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UIC CODE 541-4

4th edition, December 2010

Translation OR

Brakes - Brakes with composite brake blocks - General

conditions for certification of composite brake blocks
Frein - Freins avec semelles de frein en matériau composite - Evaluation de conformité - Conditions
Bremse - Bremsen mit Bremsklotzsohlen aus Verbundstoff - Allgemeine Bedingungen für die
Zertifizierung von Verbundstoffbremsklotzsohlen
Leaflet to be classified in Volume:
V - Rolling Stock

With effect from 1 December 2010
All members of the International Union of Railways

Record of updates
1st edition, January 1977 First edition published under the title of: "Brakes (Brakes with com-
position brake blocks with high friction values for international traf-
fic)" and 2 Amendments (this edition was only published in French
and German)

2nd edition, October 1990 under the title: "Brakes - Brakes with composition brake blocks" and
3 Amendments.

3rd edition, May 2007 New requirements for K, L and LL brake blocks - certification of
composite brake blocks and test methods.

4th edition, December 2010 Test conditions for testing winter braking properties, additions and

The person responsible for this leaflet is named in the UIC Code


Summary ..............................................................................................................................1

1- Tread brakes with composite brake blocks.............................................................. 2

1.1 - Use of tread brakes with composite brake blocks ................................................ 2

1.2 - Use of composite brake blocks............................................................................. 2
1.3 - Suitability for use .................................................................................................. 3
1.4 - Brake performance ............................................................................................... 3
1.5 - Vehicle marking .................................................................................................... 3
1.6 - Protection against incorrect use ........................................................................... 3

2- Features of composite brake blocks......................................................................... 4

2.1 - General ................................................................................................................. 4

2.2 - Friction requirements ............................................................................................ 4
2.3 - Requirements for compatibility with track circuits ................................................. 9
2.4 - Geometric features of composite brake blocks..................................................... 9
2.5 - Mechanical, physical and chemical features ...................................................... 10
2.6 - Marking of certified composite brake blocks....................................................... 12

3- Certification of composite brake blocks................................................................. 13

3.1 - Certification process ........................................................................................... 13

3.2 - Conditions for bench certification tests ............................................................... 15
3.3 - Conditions for line certification tests ................................................................... 15
3.4 - Duration of certification validity ........................................................................... 18
3.5 - Continued use .................................................................................................... 18

4- Quality control process ............................................................................................ 19

4.1 - Manufacturer's quality control............................................................................. 19

4.2 - Securing and monitoring of production quality.................................................... 19

Appendix A - Test Programmes A1 to A12 ..................................................................... 20
A.1 - Test Programme A1 for composite brake blocks (K) - Demonstration of
friction properties for S and SS (S/SS)-braked wagons (vmax = 120 km/h) ........ 21
A.2 - Test Programme A2 for composite brake blocks (LL) - Demonstration of
friction properties for S- and SS (S/SS)-braked wagon(vmax = 120 km/h).......... 30
A.3 - Test Programme A3 for composite brake blocks ( K ) - Demonstration of
friction properties for S-and SS (S/SS)-braked wagons (vmax = 120 km/h)........ 39
A.4 - Test Programme A4 - Formation of metallic inclusions ...................................... 44
A.5 - Test Programme A5 - Demonstration of winter braking properties..................... 47
A.6 - Test Programme A6 - "Locked brake" simulation ............................................... 59
A.7 - Test Programme A7 - Demonstration of compatibility with track circuits............ 60
A.8 - Test Programme A8 for composite brake blocks (L) - Extra tread brake for
coaches .............................................................................................................. 61
A.9 - Test Programme A9 for composite brake blocks (L) - Extra tread brake for
wagons ............................................................................................................... 65
A.10 -Test Programme A10 for composite brake blocks (K) - Locomotives ............... 65
A.11 -Test Programme A11 - Simulation of real usage conditions ............................. 66
A.12 -Test Programme A12 - Draft - Definition of static friction coefficients ............... 70

Appendix B - Spread of mean friction coefficients, friction level K.............................. 73

Appendix C - Spread of mean friction coefficients, friction level K ............................. 75

Appendix D - Spread of mean friction coefficients, friction level L .............................. 76

D.1 - Tolerances for average coefficient of friction ...................................................... 76
D.2 - Tolerances for the instantaneous coefficient of friction....................................... 77

Appendix E - Spread of mean friction coefficients, friction level LL ............................ 78

Appendix F - Example diagram of requirements for instantaneous friction

development ................................................................................................79

Appendix G - Demonstration of the winter braking properties: test runs .................... 80

G.1 - General ............................................................................................................... 80
G.2 - Test conditions.................................................................................................... 81
G.3 - Bases for assessment ....................................................................................... 81
G.4 - Assessment of measurement data .................................................................... 83

Appendix H - Examples of composite brake blocks - five diagrams ............................ 85

Appendix I - Strength tests.............................................................................................. 90

Appendix J - Demonstration of compatibility with track circuits ................................. 92
J.1 - Object ................................................................................................................. 92
J.2 - Scope of application ........................................................................................... 92
J.3 - Reference standards .......................................................................................... 92
J.4 - Specialist terms .................................................................................................. 92
J.5 - Safety, availability and reliability requirements ................................................... 92
J.6 - Functional and technical requirements ............................................................... 92
J.7 - Test report and demonstration of shunt tolerance .............................................. 93

Appendix K - Reserved...................................................................................................... 96

Appendix L - Requirements for data sheets ................................................................... 97

Appendix M - Composite brake blocks certified for international traffic...................... 98

M.1 -Composite brake blocks with high friction level (K) ............................................ 98
M.2 -Composite brake blocks with medium friction level (L)....................................... 98
M.3 -Composite brake blocks with low friction level (LL) ............................................ 98

Appendix N - Composite brake blocks certified before 01.01.1996 -

Stock protection .........................................................................................99

Appendix O - Definitions ................................................................................................. 100

Bibliography .....................................................................................................................102


This leaflet contains the general conditions for tread brakes with composite brake blocks. It describes
the required properties of the composite brake blocks, their coefficients of friction and geometry
requirements, and furthermore the mechanical, physical and chemical features for both organic and
sintered composite brake blocks.

It describes the procedure for the issuing of a UIC label for composite brake blocks, and the related
test programmes and acceptance criteria to be complied with.

This UIC procedure is intended to usefully apply the expertise of UIC experts in assessing braking
components via the award of a UIC label. In order to avoid duplication of work, this certificate may then
be used by accredited or notified bodies to underpin their own work.

The procedure for issuing a UIC label only involves the assessment of safety aspects for the suitable
use of the brake blocks and specifies their scope of application (for example 1Bg, 1Bgu, 2 Bg, 2 Bgu,
wheel diameter, etc.). The service tests that must be carried out only provide limited information about
the LCC for each particular type of use. UIC labels are not issued for specific use of a brake block on
a particular vehicle (UIC Leaflet 541-00).

The procedure for issuing a UIC label is described in UIC Leaflet 541-00.

Brake blocks and test benches which comply with the provisions of this leaflet are listed on the UIC

Definitions, test methods and measurements to be performed complete the leaflet.

1 541-4
O 1 - Tread brakes with composite brake blocks

Composite brake blocks of vehicles which are brought into use after the entry into effect of this leaflet
must fulfil the conditions of this leaflet. (Please refer to point 3.5 - page 18 for the specifications of
composite brake blocks on older vehicles).

1.1 - Use of tread brakes with composite brake blocks

Vehicles with tread brakes fitted with composite brake blocks are certified in international traffic.

The permitted field of use for wagons is defined in point 1.2.1.

The permitted field of use for coaches is defined in point 1.2.2.

The permitted field of use for motive power units is defined in point 1.2.3 - page 3.

1.2 - Use of composite brake blocks

1.2.1 - Use in wagons

The basic technical field of use (key values) for composite brake blocks is defined as

- Vmax = 120 km/h,

- maximum wheelset load 22,5 t,

- brake block design in accordance with the UIC standard,

- area of use: all lines in the UIC area up to a maximum gradient of 40 ‰.

The composite brake blocks to be used are certified according to the clauses of point 3 - page 13.

The standard programmes defined in this leaflet (e.g. in Appendices A.1 - page 21 and A.2 - page 30)
are based on the aforementioned key values. Composite brake blocks may be used under different
key values if suitable demonstration has been provided (e.g. by performing a test programme with the
structure of programmes A1_a / A2_a and adapted parameters/key values). This also applies to
extending the scope of application of a product which has already been certified according to the
standard basic conditions.

1.2.2 - Use in coaches

The technical use of these composite brake blocks on coaches is restricted to a combined disc/block
braking system, and is defined for Vmax = 200 km/h and a proportional wheel mass of 2.3 t in the 1xBg
configuration (design as per UIC standard). Area of use: all lines in the UIC area up to a maximum
gradient of 40 ‰.

The composite brake blocks to be used are certified in accordance with the provisions of point 3 -
page 13.

2 541-4
1.2.3 - Use in motive power units


1.3 - Suitability for use

The suitability for use of the composite brake blocks to be used must be demonstrated in service tests.
The conditions applicable to this are contained in point 3.3 - page 15.

1.4 - Brake performance

The brake performance of vehicles with composite brake blocks is determined in accordance with the
procedure specified in UIC Leaflet 544-1 (see Bibliography - page 102). The results of tests using
reference vehicles may be used. The details are given in "Design rules - Composite (K) Brake Blocks"
and/or in "Usage guidelines for composite (LL) brake blocks" (see Activities/Topics -
Technology & Research - Products - Guidelines).

1.5 - Vehicle marking

Vehicles with composite brake blocks are marked K, L, or LL according to the friction coefficient. The
design must comply with UIC Leaflet 545, Appendix F (see Bibliography - page 102).

This marking is applied immediately after the abbreviated marking of the brake design type.

1.6 - Protection against incorrect use

Composite brake blocks with friction coefficient K must be fitted with protection against incorrect use
according to point 2.4.3 - page 9.

Composite blocks with friction coefficients L and LL have no such protection.

3 541-4
2 - Features of composite brake blocks

2.1 - General

R 2.1.1 - This specification defines the properties required for composite brake blocks of organic and
sintered materials for the tests prescribed.

R 2.1.2 - Composite brake blocks may be used in bilateral or unilateral brake block configuration with
double block (2 x Bgu or 1 x Bgu) and single block (2 x Bg or 1 x Bg). The content of this specification
relates exclusively to the use of composite brake blocks acting on the treads of the wheels.

O 2.1.3 - The composition of the material and the method of production of the composite brake blocks
in series production must be identical to those of the composite brake blocks used for the approval

The batches of blocks supplied for use in prototype testing must undergo tests as per point 2.5.1 -
page 10, which shall serve as a reference for the assessment of the blocks' conformity with the
prototype during series production.

R 2.1.4 - The material composition of the composite brake blocks must be selected so as to ensure the
best compromise between:

- friction properties,

- aggressiveness against the wheel tread,

- effect on the adhesion value between wheel and rail,

- compatibility with signalling systems (track circuits),

- wear and the life of composite brake blocks,

- further certification requirements.

O 2.1.5 - The material used for the composite brake blocks must be homogenous over its entire active
thickness, ensuring brake performance irrespective of wear.

2.2 - Friction requirements

O 2.2.1 - General - The test on friction features on a test bench comprises the following tests:

- behaviour of instantaneous and mean friction coefficients,

- behaviour under the effect of humidity,

- tendency to form metallic inclusions,

- behaviour when simulating a brake failure,

4 541-4
- own and counter-wear behaviour when simulating real braking load collectives,

- winter braking properties,

- compatibility with signalling systems (track circuits),

- determination of static friction coefficient. - The behaviour of the friction coefficients must, in relation to the dependency on temperature,
weathering influences, and for type K also surface pressure, move within the permitted tolerances
given in the chapters which follow. Depending on vehicle category, friction coefficient and block
configuration, the frictional requirements must be tested using the allocated test programme and the
suitability demonstrated using certification criteria.

2.2.2 - Friction requirements for wagons

O - During the bedding in process the coefficient of friction may not deviate by more than ± 15 %
from the average coefficient of friction (m) of the last 5 bedding in brake applications.

To ensure a satisfactory service braking behaviour, the mean friction coefficients (definition, see
Appendix O - page 100) of level K for dry brake applications with block arrangements 1 x Bg, 2 x Bg
and 2 x Bgu must lie within the spread limits given in Appendix B - page 60.

To guarantee braking distance safety, the mean friction coefficients related to the highest contact force
for the simulated load states, for the range of initial braking speeds, 100 km/h and 120 km/h, must lie
within the spread limits in Appendix C - page 75.

The spread limits to be observed for dry brake applications at friction levels L and LL are given in D -
page 76 and Appendix E - page 78.

O - The instantaneous friction coefficients determined in bench tests (definition see Appendix O
- page 100) must ensure that from a fully developed contact force, the resulting braking moment has
a constant development which rises towards the end of the brake application.

An example diagram of requirements is given in Appendix F - page 79 .

O - The average of the mean wet friction coefficients at maximum contact force (both empty and
laden) in the range of initial braking speeds, 100 km/h and 120 km/h, may not deviate by more than
-15 % and +15 % from the mean dry friction coefficients determined under the same conditions (m, v,

For all other brake applications, the maximum permitted deviation is ± 30 %.

O - The friction properties are tested under winter conditions either in a test run (for the test
programme, see Appendix G - page 80 or on a friction test bench as per Test Programme A5_a - page
47. The tests only need to be performed in one of the relevant prescribed block configurations, in
which case a positive test result also applies to the other block configurations.

During bench testing as per Test Programme A5_a, the average brake distances determined during
brake applications at 100 and 120 km/h may not vary by more than -15 % to max. + 15 % in relation
to the average braking distances (s0) determined under dry conditions (see Test Programme A5_a).

5 541-4
In order to be classed as suitable for winter conditions, a block type must meet the following
requirement in test runs as per Appendix G - page 80:

The average variation in braking distances in the simplified braking distance tests may not exceed
10 percent (for speeds of both 100 km/h and 120 km/h).

Further details on the performance of the tests are given in Report UIC B 126 / RP37 (see Bibliography
- page 102).

O -

1. On brake applications to a stop at high initial temperatures ( 110 °C) (hot brake applications), un-
der otherwise identical conditions, the average friction coefficient may not deviate by more than
± 15 % from the average mean value of the friction coefficients of brake applications in cold
( 60 °C) and dry conditions.

2. For drag braking (simulated downward gradient) the coefficient of friction must comply with the
following conditions (see diagram):



m (1-3)



1 mn 3 mn

μm(1-3) Average coefficient of friction between first (See Table 2 - page 7)

and third minute

±V Tolerance of μm(1-3) ± 10 % of μm(1-3)

Xmin Minimum permitted instantaneous μm - 30 %

coefficient of friction between first and third

Xmax Maximum permitted instantaneous μm + 15 %

coefficient of friction between first and third

Ymin Minimum permitted instantaneous μm - 15 %

coefficient of friction after third minute.

Ymax Maximum permitted instantaneous μm + 15 % for K blocks

coefficient of friction after third minute. μm + 30 % for LL blocks

Table 1 : General conditions for brake applications on a downward gradient

6 541-4
Programme Block type Configuration μm(1-3)

A1_a K 2Bgu 0,25

A1_a K 2Bg 0,25
A1_a K 1Bgu 0,23
A2_a LL 2Bgu 0,15
A2_a LL 2Bg 0,15
A3_a K 1Bg 0,26

Table 2 : Average coefficients of friction between the first and third minute

The maximum deviation of the average coefficient of friction μm, before and after simulation of the
downward gradient, must be  ± 15 % at v  100 km/h and  ± 30 % at v < 100 km/h.

These conditions apply both to 45 and 40 kW under programmes A1_a and A2_a.

In programmes A1_a and A2_a, the additional programme at 40 kW for 30' only needs be conducted
if the results at 45 kW for 34' (including comparison of the brake applications to a stop before and after
the drag braking) were not satisfactory.

O - The effect of friction material under unusual thermal stresses on the wheels (e.g. locked
brake) is tested as per Test Programme A6 - page 59.

The following acceptance criteria apply for suitable behaviour:

Wheel temperature [°C] a

< 600 > 600 > 700 and  850
OK not OK b not OK c
a. measured 9 mm below the tread, the upper envelope of the 3 individual measurements applies
to the assessment.
b. if the cumulative duration of excess is more than 25 min
c. if the cumulative duration of excess in the temperature range 700 to 850 °C is more than 5 min.
Under no circumstances may the upper limit of 850 °C be exceeded.

The acceptance criteria apply to the 2Bgu, 2Bg, 1Bgu and 1Bg configurations combined with nominal
wheel diameters of 920 to 680 mm.

A validation for the 2Bg configuration with a 920 mm diameter wheel also validates the various 2Bgu,
2Bg, 1Bgu and 1Bg configurations combined with nominal wheel diameters of 920 to 680 mm.

If a validation is performed in another configuration, only the tested configuration is considered valid.
In this instance, the test must be performed as per Test Programme A.6 - page 59

O - The static friction coefficient stat to ensure adequate holding force on downward gradients
is tested as per Test programme A.12 - page 70. The results have to be demonstrated for each level
of the applied force. The average value of five measurements of each applied force must achieve the
following values:

-  stat K  0,20

-  stat LL  0,20

7 541-4
If the validation of the static coefficient of friction is conducted as per Appendix A.12 - page 70, it shall
be valid for all other configurations and wheel diameters.

O - The tendency to form metallic inclusions when used on wagons is tested as per Test
Programme A.4 - page 44. During interim inspections, metallic inclusions may not be present in over
5 % of the contact surface; after the end of the bench tests, this value must be below 1 % of the contact

If the test is conducted in the 2xBgu configuration, its results shall also apply to the other

If the test is conducted in a different configuration, its results shall only apply to the configuration

The result of the tests shall apply to all wheel diameters of 680 mm and above.

R - To assess the economic feasibility of the composite block/wheel pairing, the bench tests
"Own and counter-wear behaviour while simulating real operational braking conditions" as per Test
Programme A.11 - page 66 may optionally be performed.

The results for the specific brake block and wheel wear must be enclosed with the certification

2.2.3 - Friction requirements for coaches - The tolerance ranges for the average coefficients of friction and the tolerance ranges for the
mean value of the averaged coefficients of friction (for definition see Appendix O - page 100) for all
brake applications to a stop are indicated in the graphs in Appendix D, Fig. 3 and 4 - page 77. - The tolerance ranges for the instantaneous coefficients of friction (for definition see
Appendix O - page 100) with a dry disc are indicated in the diagrams in Appendix D, Fig. 5 and 6 -
page 79.

For bedding in, see point - page 5. - For brake application to a stop initiated at high temperatures ( 110 °C, hot brake
applications), the average coefficient of friction may not deviate from the tolerance range of average
coefficients of friction indicated in the diagram in Fig. 1 - page 76; the instantaneous coefficients of
friction may not deviate from the tolerance range indicated in the diagram in Fig. 5 - page 79. - For drag braking (on downward gradients) with a power of 30 kW per block, the
instantaneous coefficient of friction must comply with the following conditions:

- after two minutes of braking: μmin = 0,12 and μmax = 0,30

- for the duration of the brake application: μmin = 0,10 μmax = 0,32 and μa  0,15

In addition, the coefficient of friction may not have any sudden variations which would make the brake
more difficult to operate and control. Over one minute, the instantaneous coefficient of friction may not
increase or decrease by more than 15 %.

8 541-4
OR - Verification of the static coefficient of friction is not required by the UIC approval procedure
for L blocks.

NB : Normally, the handbrake acts on the disc brake. In specific cases where the handbrake acts on
the tread brake, the operator must verify that the required holding force is achieved with the L
O 2.2.4 - Friction requirements for motive power units


O 2.3 - Requirements for compatibility with track circuits

2.3.1 - Requirements for wagons (K and LL blocks)

The compatibility with track circuits is tested either by test runs (for the test programme see Appendix J
- page 92) or on a friction test bench in accordance with the provisions of B126/RP33 and B126/RP39
(see Bibliography - page 102). The requirements to be observed for performance of test runs are given
in Appendix J. The requirements for bench tests are contained in the aforementioned reports. The
tests only need to be conducted in one of the relevant prescribed block confiurations; a positive result
is then valid for the other configurations.

2.3.2 - Requirements for coaches (L blocks)

Compatibility with track circuits is tested during test runs (for the test programme, see Appendix J).
The requirements to be observed for the performance of test runs are given in Appendix J.

NB : the limit values for bench testing compatibility with track circuits are not yet validated.

2.3.3 - Requirements for motive power units


O 2.4 - Geometric features of composite brake blocks

2.4.1 - Composite brake blocks of standard length, 320 mm, should preferably be used for brake
block configuration Bg, and 250 mm for brake block configuration Bgu. The preferred width for brake
blocks is 80 mm and the preferred thickness 60 mm.

For design examples see Appendix H, Fig. 10 - page 85.

2.4.2 - The contour of the block surface facing the wheel tread must be designed to guarantee
optimum adaptation to both the nominal wheel diameter and to the wheel diameter in worn state. The
transverse profile of the block surface must be designed with a slope of 1:40.

For design examples see Appendix H, Fig. 11 - page 86.

2.4.3 - K composite brake blocks must, on the side of the backing plate facing the brake block, be
fitted with protection against incorrect use to Appendix H, Fig. 12 - page 87.

2.4.4 - The construction of the composite brake blocks must allow even wear to a block thickness of
10 mm without parts of the reinforcement or backing plate coming into contact with the wheel tread.

9 541-4
2.4.5 - The composite brake blocks must have 2 permanently legible wear limit marks in the area of
the brake block ends of the sides facing away from the flange, where the marks have a distance of
10 mm from the rear of the backing plate.

For a possible design see Appendix H, Fig. 13 - page 88.

2.4.6 - The composite brake blocks may in no case deform under the influence of heat or humidity
such that they can no longer be inserted or removed.

O 2.5 - Mechanical, physical and chemical features

2.5.1 - Obligations of manufacturers in terms of proof (product specification)

The brake blocks used for the prototype testing must undergo tests meeting the requirements
contained hereafter, which shall then serve as a reference demonstrating that the blocks subsequently
manufactured during series production correspond to the prototype.

Tests marked "A" must be conducted with a test product from one of the batches used for the prototype

Tests marked "B" must be conducted with a test product from each of the batches used for the proto-
type testing.

Organic blocks Sintered blocks

Chemical compositiona A A

Macrostructure A

Durability B B

Coefficient of friction (small-scale B B

bench tests for pads)

Density B B

Resistance to high temperatures A

a. The UIC expert entrusted with assessing the prototype must ascertain that the analysis has been conducted
and that the manufacturer has archived the data for any subsequent comparative analysis.

The test results must accompany the assessment reports. The manufacturer is free to choose which
method is used to assess the product's features; however, the method selected must be described in
the test report. The results of the analysis of the chemical composition are confidential to the manu-
facturer and are thus not enclosed in the test report.

Durability, coefficient of friction (small-scale bench tests for pads) and density must be tested with

1. Test samples taken from an area near the contact surface,

2. Test samples taken from an area near the wear limit.

Comparison of the results from 1. and 2. must show that the material is homogeneous and retains its
properties across the entire active thickness.

10 541-4
2.5.2 - Health effects of materials used

The use of asbestos and other fibres that are health hazards is prohibited.

The rules applying to the use of hazardous materials in force at the time of the blocks' manufacture
are to be complied with.

In addition, the manufacturer must present a safety data sheet as per EU Directive 1907/2006/EC
(Reach Directive, see Bibliography - page 102).

2.5.3 - Health effects of substances released during braking

As far as possible, the use of materials, in any form or compound, liable to result in the emission of
dust, particles and/or gases during operation and/or handling of composite brake blocks and thus pose
a health or environmental threat, is to be avoided. The manufacturer must assess the health effects
of the substances released during proper use, and include this information in the safety data sheet as
per point 2.5.2. The test and acceptance criteria to be applied remain to be defined.

2.5.4 - Mechanical requirements - Shear strength

The backs of the brake blocks and the method of connection between the backing plate and friction
material must be designed so that any stresses occurring can be safely resisted. The method of
connecting the friction material with the backing plate is free. The connection is tested using the test
device shown in Appendix I, Fig. 15 - page 90 with a test force of 15 kN.

After the end of the test, no damage may have occurred to the friction material/ backing plate
connection. - Bending strength

The bending strength is tested according to the method shown in Appendix I, Fig. 16 - page 91. After
the end of the test there may be no visible surface or through cracks and no detachment from the
backing plate except for surface and through cracks on the expansion joint.

2.5.5 - Thermal requirements

The friction material must not cause heat damage to the wheel treads. Also, it must not damage the
friction surface or have a tendency to form metallic inclusions.

During friction bench testing and test runs (with the exception of Program A.6 - "Simulated locked
brake"), the following may not be observed on the brake blocks: flames, exudation of binding agents,
continuous squeaking and strong odours. Further, the blocks may not display blow-outs or exfoliation
over a large area, nor may they display any damage jeopardising their mechanical strength, leading
to significant material deposits on the wheel tread or creating unusual levels of wear.

11 541-4
O 2.6 - Marking of certified composite brake blocks

Certified composite brake blocks must bear the following markings on the back plate:

- designation of brake block type,

- name or symbol of manufacturer,

- date of manufacture (week and year),

- batch number,

- UIC and friction level (K, L, LL),

- customer item number or customer-specific marking (e.g. colour marking) - optional.

These markings are embossed, engraved or punched, and must be applied so that each composite
brake block can still be identified in service after complete wear.

For design example see Appendix H, Fig. 14 - page 89.

12 541-4
3 - Certification of composite brake blocks

O 3.1 - Certification process

3.1.1 - General

The certification process includes performance of the bench tests prescribed in this leaflet,
demonstration of suitable braking performance, and service tests. The UIC product certification
procedure for vehicle components set out in UIC Leaflet 541-00 applies.

Overview of all tests to be performed for certification (completely new product)

Block configuration Test Programme/appendix

Vehicle category max RSL 1xB 2xB 1xB 2xB necessary
(t) g g gu gu for certification
A3, A4, A5/App. G, A6, A7/App. J,
18,0 X
App. I, A11 (opt.), A12
Wagon composite
brake blocks (K) A1, A4, A5/App. G, A6, A7/App. J,
22,5 X X X App. I, A11 (opt.), A12
Wagon composite -- X --
A2, A4, A5/App. G A6, A7/App. J,
brake blocks (LL) 22,5
-- -- X App. I, A11(opt.), A12

X A8
Coach composite
brake blocks (L)

Wagon (extra tread


Locomotives reserved

In performing adapted tests, the use of a friction material under different boundary conditions/key
values, for example in terms of the wheelset load, is permitted - see point 1.2.1 - page 2.

13 541-4
3.1.2 - Bench tests

The type and scope of bench tests to be performed are described in points 2.1 - page 4 to 2.3 - page 9.

3.1.3 - Slip tests to determine braking power

The type and scope of slip tests to be performed are set out in UIC Leaflet 544-1. Observation of the
specified braking performance level and maximum permitted spread of braking distances must be

3.1.4 - Service test

Satisfactory behaviour relating to:

- Development of brake block wear,

- Tendency to form metallic inclusions,

- Occurrence of surface and through cracks, detachments and crumbling,

- Frequency of occurrence of wheel damage,

- Aggressiveness towards the wheel treads, and,

- Checking of acoustically-relevant surface conditions of the wheels

must be tested in operations.

A detailed report of the service test must be produced.

3.1.5 - Certification

The certification must be conducted as per UIC Leaflet 541-00

Composite blocks certified against the rules applying as of the 3rd edition of this leaflet are listed in
Appendix M - page 98, which is published on the UIC website (

Composite blocks certified against the 1st or 2nd edition of this leaflet are listed in Appendix N -
page 99, which is published on the UIC website (

14 541-4
3.2 - Conditions for bench certification tests

O 3.2.1 - Test benches

The test benches used for the certification tests must be certified in accordance with the applicable
UIC rules and meet the provisions of B 126/RP18 and DT 408. The test procedures of the laboratories
conducting the tests must comply with ISO EN 17025 (see Bibliography - page 102).

O 3.2.2 - Test blocks

The brake blocks used for the tests must be those of original size which correspond to series
production. Each test programme must be performed with new blocks from the same delivery batch.

R 3.2.3 - Terms

Appendix O - page 100 defines the abbreviations and formulae used in the text and appendices.

O 3.3 - Conditions for line certification tests

3.3.1 - Test wagons/coaches

The wagons/coaches to be used for the braking performance and service tests must correspond to
the latest state of the art in terms of running and braking systems and, where relevant, comply with
the provisions of the K manufacturing guidelines or the LL application guidelines (see
Activities/Topics - Technology & Research - Products - Guidelines).

3.3.2 - Braking performance

Only products which have proved compliance with the braking weight to UIC Leaflet 544-1 may be
used for the operational test.

3.3.3 - Service tests

It must be demonstrated during the service tests that the composite brake block type corresponds with
the conditions of use indicated in the application for certification, that it causes no damage to wheels
or blocks, and that it does not impede operations.

For wagons, the test must be performed

- on at least five wagons per brake block configuration and braking regime (S/SS-braked)

- under various weather conditions, for 12 months without interruption,

- for a distance of at least 60 000 km in an individual vehicle.

If a brake block type has only passed the gradient simulation test (see point - page 6,
test programmes A1_a, page 21 and A2_a, page 30) with 40 kW of braking power, a service test
in trains running regularly on tracks with heavy slopes has to be performed with this type of

15 541-4
The following operations are to be performed:

Operation Start After 1/3 of test time After 2/3 of test time End

S1 all - all all

S2 all all all all

R1 all - 2 wagons all

R3 all all all all

R4 all all all all

R5 all - - 2 wagons

Definition of inspections and additional measures:

Operation Description

S1 Status of bedding in/block thickness measurement

S2 Inspection of block condition

R1 Profile measurement

R3 Visual inspection of the tread (thermal cracks, etc.)

R4 Inspection of wheel condition

R5 Measurement of out-of-roundness

Operation S1 is always accompanied by operation S2.

Status of bedding in: percentage of friction surface in contact with the tread.

Block thickness: three values to be determined, the thickness at each extremity and the thickness in
the centre. Thickness is measured at the edge of the block opposite the wheel flange.

Inspection of block condition (S2) and tread (R3) in accordance with the Damage Catalogue criteria.

Measurement of out-of-roundness (R5): the shape and amplitude are to be determined and, inter alia,
presented in the form of a graph.

For coaches, this test must be performed:

- on at least four vehicles, of which two may optionally be fitted with one bogie with cast-iron blocks
and one bogie with the blocks being tested,

- under variable atmospheric conditions over a 12-month period or more, without interruption, and

- over a distance of at least 120 000 km per vehicle.

16 541-4
The following operations are to be performed:

Operation Start 30 000 km 6 months End

S1 all - all all

S2 all all all all

R1 all - 2 coaches all

R3 all all all all

R4 all all all all

R5 all - - 2 coaches

Definition of inspections and additional measures:

Operation Description

S1 Status of bedding in/block thickness measurement

S2 Inspection of block condition

R1 Profile measurement

R3 Visual inspection of the tread (thermal cracks, etc.)

R4 Inspection of wheel condition

R5 Measurement of out-of-roundness

Operation S1 is always accompanied by operation S2.

Status of bedding in: percentage of friction surface in contact with the tread.

Block thickness: three values to be determined, the thickness at each extremity and the thickness at
the centre. Thickness is measured at the edge of the block opposite the wheel flange.

Inspection of block condition (S2) and tread (R3) in accordance with the Damage Catalogue criteria.

Measurement of out-of-roundness (R5): the shape and amplitude are to be determined and, inter alia,
presented in the form of a graph.

17 541-4
O 3.4 - Duration of certification validity

Composite blocks for tread brakes are in principle licensed for 10 years unless major changes in the
requirements of this leaflet raise doubts about their suitability earlier.

If a manufacturer wishes to renew the certification of a brake block, a corresponding application must
be submitted to the UIC at least one year before expiry of this period. The renewal procedure must
observe the provisions of UIC Leaflet 541-00.

The brake block must meet the requirements of the leaflet applicable at the time of application.

The following documents must be presented for certification renewal:

- The manufacturer's confirmation that the composition and manufacturing methods have not

- The user's confirmation that the block is fit for service,

- Repetition of bench tests as per programmes A.1, A.2 and/or A.3 or A.8 (demonstration of friction

- Performance of bench tests in accordance with all programmes which have been modified or
newly introduced since the last approval.

If a brake block is no longer able to meet the requirements of the currently valid edition of the leaflet,
it may continue to be used on vehicles on which it is already fitted until a replacement product is
available with which the vehicles can be retrofitted at an acceptable cost.

Otherwise, re-certification must be requested in the following cases:

- modified production methods or constituents of brake blocks,

- modified requirements.

The validity of the blocks certified under the conditions of this leaflet is given in Appendix M - page 98.

O 3.5 - Continued use

Vehicles which were in use before the date of effect of the currently valid edition of this leaflet and
which are fitted with composite blocks may still be used provided the composite brake blocks are listed
in Appendix N - page 99 and cannot be replaced by block types in Appendix M without modification of
the brake system.

In the case of changes to the brake systems of these vehicles, these must be converted to brake block
types of Appendix M.

18 541-4
O 4 - Quality control process

4.1 - Manufacturer's quality control

The manufacturer should have a quality control system equivalent to ISO-Norm 9001 (see
Bibliography - page 102).

Brake blocks may only be produced by manufacturers who are regarded as suitably qualified by the
customer according to a method the latter has determined.

4.2 - Securing and monitoring of production quality

The manufacturer must have a system to assess the type conformity in series tests during production.
In particular, the results of the type conformity tests as per point 2.5.1 - page 10 are to be used as a

The procedure for examining the manufacturing quality is to be approved by the customer.

19 541-4

Appendix A - Test Programmes A1 to A12

Test Programme A1: Composite brake blocks (K) - Demonstration of friction

Programme A1_a: Performance programme
Programme A1_b: Simulation "Braking assessment"
2 x Bg (2 x 320) or
2 x Bgu (4 x 250)
Test Programme A2: Composite brake blocks (LL) - Demonstration of friction
Programme A2_a: Performance programme
Programme A2_b: Simulation "Braking assessment"
2 x Bg (2 x 320) or
2 x Bgu (4 x 250)
Test Programme A3: Composite brake blocks (K) - Demonstration of friction
Programme A3_a: Performance programme
Programme A3_b: Simulation "Braking assessment"
1 x Bg (1 x 320)
Test Programme A4: Formation of metallic inclusions:
1 x Bg (1 x 320) or
2 x Bg (2 x 320) or
2 x Bgu (4 x 250)
Test Programme A5: Demonstration of winter braking properties

Test Programme A6: "Locked brake" simulation

2 x Bg (4 x 320)
Test Programme A7: Demonstration of compatibility with track circuits
1xBg (1x(320x80)))
Test Programme A8: Composite brake blocks (L) - Extra tread brake, coaches
1xBg (1x(320x80))
Test Programme A9: Composite brake blocks (L) - Extra tread brake, wagons
Test Programme A10: Composite brake blocks (K) for locomotives
Test Programme A11: Simulation of real usage conditions

Test Programme A12: Definition of static friction coefficients

1 x Bgu (2 x 250) or
2 x Bg (2 x 320) or
2 x Bgu (4 x 250)

20 541-4

A.1 - Test Programme A1 for composite brake blocks (K) - Demonstration

of friction properties for S and SS (S/SS)-braked wagons
(vmax = 120 km/h)

A.1.1 - Test Programme A1_a: Performance Programme

CBB material organic or sintered of design type K

Type of brake block per 2 x Bg (2 Blocks x 320 x 80  - 2  mm) or
 
2 x Bgu (4 Blocks x 250 x 80  - 2  mm) or
 
1 x Bgu (2 Blocks x 250 x 80  - 2  mm)

Wheel type Compliant with UIC Leaflet 510-5 (see Bibliography - page 102)
(wheel rim internal diameter 820 mm)

Wheel diameter 870  - 0  mm - The precise diameter must be given in the test report.
 

Mass per wheel 2.5 t 9.0 t 11.25 t

(axle load)

Brake application V FB 0 M
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] Nr.
1.1 to 1.X 100 24 20 - 100 9,0 1.X a Braking to a stop, dry, to bed in
see indications blocks to min. 85 % contact;
under provisions for running-in edges must support,
performance of test measure wheel roughness
1 3 5 100 38 50 - 60 9,0 Braking to a stop, dry after
2 4 6 120 38 50 - 60 9,0 6a cooling-down phase

Braking to a stop to condition the

7 to 26 100 7 20 - 100 2,5 26 a
27 39 100
28 40 30
29 41 120 7
30 42 60
31 43 100 Braking to a stop, dry, after cooling
32 44 30 5 50 - 60 2,5 down phase
33 45 120
34 46 60
35 47 100
36 48 30 9
37 49 120
38 50 60
51 70 - - 51 a Drag braking, dry, 10 kW for 15 min
directly following brake application
no. 50, without a pause for cooling,
to eliminate residual wheel stresses

21 541-4

Brake application V FB 0 M
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] Nr.
52 64 76 100
53 65 77 30 7
54 66 78 120
55 67 79 60
56 68 80 100
57 69 81 30 5 Braking to a stop, wet, after cooling
20 - 30 2,5
58 70 82 120 down phase
59 71 83 60
60 72 84 100
61 73 85 30 9
62 74 86 120
63 75 87 60
88 92 100
89 93 30 38 20 - 30 11,25 Braking to a stop, wet, after cooling
90 94 120 down phase
91 95 60
96 70 - 50 - 60 - Drag braking, dry, with a power of
10 kW for 15 min, to dry the blocks
96 directly after brake application
no. 95; without cooling down phase
97 109 100
98 110 30 24
99 111 120
100 112 60
101 113 100
102 114 30 9 Braking to a stop, dry, after cooling
50 - 60 11,25
103 115 120 down phase
104 116 60
105 117 100
106 118 30 38
107 119 120
108 120 60
121 100 110 - 120 b
122 30 38 110 - 120 11,25 Braking to a stop, dry, after cooling
123 120 110 - 120 down phase
124 60 110 - 120 124 a
125 100
Braking to a stop, dry, after cooling
126 30 24 50 - 60 11,25 down phase
127 120
Measurement of wheel roughness
128 60 128
129 70 - 20 - 60 11,25 Simulation of a downhill brake
applicationc with a power of 45 kW
for 34 min.

22 541-4

Brake application V FB 0 M
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] Nr.
130 70 38 - 11,25 130 Braking to a stop, dry, without
cooling down phase directly after
brake application no.129
131 to 140 120 24 50 - 60 11,25 Brake applications for reconditioning
141 145 100 11,25
142 146 30 Braking to a stop, dry, after cooling
38 50 - 60
143 147 120 11,25 down phase
144 148 60
149 70 - - 149 Drag brake application releasing
10 kW over 15 min, performed
immediately after brake application
n°148 without cooling-down phase
to reduce residual wheel stresses
Measure wheel roughness
Brake build-up time 4 s ± 0.2 s
a. This weighing, conducted during empty tests and under wet conditions, is optional.
b. If the temperature after brake application nos 120 and 122 is below 110 °C, brake applications nos 121 and 123 are to be conducted
straight away at this temperature.
c. Simulation of a downhill run is performed at constant power and speed.

23 541-4

A.1.2 - Additional programme, Programme A1_a for K blocks

Verification of block suitability for wagons braking downhill

Blocks Organic or sintered, type K

Block configuration 2 x Bg (2 blocks measuring 320 x 80  - 2  mm)
 
2 x Bgu (4 blocks measuring 250 x 80  - 2  mm)
 

Type of wheel Compliant with UIC Leaflet 510-5 (inner rim diameter 820 mm)

Wheel diameter 870  - 0  mm - Indicate precise diameter in documents
 

Mass per wheel 9 t and 11,25 t

Initial Braked
Initial Total FB Weighing
Brake temperature weight per
speed per wheel after Remarks
application no. 0 wheel
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] No
Tests to be conducted using a set of new blocks
1.1 - 1.X 100 24 20 - 100 9,0 Brake applications to a stop, dry, to
bed-in blocks to a contact pattern of
at least 85 %, the edges applied to
1.X the wheel must bear the load
1 3 5 100 38 50 - 60 9,0 Brake applications to a stop, dry, af-
2 4 6 120 38 50 - 60 9,0 ter a cooling-down phase
7 11 100
8 12 30
9 13 120
10 14 60 Brake applications to a stop, dry,
50 - 60 11,25
15 19 100 after a cooling-down phase
16 20 30
17 21 120
18 22 60
Simulation of a downhill brake appli-
23 70 - 50 - 60 11,25
cation a, 40 kW released over 30 min
Brake application to a stop, dry, im-
24 70 38 - 11,25 mediately at end of brake application
no. 23, without cooling-down phase
25 to 34 100 24 50 - 60 11,25 Reconditioning brake application
25 29 100 Brake application to a stop, dry, after
26 30 30 a cooling-down phase

27 31 120 38 50 - 60 11,25
28 32 60 32
a. Simulation of a downhill run is performed at constant power and speed.

24 541-4

A.1.3 - Conditions for performance of the Test Programme A1_a

Ventilation conditions

Test bench speed Cooling air speed

(km/h) (km/h)
v dry wet dry wet
During braking with  80 km/h v v v/2 10
> 80 km/h v v 40 10
Between brake stops 100 50 40 10

The cooling air speed must be adjusted while complying with the conditions of ERRI Report
B 126/DT 408 (see Bibliography - page 102).

Bedding in

The minimum number of bedding-in applications 1.X is

- 40 brake applications for organic blocks

- 80 brake applications for sintered blocks,

in order to condition the wheel appropriately.

The individual wear of the blocks is measured for information purposes. The wear to each individual
block and the overall wear is to be recorded in cm3/MJ.

Roughness index of wheel tread

The wheel roughness is measured after brake applications nos 1.X, 128 and 136 (Ra and RZ to be
measured in accordance with ISO 4287 (see Bibliography - page 102); the use of a replica made of
resin is permitted).

During the tests, interruptions of maximum 3 days are permitted only before tests Nos 1, 7, 27, 97,
125 and 131.

In the case of interruption before test No. 52, to maintain the wet conditions a brak application identical
to test No. 50 must be performed outside the programme.

After the brake applications, the temperature must always be reduced to the initial value again.

The braking to a stop (test No. 130) which immediately follows the drag braking must be performed
without a cooling-down phase, at the temperature reached at the end of this drag braking.

The drag brake applications (tests nos 51, 96, 149) must be performed without a cooling-down phase
at the temperature reached at the end of the braking to a stop.

25 541-4

For brake applications nos 1, 27, 97, 125 and 131, an initial temperature of 20 °C to 60 °C is permitted.

Wet conditions

The brake applications under wet conditions must be performed with a total water quantity of 14 litres
per wheel per hour.

In wet brake applications, application of water to the wheels in the cooling phases must not be
interrupted between tests nos 52 to 95.

After brake application No. 51 spraying begins only when the wheel temperature has reached 80 °C.

Accuracy of braking parameters

The accuracy required for the individual braking parameters is given in ERRI Report B 126/RP 18 (see
Bibliography - page 102).

Other conditions

The brake applications must be performed chronologically in the sequence given.

The number of bedding-in brake applications required to achieve a contact pattern of at least 85 % of
the block friction surface must be given in the test report.

Test wheels

Both wheels used in service and new wheels can be used.

Before fitting on the test bench, the wheel diameter must be brought to the value shown in the Test

26 541-4

A.1.4 - Test Programme A1_b: Simulation brake assessment

Blocks organic or sintered

Type of brake blocks per 2 x Bg (2 blocks measuring 320 x 80  - 2  mm)
 
2 x Bgu (4 Blocks measuring 250 x 80  - 2  mm)
 

Wheel type Compliant with UIC Leaflet 510-5 (wheel rim internal diameter 820 mm)

Wheel diameter 870  - 0  mm - The precise diameter must be given in the test report.
 

Mass per wheel 2,5 t 11,25 t

(Axle load) (5,0 t 22,50 t)

Brake application V FB 0 M Comments

No [km/h] [kN] [°C] [t]
1.1 to 1.X Drag braking for bedding in at 60 km/h, 20 kW
1 to 19 100 9 20 - 100 2,5 Braking to a stop to condition the blocks
20 to 24 100 9 50 - 60 2,5 Wagon S + SS
25 to 29 120 9 50 - 60 2,5 Braking to a stop, dry, after
30 to 34 100 9 50 - 60 2,5 cooling-down phase

35 to 39 100 9 20 - 30 2,5 S + SS wagon

40 to 44 120 9 20 - 30 2,5 Braking to a stop, wet,
45 to 49 100 9 20 - 30 2,5 after cooling-down phase a

Drag braking with 10 kW for 15 min to dry the

50 70 - -
51 to 55 100 24 50 - 60 11,25 S wagon
56 to 60 120 24 50 - 60 11,25 Braking to a stop, dry, after
61 to 65 100 24 50 - 60 11,25 cooling-down phase

66 to 70 100 38 50 - 60 11,25 SS wagon

Braking to a stop, dry,
71 to 75 120 38 50 - 60 11,25 after cooling-down phase
a. This test is performed for information.

27 541-4

A.1.5 - Conditions for performance of the test Programme A1_b

Rotation and ventilation conditions

Test bench speed Cooling air speed

(km/h) (km/h)
v dry wet dry wet
During braking at  80 km/h v v v/2 10
> 80 km/h v v 40 10
Between brake applications 100 50 40 10

The cooling air speed must be adjusted while complying with the conditions of ERRI Report B 126/
DT 408.

Bedding in

Bedding in takes place by drag braking at 20 KW at 60 Km/h (maximum temperature between 60 °C

and 250 °C) to at least 85% contact pattern.

Roughness index of wheel tread

The wheel roughness is measured before brake application 1.1 and after brake applications nos 1.X
and 75 (see recommended method from ERRI Report B 126/RP 18).


During the tests, interruptions of maximum 3 days are permitted only before brake applications nos 1,
20, 35, 51 and 66.

In the case of interruption before tests nos 1, 20, 35, 45 and 66, identical brake applications as before,
nos 1X, 19, 34, 50 and 65, must be repeated.


After the brake applications the temperature must always be reduced to the initial value again.

Wet conditions

The brake applications under wet conditions must be performed with a total water quantity of 14 litres
per wheel per hour.

After brake application No. 34 spraying begins only when the wheel temperature has reached 80 °C.

Accuracy of braking parameters

The accuracy required for the individual braking parameters is given in ERRI Report B 126/RP 18.

28 541-4

Test wheels

Both wheels used in service and new wheels can be used. Before fitting on the test bench, the wheel
diameter must be brought to the value shown in the test programme.

Other conditions

The brake applications must be performed chronologically in the sequence given.

Appearance, form, surface and position of any inclusions in the friction side of the block must be
recorded on each block test. The inclusions are left in place during the various observation phases. A
photo is to be taken on each dismantling.

On each change of friction material, the wheel is regenerated with a "cleaning block" so that the
condition of the tread at the start is always the same.

29 541-4

A.2 - Test Programme A2 for composite brake blocks (LL) -

Demonstration of friction properties for S- and SS (S/SS)-braked
wagon(vmax = 120 km/h)

A.2.1 - Test Programme A2_a: Performance Programme

Blocks organic or sintered

Block configuration +1
2 x Bg (2 blocks measuring 320 x 80  - 2  mm) or
 
2 x Bgu (4 blocks measuring 250 x 80  - 2  mm) or

1 x Bgu (2 blocks measuring 250 x 80  - 2  mm)
 

Wheel type Compliant with UIC Leaflet 510-5 (wheel rim internal diameter 820 mm)

Wheel diameter 870  - 0  mm - The precise diameter must be given in the test report.
 

Mass per wheel 2,5 t 9,0 t 11,25 t

Brake application V FB 0 M
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] No
1.1 to 1.X 100 60 20 - 100 9,0 Braking to a stop, dry, to bed in the
see indications brake blocks until 85% of the contact
under provisions for pattern is reached; the edges
performance of test applied to the wheel must bear the
1.X a load, measurement of wheel
1 3 5 100 100 50 - 60 9,0 Braking to a stop, dry,
2 4 6 120 100 50 - 60 9,0 6a after cooling-down phase
7 to 26 100 16 20 - 100 2,5 Braking to a stop to condition
26 a the blocks
27 39 100
28 40 30
29 41 120 16
30 42 60
31 43 100 Braking to a stop, dry
32 44 30 12 50 - 60 2,5 after cooling-down phase
33 45 120
34 46 60
35 47 100
36 48 30 20
37 49 120
38 50 60

30 541-4

Brake application V FB 0 M
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] No
51 70 - 50 - 60 - 51 a Drag braking, dry, at 10KW for
15 min immediately after brake
application No. 50, without a
cooling-down phase, to reduce
residual stress on the wheel
52 64 76 100
53 65 77 30 16
54 66 78 120
55 67 79 60
56 68 80 100 20 - 30 2,5
57 69 81 30 12 Braking to a stop, wet
58 70 82 120 after cooling-down phase
59 71 83 60
60 72 84 100
61 73 85 30 20
62 74 86 120
63 75 87 60
88 92 100
89 93 30 100 20 - 30 11,25 Braking to a stop, wet
90 94 120 after cooling-down phase
91 95 60
96 70 - - - Drag braking, dry, at 10 kW for
96 15 min to dry the brake blocks,
immediately after brake application
No. 95, without a cooling-down
97 109 100
98 110 30 60
99 111 120
100 112 60
101 113 100
102 114 30 20 50 - 60 11,25 Braking to a stop, dry
103 115 120 after cooling-down phase
104 116 60
105 117 100
106 118 30 100
107 119 120
108 120 60
121 100 110 - 120 b
122 30 100 110 - 120 11,25 Braking to a stop, dry
123 120 110 - 120 after cooling-down phase
124 60 110 - 120 124 a
125 100 Braking to a stop, dry
126 30 60 50 - 60 11,25 after cooling-down phase

127 120
128 60 128 Measure wheel roughness

31 541-4

Brake application V FB 0 M
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] No
129 70 - 20 - 60 - Simulation of a downhill brake
applicationc, 45 kW released over
34 min
130 70 100 - 11,25 Braking to a stop, dry, without
cooling-down phase, conducted
130 immediately after brake application
No. 129
131 to 140 100 60 50 - 60 11,25 Reconditioning brake application
141 145 100 11,25
142 146 30 100 50 - 60 Brake applications to a stop, dry,
143 147 120 11,25 after cooling-down phase
144 148 60
149 70 - - - Drag brake application releasing
149 10 kW over 15 min conducted
immediately after brake application
No. 148, without cooling-down
phase to reduce residual wheel
Measure wheel roughness
Brake build-up time 4 s ± 0.2 s
a. This weighing, which is performed in empty tests and under wet conditions, is optional.
b. If the temperature after brake stops Nos 120 and 122 is less than 110°C, brake applicatins nos 121 and 123 are performed at this
achieved temperature.
c. Simulation of a downhill run is performed at constant power and speed.

32 541-4

A.2.2 - Additional programme, Programme A2_a for LL blocks

Blocks Organic or sintered, type LL

Block configuration 2 x Bg (2 blocks measuring 320 x 80  - 2  mm)
 
2 x Bgu (4 blocks measuring 50 x 80  - 2  mm)
 

Type of wheel Compliant withUIC Leaflet 510-5 (inner rim diameter 820 mm)

Type of wheel 870  - 0  mm . Indicate the precise diameter in documents
 

Mass per wheel 9t and 11,25 t

Verification of block suitability for wagons braking downhill

Total FB Initial Braked

Initial temperature Weighing
Brake per wheel weight per
speed after Comments
application No. LL 0 wheel
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] No.
1.1-1.X 100 60 20 - 100 9,0 Brake applications to a stop, dry, to
bed in blocks to a contact pattern of
at least 85 %; the edges applied to
1.X the wheel must bear the load
1 3 5 100 60 50 - 60 9,0 Brake applications to a stop, dry,
2 4 6 120 60 50 - 60 9,0 without a cooling-down phase
7 11 100
8 12 30
9 13 120
10 14 60 Brake applications to a stop, dry,
50 - 60 11,25
15 19 100 without a cooling-down phase
16 20 30
17 21 120
18 22 60
Simulation of a downhill brake appli-
23 70 - 50 - 60 11,25
cationa, 40 kW released over 30 min
11,25 Braking to a stop, dry, immediately
24 70 100 - at end of brake application No. 23,
without cooling-down phase
25 to 34 100 60 50 - 60 11,25 Reconditioning brake applications
25 29 100
26 30 30 Brake applications to a stop, dry,
100 50 - 60 11,25
27 31 120 without a cooling-down phase
28 32 30 32
a. Simulation of a downhill run is performed at constant power and speed.

33 541-4

A.2.3 - Conditions for performance of the Test Programme A2_a

Rotation and ventilation conditions

Test bench speed Cooling air speed

(km/h) (km/h)
v dry wet dry wet
During braking at  80 km/h v v v/2 10
> 80 km/h v v 40 10
Between brake applications 100 50 40 10

The cooling air speed must be adjusted while complying with the conditions of ERRI Report
B 126/DT 408.

Bedding in

The minimum number of bedding-in applications 1.X is

- 40 brake applications for organic blocks

- 80 brake applications for sintered blocks,

in order to condition the wheel appropriately.


The individual wear of the blocks is measured for information purposes. The wear to each individual
block and the overall wear are to be recorded in cm3/MJ.

Roughness index of wheel tread

The wheel roughness is measured after brake applications nos 1.X, 128 and 136, (Ra and RZ
measured as per ISO 4287, the use of a replica made of resin is permitted).


During the tests, interruptions of maximum 3 days are permitted only before brake stops Nos 1, 7, 27,
96, 97, 125 and 131.

In the case of an interruption before test No. 52, to maintain wet conditions a brake application
identical to test No. 50 must be performed outside the programme.

Conditions at the end of brake applications

When placed under load and at high contact forces at low speeds, certain materials produce a
"rattling" that can damage the test bench. For this reason, when conducting brake applications with
these materials at a maximum force of 100 kN it is permitted to release the brakes before the end of
the brake application. In this instance, the speed at which the brake is released must be indicated in
the test report.

34 541-4


After the brake applications the temperature must always be reduced to the initial value again.

The brake application to a stop No. 130, immediately after the drag braking, is performed without a
cooling-down phase at the temperature reached at the end of the drag braking.

The drag brake applications (tests nos 51, 96, 149) must be performed without a cooling-down phase
at the temperature reached at the end of the braking to a stop.

For brake applications nos 1, 27, 97, 125, 129 and 131, initial temperatures of 20 to 60 °C are

Wet conditions

The brake applications under wet conditions must be performed with a total water quantity of 14 litres
per wheel per hour. In wet brake applications, application of water to the wheel in the cooling phases
must not be interrupted between tests nos 52 and 95. After brake application No. 51 spraying begins
only when the wheel temperature has reached 80 °C.

Accuracy of braking parameters

The accuracy required for the individual braking parameters is given in ERRI Report B 126/RP 18.

Other conditions

The brake applications must be performed chronologically in the sequence given.

The number of bedding-in brake applications required to achieve a contact pattern of at least 85% of
the block friction surface must be given in the test report.

Test wheels

Both wheels used in service and new wheels can be used.

Before fitting on the test bench, the wheel diameter must be brought to the value shown in the test

35 541-4

A.2.4 - Test Programmes A2_b - Simulation brake assessment

Blocks organic or sintered

Block configuration 2 x Bg (2 Blocks x 320 x 80  - 2  mm) or
 
2 x Bgu (4 Blocks x 250 x 80  - 2  mm)
 

Wheel type Conforms to UIC Leaflet 510-5 (wheel rim internal diameter 820 mm)

Wheel diameter 870  - 0  mm - The precise diameter must be given in the test report
 

Mass per wheel 2,5 t 11,25 t

(Wheelset load) (5,0 t 22,50 t)

V FB 0 M
Braking No. Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t]
1.1 to 1.X Drag braking for bedding in at 60 Km/h, 20 KW
1 to 19 100 16 20 - 100 2,5 Braking to a stop to condition the blocks
20 to 24 100 16 50 - 60 2,5 Wagon S + SS
25 to 29 120 16 50 - 60 2,5 Braking to a stop, dry, after
30 to 34 100 16 50 - 60 2,5 cooling-down phase

35 to 39 100 16 20 - 30 2,5 S + SS wagon

40 to 44 120 16 20 - 30 2,5 Braking to a stop, wet,
45 to 49 100 16 20 - 30 2,5 after cooling-down phase a

50 70 - - Drag braking with 10 kW for 15 min to dry the

51 to 55 100 60 50 - 60 11,25 S Wagon
56 to 60 120 60 50 - 60 11,25 Braking to a stop, dry, after
61 to 65 100 60 50 - 60 11,25 cooling-down phase

66 to 70 100 100 50 - 60 11,25 SS Wagon

71 to 75 120 100 50 - 60 11,25 Braking to a stop, dry,
after cooling-down phase
a. This test is performed for information.

36 541-4

A.2.5 - Conditions for performance of the Test Programme A2_b

Rotation and ventilation conditions

Test bench speed Cooling air speed

(km/h) (km/h)
v dry wet dry wet
During braking at  80 km/h v v v/2 10
> 80 km/h v v 40 10
Between brake applications 100 50 40 10

The cooling air speed must be adjusted while complying with the conditions of ERRI Report
B 126/ DT 408.

Bedding in

Bedding in is performed by drag braking at 20 KW at 60 km/h (maximum temperature between 60 °C

and 250 °C) to at least 85% of the contact pattern.

Roughness index of wheel tread

The roughness is measured before brake application 1 .1 and after brake applications nos 1.X and 75
(see recommended method from ERRI Report B 126/RP 18).


During the tests, interruptions of 3 days maximum are permitted only before brake applications nos 1,
20, 35, 51 and 66. In case of an interruption before tests nos 1, 20, 35, 51 and 66, identical brake
applications to those before, nos 1.X, 19, 34, 50 and 65, must be repeated.

Conditions at the end of brake applications

When placed under load and at high contact forces at low speeds, certain materials produce a
"rattling" that can damage the test bench. For this reason, when conducting brake applications with
these materials at a maximum force of 100 kN it is permitted to release the brakes before the end of
the brake application. In this instance, the speed at which the brake is released must be indicated in
the test report.


After the brake applications the temperature must always be reduced to the initial value again.

Wet conditions

The brake applications under wet conditions must be performed with a total water quantity of 14 litres
per wheel per hour. After brake application No. 34 spraying begins only when the wheel temperature
has reached 80 °C.

37 541-4

Accuracy of braking parameters

The accuracy required for the individual braking parameters is given in ERRI report B 126/RP 18.

Test wheels

Both wheels used in service and new wheels can be used. Before fitting on the test bench, the wheel
diameter must be brought to the value shown in the test programme.

Other conditions

The brake applications must be performed chronologically in the sequence given.

Appearance, form, surface and position of any inclusions in the friction side of the block must be
recorded during each block test. The inclusions are left in place during the various observation phases.
A photo is to be taken on each dismantling.

On each change of friction material, the wheel is regenerated with a "cleaning block" so that the
condition of the tread at the start is always the same.

38 541-4

A.3 - Test Programme A3 for composite brake blocks ( K ) -

Demonstration of friction properties for S-and SS (S/SS)-braked
wagons (vmax = 120 km/h)

A.3.1 - Test Programme A3_a - Performance Programme

Blocks organic or sintered

Block configuration 1 x Bg (1 block x (320 x 80  - 2  mm))
 

Wheel type Compliant with UIC Leaflet 510-5 (wheel rim internal diameter..... mm)

Wheel diameter 790  - 0  mm - The precise diameter must be given in the test report

Mass per wheel 2,5 t 5,8 t 9,00 t

(Wheelset load) (5,0 t 11,6 t 18,00 t)

Brake application V FB 0 M
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] Nr.
1.1 to 1.X 100 20 20 - 100 5,8 Braking to a stop, dry, to bed in the
block to min. 85 % contact pattern;
the edges applied to the wheel must
1.X a bear the load
1 to 20 100 8 20 - 100 2,5 Braking to a stop to
20 a condition the block

21 36 100
22 37 30
23 38 120 8
24 39 60
25 40 140
26 41 100
27 42 30 Braking to a stop
28 43 120 5 50-60 2,5 dry,
29 44 60 after cooling-down phase

30 45 140
31 46 100
32 47 30
33 48 120 12
34 49 60
35 50 140
51 70 - 50 - 60 - 51 a Drag braking, dry, 10 kW for 15 min
to eliminate wheel stresses

39 541-4

Brake application V FB 0 M
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] Nr.
52 67 82 100
53 68 83 30
54 69 84 120 8
55 70 85 60
56 71 86 140
57 72 87 100
58 73 88 30 Braking to a stop
59 74 89 120 5 20 - 30 2,5 wet,
60 75 90 60 after cooling-down phase

61 76 91 140
62 77 92 100
63 78 93 30
64 79 94 120 12
65 80 95 60
66 81 96 140
97 101 100
98 102 30 30 20 - 30 9 Braking to a stop
99 103 120 after cooling-down phase
100 104 60
105 70 50 - 60 - Drag braking, dry, with a power of
105 10 kW for 15 min., to dry the blocks
106 118 100
107 119 30 20
108 120 120
109 121 60
110 122 100
111 123 30 8 50 - 60 9 - Braking to a stop
112 124 120 after cooling-down phase
113 125 60
114 126 100
115 127 30 30
116 128 120
117 129 60
130 100 110 - 120 b
131 30 30 110 - 120 9 Braking to a stop
132 120 110 - 120 after cooling-down phase
133 60 110 - 120 133 a
134 100
135 30 20 50 - 60 9 Braking to a stop
136 120 after cooling-down phase
137 60 137
138 70 - 50-60 9 Simulation of a downhill brake
applicationc, 36 kW released over
34 min.

40 541-4

Brake application V FB 0 M
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] Nr.
139 70 30 - 9 Brake application to a stop, dry,
139 without cooling-down phase,
conducted immediately after brake
application No. 138
140 to 149 100 30 20 - 60 11.25 Reconditioning brake applications
150 154 100
151 155 30 Brake applications to a stop, dry,
30 50 - 60 9
152 156 120 following cooling-down phase
153 157 60
Drag brake application releasing
10 kW over 15 min, conducted
immediately after brake application
158 70 - 50 - 60 - 158 No. 157, without cooling-down
phase, to reduce residual wheel
Measure wheel roughness
Brake development time 4 s  0,2 s.
a. This weighing, which is performed in empty tests and under wet conditions, is optional.
b. If the temperature after brake applications nos 129 and 131 is less than 110°C, brake applications Nos 130 and 132 are performed at this
achieved temperature.
c. Simulation of a downhill run is performed at constant power and speed.

A.3.2 - Conditions for the performance of test Programme A3_a

Ventilation conditions
Test bench speed Cooling air speed
(km/h) (km/h)
v dry wet dry wet
During braking  80 km/h v v v/2 10
> 80 km/h v v 40 10
Between brake applications 100 50 40 10

The cooling air speed must be adjusted while complying with the conditions of ERRI Report
B 126/DT 408.


The individual wear of the blocks must be determined as follows:

- by optional measurements after brake applications nos 1.X, 20, 51 and 133,

- by compulsory measurements after brake applications nos 105, 137, 140 and 144.

41 541-4

Roughness index of wheel tread

The wheel roughness is measured after brake applications nos 1 .X, 129 and 145 (see recommended
method from ERRI Report B 126/RP 18).


During the tests, interruptions of 3 days maximum are permitted before Tests nos 1, 21, 51, 106, 134
and 141 only.

In the case of an interruption before test No. 51, an extra identical brake application No. 50 must be
performed outside the programme to observe the conditions for application of water.


After the brake applications the temperature must always be reduced to the initial value again.

The brake application to a stop (test No. 139) that immediately follows drag braking is performed
without a cooling-down phase at the temperature achieved at the end of drag braking.

The drag brake application (test No. 140) that immediately follows the braking to a stop, which in turn
follows drag braking, is performed without a cooling-down phase at the temperature achieved at the
end of the braking to a stop.

For brake applications nos 21, 106, 134 and 141, an initial temperature between 20 °C and 60 °C is

Wet conditions

The brake applications under wet conditions must be performed with a total water quantity of 12 litres
per wheel per hour. In wet brake applications, the application of water to the wheels in the cooling
phases must not be interrupted between tests nos 52 to 104.

After brake application No. 51 spraying begins only when the wheel temperature has reached 80 °C.

Accuracy of braking parameters

The accuracy required for the individual braking parameters is given in the ERRI report B 126/RP 18.

Other conditions

- The brake applications must be performed chronologically in the sequence given.

- The number of bedding-in brake applications required to reach a contact pattern of at least 85 %
must be given in the test report.

Test wheels

Both wheels used in service and new wheels can be used.

Before fitting on the test bench, the wheel diameter must be brought to the value shown in the Test

42 541-4

A.3.3 - Test Programme A3_b - Simulation brake assessment 1 x Bg


43 541-4

A.4 - Test Programme A4 - Formation of metallic inclusions

A.4.1 - Test Programme A4 - Formation of metallic inclusions

Blocks organic or sintered

Block configuration 1 x Bg (1 Block x (320 x 80  - 2  mm)) or
 
2 x Bg (2 Blocks x (320 x 80  - 2  mm)) or
 
2 x Bgu (4 Blocks x (250 x 80  - 2  mm))
 

Wheel type Compliant with UIC Leaflet 510-5

(wheel rim internal diameter 820 mm for wheel -  870)

Wheel diameter 790 or 870 mm (semi-worn)

Mass per wheel 2,5 t 9,0 t or 11,25 t

(axle load) (5,0 t 18,0 t or 22,50 t)

V 0
Brake application No. 2 Bgu 2 Bgu 1 Bg Comments
[km/h] 2 Bg 2 Bg [°C]
(K) (LL) (K)
R1 to Rx 100 25 25 25 20 - 100 X brake stops to a stop, dry, with
9 t/wheel to bed in the block to min.
85% contact pattern
Rx + 1 to Rx + 10 100 7 16 8 20 - 100 10 brake applications to a stop to
condition the block with 2,5 t/wheel
1 7 13 19 100 7 16 8 20 - 30
2 8 14 20 30 " " " Brake applications to a stop,
3 9 15 21 60 " " " wet,
4 10 16 22 100 5 12 5 after cooling-down phase

5 11 17 23 30 " " "

6 12 18 24 60 " " " Test block(s)
25 27 29 60 5 12 5 50 - 60 Brake applications to a stop, dry
26 28 30 100 after cooling-down phase
Test block(s)
31 to 40 60 5 12 5 20 - 30 Brake applications to a stop,
41 to 50 100 " " " wet,
51 to 60 60 7 16 8 after cooling-down phase

61 to 70 100 " " " Test block(s)

71 73 75 30 7 16 8 50 - 60 Brake applications to a stop, dry,
72 74 76 60 after cooling-down phase
Inspect block(s)

44 541-4

V 0
Brake application No. 2 Bgu 2 Bgu 1 Bg Comments
[km/h] 2 Bg 2 Bg [°C]
(K) (LL) (K)
77 70 - - - 20 - 30 Drag braking, wet, with a braking
power of 15 kW for 10 min
78 70 5 12 5 - Brake applications to a stop, dry,
immediately after drag braking,
without cooling-down phase

Test block(s)
79 70 - - - 20 - 30 Drag braking, wet, with a braking
power of 15 kW for 20 min
80 70 5 12 5 - Brake applications to a stop, dry,
immediately after drag braking,
without cooling-down phase
Test block(s)
11,25 t 11,25 t 9t Perform extra test laden only if after
wheel wheel wheel brake application No. 80 the total
area of metallic inclusions exceeds
1% of the total area of the brake
81 85 89 100 38 100 30 50 - 60 Braking to a stop
82 86 90 30 dry,
83 87 91 120 after cooling-down phase

84 88 92 60 Test block(s)
Braking time: 4 s  0,2 s.

45 541-4

A.4.2 - Conditions for the performance of test Programme A4

Test bench speed Cooling air speed

(km/h) (km/h)
v dry wet dry wet
During braking  80 km/h v v v/2 10
> 80 km/h v v 40 10
Between brake applications 100 50 40 10

The cooling air speed must be adjusted while complying with the conditions of ERRI Report
B 126/ DT 408.


During the tests, interruptions of 3 days maximum are permitted only before nos 1, 25, 31, 71, 77, 79
and 81.


The initial temperature must be achieved during the brake applications by lowering the temperature.

An initial temperature of 20 °C to 60 °C is permitted for brake applications nos 25, 71 and 81.

Wet conditions

The brake applications under wet conditions are performed with a water quantity of 12 litres (wheel
diameter 790 mm) or 14 litres (wheel diameter 870 mm) per wheel per hour.

In wet brake applications, application of water to the wheel in the cooling phases must not be
interrupted between tests nos 1 to 24 and 31 to 70, nor during the entire drag braking time.

After brake applications nos RX+1 0, 30, 76 and 78, spraying begins again only when the wheel
temperature has reached 80 °C.

Other conditions

The brake applications are performed chronologically in the sequence given.

On each test of the block, the appearance of the block friction surface, the form, surface composition
and position of any inclusions are recorded. The inclusions are left in place during the various
observation phases. A photo is to be taken before removal.

46 541-4

A.5 - Test Programme A5 - Demonstration of winter braking properties

A.5.1 - Principles

As a general principle, the applicant (usually the block manufacturer) has three options for winter tes-
ting its block:

- Performing test runs. The conditions for this are given in Appendix G - page 80 to the present
leaflet. GC and VR are at present the only railways with experience in performing these tests.

- Performing the tests on the air-conditioned Becorit test bench in Recklinghausen.

- Performing the tests in the RTA Vienna Arsenal air-conditioned chamber (reserved).

All three options are of equal technical validity and are to be considered as entirely independent of one
another, i.e. for the purposes of its approval, a product's failure of the bench tests cannot be cancelled
out by it passing the test runs and vice versa. The verification of the current testing parameters in the
RTA Vienna Arsenal air-conditioned chamber has not been completed yet, for this reason the pro-
cedure is still under reservation here.

Procedure governing point 1:

The block manufacturer may directly contact a suitable (UIC) railway for the performance of these
tests. A qualified test report meeting the requirements of UIC Leaflets 541-4, Appendix G is to be
produced for later use in support of the product's UIC approval. UIC maintains a list of railways able
to conduct such tests.

Procedure governing point 2:

In order to preserve independence, Becorit will act as UIC's sub-contractor in executing these tests.
The block manufacturer is therefore to contact UIC for commissioning the tests.

As a general rule, the order of tests is determined by the time at which the approval request is submit-
ted. In exceptional and justified cases (e.g. when the winter tests are the last remaining test for a
block's approval), UIC may decide to prioritise a test and bring forward the date on which a block is

To determine the cost and date of testing, Becorit submits a quote to UIC, indicating delivery times
and distinguishing between the cost of fitting the blocks and the cost for the execution of tests. This
ensures that all manufacturers are treated equally in terms of the costs and dates of their tests. It also
enables fitting costs (including the costs of reference tests A and B) to be divided amongst more than
one party by performing tests at the same time. The quote is to be valid for at least one year.

The manufacturer wishing to obtain winter approval for its product then sends its (clearly marked) pro-
ducts to UIC. UIC renders the products anonymous, issuing them with a clear, non-removable, neutral
marking, and transfers the products on to Becorit. UIC also provides the reference products required
for the defined test runs.

In addition, UIC (an employee of a UIC-approved test bench or the selected expert assessor for the
block) oversees the performance of tests at Becorit and monitors the principle input values. Report
B126/RP37 will contain a description of the boundary conditions and procedure for winter testing,
meaning that the test monitor is able to check that the tests are correctly performed. A single random
sample test on each block being tested is sufficient.

47 541-4

When testing is complete, Becorit sends all the products back to UIC (including, for example, any large
detached instances of shelling). UIC then stocks/archives the tested items. The test results are also
to be sent to UIC, which summarises the results in a full report. This report also contains information
on the random testing. This report then serves as a basis for a block's UIC approval. Should the expert
assessor have conducted the verification him- or herself, corresponding remarks as to the correctness
of the performance of the tests are to be included in the expert assessment.

Becorit is to observe the same procedure for the official approval of its own products.

Procedure governing point 3:


48 541-4

A.5.2 - Test Programme A5 - Demonstration of the winter properties on the Becorit

air-conditioned test bench

A.5.2.1 - Test Programme A5_a - Demonstration of the winter properties of K blocks

Blocks organic or sintered

Block configuration 2 x Bgu (4 x (250 x 80 mm))

Wheel type Compliant with UIC Leaflet 510-5

(inner rim diameter 820 mm where wheel - Ø 870)

Wheel diameter 865 mm

Mass per wheel 2,5 t; 7,5 t

(axle load) (5,0 t; 15,0 t)

V FB T m
Brake application No. Comments
[km/h] [kN/wheel] [°C] [t/wheel]
R1 to Rx 100 12 20 - 100 7,5 X brake applications to a stop, dry,
to bed in the blocks until a contact
pattern of 100% is reached
Rx+1 to Rx+20 100 12 20 - 100 2,5 20 brake applications to a stop
1 to 5 100 9 -5 to 60 2,5 Conditioning
6 8 10 12 14 100 9 50 - 60 2,5
Dry brake applications, warm
7 9 11 13 15 120 9 50 - 60 2,5
16 18 20 22 24 100 9 -3 to -5 2,5 Dry brake applications, cold
17 19 21 23 25 120 9 -3 to -5 2,5 (reference brake applications)
Test snow machine and snow
26 to 28 120 9 -5 to 90 2,5 Conditioning
a29 a33 a37 a42 a46 20 - to -3 - Cooling, dry
b29 b33 b37 b42 b46 100 - - - Cooling, dry, over 240 seconds
Cooling with artificial snow over
c29 c33 c37 c42 c46 100 - - -
340 seconds
29 33 37 42 46 100 9 - 2,5 Braking with artificial snow
30 34 38 43 47 120 9 -5 to 90 2,5 Conditioning, dry
a31 a35 a39 a44 a48 20 - to -3 - Cooling, dry
b31 b35 b39 b44 b48 120 - - - Cooling, dry, over 240 seconds
Cooling with artificial snow over
c31 c35 c39 c44 c48 120 - - -
900 seconds
31 35 39 44 48 120 9 - 2,5 Braking with artificial snow
32 36 40 45 49 120 9 -5 to 90 2,5 Conditioning, dry
41 120 9 -5 to 90 2,5 Conditioning, dry
Brake build-up time: 8 s  0.2 s.

49 541-4

A.5.2.2 - Conditions for the performance of Test Programme A5_a

Test bench speed Constant speed

(km/h) of the cooling air (km/h)
dry with snow dry with snow
During brake applications v v 25 25
Between brake applications v v 25 25

The cooling air speed is to be adjusted in accordance with the requirements of Appendix J - page 92.


Interruptions of a maximum of 3 days are permitted before brake applications nos Rx+1, 1, 16 and 26.

If interruptions occur between brake applications nos a29 to 49 (e.g. due to equipment problems as a
result of iced-over snow nozzles), the programme is to be pursued by repeating the last conditioning
brake application and the subsequent cooling operations. These interruptions are to be recorded in
the test report.


The test chamber temperature shall be -7 °C (permitted standard deviation ± 2 K).

A temperature of -7 °C must be reached in the test chamber at least 12 hours before the start of the
programme (brake application No. 1).

The preparation of the iced water (snow machine) must be activated at least 12 hours before the start
of the programme.

Snow conditions

Snow quality: dry (no running water when pressed in the hand).

During the cooling periods with artificial snow and the subsequent brake applications with artificial
snow, the artificial snow may not be interrupted.

Other conditions

The brake applications are to be performed chronologically, in the order indicated.

5 valid brake applications under snow (at 100 and 120 km/h) are required.

Following bedding in and after completion of the test programme, photographs are to be taken of the
blocks' contact surfaces.

Irregularities during testing on blocks and wheel contact surfaces are to be noted and documented.

50 541-4


The average value from braking distance s1 for brake applications 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 represents
the reference value (100%) for 100 km/h.

The average value from braking distance s1 for brake applications 17, 19, 21, 23 and 25 represents
the reference value (100%) for 120 km/h.

For each brake application under snow, the deviation between s1 and the relevant reference value is
calculated as a percentage. Further, the average value for brake applications from 100 km/h and/or
120 km/h under snow is calculated as a deviation (as a percentage) from the relevant reference value.

The permitted deviation of the average value over a test programme (100 km/h) is ± 15%.

The permitted deviation of the average value over three test programmes (100 km/h) is ± 10%.

The permitted deviation of the average value over a test programme (120 km/h) is ± 15%.

The permitted deviation of the average value over three test programmes (120 km/h) is ± 10%.

51 541-4

A.5.2.3 - Test Programme A5_b - Demonstration of the winter properties of LL blocks

Blocks organic or sintered

Block configuration 2 x Bgu (4 x (250 x 80 mm))

Wheel type Compliant with UIC Leaflet 510-5

(Inner rim diameter 820 mm where wheel - Ø 870)

Wheel diameter: 865 mm

Mass per wheel 2,63 t; 7,5 t

(axle load) (5,26 t; 15,0 t)

V FB T m
Brake application No. Remarks
[km/h] [kN/wheel] [°C] [t/wheel]
R1 to Rx 100 30 20 - 100 7,5 X brake applications to a stop, dry,
to bed-in the blocks to a contact pat-
tern of 100 %
Rx+1 to Rx+20 100 30 20 - 100 2,63 20 brake applications to a stop
1 to 5 100 16 -5 to 60 2,63 Conditioning
6 8 10 12 14 100 16 50 - 60 2,63
Dry brake applications, warm
7 9 11 13 15 120 16 50 - 60 2,63
16 18 20 22 24 100 16 -3 to -5 2,63 Dry brake applications, cold
17 19 21 23 25 120 16 -3 to -5 2,63 (reference brake applications)
Test snow machine and snow
26 to 28 120 16 -5 to 90 2,63 Conditioning
a29 a33 a37 a42 a46 20 - to -3 - Cooling, dry
b29 b33 b37 b42 b46 100 - - - Cooling, dry over 240 seconds
Cooling under artificial snow over
c29 c33 c37 c42 c46 100 - - -
340 seconds
Brake applications under artificial
29 33 37 42 46 100 16 - 2,63
30 34 38 43 47 120 16 -5 to 90 2,63 Conditioning, dry
a31 a35 a39 a44 a48 20 - to -3 - Cooling, dry
b31 b35 b39 b44 b48 120 - - - Cooling, dry over 240 seconds
Cooling under artificial snow over
c31 c35 c39 c44 c48 120 - - -
900 seconds
Brake applications under artificial
31 35 39 44 48 120 16 - 2,63
32 36 40 45 49 120 16 -5 to 90 2,63 Conditioning, dry
41 120 16 -5 to 90 2,63 Conditioning, dry
Brake build-up time: 8 s  0.2 s.

52 541-4

A.5.2.4 - Conditions for the execution of Test Programme A5_b

Test bench speed Constant speed

(km/h) of the cooling air (km/h)
dry with snow dry with snow
During brake application v v 25 25
Between brake applications v v 25 25

The cooling air speed is to be adjusted in accordance with the requirements of Appendix J - page 92


Interruptions of a maximum of 3 days are permitted before brake applications nos Rx+1, 1, 16 and 26.

If interruptions occur between brake applications nos a29 to 49 (e.g. due to equipment problems as a
result of iced-over snow nozzles), the programme is to be pursued by repeating the last conditioning
brake application and the subsequent cooling operations. These interruptions are to be recorded in
the test report.


The test chamber temperature shall be -7 °C (permitted standard deviation ± 2 K).

A temperature of -7 °C must be reached in the test chamber at least 12 hours before the start of the
programme (brake application No. 1).

The preparation of the iced water (snow machine) must be activated at least 12 hours before the start
of the programme.

Snow conditions

Snow quality: dry (no running water when pressed in the hand)

During the cooling periods with artificial snow and the subsequent brake applications with artificial
snow, the artificial snow may not be interrupted.

Other conditions

The brake applications are to be performed chronologically, in the order indicated.

5 valid brake applications under snow (at 100 and 120 km/h) are required.

Following bedding in and after completion of the test programme, photographs are to be taken of the
blocks' contact surfaces.

Irregularities during testing on blocks and wheel contact surfaces are to be noted and documented.

53 541-4


The average value from braking distance s1 for brake applications 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 represents
the reference value (100 %) for 100 km/h.

The average value from braking distance s1 for brake applications 17, 19, 21, 23 and 25 represents
the reference value (100 %) for 120 km/h.

For each brake application under snow, the deviation between s1 and the relevant reference value is
calculated as a percentage. Moreover, the average value for brake applications from 100 km/h and/or
120 km/h under snow is calculated as a deviation (as a percentage) from the relevant reference value.

The permitted deviation of the average value over a test programme (100 km/h) is ± 15%.

The permitted deviation of the average value over three test programmes (100 km/h) is ± 10%.

The permitted deviation of the average value over a test programme (120 km/h) is ± 15%.

The permitted deviation of the average value over three test programmes (120 km/h) is ± 10%.

54 541-4

A.5.3 - Flow chart for the performance of Test Programme A5

UIC – winter tests

K blocks

Reference B Quality A Quality B

Reference A (good) Test 2nd set Test 2nd set

Cool test chamber to Prepare iced water, cool for at

-7°C for at least 12 hours least 12 hours

Bed in pads to 100% contact

pattern, photograph pads
after bedding in

Dry brake applications

against Program No. A5

Test operation of Feed water

snow machine and to nozzle
snow quality not OK
not OK


Brake applications Feed air to

under snow from snow
100 and 120 km/h nozzle
OK not OK
as per Prog. No. A5

End of test, inspect

items, blocks and wheel
tread, photograph

55 541-4

A.5.4 - Detailed flow chart for the performance of Test Programme A5 (K blocks)

(page 1 of 3)

UIC winter test program Dry brake applications, warm

for brake blocks

Cool at 100 km/h to 60°C

Fit brake blocks (2*Bgu)

Brake application from 100 km/h,
Fbm=9kN, 2,5 t, T=55°C

Bed in brake blocks Cool at 100 km/h to 60°C Repeat x 5

Accelerate to 120 km/h

Remove brake blocks

Brake application from 120 km/h,

Fbm=9kN, 2,5 t, T=55°C

contact Dry brake application, cold

Cool at 20 km/h to - 3°C


Photograph brake blocks Accelerate to 100 km/h

Brake application from 100 km/h,

Fit brake blocks Fbm=9kN, 2,5 t, T=-4°C
Repeat x 5

Cool at 20 km/h to -3°C

Start winter test program
A5 (dry blocks warm /cold)

Accelerate to 120 km/h

5 conditioning brake Brake application from 120 km/h,

applications, Fbm=9kN Fbm=9kN, 2,5 t, T=-4°C
2,5 t, va=100 km/h,
T =60°C

Let bench cool whilst running

at 5 km/h until operational
check on snow machine Page 2
Dry block, warm
Dry block, cold
Block under snow

56 541-4

(page 2 of 3)

Page 1 Cool at 20 km/h to -3°C

Accelerate to 120 km/h

Test operation of snow
machine and snow
Cool at 120 km/h
over 240 sec.

3 conditioning brake
applications, Fbm= 9 kN, Snow on
2,5 t,
va = 120 km/h, T  90°C

Cool at 120 km/h

over 900 sec.
Brake applications with snow

Brake application from 120 km/h,

Cool at 20 km/h to -3°C Fbm= 9kN, 2,5 t, noT

Accelerate to 100 km/h Snow off

Cool at 100 km/h Accelerate to 120 km/h

over 240 sec.

Conditioning brake application

Snow on
from 120 km/h, Fbm= 9kN,
2,5 t, T 90°C

Cool at 100 km/h

over 340 sec.

Repeat x 3

Brake application from 100 km/h,

Fbm= 9kN, 2,5 t, noT

Snow off

Accelerate to 120 km/h

Page 3

Conditioning brake application

from 120 km/h, Fbm=9kN, 2,5 t,
T 90°C

Dry block, warm

Dry block, cold
Block under snow

57 541-4

(page 3 of 3)

Cool at 20 km/h to -3°C

Page 2
Accelerate to 120 km/h

Cool at 120 km/h

over 240 sec.

Snow on

Conditioning brake application

Cool at 120 km/h
from 120 km/h, Fbm = 9kN, over 900 sec.
2,5 t, T 90°C

Brake application from 120 km/h,

Cool at 20 km/h to -3°C Fbm = 9kN, 2,5 t, no T

Accelerate to 100 km/h Snow off

Cool at 100 km/h Accelerate to 120 km/h

over 240 sec.

Conditioning brake application

Snow on from 120 km/h, Fbm = 9kN,
2,5 t, T 90°C

Cool at 100 km/h

over 340 sec.

Repeat x 2 to n
Brake application from 100 km/h,
Fbm = 9kN, 2,5 t, no T

Snow off
End of test, inspect blocks and
wheel treads, photograph blocks
Accelerate to 120 km/h

Conditioning brake application

from 120 km/h, Fbm = 9kN, 2,5 t,
T 90°C

Dry block, warm

Dry block, cold
Block under snow

58 541-4

A.5.5 - Test Programme A5_a - Demonstration of winter braking properties in the

RTA Vienna air-conditioned chamber


A.6 - Test Programme A6 - "Locked brake" simulation

NB : Readers are advised that Test Programme A6 is still being optimised; imminent changes are

A.6.1 - Test Programme A6

Blocks organic or sintered

Block configuration 2 x Bg (2 Blocks x (320 x 80  - 2  mm)) or
 
2 x Bgu (4 Blocks x (250 x 80  - 2  mm))
 

Wheel type Compliant with UIC Leaflet 510-5 (wheel rim internal diameter 820 mm)
Wheel diameter 870  - 0  mm - The precise diameter must be given in the test report
 

Brake application V FB 0 Comments

[km/h] [kN] [°C]
ES (bedding in) 70 - 20-80 Drag braking with a power of 25 kW
to bed in the block to min. 80 % of the
contact pattern (in cycles of 45 min)
BS (brake fault) 100 9 kN (K) 20-60 Drag braking with constant contact
24 kN (LL) force for 60 min.

A.6.2 - Conditions for the performance of Test Programme A6

Ventilation conditions

The cooling air speed is 35 km/h; it is set in accordance with the conditions of ERRI Report
B 126/DT 408 .


The blocks are weighed and measured before and after the tests.

During the tests, the block wear is monitored continuously.

Wear to each block is limited to 16 mm. This wear is to be achieved by limiting the brake cylinder piston
stroke or by releasing the block(s).

Discontinuation criteria

The tests are discontinued before expiry of the prescribed braking time if the acceptance criteria
(temperature and duration) are significantly exceeded.

59 541-4


The temperature is measured using 3 thermocouples arranged in the running circle plane 9 mm below
the tread and at an angle of 120° to each other.

Accuracy of braking parameters

The accuracy required for the individual braking parameters is given in ERRI report B 126/RP 18.

Other conditions

The tests are performed with new blocks.

Test wheels

Both wheels used in service and new wheels can be used. Before fitting on the test bench, the wheel
diameter must be brought to the value shown in the test programme. The hollowness of the wheel
tread may not exceed 1 mm, if necessary re-profile before testing.

A.7 - Test Programme A7 - Demonstration of compatibility with track



60 541-4

A.8 - Test Programme A8 for composite brake blocks (L) - Extra tread
brake for coaches

A.8.1 - Programme A8_a

Blocks Organic or sintered

Block configuration 1 x Bg (1 x (320 x 80 mm))

Wheel type Compliant with UIC Leaflet 510-5 (inner wheel rim diameter 820 mm)
Wheel diameter: 870  - 0  mm. The precise diameter is to be indicated in the test report.

Braked weight: 2,3 t

(axle load)

Brake application Speed FB 0 m
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] No.
Bedding in applications up to 85 % of
1.1 to 1.X 100 21 20 - 100 5,7 1.X contact pattern; the edges applied to
the wheel must bear the load
1 25 50
2 26 80
3 27 120
4 28 140
5 29 160
6 30 200
7 31 50
8 32 80
9 33 120
10 34 140
11 35 160
12 36 200 Braking to a stop, dry,
50 - 60 2,3
13 37 50 following cooling-off phase
14 38 80
15 39 120
16 40 140
17 41 160
18 42 200
19 43 50
20 44 80
21 45 120
22 46 140
23 47 160
24 48 200
49 140 21 110 - 120
Braking to a stop, dry
50 200 21 110 - 120 2,3
(directly, no cooling-off phase)
51 80 21 110 - 120

61 541-4

Brake application Speed FB 0 m
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] No.
52 80 16 Braking to a stop, dry,
50 - 60 2.3 53
53 80 21 following cooling-off phase
54 70 86 50
55 71 87 80
56 72 88 120
57 73 89 140
58 74 90 50
59 75 91 80
60 76 92 120
61 77 93 140
62 78 94 50
63 79 95 80
64 80 96 120 Braking to a stop, wet, following
20 - 30 2.3
65 81 97 140 cooling-off phase.
66 82 98 50
67 83 99 80
68 84 100 120
69 85 101 140
102 108 114 160
103 109 115 200
104 110 116 160
105 111 117 200
106 112 118 160
107 113 119 200
120 80 16 Braking to a stop, dry, following
50 - 60 2.3 121 cooling-off phase
121 80 21
Drag braking with a braking power of
122 70 - 50 - 60 -
30 KW for 20 min
Braking to a stop, dry (directly, no
123 70 21 - 2.3 123
cooling-off phase)
124 120
Braking to a stop, dry, following
125 160 16 50 - 60 2.3
cooling-off phase
126 200
127 120
Braking to a stop, dry, following
128 160 21 50 - 60 2.3 129
cooling-off phase
129 200
Brake build-up time 4 s  0.2 s.

62 541-4

A.8.2 - Conditions for performing Test Programme A8_a

Rotation and ventilation conditions

Test bench speed Cooling air speed

(km/h) (km/h)
dry wet dry wet
During brake applications at v  80 km/h v v v/2 10
v > 80 km/h v v 40 10
Between brake applications 100 50 40 10

The cooling air speed is to be adjusted in accordance with the conditions of ERRI-Berichts B 126 /
DT 408.


Interruptions of a maximum of 3 days are permitted during testing, but only before brake applications
nos 1, 25, 49 and 122.


At the end of the series of brake applications, the temperature must be allowed to cool back to the
initial temperature.

Brake application to a stop No. 93, following the drag brake application, is to be performed without a
cooling-off period at the temperature reached at the end of the brake application to a stop.

For brake applications nos 1, 25, 49, 78, 92 and 94, initial temperatures of 20 to 60 °C are permitted.

Wet conditions

Brake applications under wet conditions are to be performed with a volume of water of 14 litres per
wheel per hour and with 22 litres/h per wheel at V  120 km/h.

For tests under wet conditions, application of water to the wheel during the cooling-off period between
brake applications nos 54 and 119 may not be interrupted.

Following brake application No. 53 spraying of the wheel may begin only once the wheel temperature
has reached 80 °C.

Precision of brake parameters

The required degree of precision for the various brake parameters is indicated in ERRI-Bericht
B 126/RP 18.

Wheels for testing

Wheels may be new or already used in service. Before they are mounted on the test bench, the wheel
diameter must be adjusted to the value given in the test programme.

63 541-4

Other conditions

The brake applications must be executed in the chronological order indicated.

The number of bedding-in applications required until 85 % of the contact pattern has been reached
must be indicated in the test report.

A.8.3 - Programme A8_b: Simulation of braking performance

Blocks Organic or sintered

Block configuration 1 x Bg (1 x (320 x 80 mm))

Wheel type As per UIC Leaflet 510-5 (inner wheel rim diameter 820 mm)
Wheel diameter 870  - 0  mm. The precise diameter is to be indicated in the test report.

Mass per wheel 2,3 t

Brake application V FB 0 m
after Comments
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t] No.
Bedding-in applications to 85 % of
the contact pattern; the edges
1.1 to 1.X 100 28 20 - 100 5,7 1.X
applied to the wheel must bear the
1 to 5 50
6 to 10 120
11 to 15 160
16 to 20 200
21 to 25 50
26 to 30 120 Brake application to a stop, dry,
12 50 - 60 2,3
31 to 35 160 following cooling-off phase
36 to 40 200
41 to 45 50
46 to 50 120
51 to 55 160
56 to 60 200
Brake build-up time 4 s  0.2 s.

Rotation and ventilation conditions

Test bench speed Cooling air speed

(km/h) (km/h)
dry dry
During brake applications v v/2
Between brake applications 100 80

64 541-4


At the end of the series of brake applications, the temperature must be allowed to cool back to the
initial temperature

After every test series a photo must be taken.

A.9 - Test Programme A9 for composite brake blocks (L) - Extra tread
brake for wagons


A.10 - Test Programme A10 for composite brake blocks (K) - Locomotives


65 541-4

A.11 - Test Programme A11 - Simulation of real usage conditions

Simulation programme for K, L or LL brake blocks simulating the actual conditions of use,
specifically for determining the wear behaviour of the wheel and of the brake block

A.11.1 - Simulation programme A11_a for K brake blocks for wagons

(Vmax = 120 km/h) in the 2Bgu configuration and with a wheel diameter of
920 mm.

Brake block +1
2 x Bgu (4 blocks of 250 x 80  - 2  mm) per wheel
configuration  
Wheel type Compliant with EN 13979-1
Wheel diameter Between 920 and 870 mm. The precise diameter must be given in the test report
Mass per wheel 3,5 t, 6,5 t and 10,0 t

Total FB Initial Braked weight

Initial speed Final speed
Number and type per wheel temperature per wheel
of brake Comments
V V3 FB 0 M
[km/h] [km/h] [kN] [°C] [t]
22 Stop 30 0 3,5
1 Stop 75 0 9
1 Stop 90 0 3,5
1 Slow 75 45 7 80 - 90
13 Slow 90 50 3,5
1 Slow 100 30 7 3,5 Empty
3 Slow 120 40 3,5
2 times: 15 deceleration braking + 1 brake to a stop, spaced 180 seconds
("Saw-tooth" simulation)
15 Slow 75 45 3,5
50 - 60a
1 Stop 75 0 3,5
30 Stop 30 0 5,5
1 Stop 30 0 7
1 Stop 100 0 5,5 80 - 90
29 Slow 90 50 6
2 Slow 120 75 5,2 6,5 Partially laden
7 times: 15 deceleration brake applications + 1 brake application to a stop,
180-second interval ("Saw-tooth" simulation)
15 Slow 75 45 6
50 - 60a
1 Stop 75 0 6

66 541-4

Total FB Initial Braked weight

Initial speed Final speed
Number and type per wheel temperature per wheel
of brake Comments
V V3 FB 0 M
[km/h] [km/h] [kN] [°C] [t]
50 Stop 30 0 3,5
13 Stop 30 0 8,5
1 Stop 30 0 16
1 Stop 75 0 26
1 Stop 100 0 5
1 Stop 100 0 8,5
80 - 90
15 Slow 90 60 5
13 Slow 90 50 9
1 Slow 80 20 17
1 Slow 120 70 4
1 Slow 120 60 8,5
1 Slow 120 20 19 10,0 Laden
5 times: 14 deceleration brake applications + 1 brake application to a stop,
180-second interval ("Saw-tooth" simulation
14 Slow 75 45 5 50 - 60a
1 Stop 75 0 5
3 times: 16 deceleration brake applications + 1 brake application to a stop,
180-second interval ("Saw-tooth" simulation)
16 Slow 75 45 9
50 - 60a
1 Stop 75 0 9
1 time: 11 deceleration brake applications + 1 brake application to a stop,
180-second interval ("Saw-tooth" simulation)
11 Slow 75 45 15
50 - 60a
1 Stop 75 0 15
a. Initial temperature refers only to the first deceleration braking of the "saw-tooth" simulation.
Stop = brake application to a stop
Slow = deceleration brake application

Specific requirements for performing Test Programme A11_a.

The test consists of 10 consecutive basic cycles.

The sequence of a basic cycle, that is the simulation of "saw-tooth" brake applications, is obtained by
random selection. Simulated "saw-tooth" brake applications are then incorporated into the basic cycle
at regular intervals.

If the dynamometer is not able to simulate all conditions, it is permitted to conduct tests in the "empty",
"partially-laden" and "laden" conditions separately.

The time taken to reach 95% of the prescribed FB should be 7 ± 0,5 seconds.

67 541-4

Rotation and ventilation conditions:

- The direction of rotation of the test bench shall be alternated after each "saw-tooth" simulation.

- The speed of the test bench between brake applications shall be 60 km/h.

- The speed of the cooling air between brake applications shall be 30 km/h.

Particular measurements to be carried out before the test and after each basic cycle:

- Transverse wheel profile,

- Weight and thickness of the brake blocks.

A.11.2 - For information purposes - Simulation programme A11_b for LL brake

blocks on wagons (Vmax = 120 km/h) in the 2Bgu configuration and with a
wheel diameter of 920 mm

Brake block +1
2 x Bgu (4 blocks of 250 x 80  - 2  mm) per wheel
configuration  
Wheel type Compliant with EN 13979-1
Wheel diameter Between 920 and 870 mm. The precise diameter must be given in the test report
Mass per wheel 3,5 t, 6,5 t and 10,0 t

Total FB Initial Braked weight

Initial speed Final speed
Number and type per wheel temperature per wheel
of brake Comments
V V3 FB 0 M
[km/h] [km/h] [kN] [°C] [t]
22 Stop 30 0 600
1 Stop 75 0 1 600
1 Stop 90 0 600
1 Slow 75 45 1 250 80 - 90
13 Slow 90 50 600
1 Slow 100 30 1 250 3,5 Empty
3 Slow 120 40 600
twice: 15 deceleration brake applications + 1 brake application to a stop,
180-second interval ("Saw-tooth" simulation)
15 Slow 75 45 600
50 - 60a
1 Stop 75 0 600
30 Stop 30 0 1 200
1 Stop 30 0 1 500
1 Stop 100 0 1 200 80 - 90
29 Slow 90 50 1 300
2 Slow 120 75 1 100 6,5 Partially laden
7 times: 15 deceleration brake applications + 1 brake application to a stop,
180-second interval ("Saw-tooth" simulation)
15 Slow 75 45 1 300
50 - 60a
1 Stop 75 0 1 300

68 541-4

Total FB Initial Braked weight

Initial speed Final speed
Number and type per wheel temperature per wheel
of brake Comments
V V3 FB 0 M
[km/h] [km/h] [kN] [°C] [t]
50 Stop 30 0 850
13 Stop 30 0 2 050
1 Stop 30 0 3 900
1 Stop 75 0 6 300
1 Stop 100 0 1 200
1 Stop 100 0 2 050
80 - 90
15 Slow 90 60 1 200
13 Slow 90 50 2 200
1 Slow 80 20 4 100
1 Slow 120 70 1 000
1 Slow 120 60 2 050
1 Slow 120 20 4 600 10.0 Laden
5 times: 14 deceleration brake applications + 1 brake application to a stop,
180-second interval ("Saw-tooth" simulation)
14 Slow 75 45 1 200
50 - 60a
1 Stop 75 0 1 200
3 times: 16 deceleration brake applications + 1 brake application to a stop,
180-second interval ("Saw-tooth" simulation)
16 Slow 75 45 2 200
50 - 60a
1 Stop 75 0 2 200
1 time: 12 deceleration brake applications + 1 brake application to a stop,
180-second interval ("Saw-tooth" simulation)
11 Slow 75 45 3 600
50 - 60a
1 Stop 75 0 3 600
a. Initial temperature refers only to the first deceleration brake application of the "saw-tooth" simulation.
Stop = brake application to a stop
Slow = deceleration brake application

Specific requirements for performing Test Programme A11_b.

The test consists of 10 consecutive basic cycles.

The sequence of a basic cycle, that is the simulation of "saw-tooth" brake applications, is obtained by
random selection. Simulated "saw-tooth" brake applications are then incorporated into the basic cycle
at regular intervals.

If the dynamometer is not able to simulate all conditions, it is permitted to conduct tests in the "empty",
"partially-laden" and "laden" conditions separately.

The time taken to reach 95 % of the prescribed FB should be 7 ± 0,5 seconds

69 541-4

Rotation and ventilation conditions:

- The direction of rotation of the test bench shall be alternated after each "saw-tooth" simulation.

- The speed of the test bench between brake applications shall be 60 km/h.

- The speed of the cooling air between brake applications shall be 30 km/h.

Particular measurements to be carried out before the test and after each basic cycle

- Transverse wheel profile

- Weight and thickness of the brake blocks

A.12 - Test Programme A12 - Draft - Definition of static friction coefficients

A.12.1 - Programme for K, L or LL brake blocks to determine the static coefficient of


2 x Bgu (4 blocks of 250 x 80  - 2  mm) per wheel.
 
Brake block +1
2 x Bg (2 blocks of 320 x 80  - 2  mm) per wheel.
configuration  
1 x Bgu (2 blocks of 250 x 80  - 2  mm) per wheel.

Wheel type Compliant with EN 13979-1.

Wheel diameter 870  - 0  mm. The precise diameter shall be given in the test report.

Mass per wheel 9,0 t

Initial Total FB per Initial Braked weight

speed wheel temperature per wheel
No. of brake
application V FB 0 M
[km/h] [kN] [°C] [t]
Brake applications to a stop under dry condi-
24 (K) tions to bed in blocks up to at least 85% of
1.1 1.X 100 20-100 9,0
60 (LL) the contact pattern. The edges applied to the
wheel must bear the load
1 to 5 5
6 to 10 14
- < 30 -
11 to 15 30
16 to 20 40

Definition of the static coefficient of friction

Value of the instantaneous coefficient of friction at the beginning of sliding (mean value calculated from
the measurement records for the intersection between the linearised characteristic curve of the rota-
tion angle and the time axis).

70 541-4



Appendix A.9 Diagram 1 - principle for determining the static coefficient of friction

A Coefficient of friction () / rotation angle of wheel.

B Time axis

C Example of coefficient of friction curve.

D Rotation angle of wheel.

E Straight regression line

F Intersection between straight regression line and time axis

G Static coefficient of friction.

Measurements to be recorded

During the test, the following measurements must be carried out and their results continuously
recorded for each test:

- time;

- rotational torque;

- rotation angle of the wheel being tested in relation to the brake block;

- brake block force;

- instantaneous coefficient of friction (calculated).

71 541-4

Other conditions

- The condition of the surface of the wheel tread must be recorded and noted in writing in the test

- The application of the rotational torque must be constant and the force must continuously increa-
se. The start of the rotation shall occur between 0,3 and 2,0 s after the beginning of the build-up
of the rotational torque.

- The measuring accuracy of the wheel's rotation shall enable measurement in milliradians to an
accuracy of approximately 30 milliradians.

- The mounting play must be minimised, and must take account of the likely displacement.

- The system for measuring the displacement of the wheel should be fixed to the brake blocks or to
the brake cylinder fastening system in order to measure the relative displacement between the
brake block and the wheel.

Ventilation conditions

The normal cooling air speed for bedding in is 40 km/h; this must be set in accordance with the
conditions of ERRI Report B 126/DT 408.


Interruptions are not permitted.


The temperature is measured by thermocouples under the wheel tread or "thermo-sliders" on the
wheel tread.

Accuracy of braking parameters

The accuracy required for the individual braking parameters is given in ERRI report B 126/RP 18.

Test wheels

Both wheels used in service and new wheels can be used. Before fitting on the test bench, the wheel
diameter must be brought to the value shown in the test programme. The hollowness of the wheel
tread may not exceed 1 mm, if necessary re-profile before testing.

72 541-4

Appendix B - Spread of mean friction coefficients,

friction level K

(2xBg, 2xBgu, 1xBgu in accordance with Programme A1 and 1xBg with Programme A3)

Tolerances for composite brake blocks (K) - 2xBg

Tolerances for composite brake blocks (K) - 2xBgu

73 541-4

Tolerances for composite brake blocks (K) - 1xBgu

Tolerances for composite brake blocks (K) - 1xBg

74 541-4

Appendix C - Spread of mean friction coefficients,

friction level K

(See Appendix B - page 73)

75 541-4

Appendix D - Spread of mean friction coefficients,

friction level L

D.1 - Tolerances for average coefficient of friction

Dry tests at 6, 12, 16 and 21KN D  μm/N average MAX
C  μm/N average MIN
0,30 B μm Max
A μm Min
Coefficient of friction

0,25 D  μm/N Max

B μm Max

0,20 0,17


C  μm/N Min 0,12
A μm Min


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Speed in km/h

Fig. 1 - Tolerance range for the average coefficient of friction under dry conditions

Wet tests at 12, 16 and 21 KN D  μm/N average MAX
C  μm/N average MIN
0,30 B μm Max
A μm Min
Coefficient of friction

0,25 0,22 D  μm/N Max

0,21 B μm Max

0,20 0,17


0,10 0,14
C  μm/N Min A μm Min 0,10

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Speed in km/h

Fig. 2 - Tolerance range for the average coefficient of friction under wet conditions

76 541-4

D.2 - Tolerances for the instantaneous coefficient of friction

Tolerances for the instantaneous coefficient of friction μa at 12, 16 and 21 kN and V = 160 and 120 Km/h

μa Max 0,30

instantaneous μ

μa Max 0,19



μa Min 0,10


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
speed Km/h

Fig. 3 - Tolerance range for the instantaneous coefficient of friction at

contact forces 12, 16 and 21 kN at speeds of 120 and 160 km/h

Tolerances for the instantaneous coefficient of friction μ a at 6kN and V = 160 and 120 Km/h
μa Max 0,32

instantaneous μ

0,25 μa Max 0,21



μaMin 0,12


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
speed Km/h

Fig. 4 - Tolerance range for the instantaneous coefficient of friction

at contact force 6 kN at speeds of 120 and 160 km/h

77 541-4

Appendix E - Spread of mean friction coefficients,

friction level LL

(2xBg, 2xBgu in accordance with Programme A2)

Tolerances for composite brake blocks (LL) - 2xBg

Tolerances for composite brake blocks (LL) - 2xBgu

78 541-4

Appendix F - Example diagram of requirements for

instantaneous friction development

instantaneous f(v)  mean 5s mean 5 s ± 10 %

recommended course 5s

±10 % Fb = 95 %

non recommended

non recommended

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Speed km/h

Fig. 5 -

instantaneous Contact force Fb Retaining force 95 % Fb

95 % Fb

non recommended course

recommended course

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Braking distance

Fig. 6 -

79 541-4

Appendix G - Demonstration of the winter braking

properties: test runs

G.1 - General

The tests are executed with a train consist comprising 5 wagons and one motive power unit as
comparative tests between brake test runs without snow fly-off ("reference tests") and those with snow
fly-off ("winter tests"). The aim of the tests is to determine the winter braking behaviour of composite
materials under real conditions of use.

G.1.1 - Test wagons

Five four-axled empty wagons of the same design with the same equipment as regards:

- "open" bogie design, e.g. Y25,

- max. wheelset load when empty 7 t,

- braking system (for practical reasons, to facilitate the execution of the tests, no restrictions are
defined for this point),

- "block configuration 2x Bgu,

- type of brake blocks.

G.1.2 - Motive power unit

Any MPU, maximum speed  120 km/h with dynamic and indirect braking disconnected, maximum
dynamic mass lower than 100 t.

G.1.3 - Documentation

The following documentation must be available:

- wagon data/wagon data sheet,

- brake design/brake calculation,

- detailed data on brake design/brake equipment,

- complete data on block type used,

- results of tests performed with this block type and application.

80 541-4

G.2 - Test conditions

The following test conditions are required for the brake tests:

Period of execution: Winter semester with snow fly-off

Brake initiation speeds: 60 km/h (for information purposes, to monitor the plausibility
and comparability of the efficiency between reference tests and
winter tests), 100 and 120 km/h
Brake position: P
Meteorological conditions: "Winter tests": external temperatures zero to -10°C with snow
on the line
"Reference tests": No snow fly-off, external temperatures of up to + 5 °C permitted
Test configuration: Train consist comprising 5 empty wagons + MPU (MPU
Test line: Max. gradients and curve radii as per UIC Leaflet 544-1
Specific features: Reference tests and winter tests are to be performed
consecutively within a single period of up to 4 weeks. A running
period of at least 10 minutes is to be observed between brake
applications, with a maximum of 4 brake applications performed
per hour. Any holding brake applications required should as far
as possible be performed by the MPU brake.

G.3 - Bases for assessment

G.3.1 - Values to be measured

- Speed,

- Braking distance,

- Time,

- MBP pressure,

- External temperature.

The required measurement values can, as an alternative, be recorded using a train monitoring device
installed on the MPU.

G.3.2 - Classification criteria for "reference" and "winter tests"

During test runs at speeds of 100 and 120 km/h, the following criteria are to be applied:

Reference test "R" Snow level 0

No snow fly-off
Winter test "W" Snow levels 3 to 5
Moderate to heavy snow fly-off ("5" indicates that no wagons are visible)

81 541-4

G.3.3 - Examples of classifications estimated using the aforementioned criteria:

Fig. 7 - Reference test (R0)

Fig. 8 - Winter test (W2-W3)

82 541-4

Fig. 9 - Winter test (W4-W5)

G.4 - Assessment of measurement data

Data to be recorded

For each brake application/test series, the following data must be indicated in a table in the test report:

- Test number,

- Date/time,

- Location of the brake application,

- Gradient,

- Brake type,

- vnom (nominal brake initiation speed during test),

- vmess (actual brake initiation speed during test),

- Braking time,

- Braking distance measured,

- Corrected braking distance,

- External temperature,

83 541-4

- Snow levels (0 to 5),

- Classification (reference test/winter test),

- Comments (e.g. train stationary for a long period prior to brake application).

In short, the following information is to be indicated in a table for each category (reference/winter test/
60 km/h, 100 km/h or 120 km/h):

- Number of tests,

- Average value of corrected braking distances,

- Standard deviation of corrected braking distances.

The following criteria, which take into account the exceptional meteorological conditions, apply to the
execution of the tests:

- The number of reference tests must be at least 8 for each brake initiation speed (100 and
120 km/h), whereby the quotient of the standard deviation and the average braking distance may
not exceed 10 percent. The maximum number of tests is 20. Reference tests may only be perfor-
med at snow level 0.

- The number of tests under winter conditions must be at least 8 at snow level 3 or higher for each
brake initiation speed (100 and 120 km/h). The quotient of the standard deviation and the average
braking distance may not exceed 20 percent to ensure that the braking distance is representative
for the assessment.

- For the plausibility checks performed using brake applications at 60 km/h, the average braking
distances may not differ significantly, regardless of winter conditions, since at this speed no snow
fly-off occurs. Significant increase in the braking distances indicates an alteration in the bogie
efficiency as a result of winter conditions, as a result of which the bogie should be inspected.

The method for assessing test results set out in UIC Leaflet 544-1, Appendix F.2, is to be applied as
far as possible.

84 541-4

Appendix H - Examples of composite brake blocks - five


For information on the standard contact surface and design of brake block wedges see UIC
Leaflet 541-1 (see Bibliography - page 102).




60 -2 80+1

24 -1 8-20
> 22

40 -1

45 -1

37 -1

14+0,5 i

Fig. 10 - Design examples for standard brake blocks length 250 mm and 320 mm

General tolerances according to the applicable standard (e.g. ISO 2768-m).

e The cross profile of the friction surface must be compatible with that of the wheel profile (e.g.: 1:40 ).
The longitudinal profile of the friction surface must match the rim diameter, optionally with double the radius.
f For brake blocks Bgu : f = 250 mm
Bg : f = 320 mm
g For brake blocks Bgu : g = 182 mm
Bg : g = 220 mm
h With or without expansion joint, as per manufacturer's preference.
i Type and design of parent panel, as per manufacturer's preference.
k Protection against in correct use is to be considered for V-BKS (K) - see fig. 12 - page 87

85 541-4


R100 ±2

Gradient 1:40

60 -2

35 -2

R100 ±2

Gradient 1:40

60 -2

35 -2

R100 ±2


60 -2
Fig. 11 - Design examples for contour of friction surface

General tolerances according to the applicable standard (e.g. ISO-2768-m).

86 541-4


78,5 ± 1 78,5 ± 1

39 ± 1 39 ± 1

15 ± 1


<  12

<  10

Fig. 12 - Protection against incorrect use for K brake blocks

General tolerances according to the applicable standard (e.g. ISO-2768-m).

87 541-4


Fig. 13 - Design example for wear limit marking

- All wear markings are to be positioned on the side not facing the wheel flange.

- Designs other than the examples shown above are permitted.

- The positioning of the wear markings must ensure that the brake blocks can be worn up to the
markings, without parts of the reinforcement or the parent panel being scraped. This also applies
to the application of the smallest wheel diameters.

88 541-4

Fig. 14 - Design example for marking

Design example for marking the brake block:

- The type of positioning is left up to the manufacturer,

- Font size minimum 4 mm,

- The following markings are obligatory

• Type designation of the brake block type,

• Name or designating symbol of the manufacturer,
• Date of manufacture (week and year),
• Batch number,
• UIC + friction coefficient level (e.g. UIC-K or UIC-L or UIC-LL)

- The following markings are optional

• Customer item number or customer-specific designation

(depending on customer requirements, e.g. colour coding).

89 541-4

Appendix I - Strength tests

Test force

Metal backing Pressure

Block wedge

Side wall
Wedge lug

Block material

Fig. 15 - Device for testing the strength of the metal backing plate - block material connection

Test conditions:

Test load F

F = 15 kN (K -, L - or LL - block, 250 mm or 320 mm).


The test is to be carried out as shown in Fig. 15. A new block is to be used for the test, fixed by means
of the wedge lug. A lug is to be introduced for two-part blocks or single blocks with a centre groove, to
ensure the complete load transfer between the block parts.

Test load F is to be applied evenly in the direction of the circumferential load when braking and
increased to the maximum load of 15 kN within 4 s and maintained constantly for 2 minutes.

90 541-4

Test conditions

FB Test force FB
Test 1
FB K = 19 kN (K-Block, 250 and 320 mm)
FB LL = 28 kN (LL-Block 250 mm)
FB LL = 33 kN (LL-Block 320 mm)

Support width Ls
Ls1 = 200 mm (Block 250 mm)
Ls1 = 270 mm (Block 320 mm)

Ls2 = 75 mm (Block 250 mm)
Ls2 = 110 mm (Block 320 mm)
Flexion h
h 1 = 2 mm
h 2 = 1 mm
Test 2
For both tests, new brake blocks are used.

The test force is applied evenly at a speed of 30

mm/min to the given max. value of the test force
or to the given max. value of the flexion ?h, and
Ls2 held constant for 2 min.

5 tests must be performed per series.

Fig. 16 - Test of bending strength
The base for the supports must have a radius of
R = 5 mm.

91 541-4

Appendix J - Demonstration of compatibility with track


Test Programme for composite blocks type K, L or LL to prove compatibility with the track

J.1 - Object

This document describes the test method and demonstration of compatibility with the track circuits of
the European rail networks for composite brake blocks used on wagons and coaches.

J.2 - Scope of application

This specification applies to all composite blocks for which approval is requested for international
freight and/or passenger transport. It also applies for composite blocks already approved, for which
the composition has been changed.

J.3 - Reference standards

PrEN 50238: compatibility between rolling stock and train location systems (see Bibliography -
page 102).

J.4 - Specialist terms

UM 71 Classic: track circuit with electrical separation joint.

J.5 - Safety, availability and reliability requirements

Demonstration of compatibility of a composite brake block with the track circuits must show that a
wagon or coach braked with composite brake blocks is always guaranteed to be located by track
circuits, irrespective of their type.

J.6 - Functional and technical requirements

The demonstration of compatibility of a composite block type is determined by the residual voltage
which is determined on passage of a wagon or coach braked with this type of block. This value is
measured in the area of the track circuit UM 71 Classic at the secondary winding of the input
transformer on the receiver side (measurement of UR1R2 voltage).

92 541-4

J.7 - Test report and demonstration of shunt tolerance

- The tests must be performed by a test institute which is accredited by a body with a UIC mandate.
The instruments used for testing are at their discretion.

- After the tests the test institute produces a report for the results obtained and their correlation.
From these results, the body appointed by the UIC as per point J.7.2 - page 94 issues a report for
the "shunt tolerance" of the composite block types tested.

J.7.1 - Test conditions

The tests shall be conducted on

- a wagon with two bogies with a tare weight of circa 20 t and a nominal wheel diameter of 760 to
950 mm (K and LL blocks)

- a coach with two bogies with a tare weight of circa 40 t and a nominal wheel diameter of 760 to
950 mm (L blocks)

The wagon or coach must be fitted with the composite brake block to be tested (bedded in to at least
80% of the contact pattern). The test wagon/coach must be empty and ready for operation.

The tests take place on the Paris-Brest line between the stations Plouaret and Plounérin on a level,
stabilised section with continuous welded rails and low traffic (< 20 scheduled trains per day, except
test trains)

The tests are performed with a motive power unit with insulated wheelsets.

The measurements are performed on three sections of at least 650 m each with a UM 71 Classic track
circuit (432E, 432F, 432G) and a UR1R2 voltage of around 250 mV.

The measurements are performed as follows:

- Immobilised in the last quarter of a track circuit on the receiver side,

- Speeds of 30, 60 and 90 km/h,

- Service brake and emergency brake applications.

Only the measurements performed under the prescribed conditions are taken into account, i.e.:

- Dry rail surface,

- Relative humidity between 70 and 95 %.

As the acceptance conditions are based on calculations of the mean times in which the individual limit
values are exceeded to obtain a representative test, 40-45 measurements must be avaiable with at
least three test runs for each configuration above.

93 541-4

J.7.2 - Results analysis

J.7.2.1 - Preliminary evaluation

A special computer programme calculates, for each measurement, the maximum value of the residual
voltage and the three cumulative times of exceeding each of the three predefined limit values:

- S1: 80 mV,

- S2: 100 mV,

- S3: 180 mV.

UR1R2 (mV)


100 t1S3
t1S2 t2S2

t1S1 t2S1

Cumulative exceeding time S1: tiS1 = t1S1 + t2S1,

Cumulative exceeding time S2: tiS2 = t1S2 + t2S2,

Cumulative exceeding time S3: tiS3 = t1S3.

J.7.2.2 - Analysis method

The analysis method is as follows:

1. Determination of maximum value of residual voltage when stopped,

2. Determination of absolute maximum of residual voltage,

3. Calculation of cumulative time of exceeding each limit value, for all measurements:

• Total time for exceeding limit value S1: t total S 1 = t 1 S 1

• Total time for exceeding limit value S2: t total S 2 = t 1 S 2
• Total time for exceeding limit value S3: t total S 3 = t 1 S 3

94 541-4

4. Calculation of mean of cumulative time of exceeding each limit value, per measurement:

• mean time for exceeding limit value S1: t mean S 1 = t total S 1 /N

• mean time for exceeding limit value S2: t mean S 2 = t total S 2 /N
• mean time for exceeding limit value S3: t mean S 3 = t total S 3 /N

N (total number of measurements) = 3 n, where n corresponds to the number of runs and 3 is

the number of monitored TC for the run.

J.7.3 - Acceptance conditions

When used on a wagon/coach, a composite brake block is considered shunt-compatible with the TC
if the following conditions are observed:

- maximum residual voltage when stopped  30 mV,

- all measured residual voltage values  180 mV,

- the mean of cumulative times with residual voltage values for 100 mV < 0,5 seconds,

- the mean of cumulative times with residual voltage values for 80 mV < 2 seconds,

These conditions are depicted graphically in the following diagram.

The limit curve for acceptance is defined by the following points:

- Ordinates with origin 180 mV,

- Mean of time of exceeding limit value 100 mV: 0,5s,

- Mean time in excess of limit value 80 mV: 2s,

The limit curve for acceptance when immobilised is defined by the equation y = 30 mV.

Upper limit during the run
Residual voltage value (mV)



0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2

Residual voltage duration (s)

95 541-4

Appendix K - Reserved

96 541-4

Appendix L - Requirements for data sheets


97 541-4

Appendix M - Composite brake blocks certified for

international traffic

M.1 - Composite brake blocks with high friction level (K)

The list of composite brake blocks certified for international traffic is available on the UIC website:

M.2 - Composite brake blocks with medium friction level (L)

The list of composite brake blocks certified for international traffic is available on the UIC website:

M.3 - Composite brake blocks with low friction level (LL)

The list of composite brake blocks certified for international traffic is available on the UIC website:

98 541-4

Appendix N - Composite brake blocks certified before

01.01.1996 - Stock protection

Certified on the basis of the clauses in UIC Leaflet 541-4, 2nd edition (1.10.1990) (see Bibliography -
page 102) (quality control by user RU).

The list of composite brake blocks certified for international traffic is available on the UIC website:

99 541-4

Appendix O - Definitions

In data on the friction coefficient tolerance, we distinguish between:

- the instantaneous friction coefficient a , which is determined in any moment of braking by the
ratio of total braking force Ft to total contact force Fb:

 a = ------

- the mean friction coefficient  m , determined from reaching 95 % of the nominal contact force
FB of the friction coefficient  m for the braking distance s2:

 m = -----    a  ds
s2 0

- static friction coefficient: friction coefficient at start of slipping of mean value from measurement
records for intersection of the linearised curve of the rotary angle with the time axis

Definitions and abbreviations

- Proportional mass to be braked by a wheel (including rotation part) m [t]

- Total nominal contact force per wheel FB [kN]
- Total instantaneous contact force per wheel Fb [kN]
- Mean contact force (integrated for s2) Fbm [kN]
- Pressure in brake cylinder pc [bar]
- Instantaneous tangential force per brake related to the wheel radius FtR [kN]
- Mean tangential force (integrated for s2) related to the wheel FumR [kN]
- Total nominal braking power per wheel for drag braking
(v and FtR = const. regulated) P [kW]
- Mean braking power (integrated for s2) Pm [kW]
- Nominal speed on braking v [km/h]
- Instantaneous speed vi [km/h]
- Actual speed on braking v0 [km/h]
- Correction factor for speed K [-]
- Speed at start of force rise from Fb v1 [km/h]
- Speed at time at which Fb = 0,95 x FB v2 [km/h]
- Free-run time between brake demand and start of brake force rise from Fb t0 [s]
- Brake build-up time from 0-95 % of FB ts [s]

100 541-4

Fb [kN]
vi [km/h] v
0 v1

0,95 Fb

Force rise of Fb
Brake demand

s [m]
t0 ts t [s]
s2; t2

s1; t1

s; t

- Total braking distance from brake demand to a stop s [m]

- Total braking time t [s]
- Braking distance from start of force rise from Fb to a stop s1 [m]
- s1 corresponding braking time t1 [s]
- Braking distance from time at which Fb = 0,95 x FB to a stop s2 [m]
- s2 corresponding braking time t2 [s]
- Instantaneous retardation a [m/s2]
v0 2
- Mean retardation (starting from v0 and s calculated) a m = ------  m/s 

F tR
- Instantaneous friction coefficient (brake block)  a = ---------

- Mean friction coefficient  m = -----    a  ds
s2 0

- Mean initial temperature at start of braking process 0 [°C]

- Maximum temperature achieved by mean of instantaneous temperatures m [°C]
- Instantaneous single temperature I [°C]
- Maximum single temperature max [°C]
- Maximum temperature difference between 2 temperature measurement
points max [°C]

101 541-4

1. UIC leaflets

International Union of Railways (UIC)

UIC Leaflet 510-5: Technical approval of solid wheels, 2nd edition, May 2007

UIC Leaflet 541-00: Issuing of the UIC seal of approval/UIC label for vehicle components, 2nd edition,
May 2010

UIC Leaflet 541-1: Brakes - Regulations concerning the design of brake components, 6th edition,
November 2003

UIC Leaflet 541-4: Brakes - Brakes with composition brake blocks, 2nd edition, 1.10.90 and
3 Amendments (obsolete)

UIC Leaflet 544-1: Brakes - Braking power, 4th edition, October 2004

UIC Leaflet 545: Brakes - Inscriptions, marks and signs, 8th edition, March 2007 (new edition in preparation)

2. ERRI reports

Internationale Union of Railways (UIC)

B 126/DT 408: Fragen des Bremswesens. Belüftung der Reibungsprüfstände, June 2005

B 126/RP 18: Dynamometers for international approval of friction materials - requirements This report
replaces B 126/DT 192 dated May 1987 and the first edition of RP 18 dated February 1997,
March 2000

B126/RP 33: Braking issues - Use of composite brake blocks on wagons - Summary report - K blocks,
January 2004

B126/RP 37: Braking - Winter properties of composite brake blocks, (in preparation)

B126/RP 39: Braking - Summary report on optimised brake rigging for wagons fitted with K-type
composite brake blocks, (in preparation)

3. European standards

European Commission (EC)

Commission Directive 91/155/EEC defining and laying down the detailed arrangements for the system
of specific information relating to dangerous preparations in implementation of Article 10 of Directive
88/379/EEC, 5 March 1991, OJ L76, 22.03.91

Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006
concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisaton and restriction of chemicals (REACH),
establishing a European chemicals agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing council
regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive
76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC,
18 December 2006

102 541-4
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
prEN 13979-1:2003: Railway applications. Wheelsets and bogies. Monobloc wheels. Technical
approval procedure. Forged and rolled wheels, January 2004

prEN 50238:2003: Railway applications - Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection
systems, May 2003

4. International standards

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO/IEC 17025:2005 : General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
laboratories, 2006

ISO 2768-1:1989: General tolerances - Part 1: Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without
individual tolerance indications, 1989

ISO 2768-2:1989: General tolerances - Part 2: Geometrical tolerances for features without individual
tolerance indications, 1989

ISO 4287:2009: Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Terms,
definitions and surface texture parameters, 1997

ISO 9001:2000: Quality management systems - Requirements, 2000

103 541-4

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever, including
electronic, except for private and individual use, without the express permission of the International Union of
Railways (UIC). The same applies for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by
any method or procedure whatsoever. The sole exceptions - noting the author's name and the source - are
"analyses and brief quotations justified by the critical, argumentative, educational, scientific or informative nature
of the publication into which they are incorporated".
(Articles L 122-4 and L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code).
 International Union of Railways (UIC) - Paris, 2010

Printed by the International Union of Railways (UIC)

16, rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris - France, December 2010
Dépôt Légal December 2010

ISBN 978-2-7461-1846-1 (French version)

ISBN 978-2-7461-1847-8 (German version)
ISBN 978-2-7461-1848-5 (English version)


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