence of abundance and money. In this way, we are not
attached to its form but to its energy. We recognize money for what it is and
how we can use it to demonstrate the infinite freedom in our lives.

Let us use NOT-MIND to connect to NOT-MIND about money. Money

no longer restricts or binds us. It also no longer compels us to mental
thoughts, addictions, fantasies, or beliefs. Connect NOT-MIND to dissolve
all thoughts and notions about money at all levels of your being until your
relationship with money is mindless, thoughtless, and neutral. You no
longer see money as special or more than what it should be. You no longer
see money as less than what it should be. You handle money from a
completely mindless, thoughtless, forceless, and neutral state.

Let us connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND for money to flow into your

life when needed and for you to handle money when the situation calls for
it. Money appears in your life, and you handle it masterfully in ways guided
by the Universe. This means connecting NOT-MIND to receiving money,
spending money, handling money, and investing your money. It means
having an abundant, high-frequency inflow and outflow of money in your
life. Let us connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND for the frequency and
bandwidth of money to be vastly amplified in your life.

Connect to NOT-MIND to remove any physical limitations on the

frequency and bandwidth of the flow. Then connect to NOT-MIND again to
recursively increase this flow over time in a way that is just right for you.
This means that the flow of money in and out of your life and the amount
(bandwidth) that flows can only increase. You will progressively handle
greater amounts of money with even higher frequency from a mindless and
thoughtless perspective.

Connect NOT-MIND to dissolve any criticisms, judgments, or

assessments about the amount of money. Then connect NOT-MIND
recursively such that your judgmental thoughts about money are dissolved
to zero. This means no judgments about how much or little money you or
other people have. What you or other people have is of zero relevance to the
money manifestations in your life. Your “current” amount is irrelevant to
the frequency and bandwidth of your money flow.

What we just directed ensures a strong relationship with money. It also

ensures that handling greater amounts of money in your life will not knock
you off balance and cause your mind to sabotage your progress. Next, let us
discuss our relationship with money and the people around us.

Money does not exist in a vacuum. If you were the only person to hold
on to money while others used another medium of exchange, what you have
would be worthless. Money is considered valuable precisely because
everyone has a share of the economy. It becomes more valuable as everyone
takes part in the economy and exchanges it. The more money is being
exchanged, the more valuable it becomes. When you see money from this
perspective, you understand why hoarding is counter to this Universal
principle. Hoarding means only you will hold a large chunk of it while
depriving others of their share. The hoarding mentality stems from lack.
Apply NOT-MIND to dissolve the need to hoard money, whether for
yourself or others. Dissolve the need to pile large sums of money. Connect
NOT-MIND to ensuring that your money does not remain stagnant, that a
part of it is always moving. Then connect NOT-MIND recursively such that
a growing portion of your money circulates over time in the overall system.
The faster money circulates, the more money flows to and through you.
Let’s form an infinite manifestation loop with money. Every dollar you
spend is greatly magnified by the Universe and flows back to you even
more abundantly. Use NOT-MIND to mint your own money!

A large proportion of our negative beliefs about money stem from social
conditioning. This social conditioning comes from three main sources.
First, observing how our parents handled or talked about money as young
children. This is the most damaging form of indoctrination. It is responsible
for the perpetuation of bad money habits in our society. Most people simply
never had proper money education and never grew out of their parent's

Let us connect NOT-MIND to dissolve and be free from any mental

concepts, beliefs, notions, or habits about money. Apply NOT-MIND to
dissolve these mental concepts at all levels of our being, conscious or
unconscious. Then set a recursive intention to delete all our beliefs about
money, positive or negative. We want to be free from artificial beliefs about
money, even the supposed “good” ones that we inherited, because those are
also limited by the mind. So let go of clinging onto any beliefs about money
and free yourself to handle money the way the Universe sees it, as neither
good nor bad.

The second source of conditioning about money comes from society.

Over time, mass consciousness and popular media have portrayed wealthy
people differently. We can now add social media to the mix, where rich
people with lots of people are seldom portrayed favorably. Even seemingly
favorable portrayals involve them flaunting their wealth or spending it in
outrageous ways, which distort our money concepts. This is why all
artificial concepts of money have to go. We should hold no beliefs or
concepts about money and see it as energy.
Let us connect NOT-MIND to dissolve any social concepts of money that
we have picked up from society. This involves our views, assessments,
judgments, or criticisms of “rich” or “poor” people. Let us dissolve any
labels and groups we use to classify others. Let us give up the need to
assess others based on their money. Use NOT-MIND to connect to NOT-
MIND such that money does not even come into the picture when you
interact with a person. Connect to NOT-MIND to recursively take money
out of any interaction or situation. This means taking money out of family
relationships, your relationship with friends, clients, and the workplace. Let
us dissolve our perception of the world through the lens of money.

The third source of powerful conditioning comes from our own thoughts
and concerns about others. These three forms of conditioning collectively
reinforce each other and keep us stuck. First, we hold strong innate beliefs
about money that were indoctrinated from a young age. Second, those
beliefs are perpetuated by the media. Third, we start acting according to
these beliefs and worrying about what others think, which shapes our
behaviors further. When you dissolve these three sources of conditioning at
once, you free yourself to experience money as what it truly is.

Use NOT-MIND to dissolve your own mental thoughts about money and
how you will be perceived. Use NOT-MIND to become completely
mindless about other people’s perceptions or criticisms about you. Set a
recursive intention to dissolve and become increasingly free from other
people’s approval or disapproval. How other people spend their money is of
no relevance to you. Similarly, how you spend your money is of no
relevance to them. Use NOT-MIND recursively to dissolve every single
instance where other people’s potential judgments come to the forefront
whenever you make a decision related to money. Use NOT-MIND to
dissolve the link between your money decisions and other people’s
judgments. Let us use NOT-MIND to remove mental concerns from every
money decision, leaving only what is needed for us to make balanced and
beneficial decisions.

The final block to be cleared is our past relationship with money and our
money decisions in the past. Those belong to the past and should no longer
influence our present and future.
Use NOT-MIND to dissolve past emotional decisions and their negative
effects related to money. Apply NOT-MIND recursively to dissolve
everything from your past, positive or negative, such that it no longer
affects your present and future money manifestations. Everything stops
here. The memories may remain but use NOT-MIND to dissolve their
effects at all levels of your being. Use NOT-MIND to strengthen your
connection to new decisions about money. Finally, use NOT-MIND to guide
you in every decision you make about money, such that NOT-MIND brings
more money into your physical experience.

From this point on, make each money decision only when strongly
connected to NOT-MIND and with the powerful Universal backing of NOT-
MIND. Do not make any money decisions until you are completely silent
and free from the influence of your mind. If it feels like you are making a
decision that involves money from a negative or worrisome inner state, stop
and return to that state of inner silence. Stay there for as long as you need
until you can make the decision with absolute peace and clarity. Sometimes
this means not making the decision at all.

You will not miss out on any opportunities if you follow this technique.
Even though it may seem as if you are missing out on a “great” money
opportunity, NOT-MIND never leads you down the wrong path. When an
action related to money does not feel right with NOT-MIND, do not take it!
NOT-MIND saves you from lots of potential frustration that could occur
somewhere down the road that your mind is unaware of.

Try this new way of handling and managing money. You will be
surprised at how quickly everything flows into your life and how your
current financial situation shifts. This is because you no longer see money
the same way as mass consciousness. Instead, your inner relationship with
money is being transformed recursively, even without your conscious
Chapter 7 - Recursive Manifestation
Protocols for Health, Vitality, and Boundless
Having financial abundance is of little use if you do not have the vitality
to spend it. This chapter applies these recursive manifestation protocols for
health, vitality, and boundless energy. When you start your day from the
baseline of maximum vitality, things can only get better. You feel more
energetic as the day goes by, and everything you do energizes you.
However, if you start the day with low energy, you spend most of the day
trying to recover from that tired feeling. Therefore, it is important to
connect to NOT-MIND for maximum vitality the first thing in the morning
when you wake up.

A common issue that plagues many in this modern age is fatigue. With
work and family commitments to attend to, it is little wonder that most
people are drained by the end of the day. Surprisingly, what drains us is not
only our physical exertion but also our excessive mental effort. When we
use the mind to think, worry about our issues, or monitor their progress, we
expend immense energy that could be put to better use. I often teach that
using the mind to worry is counterproductive. It achieves nothing and yet
drains us of our energy. One session of intense worrying can completely
wear us down. That is how much energy the mind is expending for nothing.

Fatigue and general tiredness are feelings that can be let go of. Beneath
the feeling of tiredness is your true self and eternal nature, made up of pure
conscious awareness. Let us connect strongly to NOT-MIND to energize
ourselves and restore our energy levels for maximum vitality. This means
clearing out all the strain and struggle accumulated in our minds and spirits.
Connect NOT-MIND to remove all the beliefs, programming, and
resistance accumulated at the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. Connect
NOT-MIND directly to the infinite energy of NOT-MIND. Feel the
immediate difference in your inner state.
Anchor yourself in this state of maximum vitality supported by NOT-
MIND. The next time you connect to NOT-MIND, you will recursively
strengthen your connection to this maximum state of vital energy. It will
recharge and restore your vital energies. If you need more energy, you can
always connect directly to the Universal source and become more

Now that we have dealt with restoring your everyday vitality, let us
strengthen the physical components to support your vitality. First, let us
connect NOT-MIND to ensuring that you have a good restful sleep every
night. Connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND recursively so that your sleep
gets deeper and improves in its rejuvenating qualities. Connect to NOT-
MIND to sleep peacefully and soundly every night, and that all interference
of your mind is dissolved. Your mind shall no longer interfere with your
ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Use NOT-MIND to dissolve the mind
and any resistance to falling and staying asleep.

Next, use NOT-MIND to dissolve any physical or energetic barriers

preventing you from falling asleep. Connect to NOT-MIND to neutralize
and dissolve all energies that prevent you from falling asleep at night. You
will connect strongly to NOT-MIND to restore your vital energies when you
fall asleep tonight.

Besides sleeping, your diet and nutrition are integral in sustaining your
energy levels. Over the years, I have found that different individuals are
suited to different diets and supplements. Therefore, let us connect your
physical body to NOT-MIND such that you connect with the right diet and
supplements for you. When you eat something less than ideal for you, NOT-
MIND will let you know through Universal impulse and guidance.
Similarly, connect strongly to NOT-MIND to identify the right diet and
supplements for you. If anything needs to be added or included to your diet,
it will be shown. If anything needs to be excluded from your diet, it will
also be revealed.

Let us dissolve any negative effects your food, supplements, or

medications may have on your energy levels. Connect NOT-MIND to
ensuring that everything you put into your body will be strongly beneficial.
Connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND recursively to strengthen the
synergistic effect of everything you put into your body and your body's
response. Connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND recursively to dissolve the
negative effects of anything you put in your body, be it from food,
supplements, or medication. Connect to NOT-MIND strongly so that
everything you eat will have a positive synergistic effect on your growth.

Finally, let us connect to NOT-MIND to get the right physical activities

you need. This does always have to come in the form of conventional
exercises. You do not have to do the same workouts as everyone else.
Rather, connect to NOT-MIND to find the exercise routines that are just
right for your physical body and your schedule. Connect NOT-MIND to
NOT-MIND to ensure that you follow through strongly with your physical
activity routines. Connect NOT-MIND to be open to the ways your body
needs to move. Let every cell of your body express its infinite nature and
show you how it moves with great vitality.

Unless you are a professional athlete, in which case exercising becomes

your main focus, many people do not have time to devote to their physical
fitness. However, as little as ten minutes a day will produce
transformational shifts in your life. Science has documented countless
benefits of exercise, including greater productivity, reduced stress levels,
and higher energy levels throughout the day. It is no coincidence that some
of the busiest business leaders and richest people prioritize exercising first
thing in the morning. These people arguably have the biggest excuse not to
do it, yet they make exercising their number one priority. Do they know
something that the majority of the population does not?

British billionaire Richard Branson says that the secret to his productivity
is working out. He even states that working out gives him an extra four
hours of productivity each day.

I bring this up because many spiritual students neglect their physical

bodies. They think that physical fitness is not as important as spiritual
development. Hence, they do not place as much attention on what they do
or eat. I used to be like this in my early days, not seeing the point of
Over time, I realized that my body’s need for movement and exertion is
similar to its need for food. So, just as how you would not deny yourself
food in favor of just visualizing eating using the mind, you should also
fulfill the body’s need for physical activity. This is the most fulfilling and
integrated way of living.

Ultimately, the belief that food or exercise is not important stems from
the mind. Unfortunately, the mind has misinterpreted these spiritual
teachings. This gives rise to absurd thoughts such as, “I do not need to
exercise to keep fit. I can just visualize that I am healthy.” Others may see
no point in exercising since “we are not our bodies.”

All of these are misguided beliefs and thoughts that stem from the mind.
Once again, the solution is to become completely thoughtless and mindless.
Connect your physical body to NOT-MIND and see what you are guided to
do. If you are guided to move your body for ten minutes a day, do it. In my
case, I was guided to cycle on my indoor bicycle for thirty minutes a day. I
engaged in that routine for many years. It brought about even more physical
health benefits than I would have never expected. I became physically
stronger and also felt more invigorated throughout the day.

I continue to connect my body to NOT-MIND to discern what it needs

for my particular stage of life. Recently, I was again guided to change my
exercise routine from indoor cycling to some strength training. I have been
at it effortlessly for the past 12 weeks as I write this. Your body always
shows you what it needs if you listen to it and do not deny its needs. When
you connect to NOT-MIND and completely remove the influence of the
mind on your body, your body corrects itself before issues even arise.

The mind’s excessive influence on the body often leads to illness and
degeneration. The mind’s influence can often keep energies stuck in certain
areas of our body, which lead to disease and stagnation. When you connect
strongly to NOT-MIND, you free up these stuck energies at every level of
your being, including the physical level. As these energies become freed in
parts of your body, you may experience a new desire for the body to express
itself through physical activity or motion. Follow through on these
Universal impulses at the physical level.
Universal guidance occurs at every level. We can not only receive
impulses related to our work and creative pursuits but also those related to
our physical bodies, routines, and diets. When I acknowledge my body’s
needs for rest, rejuvenation, and strengthening instead of denying them, I
put myself in a better place to receive even more of these Universal

A large part of your physical life experience consists of how you

experience your body. Therefore, the physical state of your body is
important and can greatly alter your physical life experience. Without a
healthy and energetic physical body, you lack the proper channel to
experience the world and enjoy the fruits of your manifestations.

Therefore, connect strongly to NOT-MIND and become silent in your

inner state. Become completely mindless and thoughtless about the state of
your health or body. Instead, allow yourself to become aware of ways your
body seeks to express itself. Have you been suppressing certain urges by
your body? Have you wanted to get that massage for the longest time but
have been putting it off because of the mind? Have you been drawn to try a
new form of workout but talked yourself out of it? All this talking yourself
out of something is done by the mind. All of that mental logic should be
dropped. Instead, listen to your body only and what it tells you.

When you connect strongly to NOT-MIND and let it guide you in

nourishing your physical body, it will always suggest the paths of least
resistance in line with your highest good. This means that you will not be
led to fad diets or extreme measures. Instead, everything will be balanced,
neutral, and progressive. In contrast, the mind that desperately wants to see
fast results falls for fad diets and miracle cures.

Let us connect NOT-MIND to your physical body so that it constantly

rejuvenates itself. Connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND recursively to
increase the flow of energies in your physical body and for maximum
rejuvenation of every cell in your body. This means that each cell in your
body receives the nutrients it needs and that waste products are flushed out
from your body promptly. Next, let us use NOT-MIND to dissolve any
waste products and matter accumulated in your cells and organs. Connect
NOT-MIND such that these waste products are dissolved and passed out of
the body appropriately. Finally, let us connect NOT-MIND to dissolve the
influence of the mind on our cells, organs, and our overall body function.

Now that we have dealt with our own bodies, let us discuss how we could
be susceptible to the mental conditioning of others. Let us use NOT-MIND
to dissolve all the negative thoughts and beliefs that other people may have
about health, vitality, illness, or disease. Let us connect NOT-MIND to
NOT-MIND such that other people’s thoughts about illness do not affect us.
Let us connect NOT-MIND to dissolve the effect of medical diagnoses,
tests, and results on other people or ourselves. Use NOT-MIND to connect
strongly with rejuvenation, vitality, and the infinite solutions space to
improve your body.

Finally, let us use NOT-MIND to dissolve all the negative effects of

illness or diagnoses on our bodies. This includes the effect of past
diagnoses, past illnesses, and what we observe in others. All of those have
no effect on you as you let your physical body be strongly energized by
Chapter 8 - Recursive Manifestation
Protocols for Life Development
We started by using these recursive manifestation protocols for wealth
and financial abundance. These ensure that you will always have unlimited
options in your life and never again be limited by your finances. Next, we
put in place recursive manifestation protocols for health and vitality. These
ensure that you have boundless energy to create and enjoy the fruits of your
manifestations. This chapter looks at the third element—using these
recursive protocols to develop your life and decide what you want to do.

The two previous chapters strengthened your ability to manifest and

enjoy what you have created. Now that the path is cleared, this chapter frees
you up to decide what you want to do and how to turn it into your life’s
work. Most people consider these their job and career choices, but this label
could be restrictive. When we label our life’s work as our career, the
implication is that we can only have a single career. This means that we
have to work hard at nailing it down beforehand, deciding what we want to
do, and then doing a good job at it.

But there’s an issue with this traditional approach. It requires us to make

all these decisions even before we have experienced a particular career.
Most people make their career choices when they decide what to major in
for college, even before they step into the industry.

We see this in the complaints that most people have about their careers.
They say things like, “I chose the wrong career” or “I should never have
gotten myself into this career to begin with!” Why do these people feel so
miserable? That’s because they perceive themselves as stuck. They believe
that they can only make a career choice once and be done with it forever.
We believe that our careers are over when we are laid off from our jobs. All
these are limiting beliefs about your life’s work.
Instead of seeing it from the viewpoint of having a single career and
having only a single shot at things, I would like to show you a higher
Universal perspective. The Universe does not sort people into different
professions. It does not dictate that being a writer is the only thing that
Richard can do with his life.

You are not defined by what you do for a living. Most people introduce
themselves by their vocation, “Hi, I’m Richard, and I am an author.” But
how limited is that! Who you are is infinite. It defies all physical
descriptions! How limited is it to define your existence in this world based
on one or two words.

Instead of seeing yourself as stuck in a particular job, know that your job
is only your current way of expressing your Universal goodness. There are
unlimited ways to do so, whether as part of your current job or in future
positions. You are not limited to a single option, and you are always free to
choose differently.

Most people have been at their jobs for so long that they cannot foresee
themselves doing anything different. This is not an actual limitation but
merely one that is imposed by your mind. Therefore, the first step is
dissolving these self-imposed limitations about the options available to you
in life.

Connect NOT-MIND to dissolve limitations about your current job,

profession, career, or identity. Dissolve your concepts about yourself as a
(insert your occupation here). Connect NOT-MIND to dissolve all mental
identities that your mind has created and perpetuated over the past few
years. Connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND so that you can dissolve this
artificial identity recursively. It does not serve you anymore. You do not
need to see yourself as a (occupation) to do your job. You just do it!
Therefore, there is no need to remind yourself that you are a (occupation).

Try this out in your life. The next time you introduce yourself, avoid
stating your occupation unless you are asked for it. Instead of saying, “I’m
an engineer,” switch it around. You will still be using various labels, like
“I’m a father of two children” or “I’m a photography enthusiast.” But this
exercise will make you more aware of how you perceive things through the
lenses of an artificial identity. Notice how the framing changes when you
introduce yourself as the father of two children instead of an engineer. The
boundaries drawn for the conversation that follows will invariably be
altered. This is how our artificial identities can limit us.

Of course, it will be strange to introduce yourself as an “infinite being” at

the next dinner party. You might even be thrown out before the party
begins! But it is a fun possibility to consider. After all, you are an infinite
being, so why not see yourself as one? Why not see yourself as an infinite
being that is always strongly guided by the Universe no matter where you
are? You can be at a formal networking event in your work identity.
However, you can still be strongly connected to this sense of Universal

Connect NOT-MIND to dissolving your professional identity. You will be

surprised at how much more flexible and creative you become. Connect
NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND recursively to dissolve the collective identities
taken on by your profession as a whole. Over time, many professions have
organized themselves into professional groups to project a uniform image.
These organized professional groups can restrict our own creative abilities.
Use NOT-MIND to dissolve any beliefs, thinking, expectations, or
boundaries you have picked up as part of your job.

This will make you way more effective at your job instead of reducing
your productivity. When you approach your field from an infinite
perspective, unlimited doors open up for you. You begin to draw from other
disciplines and sources instead of being stuck to the old way of doing
things. When I saw myself as a Universal being instead of defining myself
based on my position, I was free to explore laterally at my job. I could draw
on many different fields to solve the technical issues at work, and the inner
resistance was no longer there.

Of course, your co-workers do not have to know any of these. You do not
have to announce that you are coming to work as an infinite being! You
already are. What is different will be how you approach your work on the
inside. You can be an attorney, a sales manager, a doctor, or a professor who
is strongly supported by Universal intelligence. You will be surprised at
how ready the Universe is willing to guide you when you open up to its

For example, an attorney can tap into these Universal energies to attract
the right clients. Regardless of your profession, you can always connect to
NOT-MIND to work with the right people. Connect NOT-MIND to your
existing clients and customers so they too, become Universal channels for
abundance and manifestations. You will find difficult or uncooperative
clients fading away if you apply NOT-MIND to the client selection process.
Remember that even the most difficult client could be a good match for
someone out there, but it may not be you. I have seen difficult people
become so personable when matched with the right individuals.

Sometimes, the non-verbal energy fields between two individuals could

cause the working relationship to be incompatible. In cases like this, I will
always first connect NOT-MIND to the working relationship to dissolve any
issues. Next, I connect myself to the client using NOT-MIND, and the client
strongly to NOT-MIND. However, even after these energetic directions, the
best course of action could still be to let the client go, which I have also
done in the past.

Let’s connect NOT-MIND to everyone you work with—your clients,

customers, co-workers, superiors, or subordinates. Whether you are in a
position to choose your customers or not, energizing your work
environment with NOT-MIND attracts only people who are compatible
with you. Connect NOT-MIND to your workplace and overall working
environment. This means connecting NOT-MIND to your desk, office,
building, and also the entire physical location.

What we have just done handles your current work environment and
situation. Now let us work on opening new doors for your career, whether
as part of the same job or a different job.

When you are fully open to Universal guidance, you no longer worry
about whether you are at the right place at the right time. The Universe
always places you in the right place at the right time, where all your needs
are met. You will be given a clear signal if it is time to move on. Often, the
situation changes at your current job. You may move to a new position with
different responsibilities and work with a completely new set of colleagues.
Therefore, what appears to be “stuck” is nothing more than what physical
conditions have momentarily arranged themselves to be.

Connect NOT-MIND to new opportunities for progress and promotion.

Next, connect NOT-MIND to strongly receiving these opportunities and
manifestations in your current position. Connect NOT-MIND to NOT-
MIND such that you recursively connect to all the infinite opportunities for
the abundance in the Universe. Your current job is only one channel through
which these opportunities can enter your awareness. Other channels will be
opened up if you maintain this strong connection to NOT-MIND.

Connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND such that you take action on

opportunities that come your way. Use NOT-MIND now to dissolve any
limiting beliefs about opportunities you’ve had in the past, those that you
missed out on, or those that did not seem to work out. Use NOT-MIND to
dissolve the negative effect of decisions and choices from the past. Those
past opportunities, decisions, and choices will no longer affect your present
or future reality. Use NOT-MIND to connect strongly with assessing each
new opportunity from a clean slate with no mental or emotional baggage
and no projections or fantasies.

When faced with opportunities, a common roadblock is that the mind

ends up fantasizing about all kinds of fabulous possibilities. For example, a
salesperson may get to know a prospective wealthy client. But instead of
taking action to receive that opportunity and closing the sale, the
salesperson could fantasize about making that huge sale and commission in
his mind. So the mind goes out there and makes wonderful projections, but
nothing much changes in physical reality. This happens when we rely
excessively on the mind to achieve something.

This is relevant even if you are not in sales. You could have wonderful
ideas for a project in your head, but nothing gets done. I used to be like this.
I have since flipped the switch. I fantasize about nothing in my head. I do
not use my mind’s eye to project. Why fantasize when you can manifest the
real thing in your physical environment? If you follow these techniques and
spend just 3-4 hours a day taking focused, inspired action, you will have
anything you desire.
Connect NOT-MIND to dissolving any fantasies or projections of the
mind. Use NOT-MIND to dissolve the need to imagine or visualize an
outcome. Instead, use NOT-MIND right now to connect recursively to that
desired outcome such that it materializes for you physically! Use NOT-
MIND recursively to strengthen your connection to the physical outcome
each day through physical impulses and actions. Use NOT-MIND to
strengthen your impulse to take strong actions supported by the Universe.

This is how you are meant to function in doing your life’s work. No
mental projections or visualizations. You simply decide what you want
briefly, connect to it strongly using NOT-MIND, and then take physical
action inspired by NOT-MIND. Whenever negative thoughts or inertia
holds you back, dissolve all of them using NOT-MIND without going into
the details. This way of functioning—directing (what you want), resolving
(what holds you back), and recursively strengthening your connection to the
outcome creates a self-enforcing infinite manifestation loop!
Chapter 9 - Structuring Your Life for
Recursive Manifestations
Applying the energetic directions outlined in the last three chapters
cleared off more manifestation hidden blocks and resistances than the
average person in a lifetime.

In fact, most people experience the opposite. They accumulate even more
hidden beliefs and resistances as they go through life. Over time, these
blocks can become so overwhelming that they manifest as diseases,
illnesses, and negative situations.

Most people go through life without effective ways of letting go of what

they have unknowingly picked up. For example, the arguments that you
have with your partner could accumulate over time and lead to an overall
negative effect on your well-being. That could interact with the arguments
you’ve been having at the workplace with your colleagues. These negative
events and resistances could have a synergistic negative effect on your well-
being if they are not properly released.

Letting go does not mean analyzing or working through these issues with
the mind. The more you involve the mind, the worse things get as the mind
adds more thoughts that slow down the process. Letting go also does not
mean indulging in activities to relax or unwind, such as drinking or
partying. All these activities have limited effectiveness because you end up
suppressing the negative feelings instead of truly letting them go in a non-
resistant way.

The most effective way to let go is to drop these hidden beliefs and
blocks completely from your consciousness. We do so by connecting them
to NOT-MIND, as we have done in the previous chapters. The first time
you let something go, the related thoughts and emotions may still return due
to the force of mental habit. If that occurs, just apply NOT-MIND to the
situation again. As you recursively apply NOT-MIND to the same situation,
the thoughts and associated emotions become weaker in intensity.
Eventually, they dissolve into nothingness.

I have found that even the most stubborn issues can be resolved through
multiple, strongly directed applications of this method. It takes no more
than a couple of seconds to connect NOT-MIND firmly to the situation.
Even multiple successive applications take up a negligible part of your day.

In this chapter, we go even deeper into integrating these recursive

techniques in your life. I deliberately structured the protocols such that the
three steps have a synergistic effect on your life. First, we freed up all
limiting beliefs and blocks to manifesting money. Second, we freed up all
limiting beliefs and blocks to physical vitality so you could enjoy the fruits
of your manifestations. Third, having freed up blocks related to money and
health, we freed up blocks related to your life’s work. You are now free to
choose what you want to do. Instead of feeling stuck at a particular stage of
life, you now attract the right opportunities to help you expand.

These three stages are also recursive. When you have the financial
abundance and physical vitality to do what you love, you can
wholeheartedly participate in life. When you devote yourself to living an
unlimited life and expressing the infinite nature of the Universe, more doors
open for you. This means the process is recursive, and you are never stuck
at any stage. The more you love what you do, the more money and vitality
you have. This, in turn, brings about even more options down the road.

This is why recursion can also be applied to your overall lifestyle

structure. Over the years, I’ve applied this form of recursion to my mindless
energetic protocols and my broader life structure in general. When you
consciously embed recursion into all areas of your life, life truly becomes
autopilot and free from your mind’s influence. This means that you no
longer have to worry about monitoring whether things work out for you.
Instead, you live each day in a spontaneous state.

Let me explain a few lifestyle changes that have worked for me. I am not
suggesting that you implement all of them in your life at once, but pick and
choose the ones that resonate with you. You will see a few common
underlying themes as I describe each change. All of them are grounded in
these Universal manifestation principles. This is what a typical day looks
like for me.

First, we discussed the importance of manifesting from a permanent,

stable, and neutral foundation. The acronym PERM is helpful here:
Powerful Energies for Resolution and Manifestation.

To create this permanent and stable foundation, I wake up every morning

and instantly spend a few seconds connecting to NOT-MIND. This clears
up everything that happened during my sleep and the thoughts I had before
falling asleep. This simple connection puts me in touch with the infinite
space of all solutions throughout the day. I carry this momentum forward
when I brush my teeth. I make powerful connections to NOT-MIND when I
brush my teeth, depending on the areas of my life that I am focusing on. For
example, if I am working on a project, I apply NOT-MIND to it and its
related components.

After my breakfast, I start my work for the day. I have discussed the
importance of setting aside a fixed time each day to use the mind. During
these focus hours, you use your mind to solve technical issues and work on
projects that need to be done in your life. I usually spend three to five hours
of focused time working on tasks that need to be completed.

Notice that while I use my conditioned mind and knowledge to help me

in my tasks, I do not use them for negative thoughts or worry. Having a
fixed to-do list and agenda during this time helps a lot. Because I know the
project-specific milestones I have to complete that day, I have no time to
spend on worries or mental ruminations. Instead, all my mental energies are
focused on pure, productive work.

I set clear targets for each project to know when I have achieved them for
the day. For example, I set clear targets for the number of words I have to
write. Or I will work on one part of a project until that component is
complete. Setting your endpoints in advance signals to the mind that you do
not intend to spend extra time on things outside the scope. It is an effective
way to limit the use of the mind.
After I have completed my work for the day, the rest of the day is mind-
free and mindless. The mind takes a backseat as I indulge in my favorite
activities like reading or exploring these spiritual teachings. This is when I
might apply a few quick, energetic protocols toward new manifestations or
act on my Universal impulses.

I am also careful to structure my day to keep disturbances to a minimum.

The number one culprit is social media and our newsfeed. There is no
reason to keep tabs on your social media all day and let everything on social
media filter through to you. You become at the mercy of mass
consciousness and social conditioning if you do so. It turns you into a
reactive person instead of an active creator.

The detrimental impact of social and mass media on our inner states is
way greater than we realize. A piece of news about something happening in
the world can greatly upset our inner states. Similarly, reading about what
other people are doing could make us compare ourselves with others. The
best antidote for all that is simple—do not even expose yourself to the

You will be surprised at how free your life becomes when you free
yourself from social media's superficial “expectations.” There is no longer
any pressure to “like” your friends’ posts or comment on them. There is no
longer that urge to post nice, perfectly-taken photos. Of course, as with all
matters, some discretion is needed. You can still limit your use of social
media to connecting with family and friends, but anything beyond that is

Try this new way of living and see how it goes in your life. You will find
your inner state to be more balanced and neutral when it is not subject to the
constant input of news. In fact, this constant bombardment of messages
serves no one except the marketers trying to sell you stuff. My financial
wealth increased when I replaced my social media time with focused time.
We would all agree that manifesting a more fulfilling life is better than
getting a few likes!

The common thread here is that I structure my day very carefully to

control what reaches my inner state. Protect your inner state like a
sanctuary. Sometimes, this means making difficult decisions. If you have
friends who send you negative news, perhaps it is time to tell them to take
you off their list! Sometimes, you might need to block or unfollow these
parties. The same goes for those who might forward you positive news or
spiritual teachings. I’ve told friends who asked about these behavioral
changes that I no longer spend time on social media because it is a time
hog. All of them understood with no hard feelings, especially given the
results in my life! Let your own life set an example.

One has to go through many gatekeepers to reach the CEO of a company

or the President of the United States. Why is that so? The President has to
spend his time wisely on the nation's pressing issues and not be distracted
by irrelevant information. Similarly, you must direct your energies wisely to
manifest the best life possible. Doing so means directing your energies only
to the areas that matter. This will bring about the greatest results.

Remember that each time your inner state gets thrown off, you have to
apply extra directions to restore it to its natural state. If this happens
hundreds of times a day (whether from something you observe or what
someone tells you), it will throw you off track hundreds of times each day.
This leaves you with fewer opportunities to manifest consciously. So
structure your life to weed out these disruptions at their source!

I end off my day with 30 minutes of physical exercise every alternate

day. Again, this goes back to our discussion from the chapter on physical
vitality. Strengthening the physical body is like meeting our body’s air,
food, and water requirements.

I try to stick to this routine as consistently as possible, even when

traveling. This creates a permanently stable base for me to manifest from,
regardless of what I may be engaged in on the outside. While this lifestyle
structure may seem fixed and rigid, it allows for infinite recursive
manifestations in my life. A large part of my “structured” day is
“unstructured,” where I connect to NOT-MIND and engage in fun stuff. I
might be out exploring nature, new places, or trying out new food. I do all
of these knowing that I have already completed my essential practical work
for the day. I also know that I did not waste my day scrolling through social
media or meddling in the affairs of others.
As we wrap up this chapter, do a quick assessment of your daily routine.
Are you living reactively or deliberately? Do you allow your mind to lead
you through your day? If you succumb to the mind’s temptations, you will
always react to its frivolous thoughts and observations. So, instead of letting
your mind take charge, let NOT-MIND take charge. Start with light
intentions on what you would like to achieve each day regarding your
critical work, then free up the rest of the day for play and exploration.

Since I adopted this lifestyle structure, no two days have been the same.
The overall structure that holds everything in place gives my life immense
flexibility. I no longer manifest negatively because I do not waste time
worrying or dwelling on negative thoughts. Even when undesired issues
occur, I don’t spend time stewing in disappointment or negative emotions.
Instead, I resolve their underlying energies and immediately become
mindless about them. This applies to everything, so do not be tempted when
the mind says, “Oh, this will not work for ____.”

This constant resolution and dissolving cycle frees up your life such that
fewer and fewer things bother you. Eventually, you become mindless about
the conditions in your life because everything pleases you so much. Life has
come full circle!
Chapter 10 - Living A Recursive Life
Living a recursive life means integrating these recursive manifestation
principles into all areas of your life. When you do so, life becomes one
magical adventure after another. You no longer worry about whether your
manifestations will occur because the recursive structure of your intentions
ensures that they do. You also no longer worry about unexpected problems
that may emerge in the future and catch you off guard.

Future issues are kept to a minimum because of the recursive intentions

that you put in place today. These intentions do not just work once to
resolve and clear your path towards the future. Instead, they work
recursively until all obstacles and roadblocks are cleared. This means that
your future is ready for you before you get there. You will step into your
manifestations even before they occur!

This is a wonderful way to live. I have been advocating this new way of
exploring the world through my books, writings, and teachings. I am
relentless in spreading this message because this is possible for everyone,
not just a select few. There are no secret doorways or rituals to be initiated
into this process and no admission fees to be paid. The incredible thing
about living this way is that it is a choice. You simply need to flip the
switch in your inner state. There is nothing that you have to attain on the
outside to gain access to these inner technologies. They are already
embedded within you, so use them to their full potential! I often emphasize
that this is a process of unlearning and dropping what has been erroneously
picked up along the way. What remains is your true essence.

Living a recursive life also means applying recursive energetic directions

to every situation in your life and at every turn. For example, suppose you
have a presentation on Monday. In that case, connect to NOT-MIND and
recursively energize it until everyone in the audience is receptive to your
message. You can also connect NOT-MIND to NOT-MIND and dissolve
any issues with the physical time and space in which the meeting will be
held. In this way, you connect NOT-MIND strongly to all aspects of the
event—the physical space, time, and the participants. You can do this for
any event, regardless of its size or scale. I have done these for groups as
small as three to presentations broadcast to an international audience. As
you continue to apply NOT-MIND to the seemingly mundane things in your
life, you will realize that these are only distinctions made by the mind.
NOT-MIND treats everything equally with infinite power.

The interactions that you engage in daily may not seem like much, but all
of them are no accident. Even the strangers you encounter on the way to
work, or the people who stand beside you in the elevator are no accident!
There are no accidents in this Universe. Everyone has been brought into
your energetic vicinity through Universal sequencing and timing. Therefore,
each encounter holds the keys to infinite possibilities.

When we recognize this Universal truth of there being magic in the

mundane, we treat everything with the utmost respect. This means that each
interaction becomes sacred. We apply NOT-MIND to handling everything
in life and resolving everything to its peaceful, natural state. There is
nothing too big or small for NOT-MIND to handle because the Universe
does not discern. There are no piles of stuff for the Universe to do, some big
or small. There is no manifested or unmanifested pile. Everything just is!

When you observe an emerging situation in your life, the first thing is
always to become mindless and connect NOT-MIND to the situation. Do
this whether your mind tells you the situation is good or bad, positive or
negative, happy or frustrating. In fact, ignore all the labels the mind
imposes on the situation and connect NOT-MIND purely to it. Why is it
important to do so? When you get into the groove of connecting to NOT-
MIND at the first possible instance, the process becomes automatic for you.

After making a connection, make it recursive by connecting NOT-MIND

to NOT-MIND. This ensures that NOT-MIND continues to support or
resolve the situation as needed. When you take your mental judgments out
of the picture, you free up any limitations imposed on the situation.
Depending on the divine plan, it either gets resolved to nothingness or
blossoms with even greater abundance. This is the essence of taking your
limited personal will out of the picture and surrendering to the divine.
There is great resistance in our culture and society when it comes to the
act of surrender. It is seen as weak and passive. This is the mind’s
assessment because surrendering means giving up conscious control. It
scares the mind! However, in the Universal grand scheme of things, we can
do nothing but surrender. We have already surrendered, no matter whether
the mind realizes it or not. If the mind does not realize it, it continues to
fight against reality—but reality happens regardless of how much the mind
protests. Therefore, surrendering to the divine is something we already do.
Things are already happening in NOT-MIND beyond our conscious mental

When you surrender, you become an active participant in the Universal

process. Giving up your limited personal will doesn’t mean that you
become a victim at the mercy of external forces. There are no “external”
forces outside of the Universe to begin with. Instead, giving up your
personal will means merging with the Universal consciousness. By giving
up the mind, you become one with NOT-MIND. The mind will fight this to
the end. The more you read these words, the more it will fight and present
you with logical arguments for why this is not the case. So the way is not to
engage the mind on paper but to actually take the plunge. Go there and see
for yourself.

My teachings are about going to that state and seeing for yourself. See if
you will disintegrate or fall into ruins when you take this step. I can assure
you that you will not. Instead, a whole new world of possibilities opens up
for you. Since adopting the mindless approach, my life has flourished
instead of descending into chaos. It has blossomed beautifully because I am
now one with the Universe instead of standing in opposition to it. I
acknowledge that NOT-MIND knows better instead of insisting that things
happen in only a few ways through the mind.

After you connect to NOT-MIND for everything, spend an additional

second or two and make the intention recursive. Then you are done
regarding that issue and any similar issues in your life. If you connect NOT-
MIND to an upcoming event, you could also state a recursive intention to
apply it to all events in your life. Each application strengthens all the others
and at all levels of your being.
Each intention you state becomes way stronger energetically than the
last. You manifest even more purely and powerfully as you apply this more
in your life. When we tap into the powers of recursion, we clarify our
intentions lightly without introducing additional words or thoughts into the
process. The intention of recursion is a wordless and thoughtless one. It
simply means referring to or pointing to oneself. This sets up an infinite
manifestation loop without adding extraneous words or descriptions. We do
so by stating our intention and then adding an intention for recursion.

When you apply these two energetic directions in quick succession, you
strengthen the energies of your original intention and also their effect.
Instead of being a once-off application, now the intention holds over infinite
space and time. It applies to all similar requests you will ever make in the
past, present, and future. Therefore, the effect of recursions is infinite and
beyond what the mind / body can consciously achieve.

Here’s the best news I have kept for the last: The next time you state new
recursive intentions similar to the previous ones, the effect of each new
recursive intention will be strengthened by all your existing recursive
intentions. Therefore, your lightly-stated intentions become more strongly
directed and purer over time. This is the synergistic effect of these
intentions working together. The more you apply these recursive intentions,
the stronger everything becomes.

You will see this having an effect in your physical conditions.

Manifestations become faster and often instantaneous. When I lightly state
my recursive intentions, I know it goes to work immediately. More
importantly, the results show up very quickly with a minimal time lag. Each
new intention taps on the energetic directions of all the intentions that have
come before it.

If old doubts or fears arise at any point during the process, you can use
recursive intentions and connections to NOT-MIND to dissolve them as
well. Each dissolution will build on all the previous recursive resolutions
you have put in place. It takes less energy to restore everything to a state of
These are the most powerful and efficient silent teachings. Just as how
relentless I am in communicating these teachings at the verbal and non-
verbal levels, I hope you will be equally relentless in your application of
them. Use them on everything and in every situation. Apply recursive
intentions and structures to everything in your life and watch longstanding
situations dissolve into nothingness. Then use these recursive intentions to
guide you to create new possibilities in their place. With each new creation
comes new options for you, which open up infinite doorways.

If you use this three step recursive approach to creations (resolve /

dissolve, redirect, recursion), you can never be stuck in life. Nothing will
ever get you down or keep you down regardless of the outer circumstances.
It doesn’t matter the “content” of these life situations. They may be
seemingly negative situations that society has placed various labels on. But
none of these labels or mental assessments will matter to you because you
KNOW better. You see from a higher Universal perspective where
everything is whole and perfect.

You move beyond knowing that everything is perfect to having the tools
to completely resolve any life situation. Anything can be dissolved in
seconds and recursively improved without your conscious mental input.
Life then becomes a conscious manifestation journey and a moment-to-
moment choice of where you want to direct your creative energies.

With this new knowledge, you can set intentions to create things and
completely forget about them. They will still be waiting for you at the
appropriate time and space. In the meantime, you can completely let go of
and forget about what you have intended. This frees you up to create even
more stuff. You are also free to change your mind at any time. There is no
longer the pressure to get it done right the first time, and this applies to your
career and life’s work.

Every observation becomes a golden opportunity to clarify and fine-tune

your preferences. These preferences are unique to you, so you are truly
traversing a creative path that no one else has taken. While the inner
technologies we are blessed with are the same, the ways we choose to use
them are all different. With these different paths of expression come
different ways of serving as manifestation channels for the Universe.
Therefore, we can all be in each others’ manifestations. I am part of yours
while you are part of mine.

There are no mistakes because you can always reverse things not in line
with your current preferences. You are never done and can always start
from a clean slate. This applies to your health, career, relationships,
businesses, or financial situation. Once again, only the mind tells you that it
is too late to start again or that you are stuck.

When you believe in the thoughts your mind offer, you suffer. It is really
as simple as that. When you completely drop the mind, you go back to that
state of inner peace. When you drop the mind and tap into NOT-MIND, you
become the embodiment of the Universe. The Universe is no longer this
huge container that encapsulates you. Instead, it becomes inside of you, and
you become the whole of the Universe at once.

This is where all manifestations happen and are experienced, but yet
“you” remain eternally silent and still.
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