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1st Terminal Examinations 2081

Subject :- Computer

Class :- Six

Full mark :- 20

Pass mark :- 10

1. Answer the following questions (1×10=10)

a) What is a Secondary memory? List it's types.

b) What is Flash Device? What is it used for?

c) What is memory? List it's types.

d) What is a monitor? List three basic types of monitor.

e) Differentiate between data and information?

f) Computer is a different machine.Comment?

g) What are the limitations of Computer?

h) What is a Assembler?

i) What is a Computer?

j) What is Utility program? Name any three Utility Programs.

2. Fill in the blanks (2.5marks)

a) The first famous brand of Computer is _______.

b) __________ is a software program capable of creating storing and painting documents.

c)________ adds to the knowledge and helps in decision making.

d) _________ software refers to the programs that make the Computer useful yo the user.

e) _________ is a software program that help create a slide shows addresses a topic.

3. Match the following.(2.5marks)

a) ALU The physical machinery device that make a computer.

b) Hardware The device that allow a user to enter data.

c) Input Device.l The part of CPU where all the arithmetical calculation solve.

d) Computer memory solve The device that supplies information and send the result of


e) Output device The electronic holding place that store data permanently.

4. State True (T) and False (F).(2.5marks)

a) Mouse is small palm sized pointing device for interacting with a digital computer that has graphical
user interface.

b) Joystick ia an output device

c) The CPU does all the calculations and carries out all the instructions to process the data.

d) Non impact printer is a type of printer that uses tiny manners against the ink-ribbon and paper to
produce characters on the sheet.

e) The main type of primary storage media are solid state drive and optical disk.

5. Write the technical term for the followings.(2.5marks)

a) The physical machinery and device that make up a computer.

b) The primary computational component of a Computer.

c) A TV like display attached to the computer on which text graphics.

d) A device use for output results.

e) A device use for given instructions.

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