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LESSON 66 R-Controlled /âr/

• The r-controlled /âr/ category of phonetic elements includes air, are, and ear, as in the
words hair, care and bear. R-controlled vowels are treated as one sound even though
you may hear two sounds.
This lesson is divided into two sections. Section 1 is the core lesson, which can be used with most students
in a whole-class or small-group setting. The core lesson is designed to introduce, model, and practice the
phonetic element taught. Section 2 consists of optional activities designed to reinforce the element taught
in the core lesson. These optional activities work well for small-group and individual instruction.


R-controlled /âr/ picture cards Practice sheet The Mare and the Hare
Word cards Workmats
R-controlled /âr/ cards
Word-family cards
Letter cards
Index cards

Student Objectives
• Introduce r-controlled /âr/ • Practice decoding
• Blend r-controlled /âr/ words • Introduce new high-frequency word: don’t
• Blend onset and rime • Read the decodable book
• Sort words

Introduce R-Controlled /âr/

Materials: R-controlled /âr/ picture cards
• Show students the r-controlled /âr/ picture card for hair. Ask them to name the picture
and tell you the vowel sound they hear in the word. Point to the letters air on the card
and tell them that the letters a, i, and r together stand for the vowel sound they hear in
the word hair.
• Explain that the air letter combination is one of the letter combinations that stand for
a group of sounds called r-controlled vowels. These vowel sounds are neither long nor
short, and are sometimes difficult to hear. The other r-controlled /âr/ letter combinations
are are and ear.
• Say the words care and cape aloud. Ask students which word contains the same vowel
sound as in hair. Make sure students can differentiate between the two vowel sounds.
Point out that even though the word care ends in the letter e, the vowel sound is not
a long sound.

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LESSON 66 R-Controlled /âr/ continued
• Show students the r-controlled /âr/ picture cards one by one. Have them name each
picture, point to the r-controlled vowel spelling, and say the r-controlled vowel sound.
• When showing the picture card for hare, explain to students that the letter e is silent.
Invite students to share the difference between the meaning of the words hair and hare.
Explain to students that these words are homophones, or two words that sound the same
but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Use each word in a sentence so
that students understand the difference in meaning.

Blend R-Controlled /âr/ Words

Materials: Workmats, r-controlled /âr/ cards, letter cards

NOTE: If students have mastered individual sound/symbol relationships, you may

want to skip this section and go directly to Blend Onset and Rime.

• Write the word chair on the board. Point out the letter combination that stands for the
r-controlled vowel sound and ask students to blend the letters a, i, and r together to make
the same vowel sound as in hair. Point out that the r-controlled vowel sound comes at
the end in this word. Next, run your finger under the letters as you blend the two sounds
in chair: ch/air. Point out that even though there are five letters, there are two sounds
blended together to form the word. Then have students blend the word aloud with you
as you run your finger under the letters.
• Repeat the blending activity with the words care, bare, and bear. Take one word at a
time, pointing out the letter combinations that stand for the r-controlled /âr/ vowel sound.
When students have blended the words, ask volunteers to come up and circle the
r-controlled vowel spelling in each word. Have a student point to each r-controlled vowel
spelling as the rest of the group says the sound.
• Invite students to share the difference in meaning between the words bare and bear.
Explain to students that these words are homophones. Use each word in a sentence so
students understand the difference in meaning.
• If students need more work with blending words, have them use the letter workmat, one
of each r-controlled /âr/ card, and the letter cards to blend the words above. Have them
line up the card for each sound in each word under the boxes on their workmat. Group
the words according to each r-controlled vowel spelling so that students know which
r-controlled /âr/ card to use for each word. Model how to push up the r-controlled /âr/
card into the box on the workmat and indicate the sound the r-controlled vowel spelling
makes. Have students push up and sound out the remaining letters of each word
in order on their workmat.

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LESSON 66 R-Controlled /âr/ continued
Blend Onset and Rime
Materials: Letter cards, word-family cards
• Tell students they are going to practice reading words with the r-controlled /âr/ vowel
spelling. Model using the letter and word-family cards.
1 Place the ear word-family card in a pocket chart or along the ledge of a chalkboard.
Remind students that this is the ear word family. Then place the w letter card in front
of ear. Have students listen while you model sounding out the word by blending the
sound in the onset with the sound in the rime: w/ear. Have students repeat.
2 Replace the w card with the p card. Repeat the process with the new word.
3 Take out the cards and replace the ear card with the are card. Remind students that
the letter e is silent. Have students name the new word family. Place the p card in
front of are. Model sounding out the word by blending the sound in the onset with
the sound in the rime: p/are. Have students repeat.
4 Write the words pear and pare on the board. Invite students to share what is similar
and different between these two words. Explain to students that these words are
homophones. Use each word in a sentence so students can understand the difference
in meaning.
5 Replace the p card with the gl card. Repeat the process with the new word.
6 Replace the gl card with the r card. Repeat the process with the new word.
7 Replace the r card with the st card. Repeat the process with the new word.
8 Take out the cards and replace the are card with the air card. Have students name
the new word family. Place the st card in front of air. Have students listen while you
model sounding out the word by blending the sounds in the onset with the sound in
the rime: st/air. Have students repeat.
9 Write the words stare and stair on the board. Invite students to share what is similar
and different between these two words. Explain to students that these words are also
homophones. Use each word in a sentence so students can understand the difference
in meaning.
0 Replace the st card with the h card. Repeat the process with the new word.

Sort Words
Materials: Word-family cards, word cards
• Place one of each word-family card on the top row of a pocket chart or along the ledge
of a chalkboard. Ask students to come up one at a time, select a word card, say the
word, and place it under the correct word family. Continue until all the word cards are
placed correctly. Once all the words have been sorted, have students read aloud the
words under each word family, pointing to the r-controlled vowel spelling in each word.

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LESSON 66 R-Controlled /âr/ continued
Practice Decoding
Materials: Decodable book The Mare and the Hare, practice sheet
• For students who seem to have a grasp of decoding r-controlled /âr/ words and previously
taught decodable and high-frequency words, provide extra practice with the text by
allowing them to independently read:
the practice sheet
the decodable book The Mare and the Hare
• Some students may benefit from having the decodable book introduced and pre-taught
before they read the book. Strategies might include introducing and practicing
high-frequency words used in the book, teaching special word structures, and doing
a book walk.

Introduce New High-Frequency Word: don’t

• Tell students they are going to learn a new word that they need to be able to recognize
and read quickly. Write the word don’t on the board and read it as you point to the word.
Then have students read the word with you.
• Have students write the word don’t in the air with their finger as you spell it out loud
with them, pointing to each letter on the board as you say the letter name.
• Use the high-frequency word in a sentence. Have students make up their own sentence
using the high-frequency word. You might want to challenge them to make up a sentence
that contains other high-frequency words they have already learned.

Read the Decodable Book

Materials: Decodable book The Mare and the Hare

NOTE: See the “Elements Used in This Book” section, found at the start of the
decodable book, for a list of words and skills covered in the book. Pre-teach these
elements as necessary.

• Show students the cover of the book. Have them read the title with you as you run your
finger under each word. Ask students what they see in the picture and what they think
the story might be about. Ask a student to point to the r-controlled vowel spelling in the
words Mare and Hare.
• Give students a copy of the book. Have them preview the pictures and predict the story.
When they get to page 5, ask them why people are watching the mare and the hare.
• Have students read the book. You may want them to whisper read so you can monitor
their progress. When they have finished reading, take time to discuss the book and check
for understanding. Ask students if the mare and the hare should or should not continue
to be upset with the people for staring at them.
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LESSON 66 R-Controlled /âr/ continued

SECTION 2 Optional Lesson Activities (for students who need additional practice)

Student Objectives
• Blend r-controlled /âr/ words
• Blend onset and rime
• Spell and write r-controlled /âr/ words
• Complete learning center activities

Blend R-Controlled /âr/ Words

Materials: Workmats, r-controlled /âr/ cards, letter cards
• Give students the letter workmat, one of each r-controlled /âr/ card, and the letter cards.
Say the word pear and have students listen for the sounds in the word. Have them select
the ear r-controlled /âr/ card and the letter card they need to spell pear. Provide help as
needed. Have students line up the card for each sound on their workmat. Have them
blend each sound as they push up the letters into the boxes. Then have them say the
word pear aloud.
• Repeat the process with the words pair, fair, share, and dare. Make sure to tell students
which r-controlled /âr/ card to use. When students blend the word share, remind them
that the letters s and h together stand for the /sh/ sound.

Blend Onset and Rime

Materials: Workmats, letter cards, word-family cards
• Give students the onset/rime workmat, the letter cards, and one of each word-family
card. Say the word stare. Ask students what rime they hear at the end of the word. Have
them place the are word-family card in the box on the right of their workmat. Have them
identify the onset they need to put at the beginning of are to make the word stare. Have
them place the st card in the box on the left. Write the word on the board. Have students
check their spelling of the word on their workmat with the word on the board. Then have
them blend the sounds in the onset with the sound in the rime.
• Say the words glare, rare, pare, pear, wear, stair, hair, and fair one at a time, and have
students use the letter and word-family cards to spell the words on their workmat. Have
them blend the onset and rime as they make each word. Write each word on the board
as students finish making the word on their workmat. Have students check their spelling
of each word on their workmat with the word on the board.
• Once all of the words have been made, have students read the words on the board.
You can extend the activity by having students make their own words on their workmat.

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LESSON 66 R-Controlled /âr/ continued
Spell and Write R-Controlled /âr/ Words
• Dictate air r-controlled /âr/ words and have students write or spell them (hair, pair).
• Dictate simple sentences for students to write.
You have short hair.
There are two in a pair.
• Repeat the process with are r-controlled /âr/ words (care, share).
They care about me.
Will you share with me?
• Repeat the process with ear r-controlled /âr/ words (bear, pears).
Do you see the brown bear?
I like to eat pears.

Learning Center Activities

Materials: Paper, word cards, index cards
• Have students choose four to six r-controlled /âr/ words and use them to create a story
of their choice.
• Laminate two sets of word cards. Have pairs of students play Concentration with the
cards. Have them spread the cards face down on the floor. Have one student turn over
two cards and read them. If he/she reads the words correctly and they belong to the
same word family, the student keeps the cards and gets another turn. If not, the student
turns the cards back over, and his/her partner gets a turn. You can vary the game by
having students try to match word pairs, since there are two cards for each word.
• Have students make homophone flashcards. Discuss the meaning of the following words
and then have students create a flashcard for each of the following pairs of words: hair/
hare; pair/pear; stair/stare. Have them write each word at the bottom of an index card,
underlining the r-controlled vowel spelling. Then have them draw a picture of the word
above it.

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PICTURE CARDS Phonics Lesson 66: R-Controlled /âr/

pear bear

hair chair

square hare
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WORD CARDS Set 1 Phonics Lesson 66: R-Controlled /âr/

wear pear

pare rare

glare hair

stare stair
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WORD CARDS Set 2 Phonics Lesson 66: R-Controlled /âr/

chair care

bare bear

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R-CONTROLLED /âr/ CARDS Phonics Lesson 66: R-Controlled /âr/

air air air air

are are are are

ear ear ear ear

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WORD-FAMILY CARDS Phonics Lesson 66: R-Controlled /âr/

ear ear

are are

air air

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LETTER CARDS Phonics Lesson 66: R-Controlled /âr/

ch r gl c

st p b h

sh w f d

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PRACTICE SHEET Phonics Lesson 66: R-Controlled /âr/

hare • fair • mare • shared

1 stared • bear • swear
scare • scary • declare
shouted • how • brown
2 sprouts • snorted • wore
roared • morning • walked
3 don’t
h-f word

lived • never • they

4 very • their • were
h-f words
would • along • think
hairy bear
5 the fair mare

a nice pair

6 He is a funny bear
who sits in a chair.
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WORKMATS Phonics Lesson 66: R-Controlled /âr/

Onset/Rime Workmat
Letter Workmat


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