Proclamation 1178 2020

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Abrham Yohanes https://chilot.



l L<LR 7: -." I/ 26th Year No.31

A L A% :m no j? 5065 7.! I     ADDIS ABABA 1st April, 2020
  !" # $%& 

'() Content
A+, -." /0/123/5065 7.! Proclamation No.1178/2020
9( :;< E> 9(? ;-. :?;< <?" Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking in
'A;" ?B? C:D D> C:E$"  Persons and Smuggling of Persons Proclamation
A+, …….………………………………;G 650H1IH
No. ………………………………..…....Page 12,434

A+, -." /0/123/

/0/123/5065 PROCLAMATION NO. 1178/2020
9( :;< E> 9(? ;-



9( :;<J 9(? K; . :?;< WHEREAS, trafficking in persons, the

<?" 'A;" E> K;-. :?;< CL  smuggling of persons and illegal oversea
(M A;" :  ?BN O AJ KP employment crimes are causing serious harm to

E> K? P DQR ST E UV E> physical, life and safety of citizens and exposing to
grave violations of human rights;
C97 : .9 ECW X;Y ?BN
:Z>[(? :;?\ ]

9( :;< E> 9(? K; . :?;< WHEREAS, a Proclamation promulgated

<?" 'A;" ?B? C:D D E> C:E$" for the Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking in
( A+, -." ^1^/50_ `a Persons and Smuggling of Migrants No. 909/2015
XO<C(J DbN KO " 'P!> lacks clarity, inconsistent with other laws and does

C `c & ! d 'P9. Ze :;fg A L> not provide adequate responses to the problem;
thereby necessitated for replacement with a new and
h ` 'EjQ : 'LkCS]
comprehensive legal framework;

ÃNÇ êU nU¶T Uz¤È ±.œ.q.Ü *¹þ1

Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1IŽ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12435

I    WHEREAS, in accordance with Article

 K;-:?`L A?jG 63 :9U 18 of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic

'?R(! :?;< 9( :;< :DDp Republic of Ethiopia prohibits trafficking in human

E? q! 9( :;< CP! rs > in any manner; as well as Ethiopia, have ratified the
protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish
t> :;<? C:D DJ C:E$"> ?B
Trafficking in Persons especially Women and
kuXv ? C:w E> 9(? ;-. :?;<
Children and the Protocol Against the Smuggling of
LJ %K"> A" 'L> 'L;%
Migrants by Land, Sea and Air issued by the United
C:D D XL p xyszN ? %c
Nations; necessitated enactment of detailed law for
:?`L{ <", '(g> I!
the implementation;
L!!g? | j :Z} 'Lk~X ""
K` '( ALk  :Z}]

:?`L 9v k.y E> K` RECOGNIZING, the duty of the

O>~€? :> .w! '" E> 'LD" government to respect and protect rights and
 ‚ C :Z} ?B :D DJ ?B benefits persons conferred by nature and law;

kuXv ? K` $& '<U`J Oƒv necessitated enacting legal framework and creating

.„> : '††! CP! C?BN‡ a system that enable crime prevention, holding
perpetrator accountable, protecting and
 M Z} KU9ˆ QN ?  d
rehabilitating victims specially to undertake
X "`> Oƒv ? E<‰J Š{> ‹ Q O
activities that reaches section of the society
'DC `%" :k|! E> 7C! AjQ "?
vulnerable to the crimes and in taking into
C'$>D" XL  K` 'EjQ '( E>
consideration the age, sex and special needs of the
Œ"7 :Q$" ALk  :Z}]
victims and facilitating international cooperation;

I    NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance

 ; :?`L A?jG Ž (Ž) :‘U with Article 55 (5) of the Constitution of the
XDC( {(’““ Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is
hereby proclaimed as follows:


/. AM" "EL 1. Short Title
PK A+, “9( :;< E> 9(? ;-. This Proclamation may be cited as the
:?;< <?" 'A;" ?B? C:D D> “Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking in

C:E$"  A+, -." /0/123/5065” Persons and Smuggling of Persons

Proclamation No. 1178/2020”.
N $jL P ““
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1I¢ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12436

5. "S! 2. Definitions

„p A;% b "S! X9$( Z In this Proclamation unless the context
Lj" –— A+, (L.“- otherwise requires:

/// “ B ?B ˆ<?”

ˆ<?” 'C –K A+, 1/ “Organized criminal group” means a
:CD ?B? C:k~! ˜L P! structured group of three or more

D–  P Z} 9(? \J I persons living and operating in Ethiopia

(L. P! b A;" X;™ P! or elsewhere, existing for a limited or

unlimited period of time and acting in
X?jšjL] C9 P! 9 
concert with the aim of committing one or
XEPJ j.{! Z \++ ;?\
more offences stipulated under this
P! b '?R(?! -š .w!
Proclamation, in order to obtain, directly or
C'`f +jU ˆ<? (]
indirectly a financial or other material

5// “%"”
%" 'C b 9( %C# : 2/ “Slavery” means the status or condition of
›p ›p P! D‚ Ek|: a person over whom any or all the powers

C 9( X;™ qœ{ P! A†! attaching to the right of ownership are

(] exercised;

o/ “A;P '<U`”
'<U`” 'C A?< 9( 3/ “Servitude” means the conditions or the
LjU(J D DC( P! jPU( obligations to work or to render services

'P  qœ{ A;`N E? 9. from which the person cannot escape,
prevent or alter;
P! ΠE? 9 '<U` P!
'L; < (]

H/ “› AT>
AT> :9  `%" 4/ “Sexual or other forms of sexual

” 'C A?<? 9( C› activities” means pimping out, using or
deploying a person for prostitution, or
A;`N '9' J C`U L `?Y
causing a person to engage in immoral
A;`N 'wU P! :$j! P!
acts, especially by exhibiting one’s
C:! |%P „ ž Z} `% 
nakedness or sexual parts for the view of
CP! ; ? P! —QU Œ CbN
others, including the recording of these
E? šP '<U` Z?] E–K? `% 
acts through the use of a photograph,
Ÿs` QJ  J <!a P! b
video, audio or any other means for the
'?R(! :?;< :wUG> '9 ¡ purpose of distribution;
P! C'9 ¡ 7 ' :wUG?
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1I_ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12437

Ž/ “Kt> S ”

” 'C Ku?? K` 5/ “Labor exploitation of children” means
Dkj ( qœ{ (M P! CKt} A causing a child to work or provide a

P! E<‰ tUU :£ L E? 9 service in a manner other than those

permitted by law or contrary to the age or
P! A;`N E? 9. '<U` (]
physical strength of the child;

¢/ “D%< A ST”

ST” 'C ?B K` 6/ “Grave physical injury” means the
A?jG Ž1Ž L" :CD( qœ{ (] situation described under Article 555 of the
Criminal Code;

_/ “Oƒ”
Oƒ” 'C –K A+, D:CDg 7/ “Victim” means a person subjected to one
?B <"s A?¤ P! DA?< or more of the criminal offences stipulated

 P k~: E> A J Œ-¥> under this Proclamation and having

P! IzeX ST  U9 P! suffered physical, psychological or

economic harm, or violation of rights; or
: .9 k~: P! E–K
though not suffered from such harm or not
STs  UV P! : .9
subject to such violation for the purpose of
k~: %PZ?! C?Bp C$
providing protection and support provided
P! C. X  :Z} –K A+,
under this proclamation includes person
:CD( .„ E> <Q E?
vulnerable or exposed to the crime;
A`%g XLk;( 9( (]

3/ “D?B " ;>f ?U”

?U” 'C –K 8/ “Property associated with the crime”
A+, A?jG oJ HJ 3J ^J 6 P! 6/ means property used in the commission of

:CD ?B :k|X +C crime provided under Article 3, 4, 8, 9, 10

or 11 of this Proclamation, direct or
?UJ j.{! Z \++ E–K
indirect proceeds of the crime, property
?B ;f ?UJ DE–K ?B
produced from proceeds of the crime, and
;f( ?U k ( ?U P!
includes, when the property obtained
CE–K ?B :k|X +C( P!
through these conditions is not found,
(¦ Z( P! k ( ?U
equivalent property of the offender;
;f E? Z :™ `! C(
?B kuX(? ?U $„ ]

^/ “”
” 'C I  9/ “Region” means any state referred to
   K; :?`L A?ja under Article 47 (1) of the Constitution

§_ (/) :CD( '?R(!  Z? of the Federal Democratic Republic of

C–K A+, Akt~! A L A%?> <¨ Ethiopia, and for the purpose of this
Proclamation, it includes Addis Ababa and
T+ D' ALT "? P¡! ]
Dire Dawa City Administration;
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1I3 Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12438

6/ “t?”
t?” 'C E<‰( D63 7: { 10/ “Child” means any person under the age
Z '?R(! 9( (] of 18 years;

6// “?B K`”

K`” 'C A+, -." 11/ “Criminal Code” means the Criminal
H16H/6^1©¢ 7.! ( 6^1©¢ 7.! Code of the Federal Democratic Republic

I     of Ethiopia 2004 promulgated with

?B ` (] Proclamation No. 414/2004;

65/ “ªL”
ªL” 'C   ªL P! 12/ “Police” means Federal Police or

  ªL (> 9$(  Regional State Police to whom the power

ªL (] of Federal Police is delegated with respect

to this Proclamation;

6o/ “9(”
9(” 'C k.y 9( P! ` 13/ “Person” means any natural or juridical
9( : 9$( A (] person;

6H/ '?R(! ?< «{ ;C~( A;" 14/ Any expression in the masculine gender
r?! P¡! ““ includes the feminine.


9( :;<J 9(? ;-



?BN E> ¬ ?BN



o. 9( :;< <" 3. Act of Trafficking in Persons

// '?R(! 9( b (? 9( %" P! 1/ Any person who holds another person in

%" :9 `%"J A;P P! slavery or practices similar to slavery,

servitude or debt bondages; exploited in
ET :® \(] Ap? '(
removing organs or prostitution or other
P! › AT P! :9
forms of sexual activities of another
 `%"  k|:] `T,
person; engages another person in forced
ΠP! A;`NJ :>J ?B
labor or service, begging or criminal act,
`%"J `T, ¯J P! 'K|?
forced marriage, surrogacy, or exploited
° P 9' P! Kt>? S
children in labor, or commit exploitation
Œ \\ P! E–K? :9  similar to these acts shall be punishable
`%  k|: E? Z D9% 7: with Seven years to Fifteen years of
ELD AL A!L 7: X "L a} rigorous imprisonment and fine from
EL  E> Dl 0K ELD A?< :s 0K Twenty Thousand to One Hundred
" X "L :j± Pj““ Thousand Birr.
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1I^ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12439

5/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) P 2/ A person who pass through a criminal
k|:( ?B ²  (L. %Ck process stipulated under Sub-Article (1) of

9( P ( k|: P! :k|› this Article, whether the exploitation is

started or completed, the perpetrator as
B!y E? Z ² g šk E? q!
well as his collaborates shall be punishable
(? k|:( 9( D9% ELD
with rigorous imprisonment from Seven
AL qC 7: X "L a} EL  E>
years to Twelve years and with fine from
DA"% 0K " ELD A?< :s 0K "
Forty Thousand to One Hundred Thousand
X "L :j± Pj““

o/ –K A?ja ?UL A?ja (5) P 3/ The recruitment, transportation, transferring,

$jV :?;³ .w! P %P(p! harboring, hiding or receipt of a child for

Kt>? C 7 ' :::J the purpose of exploitation shall be

considered “trafficking in persons” even if
'´´J  b 9( 'L QJ 'L$CJ
this does not involve any of the means
: w P! :j 9( :;<
mentioned in Sub-article (2) of this Article;
<" (““

H/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (5) D$jV 4/ If the means mentioned under Sub-Article

:?;³ (L. A?¤ C E? Z Oƒ( (2) of this Article have been used, the fact

( Xk|! :Z}? '- P! that the victim is consented or have the
knowledge to the exploitation shall not
:L''g <"g? kuX D?B
relief the perpetrator from criminal
$& XLj" APZ?!“

Ž/ C–K ?UL Q Akt~! “$jV 5/ For the purpose of this sub-section `means
:?;³ ” 'C P :$j!J ';J mentioned` means threat or use of force or
:.CQJ 'Lk  P! b 'L; µ \¶ other means of coercion, or abduction,
:$j!J '{CJ L· „ :L$J fraud, of deception, abuse of power or of a

Œ?? A `% :$j!J 9(? position of vulnerability, or by the giving

 M :$j! P! LCb (  ‚ or receiving of payments or benefits to

C? 9( k„< C'`f : C P! achieve the consent of a person having

.w! :L$ P! :j (““ control over the person.

H. D%< qœ{ 4. Aggravating Circumstances

// –K A+, A?jG o (/) P! (5) P 1/ Where the crime stipulated under Article
:CD( ?B <" k~:(¸ 3(1) or (2) of this Proclamation is

—) t>J AE!y K:!R P! a) against a child or mentally ill or

A STR P DZ] physically disabled;

Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1§ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12440

C) A ?¬ EaJ :<lž P! ¹" b) by using drugs, medicine or weapons;

:º :$j! E? Z]

») :?`L ‘ R P! %CŒ? c) by a public official or civil servant and

the person committed the offence by
DZ> ?Bp? k|:( 9$(?
abusing the powers entrusted to him;
 ‚ :D{ '<U` DZ] P!
:) A;" (L. P! (M A;" Πd) by an organization licensed to conduct

L! k„< %C( A k„¤? d·? domestic or foreign employment

'<U` E? Z] services by abusing its license;

DAL" 7: ELD l 7: X "L a} the punishment shall be rigorous

EL  E> D9 š 0K ELD A?< :s 0K imprisonment from Ten years to Twenty

" X "L :j± Pj““ years and a fine from Thirty Thousand to
One Hundred Thousand Birr.

5/ –K A+, A?jG o (/) P! (5) 2/ Where the crime stipulated under Article 3
:CD( ?B <"“- (1) or (2) of this Proclamation:-

—)  B ?B ˆ<? A% :Z? a) was committed being a member, a

P! ˆ<}? :!  P! leader or coordinator of an organized

criminal group;
'L%" k|:]

C) Oƒ( P 'P<? d{ LDC] b) resulted chronic disease on the victim;

P! or

») Oƒ( P P! K? A  c) Endangered the life or safety of the

P  j P! Oƒ( P D%< victim or caused grave bodily injury to

the victim or subjected for inhuman
A ST  U9 P! CI-
97 A TU; E? Z]

DAL A!L 7: ELD l A!L the punishment shall be rigorous

imprisonment of Fifteen years to Twenty-
7: X "L a} EL  E> Dl!š 0K
Five years and with fine from Fifty
ELD A?< :s l!š 0K " X "L
Thousand Birr to Two Hundred Thousand
:j± Pj““

:) Oƒ( P  ALDN E? Z d) Where the offence causes the death of

the victim, depending on the
E? ;c qœ{ DAL A!L 7:
circumstances of the case, the
ELD l A!L 7: P! E<‰
punishment shall be rigorous
 a} EL  P!  E> Dl!š
imprisonment from Fifteen years to
0K ELD qC :s 0K " X "L
Twenty Five years or life
;?\ :j± Pj““
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1§/ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12441

imprisonment or death and fine from

Fifty Thousand to Two Hundred
Thousand Birr.

o/ k~:( <" Kt> S  3/ Where the act committed is child labor
XZ?  –K A?jG ?UL A?jG exploitation, the aggravating circumstance

(/) ‚  (—) Kt> XC( 'µ of being against child stated under Sub-

!? 'µ ktX APZ?!““ Article (1) letter (a) of this Article shall not
be applicable for aggravation.

Ž. 9( :;< <"? : ;Q 5. Assisting the act of Human Trafficking

?B S LCA%  ;;( E? $j Without prejudice to provision of the criminal

Ze '?R¼! 9( 9( C:;< 7 ' code regarding accomplice, any person

:$jX :Z}? Ej “- knowing that it is to be used for purpose of

human trafficking:-

//  V?! Z P½{( L" X;™ #J K?t 1/ Permit or rent house, building or premises of
P! `m D  P! E? $j› his own or in his control or provide
kj ] P!  ?Lª" A;`N transport service or transport the victims
9$ P! O,v ? ´´\ E? Z D L shall be punishable with rigorous

7: ELD 9% 7: X "L a} EL  imprisonment from three years to seven

E> DAL" 0K ELD l!š 0K " X "L years and fine from Ten Thousand to Fifty

;?\ :j± Pj““ Thousand Birr.

5/ MUUJ —9R P! ;. :?;< 2/ Produced, give, provide or holds fraudulent,
:{& P! S½ 9< \BJ 9$J falsified or illegal identity card or travel
jU P! P½ ;f E? Z DA!L document shall be punishable with

7: ALD AL A!L 7: X "L a} rigorous imprisonment from five years to

EL > DAL" 0K ELD l!š 0K " fifteen years and fine from Ten Thousand

X "L ;?\ :j± Pj““ to Fifty Thousand Birr.

¢.  7 '? LC:;: 6. Presuming Purpose of Exploitation

A?< 9( –K A+, A?jG o (5) D$jV Where it is proved that a person recruit,
:?;³ A?¤? :$j! 9(? :::J transport, transfer, harbor, hide or receive

'´´¾J  b 9( 'L C€J 'L$CJ another person using means mentioned under

: w P! :j `%  'D>} Article 3(2) of this Proclamation; or without

using means mentioned commit such act
P! $jV :?;³ %Pec! E–K?
against child; presumption may be made on
`%  Kt> P 'D>} U;$
basis of circumstantial evidence for which
E? Z PK? <" CR(  7 '
exploitation purpose the person committed such
E? k~: AD%m 'LUµ `! C:(9<
P¯ ““
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1§5 Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12442

_. bN › AT :$j! 7. Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others

'?R(! 9( –K A+, A?jG o E> H Apart from the circumstances stipulated under

D:CD( qœ{ (M bN 9v Articles 3 and 4 of this Proclamation, any

person for the purpose of benefiting from the
DXkG› › AT `%" P!
prostitution or immorality of another or to
Œ-!`%" ¿ C:$j!  P!
gratify the sexual passions of another, causes
b (? 9( Q L Q O C'"
another to engage in prostitution, acts as go
'9 b (? 9( C› `%" 9' J
between, procures, keeps in a brothel, uses or
;>fJ jUJ › AT # Lj:$J
rents out his residence or place of business for
Œ P! :e #g? ›p ›p P!
this purpose in whole or in part or uses the
D‚ C–K `%" +C P! D  P! prostitution or immorality of another in any
'>[(! b :?;< b (? 9( › other manner shall be punishable with rigorous
<" P! Œ-!`%" ¿ :$jX imprisonment from one year to five years and
A<"O \ E? Z DA?< 7: ELD A!L fine from Ten Thousand to Fifty Thousand
7: X "L a} EL  E> DAL" 0K ELD Birr.

l!š 0K " X "L :j± Pj““


9(? K;-

3. ;-
;-. :?;< <?" 'A;" 8. Smuggling

// '?R¼! 9( j.{! Z \++ 1/ Any person who, for direct or indirect

;?\ P! -š .w! C'`f P! financial or material gain for himself or for

Cb 9( C'L;f '9 9¼? ;- another person, enables a person to

illegally enter into the territory of Ethiopia,
. :?;<  I ` E? ;%J
exit the territory of Ethiopia, transit
DIÀ ` E? J I `
through the territory of Ethiopia, or to
E?  CQ  U; P! 9(? DI
cause exit of another person from
` C'L `,  U;J ²  P
Ethiopian territory make preparation,
;fJ ´´\ P! jC E? Z
found in the process, transport or receive
DA!L 7: ELD AL" 7: X "L
shall be punishable with rigorous
a} EL > DAL" 0K ELD A?< :s imprisonment from Five years to Ten years
0K " X "L ;?\ :j± Pj““ and fine from Ten Thousand to One
Hundred Thousand Birr.
5/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/)  ;;( 2/ Where the offence stipulated under Sub-
?B <" k~:(¸ Article (1) of this Article is committed:-

—) t>J AE!y K:!R P! a) against a child, mentally ill or

A STÁ P DZ] physically disabled;

Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1§o Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12443

C) A ?¬ EaJ :<lž P! ¹" b) by using drugs, medicine or weapons;

:º :$j! DZ]
») :?`L %CŒ? P! ‘ R c) by a public official or civil servant and
the person committed the offence by
DZ E> ?Bp? k|:( 9$(?
abusing the powers entrusted to him;
 ‚ :D{ '<U` DZ] P!
:) (M A;" Œ L! k„< C( d) by an organization licensed to engage

9( k„¤? d·? '<U`] in foreign employment services by

abusing its license;

DZ D9% 7: ELD AL A!L 7: the punishment shall be rigorous

X "L a} EL  E> Dl 0K ELD imprisonment of seven years to fifteen

years and fine from Twenty Thousand to
A?< :s l!š 0K " X "L ;?\
One Hundred Thousand Birr.
:j± Pj““

o/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) P 3/ Where the offence stipulated under Sub-
:CD( ?B <"“- Article 1 of this Article:-

—) Oƒ( P D%< A STJ a) resulted in grave bodily injury or

'P<? d{ P! \ & AE!y chronic disease or permanent mental

disorder on the victim;
C) ?B A< ( <"g? k|:( b) committed by an offender being a
 B ?B ˆ<? A% :Z?J member, a leader or coordinator of an
ˆ<}? :!  P! 'L%"] organized criminal group; or

») Oƒ( KP P! K? A  c) Endangered the life or safety of the
P  j P! I-9A CZ victim or the victim subjected for
A TU;] inhuman treatment;
E? Z DAL" 7: ELD l 7: the punishment shall be rigorous

X "L a} EL  E> D9 º 0K ELD imprisonment of ten years to twenty years

A?< :s l!š 0K " X "L ;?\ and with fine from Thirty Thousand to One
Hundred Fifty Thousand Birr.
:j± Pj““
:) Oƒ( P ? LDC E? Z d) has resulted in the death of the victim,
depending on the circumstances of the
DAL A!L 7: ELD l A!L
case, the punishment shall be rigorous
7: P! E<‰  a} EL 
imprisonment from Fifteen years to
P!  E> Dl!š 0K ELD qC
Twenty Five years or life
:s 0K " X "L ;?\ :j±
imprisonment or death and fine from
Fifty Thousand to Two Hundred
Thousand Birr.
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1§H Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12444

^. K;-
K;-. :?;< :E? LC:"T
LC:"T 9. Assisting Illegal Stay

// '?R(! 9( j.{! Z \++ 1/ Whosoever, for direct or indirect financial or

:?;< ;?\ P! -š .w! C V material gain for himself or for another

C'`f P! Cb 9( C'L;f person, assists a foreigner to stay or live in

'9 I Z E> I Ethiopia knowing that the foreigner does
not have a valid residence permit by
(L. C:e" P! C:E XL 
producing or procuring forged documents,
|> k„< bC(? 9( I `
or in any other illegal manner is punishable
(L. E? EP —9R 9< :L J
with rigorous imprisonment of from five
'wU P! b '?R(! K;-.
years to ten years and fine from Ten
:?;< UT E? Z DA!L 7: ELD
Thousand to Fifty Thousand Birr.
AL" 7: X "L a} EL  E> DAL"
0K ELD l!š 0K " X "L ;?\
:j± Pj““

5/ ?UL A?jG (/) :CD( <" 2/ Where the offence stipulated under Sub-
k|:( .w! C'`f Z E? Z Article (1) of this Article was not

A`% C( ?B K` <? committed for gain, the appropriate

provisions of criminal law shall be
kuX PZ>““

6. K;. :?;< <?" C:A;" :k|

:k|X 10. Documents used to Smuggle

'?R(! 9( j.{! Z \++ :?;< Whosoever, for direct or indirect financial or

;?\ P! b -š .w! C'`f P! material gain for himself or for another person,

Cb 9( C'L;f '9 9¼? K; . prepares, is found in possession of, provide or

:?;< <?" C'A;" ?B :k|X transfers forged or a falsified travel document
or identity card for use in the commission of
E? ¼ —9R S½ P! '? :{&
smuggling of persons shall be punishable with
9< \BJ P½ ;fJ jU P!
rigorous imprisonment of five years to fifteen
L Ck E? Z DA!L 7: ALD AL
years and fine from Ten Thousand to Fifty
A!L 7: X "L a} AL  E> DAL"
Thousand Birr.
0K ELD l!š 0K " X "L ;?\
:j± Pj““



6/. K;-
K;-. :?;< 9(? CΠ (M A;" 11. Unlawful Sending of Person Abroad for
:  Work
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1§Ž Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12445

–K A+, A?jG o E> 3 D:CDg Apart from the circumstances stipulated under
qœ{v (Ó- Article 3 and 8 of this Proclamation፡-

// '?R(! 9(  (M A;" 9(? CΠ1/ Any person who sends person abroad for
C:  k„< šPeU(J k„¤ {`³ P! work without having obtained a license or

9"½ EC P! E?  k„< while the license has been suspended or

T9$( A;" 9(? CΠ D E? Z canceled or send to a country which

permission is not granted under the license
D9% 7: ELD AL qC 7:
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment
X "L a} EL > Dl 0K ELD A?<
from seven years to twelve years and fine
:s 0K " X "L ;?\ :j±
from Twenty Thousand to One Hundred
Thousand Birr.

5/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) :CD( 2/ Where the crime stipulated under Sub-
?B k|:( S™J K!>J Article 1 of this Article is committed with
!K" P! :9 ST ? the pretext of visit, medical, educational or

d·? '<U` E? Z D9% 7: ELD similar visas; the punishment shall be
rigorous imprisonment from seven years to
AL A!L 7: X "L a} EL 
fifteen years and fine from Thirty
E> D9 š 0K ELD A?< :s 0K "
Thousand to One Hundred Thousand Birr.
X "L ;?\ :j± Pj““

o/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) P! (5) 3/ Where the person sent abroad, owing to the
:CD( ?B <" !? act stipulated under Sub-Article (1) or (2)

 D( 9( 97 :gJ KPgJ of this Article, suffers harm to his human

rights, life, body or psychological makeup,
Ap P! Œ-¥>( P ST
the sender shall be punished with rigorous
 U9 E? Z  D( 9( DAL
imprisonment from fifteen years to twenty-
A!L 7: ELD l A!L 7:
five years or life imprisonment and with
P! E<‰  a} EL  E> Dl!š
fine from Fifty Thousand to Two Hundred
0K ELD qC :s 0K " X "L
Thousand Birr.
;?\ :j± Pj““

65. (M A;" L L! A;`N " 12. Offences Committed in Connection with
\ LCXk|
LCXk|! ?B Overseas Employment Services

'?R(! (M A;" Π> 9 R ';>f Whosoever having a license to provide oversea
k„< C( 9( Œ L! A;`Ng? employment services receives money or
!? '<U` D9 R ;?\ P! -L materials from the worker in consideration of
jC] ‘ R(? :{&J ÄLª"J the employment services; withholds or refuses

S½ 9< P! b '?R(! 9< 9 R( identity card, passport, travel documents or any
other document of the worker without his
 Œ D:9' g ‚! Z Å
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1§¢ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12446

C9 R( k„< \ P! DCDC] consent either before or after the worker
'{C P! '?R(! 'L; µ :?;< engaged in work; causes the worker to

9 R( %C: Z? .w! E? ( abandoned benefits he is entitled to through

deceit or other means, or withholds, even with
 U; ] P! 9 R(? :J ?U
permission of the worker, the salary or property
P! 9 R( XD(? ;?\ 9 R(
of the worker or monies transferred by the
k„<! mZ? E?Æ? \ E? Z E? ;c
worker shall be punishable considering the
qœ{ D L 7: ELD 9% 7: X "L
circumstances of the case with rigorous
a} EL  E> D9 š 0K ELD 9% 0K "
imprisonment from three years to seven years
X "L ;?\ :j± Pj““
and fine from Thirty Thousand to Seventy
Thousand Birr.



6o. ?B? AC'L{w 13. Failure to Report the Commission of an

'?R(! 9( –K A+, A?jG oJ HJ 3 Whosoever without justifiable cause fails to

P! 6/ Œ" :CD( ?B :k|›? report immediately to the police or appropriate

P! Ek~: :Z}? P! ?Bp? law enforcement organ knowing that any act

kuX '? Ej & !? šPeU( provided for in Articles 3,4, 8, or 11 of this
Proclamation is committed or being committed
CªL P! A`% C( K` ALD%
or knowing the identity of the suspect or
A  (}  šj P! »9R 'LUµ
provides false information shall be punishable
9$ E? Z D˜L " '?L j  EL 
with not less than three months simple
Pj] <"g D%< Z? DA?< 7:
imprisonment; where the act is grave the
ELD A!L 7: X "L a} EL 
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment
Pj““ from one year to five years.

6H. $†Xv E> !Ly P Xk|
Xk|! 14. Offence Against Whistle Blowers or Witnesses

// '?R(! 9( –K A+, :CD 1/ Whosoever interferes to prevent a person

?B $†X P! !L" Z? X  who may be whistleblower or witness or
P! 'LUµ C( 9(] :Uµ(? P! who has evidence of crime provided under

'LUµ(? CQ A  E?TP9. P! this Proclamation from giving information

!": P! "" ²  !L" Ze or evidence to justice authorities or being a

witness in an investigation or judicial
E?TPj" E"V P! DE"V "
proceeding by using sabotage, violence,
w" `?Y %C( 9( P ?zJ
threat or by extending undue advantage, by
P L J 'Lk J 'P;% .w!
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1§_ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12447

:L$ P! : CJ P! b inducements or getting involved in any

'?R(! :?;< „ :`% DCDC other way against such person or a person

E? Z D L 7: ELD 9% 7: who has close relationship with him shall
be punished with rigorous imprisonment
X "L a} EL  Pj““
from three years to seven years.

5/ '?R(! 9( –K A+, :CD 2/ Whosoever assaults, threats, or causes harms

?B? AL:s .E' P! :Uµ to any person or a person who has close

9$?J P! !L" Ze jU? 9( relationship with such person, for the fact

:Uµ :L$g P! !L" Ze he gave information or evidence to justice

authorities or appeared as witness in an
:wUˆ !?] E"V P P!
investigation or judicial proceeding of
DE"V " w" `?Y %C( 9( P
crime provided for in this Proclamation
.„J 'Lk J P! ST  U9
shall be punishable with rigorous
E? Z D L 7: ELD 9% 7:
imprisonment from three years to seven
X "L a} EL  Pj““

o/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) P! (5) 3/ Where the crime mentioned in Sub-Article
:CD( ?B TP P D%< (1) or (2) of this Article entailed grave
A P! ¦> ST? P! ? harm to the body or health of the victim or

ALDN E? Z] E–K? ?BN his death, the relevant laws related to these
crimes shall apply concurrently.
X:CD A`%  [( KO
 m kuX PZ>p““

6Ž. 'LUµ? LC'.·
LC'.· 15. Destroying Evidence

// '?R(! 9( –K A+, :CD 1/ Whosoever destroys, damage, or hide

?B !": P! Q"< "" intentionally any evidence to be used in the

²  P j" X ? 'LUµ Z? N course of investigation or judicial

proceedings of crime provided under this
$·J  Ç P!  j E? Z DA?<
Proclamation shall be punishable with one
7: ELD L 7: X "L a}
year to three years rigorous imprisonment.
EL  Pj““

5/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) :CD( 2/ Where the acts provided for under Sub-

`%" Akt~! D%< Z  CP! Article (1) of this Article committed in

–K A+, A?jG oJ HJ 3 P! 6/ grave manner or where the evidence

considered as substantial in the
:CDg <"s ? C'LUT X(
investigation or judicial proceeding of
E> +> 'LUµ P\ C( E? Z wg
terrorism crime and to be used to prove
D L 7: ELD AL" 7: X "L a}
acts provided under article 3, 4, 8 or 11 of
EL  PZ>““
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1§3 Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12448

this Proclamation the punishment shall be

rigorous imprisonment from three years to
ten years.

o/ ?B !": (?J "c? P! 3/ The provisions of Sub-Article (1) and (2) of
Q"< ² g? 'D>? ¯C P! this Article shall be applicable even where

Dšd ?Bp .·R %C mZ?! –K the investigation, trial or judgment has

A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) E> (5) <? proceeded, or the accused has been found
guilty of the offence.
kuX PZ>““

6¢. $"? E?TPD9L LC:"T 16. Aiding Suspect not to be Prosecuted

// '?R(! 9( –K A+, A?jG oJ HJ ŽJ 1/ Whosoever knowingly saves from

3J ^J 6 P! 6/ :CD <" prosecution, a person who is suspected or

$U$U? P! D99? 9( ALj< accused of committing one of the crimes

provided for under Article 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10
'L$?jw! Z : wJ ¤(?
or 11 of this Proclamation whether by
:ÇÇ` P! '.·J X U`
warning or hiding him, by concealing or
!": ? 'šš P! b '>[(!
destroying the traces, by misleading the
:?;< D E?TPj" UT E? Z
investigation, or in any other way, shall be
D L 7: ELD A!L 7: X "L
punishable with rigorous imprisonment
a} E9  Pj““
from three years to five years.

5/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) :CD(? 2/ The fact that arresting of the suspect or
<" k|: 9( Dšd : P! prosecution or successfully conducting and
:D9L P! !": ( A`%ˆ completion of the investigation shall not

:D>?> :$>jw D$& u release from liability the person who has

A ";(!““ committed the act stipulated under Sub-

Article (1) of this Article.

6_. ?U LC:9" 17. Concealing Property

// '?R(! 9( D?B " ;>f 1/ Any person with intention of preventing

?U? E?TPUL C'<U` '9 forfeiture concealed, damaged or disguised

 jJ ST  U9 P! '>[(! in any other manner a property associated

:£ E?TP{w  U; E? Z D L with the crimes shall be punishable with

rigorous imprisonment of three years to
7: ELD 9% 7: X "L a}
seven years and fine of Ten Thousand Birr
EL  E> DAL" 0K ELD l!š 0K "
to Fifty Thousand Birr.
X "L :j± Pj““
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1§^ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12449

5/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) <? 2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-
me"! <"g k~:( ?Ug? K Article (1) of this Article, where the act

AL:LN C'wU E? Z ?B <" was committed for the purpose of money
laundering, the relevant provisions of the
;f ;?\ P! ?U K AL:LN
Prevention and Suppression of Money
'wU E> d"™? ;?\ :"T?
Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
C:D D E> C:E$" ( A+,
Proclamation Number 780/2013 shall be
-." _1È/50Ž kuX PZ>““

63. ` 9( 9$( <", ?B 18. Criminal Liability of a Juridical Person
// ?B ` A?jG © (/)J (o) E> (H) P 1/ Notwithstanding Article 90 (1), (3) and
 ;;( me"! –K A+,  ;;( (4) of the Criminal Code, where any
?B k|:( ` 9( 9$( offence stipulated under this Proclamation

<", E? Z C?Bp XC( w“- is committed by a juridical persons, the

penalty shall be a fine:

(—) j  EL  P! ELD Ž 7: a) not exceeding Five Hundred Thousand

X "L a} EL  DZ ELD A!L Birr for a crime punishable with

:s 0K " simple imprisonment or rigorous

imprisonment of up to five years;

(C) DA!L 7: ELD AL A!L b) from Five Hundred Thousand Birr to One
7: a} EL  DZ DA!L :s Million Birr for a crime punishable with

0K ELD A?< X? "] rigorous imprisonment of Five years to

Fifteen years;

(») DAL A!L 7: ELD l 7: c) from One Million Birr to Two Million
X "L a} EL  DZ DA?< Birr for a crime punishable with

X? ELD qC X? "] rigorous imprisonment of fifteen years

to twenty years;
(:) Dl 7:  P Z EL  P! d) from Two Million Birr to Three
 DZ DqC X? " ELD Million Birr for a crime punishable

L X? "] with rigorous imprisonment exceeding

X "L :j± Pj““ twenty years or with death;

5/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) D ;;( 2/ In addition to the punishment stipulated

w ¡' Q"< #g A„# K` under Sub-Article (1) of this Article, the
Court may, at the request of the
$& P!  V Ašd <",g
prosecution or on its own initiative, decide
E? k"L P! ?Ug E? UL L?
to dissolve the organization or confiscation
P ““
of its properties.
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1 Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12450

o/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/)  ;;( 3/ The punishment stipulated under Sub-
w <",g L! P! C<",g .w! Article (1) of this Article may not preclude

C'L;f '9 <"g šk(? the individual criminal liability of the

owner, manager, employee or other person
<",g? %C#J Œ AL°,J
having participated in the commission of
<",g? ‘ R P! b '?R(?!
the crime on behalf and for the benefit of
9( ?B $& ALjU(!““
the organization.




6^. CA  CW 9v ? 9C'T? 19. Protection of Persons Vulnerable to Danger

// ªL 9( :;< P! 9(? ;-. 1/ Where police reasonably suspect that a

:?;< <?" 'A;" ?B k|:J crime of trafficking in persons or

smuggling of persons has been, is being or
Ek|: P! k|! „U C:Z}
likely to be committed:-
& !? $U$U E? Z¸

—) '?R(?! '´´®J #J LQ P! a) search any of transport, house, location

P½{ :kÇ C<"g CW or premises to rescue persons

P! <"g O¤ 9v ? C'T? subjected to or harmed by the act;

P ]
C) <?" E†UW P! <?" C'†U. b) stop and investigate persons crossing

²  P p 9v ? C'LE!> or in the process of crossing a border;

C'  P ] Ze! ' g? however, have the duty to conduct the

investigation forthwith and release
`%"  (} 'D>? E> Oƒ
persons who are not victims or
P! $" Z} 9v ?  (
:jw  ‚ AC““

5/ ªL –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) (—) 2/ The police shall conduct search of house or
:9U # E> P½{? :kÇ X C( premises under the provisions of Sub-

Q"< # E ¯ (““ AL[ÆP Article (1) (a) of this Article with a court
order. Nevertheless, the police may, in
qœ{ e" ªL QA(? C Q"< #
urgent situation, conduct a search without a
E '<U` X  Z? 9% qC
court order, provided that the results of
97 (L. CQ"< # 'wU AC““
such search shall be presented to the court
Q"< #g! AL[ÆP qœ{ U :Z}?
within seventy-two hours. The court shall
M!" ::":" ;m ( XC(?
issue appropriate orders having
E P9““
examination including existence of urgent
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1/ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12451

o/ ªL –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) 3/ Where the police discover victims in
:CD(? `%" kG! Oƒv ? conducting the measures stipulated under

;f E? Z ;m( E?#> <Q the provisions of Sub-Article (1) of this

Article, shall transport the victim to centers
 X;Y 'ED  "š““
where he can receive appropriate care and

H/ ªL –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) 4/ The police may order any governmental and
:CD(? `%" kG! K:! L„P non-governmental medical institution to

P! ST (L. X;Y Oƒv avail proper medical treatment to victims

%$›  '>[(! :?`L suffering serious illness or injury

discovered in undertaking the
P! ` K!> †! E"T{
responsibilities under Sub-Article (1) of
E? U` [( E C:L$ P ““
this Article.

Ž/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (H) ;C~( 5/ A medical institution having provided
`%" !? K!> A;`N 9$ services as a result of the action stipulated
†! CA;`Ng à Dk?¤ XDkC( under Sub-Article (4) of this Article shall

PZ>] AD·kp qœ{ Œ"7 LCk?¤ be paid from the Fund. The conditions of

ALT " X( ? P9>““ payment shall be determined by the

regulations to be issued on the
administration of the Fund.

n. D?B " ;>f? ?U LC';<> 20. Freezing and Seizing of Property Associated
: with a Crime

// b K` LC'P{;¤ E> LC'PUV 1/ Without prejudice to the provisions of other

?Us  ;;( E? $j Ze Q"< laws dealing with exemption of property
#  V šdJ A„# K` P! from freezing and confiscation, the court

ªL A:  –K A+, :9U may on its own initiative or upon
application by the prosecution or the police
UL X  D?B " ;>f
issue an order, including other temporary
?U $E E? EP C'<U`
measures for the protection of the
XL p bN A`%  [(?
properties, of freezing or seizure of
 E"!µv ? ¡!y ';< P!
properties associated with a crime that may
: E 9. P ““
be subject to confiscation under the
provisions of this Proclamation.
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H15 Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12452

5/ ªL ?B V D::LUg ‚ P! 2/ The police, prior to the filing of charges, or
A„# K` ?B L D:9U Å prosecutor, after the filing of charges, may

D?B " ;>f ?U E? {;< submit an application supported by

affidavit to the court for the freezing or
P! E?  „C :—  ;k
seizure of properties associated with the
':D¯ Q"< #? C:$w P ““

o/ Dš¿ bC E`< P! :¾ 3/ Where the order for freezing or seizure has

E D9$ ªL P! A„# K` been issued in the absence of the accused,

E¾?> „C :— (? CDš¿ P! the investigator or prosecutor shall serve

the order and affidavit to the accused or
?Ug P : P! .w! AC™
other person claiming a right or interest in
CX 9(  "š““ Dšd? '`f
the property. Where the accused cannot be
¯C E? Z †X A< A( E¾?
found, the order shall be served at his
permanent address.
H/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) :9U 4/ The court having issued a temporary order
9? '?R(!  E"!µ] pursuant to Sub-Article (1) of this Article
(šœ(? 9$( Q"< #  V šd may lift the order at any time by its own

P! A„# `J ?Bp $" initiative or upon application by the

prosecutor, the suspect or other person
P! ?Ug P : AC™ X 9(
claiming a right to the property.
A:  '>[(!  š P ““

Ž/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) me"! 5/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-

AL[ÆP qœ{ e" ?B ST‹ P Articles (1) of this Article, in urgent situation
the head of the relevant prosecution office
(šœ C:L$ L? C( A„# K`
mandated to make a decision on the criminal
†!  ‚ C9% qC 97 X|> 
case may issue a temporary freezing order
E`< E 9. P ““ Ze! A„#
valid for a period of seventy-two hours.
K`  E`< :L$ LkC;? However, the prosecutor shall submit reasons
!? :`CG 9% qC 97g D'C€ for freezing the property to the court before
‚ CQ"< # 'wU AC] Q"< the seventy-two hours lapses; the court shall
#g! ;m C(? E P9““ issue the appropriate orders.

¢/ C–K A?jG Akt~! “';<” 'C 6/ For the implementation of this Article,
?U P Q"< # X9$( E “freezing” shall mean a prohibition on the

:9U ~?s CXEP  P! –K transfer, conversion, disposition or

movement of property by a court order for
A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) :9U C9% qC
given duration or for the period of seventy-
97  LR ;? E?TP CQJ
two hours as per Sub-Article (5) of this
E?TPC.J E?TP;< P! E?TP?jšjL
:DD (““
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1o Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12453

_/ C–K A?jG Akt~! “:” 'C 7/ For the implementation of this Article,
?U P {`³ C ?U Q"< # “seizure” shall mean the administration of

Ê:> -.." X U` ?U frozen property by administrator appointed

and supervised by a court.
ALTT L" E? T " '<U` (““

n/. ?U LC:(UL 21. Confiscation of Property

// –K A+, :CD ?B STP? 1/ The court having the jurisdiction to entertain
C' L? C( Q"< #“- criminal cases indicated under this
Proclamation shall order the confiscation
of properties associated with the crime:-

—) Dšd P ?B .·™ (šœ a) where it finds the accused guilty of the
9$ E? Z] P! offence; or

C) ?Bp ktX %C:{-J :9cJ b) though rendering verdict of guilty is

:gJ C !? !": impossible due to the offender has

P! L :†UW P! '>[(! been not known, disappeared, dead, or

b !? .·™ (šœ the investigation or prosecution has

been suspended for any reason or due
%P9.! ?Ug D?Bp " ;>f
to any other reason, if it is ascertained
:Z}? U;.]
that the property has association with
?Ug E? UL PL>““
the offence.
5/ Q"< #g –K A?jG :9U D?B 2/ The court shall, prior to issuing an order for
" ;>f ?U E? UL E confiscation of property associated with

D:L$g ‚ ?Ug P : P! the crime pursuant to this Article, give an

.w! AC™ CX '?R(! 9( :9' opportunity to be heard to persons who

claims that he has a right or interest in the
E< :L$ AC““
o/ –K A?jG :9U U9( ?U –K 3/ Property confiscated pursuant to this Article
A+, :9U  ††:( k?< ;m shall be awarded to the fund established in

P U““ accordance with the provisions of this

n5. ?U ALT  LC:Ê! 22. Appointment of Property Administrator

// Q"< # D?Bp " ;>f(? ?U 1/ The court may, before awarding the property
 k?¤ ;m E? Z? D:9} ‚“- associated with the crime to the fund,

—) ?Ug? XLT " ALTT :Ê!J a) appoint administrator to the property;

C) ?Ug? P½{( P! A b) order a person in possession or trustee

ALj'M P! $%& \? or care taker of the property to give
9( ?Ug? E? LU C'\J the property;
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1H Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12454

») ALTT( ?Ug? P½{( L" c) order the administrator to take in his

E?  "`JE? $w> E? LT<" possession, protect and administer the

C'\] property;

:) ALTT( ALTT Ê:? d) give powers that enable the

?U C:$wJ C'LT " E> administrator to protect, administrate

C'AA XL C(? L? C:L$] and improve the property he was
appointed as administrator;

‘) ?U ALTT( ALTT e) entrust the administrator with the

Ê:? ?U :CD :9L> powers to sue and be sued regarding

:D9L : E? eU(] D?Ug the property he was assigned as

X;™ ° PJ "Q P! b administrator; to collect the rents,

profits or other incomes from the
'?R(?! ;m C:99 E>
property, to use the proceeds for
99(?! ;?\ ?Ug? C'LT "
matters useful to the administration of
$„X CXZ? STP C'+ E? 
the property, or any other powers the
P! ;m :LN {(? b L?
court considers appropriate.
P ““

5/ –K A?jG ?UL-A?jG (/) :9U Q"< 2/ The orders given by the court in accordance
#g X9$( E ?Ug? C'LT " with Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall

XLk;(? Ã D`! (L. 'L;% take into account the expenses necessary

Pe"{““ ALk  Ze ;f(! ¿:g? for the administration of the properties.

Where the court finds it necessary, it may
D:L$g ‚ ²š '  E? U`
also order an Audit prior to the
C'\ P ““
appointment of the administrator.

o/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) :9U 3/ Where the administrator appointed in

ALTT XÊ:( k.y 9( Z accordance with Sub-Article (1) of this

E? Z :! Œ-!`%"> N{ C(J Article is a natural person, he should be of

good conduct and have the necessary
?Ug P .w! `M bC(J
capabilities, have no conflict of interest in
DDšd P! ?Ug P : P!
the property, have no relationship with the
.w! C( 9( " !<> P!
accused or anyone who have claim of right
.w! `?Y bC( :Z? Pe"{““
or interest against the property.

H/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) :9U 4/ Where the administrator appointed in

ALTT XÊ:( K` 9( C( accordance with Sub-Article (1) of this

<", DZ] <",g %C€ L Article is an organization with legal

Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1Ž Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12455

7:{ O  `™ bCJ :! personality; it has to be proved that the

²š A Œ"7 C( :Z}? E> organization has no Audit fault within the

.w! `M bC( :Z} :U;. past three years, has good financial system
and no conflict of interest.

Ž/ –K A?jG :9U ?U ALTT? 5/ The court appoints an administrator in

Q"< # XÊ:(  V šdJ accordance with this Article at its own
ªL P! A„# KS A:  initiative or upon application by the police

Z? P ““ or public persecutor.


no. Oƒv ? LC::CL 23. Returning Victims

// (M STP XžLÌ" A`%  [( 1/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall have
:?`Œ{ > :?`Œ{ Z} A  the responsibility, in collaboration with the
" :%" (M —;" X;Y appropriate governmental and non-

I(? Oƒv ?  I governmental organizations, to repatriate

E? :CV '<U`  ‚ AC““ to Ethiopia victims who are Ethiopian

nationals found in foreign countries.

5/ Oƒ( {9U P! \ E? Z 2/ Where the victim has been detained or
Oƒ( %C A;" X;™ P! w" arrested in foreign country, the Ethiopian

X9 I xN'Í X? diplomatic mission in the country the

DX:CD{[( A  " :%" victim located or works close to the

location shall, in collaboration with
Oƒ( E? Cjw E>  I
concerned bodies, exert all possible efforts
E? :CL X¯C(? .U qp '<U`
to have the victim released and repatriated
to Ethiopia.

o/ 9 R> 'K STP XžLÌ" E> 3/ Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and
 Uµ( p 9 R> 'K STP the labor and social affairs offices at all

:L #s A`%  [( levels shall, in collaboration with the

:?`Œ{ > :?`L{ Z} A  " appropriate governmental and non-

governmental organizations, return victims
:%" —;" (L. X;Y E? q!
located within the country by providing the
Dà A;" :CV Oƒv ? E?Tp
necessary support as the situation they hold
% qœ{ XLk[(? <Q
as well as repatriated from abroad to their
E? ;Y '<U`  A%m[(
respective localities.
E? :CV  "p““
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1¢ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12456

H/ LC J LCS½ 9< E> bN qœ{v 4/ Without prejudice to the provisions of other

bN O  ;;( E? $j Ze laws on visa, travel documents and other

(M A;"  Z Oƒ I matters, where a victim who is a foreign
national found in Ethiopia, the Ministry of
(L. ;f E? Z] (M STP
Foreign Affairs shall, in collaboration with
XžLÌ" DX:CD{[( A  E>
the appropriate bodies and the diplomatic
DX:CD( A;" xN'Í X? "
mission of the concerned country, facilitate
:%" Oƒ(  A;c E? :CL
the repatriation of the victim to his country
of origin.

nH. Oƒv .„ E> : '††! 24. Protection and Rehabilitation of Victims

// Oƒv “- 1/ Victims shall:-

—) ALk ( .„ E> <Q a) receive the necessary protection and

P U` [+] X U;( .„ E> support; the protection and support

<Q Oƒv‡? qœ{ 'DC accorded shall be in consideration of

the victims situation, particularly shall
CP! rs J Kt>J AE!y
take in to account the vulnerability and
K:!R E> A STÁ ? CA 
special needs of women, children,
 M> ‹ Q O D`! (L.
person with mental problem and
L;% :Z? AC]

C) ` XL. [(? E> 97 b) be treated in a manner protective of

 [(? $j :£ : E> their privacy and dignity and provided

;m( ¦>J 'K A;`NJ appropriate health, social services,

K`> Œ-¥> !"> <QJ  legal and psychological counseling

and support, temporary shelter, and
:$C E> :9 A;`Ns ?
other similar services.
E? ;Y P U]

») LCX U` [( .„> <QJ E> c) have the right to information on the

!": > Q"< ²  w ST‹ nature of protection and support to be

LC U9 Uµ :Uµ '`f : accorded, and status of the case during
investigation and prosecution.
A [(““

:) '?R(! qœ{ ªL mJ d) not be placed in a police station,

'U‚ # P! 'UX # detention center or prison facility

E? E‹ : U` C%[(!““ under any circumstances.

Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1_ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12457

5/ Oƒ( qœ{  L; P! Oƒ( 2/ Unless the situation of the victim so compels
C!": P! C"" ²  ALk  or the presence of the victim is necessary

Z> C::LD" k„ R Z Z for the trial process and the victim is
willing to give testimony, the victim shall
Lj"  :$C CU,! 
not be placed in a temporary shelter for an
E? EP : U` C!““
extended period.

o/ –K A+, :CDg ?BN ? C:D DJ 3/ The Authorities entrusted with power to
C::":"J L C'wU P! T™ prevent, investigate, prosecute or give

(šœ C:L$ Œ? 9[( A  judicial proceeding regarding crimes

Oƒ? X;Y w Oƒ(? qœ{ stipulated under this Proclamation shall
have the responsibility to refer victim in
D`! 'L;% AC <Q E>
contact, taking in to account situation of
E?#  X;™ †' Oƒ(?
the victim, to an institution where the
:   ‚ AC%[(““
victim can get better support and care.

H/   D L E< k$ > 4/ The Federal Urban Employment Creation

!` +L> ÎB? :e[( D' and Food Security Agency, in

CZ} O,v :?`L{ E> :?`L{ collaboration with the appropriate

Z} A  " :%" ALk (? governmental and non-governmental

bodies, provide necessary rehabilitation
: '††! <Q  "““
support to victims residing in urban areas.

Ž/ ;$" L E< k$ > !` +L> 5/ The Rural Employment Creation and Food
ÎB? :e[( ;$" CZ} O,v Security Agency in collaboration with the

:?`L{ E> :?`L{ Z} A  appropriate governmental and non-

governmental bodies, provide necessary
" :%" ALk (? : '††!
rehabilitation support to victims residing in
<Q  "““
rural areas.

¢/ LCL Á b K`  ;;( E? $j 6/ Without prejudice to the provisions

Ze I †X :e k„< bC( regarding refugees provided in other laws,

(M A;"  Oƒ Ze I (L. where a victim who is a foreign national

;f E? Z Oƒv IzeX found in Ethiopia not having permanent

residence permit shall receive the
E š[(? E? p C'<U` DXk|:(
appropriate support with the exception
: '††! A;`N Lj" ;m(
victims economic empowerment
<Q P U`C{““ E? ;c qœ{!
rehabilitation service. He may also, as
 :e k„< E? ;™  U`
appropriate, be provided with a temporary
P ““
residence permit.
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H13 Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12458

nŽ. !Ly .„ 25. Protection of Witnesses

–K A+, :CD ?B !L" P! Where the life or property of any person or his
$†X Z 9( –q !? E"V P! family is endangered for being a witness or

#9ˆ P P! ?U CA  C$ whistleblower of an offence stipulated under

E? Z !Ly > $†Xv .„ A+, this proclamation, protection shall be given in
accordance with the protection of Witnesses
-." ¢1©^/50o :9U ;m .„ E? ;™
and Whistleblowers of Criminal Offences
P U““
Proclamation No.699/2010.

n¢. LCº 26. Compensation

// Q"< # –K A+, :CD( ?B 1/ The court may, in addition to the fines and
Dšd P .·™ (šœ :L$ penalties imposed upon passing verdict of

DXL( w> :j± ¡' guilty for offences stipulated under this
proclamation, award compensation to the
!>J  ?Lª" E> bN ;m
victim for harm suffered including
 [( Ãv ? ¡!y Oƒ( P
medical, transport and other relevant cost
C U9( ST š E? q! bN 9v
incurred by the victim as well as by other
Oƒ(? C'T?> C:?D%D W?
parties to rescue and care the victim.
à E? Dk L? P ““

5/ Q"< # –K A+, :CD ?B 2/ The court may award compensation of moral
!? K> ST C U9 9( damages from One Thousand to Fifty

DA?< 0K ELD l!š 0K " X "L Thousand Birr for victims suffered moral

K> ST š C:9? P ““ damage for reason of commission of

crimes stipulated under this Proclamation.

o/ –K A?jG :9U X9? š 3/ The compensation to be awarded in

'>[(! qœ{ Oƒ( C?B kuX( accordance with this Article may not under

DDkC( ;?\J L;f( .w! P! any circumstances be less than the amount

?B <"g !? Oƒ( ( paid by the victim to the perpetrator,
income gained by the act or income lost or
P! ( DX C( ;m 9 :Z?
future lose by the victim due to the offence

H/ Q"< #  V Ašd P! A„# K` 4/ The court may entertain the issue of
A:  š STP? D?B :;ˆ compensation together with or as separate

" ':" P! D?B :;ˆ from the criminal file by its own initiation

:$ C' P ““ or application of public prosecutor.

Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1^ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12459

Ž/ Q"< # –K A?jG :9U š? 9 5/ Where the court has rewarded compensation
E> Dšd :k 'P  :Z} to the victim in accordance with this

U;$ E? Z COƒ( P! Article and ascertained that the accused is

incapable to cover it, the court may, in
LCOƒ( à W bN 9v
accordance with amount and condition set
XžLy !" # X( ?
by the Regulations to be issued by the
:CD( :$?> qœ{ :9U Dk?¤
Council of Ministers, order that the
E? Dk L? P ““
compensation and expenses be paid from
the fund for the victim and other parties
incurred cost on behalf of the victim.

¢/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (Ž) :‘U 6/ Where payment made from fund in
Q"< # Dk?¤ E? DkC( 9( š accordance with Sub-Article (5) of this

:$? COƒ( 9( A$„ P š Article is not in full amount of

:$? Z E? Z] j(? ST š compensation, the victim may demand
payment of the difference from the accused
Oƒ( <"g kuX :k Aw!
when he is capable to pay. The state also
eU( C:$w P ““ :?`L!
may demand reimbursement for payments
Dk?¤ COƒ( CDkC( :$? Dšd?
made from the fund to the victim.
C:$w P ““


n_. :††! 27. Establishment
9( :;<J ;-. :?;< <?" 'A;" A fund for the rehabilitation of victims of crime of

E> K; . :?;< 9(? CL  (M A;" trafficking in persons, the smuggling of persons
and unlawful sending of person abroad for work
:  ?B Oƒv ? : '††X k?<
(hereinafter “the Fund”) has been established
(D–K Å “k?<” E%C X$ ) –K A+,
under the provisions of this Proclamation.
n3. ;m !?M 28. Sources of Income

k?¤ ;m !?M“- The source of income for the Fund shall be:-

// D:?`L DX:  BJ 1/ budget allocated by the government;

5/ –K A+, :‘U XUV ?Us > 2/ properties confiscated and fines collected

X99ˆ :j±v J in accordance with this Proclamation;

o/ D`C9¥ J :?`L{ > :?`L{ Z} 3/ grants and aids from individuals, governmental
<",s DX;™ ;š E> E"T{J E> and non-government organizations; and

H/ DbN ;?\ XžLÌ" DX|<„[( 4/ other sources of income to be approved by

;?\ !?± DX;Y ;mv J the Ministry of Finance.

Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1Ï Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12460

n^. 7 ' 29. Objective
k?¤ 7 '¸ The objective of the Fund shall be:

// Oƒv K!>J Œ-¥>> K` !"J 1/ to cover the costs of medical, psychological

 ?Lª" E> :9 A;`N E? ;Y and legal counsel, transportation and other

C'<U` X Ã? C:ÇQ?] services for victims;

5/ COƒv -š E"T{? C'<U`] 2/ to provide material support to victims;

o/ COƒv › Œ$> E> IzeX 3/ to provide technical training and support
E š[(? E? p <Q C'<U`] for the economic empowerment of victims;

H/ Oƒv ? #9 'k C` E> D#9> 4/ to provide support for an effort to locate
D'U9ˆ " C'j j X U;(? families and reintegrate victims with their

.U <Q C'<U`] families and communities;

Ž/ COƒv  :$C `?%{? 5/ for the construction of temporary shelters to

C'D>?] E> victims; and

¢/ Q"< # X9? š? XžLy !" 6/ to pay compensation determined by the

# X ? :9U C:k] court in accordance with Regulations to be

(““ issued by the Council of Ministers.

I. k?¤ ALT " E> A$„j! 30. Administration and Utilization of the Fund

k?¤ LCXT "J COƒv A;`N The manner of the administration of the fund,
LCX(J Q"< # COƒv š Dk?¤ utilization in providing service to victims,

E? Dk [( LCXL? qœ{> :$? E> amount and conditions a court orders

¬ ST LCXk|› A`% compensation to be paid from the fund and
other related matters shall be determined by
XžLy !" # X( ?
Regulations to be issued by the Council of

I/. k?¤ ²š :;> O  31. The Accounts and Audits of the Fund

// k?¤ ²š :`> ;?\  9³ 1/ The books of accounts and other financial
7:g +>( O " P! +>( records of the Fund shall be audited
O " X9P:( O " P:U: p““ annually by the Auditor General or by the
Auditor assigned by the Auditor General.

5/ k?¤? XLT<U( A O  2/ The body responsible for the administration

ª"g? B 7:g $>jj A  of the Fund shall submit an Audit report to
   (L. $ CZC A the body to whom it is accountable within

'wU AC““ four months following the end of the

budget year.
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1Ï/ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12461

I5. B 7: 32. Budget Year

k?¤ B 7: :?`L B 7: The budget year of the Fund shall be the budget

PZ>““ year of the Government.



Io. LCÐ !" # :††! 33. Establishment of the National Council

// 9( :;<J 9(? ;-. :?;< 1/ A Council at national level to coordinate

<?" 'A;" E> K; . :?;< 9(? the prevention and control of the crimes of

CL  (M :  ?B :D D> trafficking in persons, smuggling of

persons and unlawful sending of person
:E$" Ð Uµ AL%% !"
abroad for work (hereinafter “the National
# (D–K Å “Ð !" #”
Council”) is hereby established under this
E%C X$ ) –K A+, †-h““

5/ Ð !" #g $ C$w P 2/ The National Council shall be accountable

XžLc PZ>““ to the Prime Minister.

o/ Ð !" #g ! $w P 3/ The National Council shall be chaired by the

XžLc X: Ze   $w P Deputy Prime Minister and shall composes

A„# K`J (M STP XžLÌ"J 9 ! the Federal Attorney General, the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Peace, the
XžLÌ"J 9 R> 'K STP
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the
XžLÌ"J L Á > DL  : Ê
Refugees and Returnees Affairs Agency, the
STP ÎB?J rs Jt>> s
Ministry of Women’s, Children’s and Youth
XžLÌ"J L E< k$ zXd?J ¦> Affairs, the Commission of Job Creation, the
XžLÌ"J   ªL zXd?J Ministry of Health, the Federal Police
Ð %?J 'ED L{LÍL Commission, the National Bank, the Central

ÎB?J Ð :Uµ> K? Statistics Agency, the National Intelligence

and Security Services, Regional
A;`NJ   'KU9 <",s
Governments, the Civil Societies Agency,
ÎB?J N J lP'e †'J E>
Religious Institutions, and other concerned
E? A`%g ! $w P XžLc
bodies to be nominated by the Deputy Prime
E? g X US bN ST‹ Minister.
X:CD{[( A ? jk PZ>““

H/ Ð !" #g A%  †'g 4/ Members of the National Council shall be

 ‚v P! !  ‚v XDp represented either by the Head or Deputy
PZ>““ of the Organization.
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1Ï5 Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12462

Ž/ N A`%  [(? p †'? 5/ Regional States may establish similar
jk> $g Cp x¨–T? Z council composed of relevant institutions

:9 !" # e [( P ““ of the region which is accountable to the

president of the region.

IH. Ð !" #g `%">  ‚ 34. Function and Responsibilities of the National
Ð !" #g“- The National Council shall፡-
// 9( :;<J 9(? ;-. :?;< 1/ initiate policies, laws and strategies for the
<?" 'A;" E> K; . :?;< 9(? prevention and control of the crimes of

CL  (M A;" :  ?BN ? trafficking in persons, smuggling of

C:D D> C:E$" XL  ªJ persons and unlawful sending of person
abroad for work; coordinate, if there are,
` E> L ̃ :)] E–K
bodies clearly mandated to initiate policies,
ST P b ` `a ªJ `
laws and strategies on these matters and
E> L ̃ E? :M L? 9$(
follow ups implementation upon approval;
A e" L% ] |<w!
`% g? PD{ ]

5/ Oƒv ? 'T?J : '††!J ‹ ‹ 2/ issue a Directive for the creation of a

<Q LCX;Y qœ{J DKU9ˆ " national referral mechanism for the rescue,
j jp LCX p E> ¬ ST ? rehabilitation, provision of support,

:CD A;" AjQ wNd Œ"7 reintegration of victims and other related

:: ] matters;

o/ LCA;" (L. :k>jJ L  E> Q9 3/ coordinate, for initiation of policy, law or
K` `%">  ‚ 9[(? A  strategy, organs entrusted with function

'L%" ªJ ` P! L ̃ and responsibilities related to matters of

internal displacement, refuge or migration;
'EjQ E?   "J `% g?
follow up its implementation.
PD{ ]
H/ CL > Q9  M Z} KU9 4/ provide recommendation as to providing
QN <Q> ! d LCX U`J L support and response to section of the
E< LCXk$"> :9 ST society vulnerable to refuge and migration,

`% LCX US qœ{ !U-—š job creation and other related matter

j"%J E–K? ST `% '<U` manners of implementation; follow up the

execution of these matters by the organs
 ‚ C%[( † `% [(?
mandated to and provide appropriate
LC:k|'[( PD{ J ALk (?
<Q  "““
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1Ïo Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12463

Ž/ CÐ " .!U Œ :: 5/ give operational guide to the National

P9J .!Ug? :"— `" |<„J Partnership Coalition, approve programs

Akt~›? PD{ JS<Cs E? LDp and action plan of the coalition, follow up
on its implementation and provide redress
Aw) Lj!““
for gaps.

¢/ (L. A9 c? E> DÐ AL%% 6/ issue Directives regarding its internal

.!Ug " LCXeU( A9 " `?Y working procedures and relationship with

:CD :: ““ the National Partnership Coalition.

IŽ. LCÐ AL%% .!U :††! 35. Establishment of the National Partnership
// 9( :;<J 9(? ;-. :?;< 1/ A National Partnership Coalition for the
<?" 'A;" E> K; . :?;< 9(? Prevention of the crimes of trafficking in

CL  (M A;" :  ?BN persons, smuggling of persons and

D P Ð " .!U (D–K unlawful sending of person abroad for

work (hereinafter “the National Partnership
Å “Ð " .!U” E%C
Coalition”) is hereby established under this
X$ ) –K A+, †-h““

5/ Ð " .!Ug $ 2/ The National Partnership Coalition shall be

CÐ !" #g PZ>““ accountable to the National Council.

o/ .!Ug   $w P A„# K` X: 3/ The National Partnership Coalition to be

Ze N ? šP¡!" –K A+, A?ja chaired by the Federal Attorney General,
Io (o) P :CDg? A   shall incorporates, with the exclusion of

PZ>““ Regional States, the bodies listed under

Article 33 (3) of this Proclamation.

H/ Ð " .!Ug (L. 4/ The internal structure and working

A Uµµ E> A9 " Ð !" #g procedures of the National Partnership
X( :: P9>““ Council shall be determined by a Directive
to be issued by the National Council.
Ž/ N PK? K` C'Lk|! E? p 5/ The Regional States, to implement this law,
% qœ{ A`%  [(? A  shall establish Regional Partnership
jk E> A„# K` †! X:  Coalitions incorporating bodies relevant to

" .!U '††! AC%[(““ their respective context and to be led by the
justice bureaus.

I¢. Ð " .!Ug `%">  ‚ 36. Function and Responsibilities of the National
Partnership Coalition
Ð " .!U“- The National Partnership Coalition shall:
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1ÏH Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12464

// 9( :;<J 9(? ;-. :?;< 1/ submit to the National Council by

<?" 'A;" E> K; . :?;< 9(? undertaking research and preparing

CL  (M A;" :  ?BN ? policies, strategies and laws that enables

the prevention and control of the crimes of
C:D DJ C:E$" E> Oƒv ?
trafficking in persons, smuggling of
: C'††! XL p .>s ?
persons and unlawful sending of person
'.>J ªv ?J L ̃v ?J
abroad for work and the rehabilitation of
KO ? '\B CÐ !" #g
victims; coordinate the implementation
j"%] A`% %C( A |<w!
upon approval by the appropriate body.
`% g? L% ]

5/ Oƒv ? 'T?J : '††!J ‹ ‹ 2/ develop directives of national referral

<Q LCX;Y qœ{J DKU9ˆ " system and implementation procedure,

j jp LCX p E> ¬ ST ? regarding rescuing, rehabilitation,

provision of support, reintegration of
:CD A;" AjQ wNd Œ"7
victims and other related matters;
:: E> A9 " Œ"7 \µ]
coordinate implementation of the same
Ð !" #g |<w `% g?
upon approval by the National Council.
PD{ ““
o/ LCA;" (L. :k>jJ L > Q9] 3/ coordinate concerned bodies for the

L E< k$ > :9 ST ? development of policies, laws and

:CD ªJ K` P! L ̃ strategies frameworks and implementation

procedures regarding internal displacement,
'EjQ E> A9 " Œ"7 E? \,
refuges and migrations, job creation and
X:CD{[(? A  L% J
other related matters; follow up
X:CD( A |<w! Akt~›?
implementation up on approval by
PD{ ]
concerned body.
H/ 9$(? `%">  ‚ `% 4/ prepare program and action plan for

C'<U` Ew<> <" :"»-`" realization of its functions and

\µ] CÐ !" #g 'wU responsibilities; implement up on

submission and approval by the National
|<w `%  "““
Ž/ –K A+, Çk} ST `%">  ‚ 5/ follow up institutions unilaterally entrusted
>$ 9[( †' `%"> with function and responsibilities related
 ‚{[(? A`%ˆ 9C:{[( with matters covered by this Proclamation

PD{ J Akt~›? CÐ !" #g as to their proper execution of such

j"%““ function and responsibilities.

¢/ CÐ !" #g wg ª" 6/ periodically submit report to the National

j"%J X9W `U : ? `% Council; implement given feedbacks.

Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1ώ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12465

_/ A+, -." ^1no/503 A?jG 6Ž (5) 7/ undertake the responsibilities indicated

:CD(? `%  D>(>] under Article 15(2) of Proclamation

Number 923/2016.
3/ bN Ð zXÌ( X9W ‹ ‹ 8/ Perform other responsibilities allocated to it
`% ? D>(>““ by the National Council.

I_. LC.!Ug GKk # 37. Secretariat of the Coalition

//   $w P A„# K` Ð 1/ The Federal Attorney General shall organize

" .!Ug `%">  ‚g? a secretariat office that support and

E?  X `Q> XL%" GKk coordinate the National Partnership

#  µ““ Coalition for undertaking its function and


5/  A„# K` †'  " 2/ The Regional Public Prosecutor Offices
.!U? X `Q> XL%" G/# shall organize a secretariat office that

 µp““ support and coordinate the respective

Regional Partnership Coalition.

I3.   $w P A„# K`  ‚ 38. Responsibilities of the Federal Attorney

b K` 9$( Œ?> `%" Without prejudice to the powers and duties

E? $j Ze   $w P A„# K`:- assigned to it under other laws, the Federal
Attorney General shall፡
// –K A+, :CDg? ?BN C:D D 1/ create awareness to the public and
E> C:E$" ` ALD% A ? X>J concerned bodies as to the responsibilities
?Bp? C:D D> C:E$" W of law enforcement bodies, laws
KO ?J?BCÁ LCX$jh[( ::: promulgated to prevent and control the
\¶v J LC 7Ps E> Akt~! crimes, the means of recruitment employed

Ls E? q! ¬ ST ? AL:s by criminals, the types and means of

CKU9ˆ> CX:CD{[( A  `?# exploitation and other related matters to

Pk. ] prevent and control crimes stipulated under

this Proclamation;

5/ C >  ªLJ A„# K`> TÁ 2/ undertake capacity building activities

?B :D DJ !": L v ?J regarding the crime prevention,

'LUµ !\>? E> ¬ ST ? investigation, evidence scrutiny and related
matters for Federal and Regional police,
AL:s Aw! `?%{ L D>(>““
prosecutors and judges.
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1Ï¢ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12466

I^. (M STP XžLÌ"  ‚ 39. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Foreign
(M STP XžLÌ"¸ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall:

// DÐ :Uµ> K? A;`NJ 1/ organize and disseminate, in collaboration

D9 R> 'K STP XžLÌ" E> bN with the National Intelligence and Security
ST‹ DX:CD{[( A  " :%" Service, Ministry of Labor and Social

(à —;" X;Y I(? Oƒv ? Affairs and other relevant bodies, the data,

:UµJ X;Y? A;"J p? qœ{ E> country they are found, conditions they are

bN ¬ ST ? AL:s :Uµ in and other related issues of victims who

$>w J CX:CD{[( A   "š] are Ethiopian nationals living in foreign


5/ (à —;" X;Y C‹ Oƒv ?  2/ cause the return of victims found in foreign
—;" # E? ;ˆ '<U` C9 R> country and transfer them to the Ministry

'K STP XžLÌ" LU%] of Labor and Social Affairs;

o/ 9( :;<J 9(? ;-. :?;< 3/ communicate periodically, using through

<?" 'A;" E> K; . :?;< 9(? various means, to victims residing in

CL  (M A;" :  ?B :TUA destination countries of crime of

trafficking in persons, smuggling of
Z} A;  CX;Y O A; g?
persons and unlawful sending of person for
L Uµ :C wg C‹
work abroad as to the level of the risks in
`?Y \¶v E? (-  "]
respective countries; provide the necessary
 š[(? 'KU9 E? †-›J
support for the establishment of
'KU9ˆ A UµB :‘U A; g
communities and for the protection of their
:> .w'[( E? D" ALk (?
rights and interests in the respective
<Q  "““ countries.

§. 9 R> 'K STP XžLÌ"  ‚ 40. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Labor and
Social Affairs

9 R> 'K STP XžLÌ" D > The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs shall
 ªLJ D 9 R> 'K STP organize, in collaboration with the Federal and
†' E> bN †' " :%" Regional Police, Regional Labor and Social

—;" (L. X;Y Oƒv ? :UµJ p? Affairs Bureaus and other institutions, data of

qœ{ E> bN ¬ ST ? AL:s victims found in the country as to their current
location, the conditions they are in and other
:Uµ $>w J CX:CD{[( A 
relevant matters and disseminate to relevant
 "š] ¡'! XžLÌ" :/#g ST‹
bodies; in addition, the Ministry in
DX:CD{[( :?`L{ > :?`L{ Z}
collaboration with concerned governmental and
A  " :%" C‹ LCs ?
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1Ï_ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12467

:$j! CKU9ˆ 9v LC:;< E> non governmental bodies creat awareness to the
9v ? K;. :?;< <?" 'A;" society on bad feature of trafficking in person

?B ALD‚ `?# 'L¡. Œ and smuggling of persons.


§/.   ªL  ‚ 41. Responsibilities of the Federal Police

  ªL D  $w P A„# K`J The Federal Police shall work, as the case may
DÐ :Uµ K? A;`NJ D‘ R> be in investigation, information exchange,

'K STP XžLÌ" E> bN %C<"A capacity building and similar matters, in
collaboration with the Federal Attorney
A  " :%" –K A+,  ;S
General, National Security and Intelligence
?BN ? C:D D E> C:E$" E? ;c
Service, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
qœ{ !": J :Uµ :C+.J Aw!
and other stakeholders to prevent and control
`?%{ E> :š9p ST  P9 ““
the crimes stipulated under this Proclamation,.

§5. T™ Œ? 42. Judicial Powers

//   :B: Uµ Q"< # –K 1/ The Federal First Instance Court shall have
A+,  ;S ST P :B: first instance jurisdiction over matters

Uµ T™ Œ? PeU+““ stipulated under the provisions of this

5/ –K A+, A?jG H (5) E> A?jG 3 (o) 2/ Cases involving matters stipulated under
:CDg ST X{‹ L TR Article 4 (2) and Article 8(3) of this
9: N PZ>““ Proclamation shall be tried in a bench
presided by three judges.

§o. 7C! AjQ " 43. International Cooperation

//   $w P A„# K`“- 1/ The Federal Attorney General፡-

—) –K A+, :CDg ?BN a) shall cooperate with the competent

!": J ?BCR AšŸ :L$?J authority of another country in the

investigation, extradition of criminals,
:Uµ ((. E> bN  "
exchange information and mutual
K` <Q X:CDg ST P Db
legal cooperation in relation to crimes
—;" A`% C( %CŒ? " E?
stipulated under this proclamation
E? :"K?J I ++P ;?
based on the principle of reciprocity,
Z  L!! E> I `
agreements to which Ethiopia is a
Œ"7 Xkw ( :‘U " party and in line with the country’s
P9 J E? q! 'ED %CL? legal system; and serves as a central
Ze ;C` ““ authority.
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1Ï3 Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12468

C) E? ALk g ?BN‡? C:D D b) may, as appropriate, sign various

E> $"v ? CQ"< C'wU cooperation framework agreements

XL p L!!s ? DbN A;  with other countries to prevent crimes

stipulated under this Proclamation and
" ‹ ‹ " 'EjŸ ?
to bring suspects to justice.
k U! P ““
5/ –K A?jG ?UL A?jG (/) E? $j 2/ Without prejudice to the provisions of Sub-
Ze   ªL :ššP Ez C( Article (1) of this Article, the Federal
:9 b —;" †! " K` †› police may engage in information

D9$( L? " \ E? E? exchange, mutual cooperation and sign a

:"K E> I K` 'EjQ :9U memorandum of understanding, with

regard to mandate given by law to it, with
:Uµ ((.>  "  "`
institution of another country which have
E> :`%m L!! C:k U!
similar mission based on the principle of
P ““
reciprocity and legal framework of
Q 9%
§H. :Ç; <?Âv 44. Transitory Provisions

// PK A+, D:a>g ‚ B:c ST 1/ Unless this Proclamation favors the accused
PK A+, CDšÇ AC Ze ;f person, all pending cases before the

Lj" ;-. 9v ((" E> 9(? coming in to force of this proclamation

;-. :?;< <?" 'A;" ?B? shall continue to be governed in

accordance with the Prevention and
C:D D> C:E$" ( A+, -."
Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and
^1^/50_ P! bN A`% % [(
Smuggling of Migrants Proclamation No.
KO :9U Qu‰ ;Rp““
909/2015 or other appropriate laws.

5/ ;-. 9v ((" E> 9(? ;- 2/ Directives enacted in accordance with the
. :?;< <?" 'A;" ?B? provisions of the Prevention and
C:D D> C:E$" (? A+, Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and

-." ^1^/50_ :9U A<";( W Smuggling of Migrants Proclamation No.

::v bN ::v ELDX£ 909/2015 shall continue to have effect in a

manner consistent with the provisions of
<UL D–K A+, " X! :£
this proclamation until replaced by other
kuX{[( Pj. ““

§Ž. LCAU E> ku
kuX LC'Pe [( 45. Repealed Laws and Inapplicable provisions
Abrham Yohanes
gA 650H1Ï^ Ød‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R I/ :m no qN 5065 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No. 31, 1st April, 2020 … 12469

// “;-. 9v ((" E> 9(? ;-. 1/ The Prevention and Suppression of
:?;< <?" 'A;" ?B? C:D D> Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of

C:E$" ( A+, -." ^1^/50_” Migrants Proclamation No. 909/2015 is

hereby repealed.
–K A+, dÒ““

5/ ?B ` A?jG 51§o (5)J (o)J 2/ The provisions of Article 243 (2) and (3),
DA?jG Ž1©¢ ELD A?jG Ž1©^ E> from Article 596 to Article 599 and from
DA?jG ¢1IH ELD A?jG ¢1I3 :CDg Article 634 to Article 638 of the Criminal

<?Âv –K A+, dU+““ Code are hereby repealed.

o/ ?B ` A?jG 51§o(/) ‚   (C) 3/ The provisions of Article 243 (1) (b) of the
E> IX`¨d? A+, -." o1H/6^1©Ž Criminal Code and Article 20(2) of the
A?jG n (5) I E? EP :"Tg Immigration Proclamation Number 354/2003

k|:( ;?\ P! -š .w! shall not be applicable where the assistance
made to enable stay in Ethiopia is provided
C'`f P! Cb 9( C'L;f
for financial or other material benefit.
XZ?  kuX APe [(!““

§¢. ?> :: '( L? 46. Power to Issue Regulations and Directives

// XžLy !" # PK? A+, 1/ The Council of Ministers may issue

C'Lk|! XLk` ?  Regulations necessary for the

P ““ implementation of this Proclamation.

5/   $w P A„# K` PK? A+, 2/ The Federal Attorney General may issue

P! –K A?jG ?UL A?jG / :9U Directives necessary for the effective

X(? ? C'Lk|! :: implementation of this Proclamation and

Regulations issued pursuant to Sub-Article
 P ““
(1) of this Article.

§_. A+Ó X|>  47. Effective Date

PK A+,     { This Proclamation shall enter into force on the
D  B!y |> PZ>““ date of its publication in the Federal Negarit

A L A% :m no j? 5065 7.! Done at Addis Ababa on this 1st Day of
April, 2020




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