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I am a fresh college graduate currently looking for a full-time

teaching position. I would like to utilize my skillsand experience
as well as my passion for teaching to train and educate young
minds. Moreover, I would liketo work with other professionals
to improve my skills as an educator which will allow me to
further contributein the field of education.

Bachelor in Elementary Education - Major in General
Education (2015)
Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College (OLPSC)Concepcion,
Marikina City

- Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) Passer
- Completed 500 hours of student teacher training
- Rendered 200 hours as volunteer teacher in the community
- Attended various seminars and trainings for education
- With expertise in lesson planning and creating teaching

- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint and Excel)
- Attended various seminars and trainings for education

Student Teacher
November 2014 - February 2015Marikina Elementary
SchoolFlorencio Paz, Marikina City
Served as a student teacher/teaching assistant, organized
activities, drafted lesson plans andorganized alternative
learning experiences for Grade 3 and 4 pupils.
40 Saint Francis ISeattle, WA November 7, 2005Phil Beryl, PrincipalSaint
Michael AcademyTacoma

Dear Sir:

This is to forward my application for a teaching position

i n y o u r s c h o o l . I a m v e r y pleased and interested to impart my
knowledge that I have gained in order to enhance the students efficiency
and capability.I a m a g r a d u a t e o f B a c h e l o r i n S e c o n d a r y
E d u c a t i o n – M a j o r i n E n g l i s h a t L i m a y Polytechnic College.
I am a Let Passer in a recently concluded examination. My
Off Campus Training and various tutorial programs I attended hone my
ability in organizing students and at the same handling classroom
management. I am confident enough that I could contribute to the best
of my ability to the schools vision of producing excellent quality
students and graduates.Attached is my resume for your reference. Should
you find my qualifications adequate, I am willing to call up for
an interview at your most convenient time.Thank you. Looking forward
to work with the people in your respective institution and with this, rest
assures of my highest competence and dedication to this
noble task.Sincerely yours

Application Letter for Teachers format should goes like this:

To: Name of the Principal or the President of the
school/university (if there’s any) The name of thereceiver of your
application letter should be written in capital letters. You should
also write his or herposition below the name. The “position” should
be leveled on the first letter of the name and not underthe “To:” . It
is no longer need to write a “Subject:” of your application letter.Sir:
(or Madam: ) You should know the gender to whom your
application letter will be sent. I am surethis info could be
easily researched, but you can always write “Sir/Madam:” if you
are not sure.Depending on what introduction you feel comfortable
to start with, but I would like to suggest you startfrom “I am”. and it
goes like this:
I am (your complete name), (don’t forget the comma) a graduate
of Bachelor in Secondary Educationmajor in (your major and
minor). If you are already an expert or seasoned teacher you
shouldimmediately write: I have been teaching for a couple of
years now in ( or you can mention the exactnumber of years you
have been teaching) the school/ university with its present address
at ( name of theschool you taught) with its present address at (the
address of the school).That should be your introductory paragraph
to be followed by the information how or where you’ve got
theinformation that their school is in need of additional
teachers. Do not take this for granted because mostof the time,
schools, colleges and universities are using advertisement to get
the perfect applicant for their additional faculty. Since we usually
search the job market for teachers over the internet, I would like
tocompose it giving emphasis that you found the advertisement
through the internet. And it goes like this:I have been browsing the
internet for job for teachers and come up with the website: (put the
link or the urlof the website here). While browsing the posted
teachers job over this website, I came across with thepost stating
you are in need of additional faculty to handle English related
subjects (specify the subjecthere if there’s any). Based on my
experiences in the teaching field and my earned knowledge, I
amconfident to tell you, I am fit for the position, and so, I decided
to apply.I think that paragraph has more than enough information
about their advertisement. I would like toemphasize that you can
make this part an introductory paragraph too.I have attached my
credentials and other pertinent documents for your reference and
further evaluation.Should you feel I am qualified for the position, I
can be contacted at this number and email address. It willbe my
honor to be one of your faculty.Thank you very much.Truly yours,
(or Sincerely yours,)You name in capital letters and your signature
over it. Again, this is only a sample application letter for
teachers. You can always modify it to suit exactly whatyou
need. Teachers, happy job hunting.

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