volley and bayonet player sheet

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Full Scale ; Distances = Inches.; EMW = Early Modern Wars only ; Pre 1735 Cav are on 1.

5 times base widths



Command (EMW: cumulative)

Movement Defdr is stationary / not disordered -1

Rally 8: COMBAT RANGES & DICE ROLLED Range Normal Stationary
weapon close long fire melée fire melée
Cavalry Breakthrough
Combat Smoothbores
Divisional Exhaustion Matchlock and Pike - 1 1 2 1 2
Early Regiment with musket - 2 1 2 2 4
2: IN COMMAND? Regiment with musket - 2 2 2 4 4
Within 6 of any superior in its chain or if Brigade with musket - 2 2 4 4 6
concatenated into command Foot batteries (as per - 1 1 1
If Out of Command: Horse batteries below) 1 1 1 1
½ move, disordered at move end Artillery battalions:
No Recovery from Disorder Sb Light Art 4 8 1 1 2 2
No move closer to enemy Sb Field Art 5 10 1 1 2 2
Never Stationary Sb Heavy Art 6 12 1 1 2 2
Art. may not limber/unlimber btn guns 5 roll 1 extra (col) die for shooting,
and in combat if attached to inf
3: RECOVER from DISORDER Rifles/Later weapons
Yellow: At beginning or end move Bde with Rifle Musket - 4 2 5 4 7
only if in command & Bde with Rifled Carbine - 3 2 5 4 7
not in contact with enemy Bde with Cartridge Rifle 2 4 2 6 4 8
takes ½ move Bde with Chassepot 5 10 2 6 4 8
RML Field Art. 5 15 1 1 2 2
Red: No Recovery from red RML Heavy Art. 6 18 1 1 2 2
RBL Field Art. 5 20 1 1 2 2
4: MOVEMENT RBL Heavy Art. 6 24 1 1 2 2
type move if btn guns Rifled Siege Art. 4 24 0 0 2 2
Gatling/Machine Gun 4 8 2 2 max 6 max 6
2x6 on MG = ammo depleted or expended
Matchlock & Pike 8
Other Combats
Early Inf Regt 12 8
Shot Cav - 1 1 1 2 2
Inf Regt/Skirm 12 12
Cav skirm/Regiment - - - 2 - -
Inf Brigade 16 12
Cavalry Brigade - - - 4 - -
Heavy Cav 20
Inf skirm/detachment (varies) 1 1 - -
Shot Cav 16
Other Cav 24 20
Heavy Art. 12
Other Foot Art 16 6 Inf Bdes, Regts, Skirms 1-3 = Hit Stays; 4-6 = Hit Saved
Civilian Artillery 8 not if deployed Cav Bdes, Cav Skirms, Shot Cav
Horse Art. 24 Art. & Machine Guns at long All Troops:
Commander 24 From Disordered;
5,6 Élite, Shock Troops, Grenadiers When in works
5: MORALE Sharpshooter (fire only) From fire when in hasty works Undis.
Stnry foot defending high grd +1 Cav Bde v Disordered Skirmishers:
Defending bldng/works +1 Light Art. at close & in melée from fire; +xtra save if woods
Formed meléeing skirms +1 Repeaters in melée (EMW) when in village/town
Meléeing enemy unit in flank +1 Machine Guns at close (EMW) Cavalry:
Army/Wing Cmdr attached +1 from fire ( retire 6 per save)
If Art. or non-stnry inf meléed 4,5,6 Field/Hvy Art at close/melée Trained Lights attacking inf:
by Cav Bgde (not 1809+ Aust) -1 Repeaters at close (EMW) may trade att dice for evade
Unit is Disordered -1 (Retire 6 per saved )
Non-Stnry infantry vs lancers -1 11: MELÉE TIES Open Order Cavalry (3x3 base)
Meléeing repeaters or Art./ front -1 Inf with (or) grenadiers vs inf/art +2 From fire,
Cavalry vs heavier cavalry -1 Stationary inf vs cav (not shot cav) +2 no retire if base width apart
Supported Art. vs inf +2 Melée
Regt base meléed from flank -2 Non-stnry inf vs cav (not shot cav) -2 trade attack dice for evade
Matchlock & pike vs Any Cav +2 Artillery:
only after melée morale test 12: DIVISION EXHAUSTION from art fire, & when in cover
If attacked unit routs or is elim due to When exhaustion reached -losses & routers- from melée in works
morale check, Cav may occupy the may no longer move to contact. Any further Infantry:
ground & move 6 forward or back, plus loss - D6 roll must exceed any losses that when in village/town, works, forts,
free facing change. 2nd breakthrough in turn or else morale collapse. from fire - when in hasty works
the turn disorders cavalry afterwards. Ordered get red disorder Heavy artillery: Negates Saving
Currently Disordered Rout Throws when firing at other
Not Shot Cav Routers are eliminated artillery, and at villages/towns
Artillery strength points do not count towards PRONE: (where allowed)
Full Scale ; Distances = Inches.; EMW = Early Modern Wars only ; Pre 1735 Cav are on 1.5 times base widths
Exhaustion, but are affected by it
Cavalry +1 to hit vs prone

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