3 science

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1st Terminal Examinations 2081

Subject :- Science

Class :- Three

Full mark :- 20

Pass mark :- 10

1. Use the following words to fill in the blanks.[2 marks]

Mushroom, Eggs, Oxygen, Fixed, Green

a) Plants are ________ but animals can move.

b) _______plants makes their own food.

c)________ are non green plants.

d) Birds lay_______ for reproduction.

2.Tick the most appropriate answer [2 marks]

a) Plants reproduce through ________.

Eggs, giving birth to young , seeds

b) Potato we eat is_______.

Roots, stem, leaf

c) Human being breath through _______.

Lungs , skin , stomata

d) A living beings which can prepare its own food is________.

Human , Mushroom, plants

3. Tick(✓) for the true and (×) for the false statement. [2 marks]

a) Some animals live in natural home.[ ]

b) We build home for domestic animals.[ ]

c) Rats lives in the branch of tree.[ ]

d) Snake lives in both land and water. [ ]

4. Match the following animals with their foods. [2 marks]

Animals Foods

a) Cat banana

b) Money insect

c) Frog mouse

d) Tiger Deer

5. Draw the picture of owl and colour it. [2 marks]

6. Answer the following questions. 10 marks

a) What are living things?

b) Where does a dog lives?

c) Why do animals needs food?

d) Define hybernation?

e) What are flowering plants?

"Best of luck"

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