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10 CBSE Chemistry

(4 Keaction with metal hydrogen carbonates : Acids react with metal hydrogen carbonates such
NaHCO3, Ca(HCO3)2 etc. and produce salt, water and CO2.
6) Reaction with a base : Acid and base react together and produce water and salt. This reaction is calle
(6) Reaction with metallic oxides and hydroxides : Acids react with metallic oxides and hydroxides such a
CuO,Na 0, Mg0, Ca(OH)2, Mg(OH)2 etc. and form water and salt. This reaction is also called neutralisation
(7) Reaction with non-metallic oxides : Bases react with non-metallic oxides such as COg, NO2, SO2 etc. and
form water and salt. This reaction is also called neutralisation reaction.

Short Answer Questions (SAQ)

Q.1. What is an indicator? Name some natural and synthetic indicators. [CBSE 2011
An indicator is a dye which gives different colours in acid and base. Litmus and turmerie
indicators whereas methyl orange and phenolphthalein are synthetic indicators.
(haldi) are natural
Q.2. What is the colour of following indicators in (a) an acid (b) a base?
) Litmus, (i) Methyl orange, (iii) Phenolphthalein
Ans. (a) In acid medium, litmus has red colour, methyl orange is pink whereas phenolphthalein is colourless.
6) In basie medium, litmus has blue colour, methyl orange is yellow whereas phenolphthalein is pink.
9.3. What are olfactoryindicators? Explain with examples. [CBSE 2012, 14
Ans. Those substances whose odour changes in acidic or basic solutions are called olfactory indicators. Onior
vanilla extract, clove oil ete. are olfactory indicatars. Onion and vanilla extract do not give their characteristie
smell in aqueous NaOH solution. In NaOH solution, their characteristic smell gets destroyed. But in dilue
hydrochloric acid, they give their characteristic smell
Q.4. Why should curd and sour substances not be kept in brass and copper vessels? INCERT Book Question)
Ans. Curd and sour substances contain acid. The acid present in curd and sour substances react with the metal of
the vessel and produces poisonous metal salts which can cause food poisoning and damage the health.
Q.5. Which gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal? Illustrate with
example. How will you tesa
the presence of this gas?
NCERT Book Question
Ans. When a metal reacts with an acid,
hydrogen gas is produced. For example when zinc reacts with HS04
hydrogen gas is evolved. If a burning candle is brought near the gas, the gas burns with a pop sound.
Zn +H2SO4 ZnSO 4 +
Q.6. Metal compound (A) reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce effervescence. The
gas evolved extinguishes
a burning candle. Write a balanced
chemical equation for the reaction if one of the
compound formed is calci
[NCERT Book Question
Ans. i) The gas evolved extinguishes a
burning candle. Therefore, this gas is carbon dioxide.
ii) Carbon dioxide is produced when a metal carbonate or metal bicarbonate
reacts with an acid.
(iii) Since one of the compound formed is calcium chloride, it shows that ciu
metal is
compound (A) calc
carbonate or calcium hydrogen carbonate.
(iv) Metal compound (A) can not be calcium
hydrogen carbonate because it is stable only in solution.
hydrogen carbonate is too unstable to exist as solid. But it Ca
is true that Ca(HCO3)2 will
reaction with dilute HC1 produce o
(v) Thus, compound (A) is calcium carbonate.
CaCO3(s) +2HCl(aq)
Compound A CaCl2(aq) CO2(8)+H20()
Salts 2.11
Bases and

nature ot th
reacts witn crushed egg-shells to give gas that turns lime water milky. What is the
7. A solution
C02 evolved 1s

ns. Egg-shell contains caleium carbonate (CaCOg). Gas turns lime water milky. Therefore, gas
Calcium carbonate gives CO; with acids. Therefore, solution is acidic. It may contain HSO4, HCI, HNO3 etc

CaCOg +H,S0, CaSO +CO2 +H,0

Lime water
CaCO3+ H20
Insoluble ppt.
for the
Q.S. What happens
when acid reacts with a
metal hydrogen carbonate? Give the balanced chemical equation

Ans. When a metal hydrogen carbonate reacts with an acid, carbon dioxide is formed. For example,
NaHCO3 +HCI NaCl+CO2 +H20
Sodium hydrogen carbonate

Ca(HCO3)2 +2HCI CaCl2 +2CO+ 2H20

Calcium hydrogen carbonate Calcium chloride

basic Oxides and two acidic oxides.

Q.9. Give names and formulae of two etc.
Ans. Metals form basic oxides, e.g,
sodium oxide (Na20), magnesium oxide (MgO), copper oxide (Cu0))
Non-metals form acidic oxides, e.g., CO2, SO2, SO3 etc.
Q.10. What is neutralisation reaction? Explain with examples.
salt and water is called neutralisation reaction. For example,
Ans. The reaction between an acid anda base to give a
neutralise each other.
when NaOH solution and hydrochloric acid react together, they
NaOH (ag) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + H0()
(Base) (Acid) (Salt) (Water)
acid react together, a salt and water is formed. It is also called neutralisation
When a basic oxide and an

reaction. For example,

CuO +2HCl CuClo + H0
(Basic oxide) (Acid) (Salt) (Water)

When an acidic oxide and a base react together, a salt and water is formed. It is also called neutralisation

+ Ca(OH) CaCOs + H0
CO (Water)
(Acidic oxide) (Base) (Salt)
. Name the compounds which can be used as antaci1d.

Ans. antacid. Baking soda

mpounds which neutralise the of hydrochloric acid in stomach may be used as

(NaHCOg) and milk of magnesia [Mg(OH)2] are used ass antacid.

NaHCO3 +HCl NaCl+C0, + H0

Mg(OH) +2HC1 MgCl2 +2H,0

Q.12. What happens
ppens when carbon dioxide gas is passed in lime water (a) for a short time (6) for a longer time?

LXplain by giving balanced chemical equations.

e n COg is passed in lime water for a short time, an insoluble precipitate of calcium carbonate is formed.
The solution becomes
COg+ Ca(OH) »CaCOg(s) + H,0
(Lime water) (White ppt.)
is passed for a longer time, insoluble calcium carbonate dissolves and a clear solution is obtained
En 0
aue to the formation of soluble calcium hydrogen carbonate.
2.12 CBSE Chemistry AC

CaCO3(s) +CO2 +H20 Ca(HCO3)2 W

Calcium carbonate Calcium hydrogen carbonate
(insoluble) (soluble)
acid with
Q. 13. Write the balanced chemical equations for the reactions when dilute sulphuric

(a) aluminium powder (b) iron filings (c) magnesium ribbon

Ans. In all these reactions, hydrogen gas is evolved and a salt is formed.

3HSO +2Al- Alg(SO4)3 +3H2 atta

Sulphuric acid Aluminium sulphate

H2SO4 + Fe FeSO4 +H2

Ferrous sulphate

H2S04 + Mg MgSO4 + H2
Magnesium sulphate
Q. 14. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reactions when sulphuric acid reacts with (a) calcium hydrogen
carbonate (b) sodium hydrogen carbonate (c) sodium carbonate (d) calcium carbonate.
Ans. In all these reactions, a salt, COg and water is formed.
(a) Ca(HCO3)2 + HgSO4 CaSO4 + 2C0g + 2H,0

(b) 2NaHCO3 +H2S04 NagSO4 + 2C0g +2H,0

(c) Na,CO3 + HSO4 Na2SO4 + CO2 + H20 repre
CaSO4 + CO2 + H20
(d) CaCO3 + H2S04
Q. 15. What are organic and mineral acids?
citric acid, tartaric acid, methano"
Ans. Acids present in plant materials and animals are called organic acids, e.g.,
from minerals of the earth a r e called mineral acids, eg
acid, ethanoic acid, oxalic acid etc. Acids prepared
B a s e s

Short Answer Questions (SAQ)

do HC1.
HNO3 ete. sthow acidic character in aqueous solutions while solutions of compounds

0.1. Why
do 2010, 11]
do not show acidic character? NCERT Book Question, CBSE
Ans. HC iHNO3. HSO, ete. give hydrogen ions in aqueous solution and show acidie properties. Compounas
not show
sloohol. glhucose, met ethane etc. do not give hydrogen ions in solution. Therefore, such compounds do
acidic properties.

solution of an acid conduct electricity? CBSE 2014]

hy does
an a q u e o u s INCERT Book Question,
Q2 ions,
those sol solutions ions. Since acids dissociate in water to produce
conduet electricity whichcontain
their a q u e o u s
solutions conduct electricity. For example,
HCI Water H* (aq) +Cl (aq)
[NCERT Book Question]
e3. Why
does dry HOl gas not change the colour of the dry itmus paper?
in the presence of hydrogen ions (H*) only. Hydrogen ions are produced
Ans. Colour of the htmus paper changes
litmus paper.
onlyin the presence of water. Therefore, dry HCl gas does not change the colour of the dry
changes the colour of moist litmus paper.
and not water to the acid?
diluting an acid, why is it recommended that the acid should be added to water
04. While
NCERT Book Question, CBSE 2011]

| Water Acid

Acid- Water

2.7: Diluting concentrated acid with water


. Addition of water to the acid is an exothermic process. If we add water to the acid, a lot of heat is produced. It
burns. 'The glass container may also break due to the heaat
nay cause the acid mixture to splash out and cause
cooled water with constant stirring. The heat produced is
produced. Therefore, acid is added to the well
8DSOrbed by the cold water and there is no spurting
Q5. How is the of hydronium ionsaffected when a solution of an acid is diluted ?
W18 the concentration
[NCERT Book Question]
Ans. The unit volume gets decreased.
of hydronium ions (H30") per
Q6. How is (OH)affected when
excess base is dissolved in a solution of sodisna
the e concentration of hydroxide ions
INCERT Book Question]
hydroxide ?
Ans. Excesss otof base
base dissolved in a solution of sodium hydroxide releases more hydroxide ions (OH ). Therefore

Entration of hydroxide ion gets increaseu.

pHof our blood is about 7.4. This pH value is maintained by soluble hydrogen carbonate and carbonie aca
(HCO). The nature of mouth is alkaline. t also partially neutralises the hydrochloric acid
of saliva
present in stomach.

Short Answer Questions (SAQ)

Q.1. What is meant by strong and weak acids? Explain with examples. [CBSE 2012]
and produce large number ofhydrogen ions are called
Ans. Acids which are completely ionised (dissociated) in water

strong acids. For example,

HCI(aq)- H* (aq)+Cl (aq)
HSO (aq)- 2H* (aq)+sO (aq)

HNOg, HCI, H,SO4 etc. are strong acids.

ACids which are partially ionised (dissociated) in water and produce small number of H" ions are called weak

acids. For example,

CHCOOH(aq)CH,CO0 (ag) + H* (ag)
oxalic acid, tartaric acid etc. are weak acids.
Tganic acids such as acetic acid, citric acid,
2.24 CBSE Chemis

Q.2. What do you mean by strong and weak bases ? Explain with examples.
Ans. Bases which are completely ionised (dissociated) in water and produce large number of hydroxide ions(o
are called strong bases. For example, NaOH, KOH etc. are strong bases. OH
NaOH (aq) >Na' (aq) +OH (aq)
Bases which are partially ionised (dissociated) in water and produce small number of OH ions are called
bases. For example. wea
NH OH (aq) NH (aq) +OH (aq)
NH OH. CuOH)2. FOH)2. FeOH)3 etc. are weak bases.
Q.3. Select strong and weak acids from the following
HNO3.HCO3. H,S0,.HS03. HCl and CH,COOH
Ans. Strong acids : HNO3, HS04, HCl
Weak acids :
Q. 4. Classify the following into strong and weak bases:
NH OH. NaOH. Cu(OH)2, Fe(OH)3, KOH and Fe(OH)
Ans. Strong bases : NaOH, KOH
Weak bases NH OH,
There are four aqueous solutions A. B, C and
, Fe(OH)2 Fe(OH)3
the acidic and basic solutions.
Dhaving pH values equal to 3.2, 8.4. 7.6. 5.9 respectively. Select
Ans. Acidic solutions Whose [CBSE 2010
: pH is less than 7, i.e., A and D.
Basic solutions : Whose pH is more than
7, i.e., Band C.
Q.6. There are five solutions A, B. C, D and E. Their pH values are 2.7, 3.8. 1.2. 0
and 6.2 respectively. What
decreasing order of the hydrogen ion concentrations of these solutions? is the
Ans. Smaller the pH value, [CBSE 2011l
greater is the hydrogen ion concentration.
Order of H ion concentration D> C> A > B > E
pH 1.2 2.7 3.8 6.2
Q.7. There are five solutions A. B. C, D and E. Their pH values are 14, 8.5, 9.6. 7.8. 13
decreasing order of hydroxide ion concentrations of these solutions ? respectively. What 1s
Ans. Greater the pH value, greater is the hydroxide ion
(OH ) concentration.
Order of OH ion concentration A
E>C> B > D
pH 14 13 9.6 8.5 7.8
Q.8. What is the pH of distilled water
Ans. Distilled waer is neutral and its pH is7.
Q.9. pH of two solutions A and B is 3.6 and
solutions respectively. What is the colour
of litmus paper in thes
Ans. pH of solution A is 3.6 and it is acidic. [CBSE 2011,14
Therefore, colour of litmus paper is red. is
Therefore, colour of litmus is blue. pH of solution Bis 10.9 anai t
Q. 10. What is the colour of
phenolphthalein and methyl
Ans. pH of solution A is 3.6 and it is acidic. Therefore, orange indicator in the above two solutions A and D
methyl orange indicator is pink. phenolphthalein indicator remains colourless and
pH of solution Bis 10.9 and it is basic. 'Therefore, colour
orange is yellow. phenolphthalein indicator is pink and that of meethy
Q. 11. Name the scientist who gave pH scale
Ans. Sorensen introduced the pH scale.
and Salts 2.25

f the following substances having pH values 7, above 7 and below7.

Juices in stomach, (2) Lemon Juice, (3) Vinegar, (4) Coffee, (5) Soft drinks, (6) Tooth paste and () DIS
( water.

water is 7.
pH of distilled
of stomach juices, lemon juice, vinegar, coffee and soft drinks is less than 7.
tooth paste is
more than 7.
pH of
hich indicator is used to estimate the strength of acids and bases ? Explain it.
mixture of
estimate the strength of acids and bases. Universal indicator is
Tlaiversal indicator isIt used todifferent a

iferent indicators. gives colours at different pH values.

Write the neutralisation reaction between acids and bases in terms of the ions involved.
neutralisation reaction involves the reaction between Ht and OH ions forming feebly dissociated
Ans. A
H (aq) OH (aq) >HO()
the names and symbols of the ions present in the aqueous solutions of HNO3 H2SO and CH3CO0pH.
,15. Write

Ans. HNOg(aq) H (aq) + NOg (aq)

Hydrogen ion Nitrate ion Note
Aqueous solutions of all
HS0,(aq) 2H* (aq)+ SO (aq) the acids also contain
Sulphate ion OH (aq) ions.
CH3COOH(aq)H* (aq) +CH,CO0
Acetate ion

the and sym bols of the ions present in the aqueous solutions of NaOH, NH4OH and Mg(OH)2.
Q.16. Write names

Ans. NaOH (aq). Nat (aq)+ OH (aq)

Sodium 1on Hydroxide ion
NH,OH(ag) NH (ag) +OH (ag) Aqueous solutions of all
the bases also contain
Ammonium 1on
H (aq) ions.
MgOH)2(aq) Mg (aq) +20H (aq)
Magnesium ion

.17. pH of milk is 6. What do you expect the pH of curd? [CBSE 2009]

Ans. pH of curd will be less than 6. It is because when milk turns into curd, lactic acid (an acid) is produced which

lowers the pH value.

18. pH of two solutions A and Bis 3.0 and 12.0 respectively. Which solutions has (a) greater number of H* ions (b)

greater number of OH ions.

s.(a) Smaller the pH value, greater is the number of H 1ons. Therefore, Solution A has greater number of H

Therefore, solution Bhas greater number of
Greater the pH value, greater is the concentration ofOH
OH ions.
1 8.7 and 13.0. Which solution has (a) greater number of
n e pH value of four solutions A. B, C and D is 2.5, 4.6,
Ht number of H 1ons and (d) smaller number of OH ions.
10ns, (b) greater number ofOH ions, (c) smaller
Ans. An aqued ions. Greater the number o f H ions in aqueous solution
aqueous solution always contains H* and OH
aller is the number of OH ions and vice-versa.
ions. Therefore, solution A has
greater number of H+
Dmaller the pH value, greater is the number of H"
0ns. Greater the number of H* ions, smaller is the number otOn 10ns. 'Theretore, solution Ahas smaller

umber of OH ions.
has greater number of OH-
(b) ions. Theretore, solution D
Ener the pH value, greater is the number OHthe
smaller number of H 1ons. Therefore, solution D has smallew
s . Greater the number of OH ions,
number of Ht ions.

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