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Calculation of Size of Inverter and Battery Bank

Step 1: Calculate Total Load

Equipment Load (Watt)= No. X Watt
Equipment Load (KVA) = (No. X Watt)/PF
Total Load (Watt) = Sum of Equipment Load(Watt)
Total Load (KVA) = Sum of Equipment Load (KVA)

Step 2: Size of Inverter

Size of Inverter = Total Load+(1+Af) / Ie VA
Efficiency of Inverter (Ie
Additional Further Load Expansion (Af)

Step 3: Size of Battery:

Total Load of Battery Bank= (Total Load x Backup Capacity) / Battery Bank Volt
Size of Battery Bank=[ (Load) x (1+LF) x (1+Ag) x Tp] / [n x DOD] Amp/Hr
Temperature Correction Factor for 46ºC (Tp)=1
Loose Connection/Wire Loss Factor (LF)
Battery Aging Factor (Ag)
Depth of Discharge (DOD)

Step 4: Connection of Battery:

Series Connection:
Series configurations will add the voltage of the two batteries but keep the amperage
rating (Amp Hours) same.
Condition-I :
Selection of Battery for Voltage = Volt of Each Battery <= Volt of Battery Bank
Condition-II :
Selection of Battery for Amp Hr = Amp Hr of Battery Bank <= Amp Hr of Each Battery

Parallel Configuration
In Parallel connection, the current rating will increase but the voltage will be the
Condition-I :
Selection of Battery for Amp Hr = Amp Hr of Battery Bank / Amp Hr of Each Battery <=1
Condition-II :
Selection of Battery for Voltage = Volt of Battery Bank = Volt of Each Battery

Temp. °C Factor
80 1
70 1.04
60 1.11
50 1.19
40 1.3
30 1.4
20 1.59

Calculate Size of Inverter for following Electrical Load .Calculate Size of Battery
Bank and decide Connection of Battery.
Electrical Load detail:
2 No of 60W,230V, 0.8 P.F Fan.
1 No of 200W,230V, 0.8 P.F Computer.
2 No of 30W,230V, 0.8 P.F Tube Light.

Inverter / Battery Detail:

Additional Further Load Expansion (Af)=20%
Efficiency of Inverter (Ie) = 80%
Required Battery Backup (Bb) = 2 Hours.
Battery Bank Voltage = 24V DC
Loose Connection/Wire Loss Factor (LF) = 20%
Battery Efficiency (n) = 90%
Battery Aging Factor (Ag) =20%
Depth of Discharge (DOD) =50%
Battery Operating Temp =46ºC


Step 1: Calculate Total Load:

Fan Load= No x Watt =2×60=120 Watt
Fan Load=(No x Watt)/P.F=(2×60)/0.8= 150VA
Computer Load= No x Watt =1×200=200 Watt
Computer Load=(No x Watt)/P.F =(1×200)/0.8= 250VA
Tube Light Load= No x Watt =2×30=60 Watt
Tube Light Load=(No x Watt)/P.F =(2×30)/0.8= 75VA
Total Electrical Load=120+200+60 =380 Watt
Total Electrical Load=150+250+75= 475VA

Step 2: Size of Inverter:

Size of Inverter=Total Load+(1+Af) / Ie VA
Size of Inverter= 475+(1+20%) / 80%
Size of Inverter= 712 VA

Step 3: Size of Battery:

Condition-I :
Selection of Battery for Amp Hr = Amp Hr of Each Battery <= Amp Hr of Battery Bank
Selection of Battery for Amp Hr =60<=120
Condition-I is OK
No of Battery for Amp Hr = Amp Hr of Battery Bank / Amp Hr of Each Battery
No of Battery for Amp Hr = 120/60 =1.68 =2 No’s

Condition-II :
Selection of Battery for Voltage = Volt of Each Battery <= Volt of Battery Bank
Selection of Battery for Voltage = 12<=24
Condition-II is OK
No of Battery for Voltage = Volt of Battery Bank / Volt of Each Battery
No of Battery for Voltage = 24 / 12 =2 No’s
No of Battery Required = No of Battery Amp Hr x No of Battery for Voltage
No of Battery Required = 2 x 2= 4 No’s
Total Electrical Load=380 Watt
Total Electrical Load=475VA
Size of Inverter= 712 VA
Size of Battery Bank= 101.3 Amp/Hr
For 120 Amp/Hr , 12V DC Battery : Series Connection & 2 No’s of Battery or
For 60 Amp/Hr , 12V DC Battery : Series-Parallel Connection & 4 No’s of Battery

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