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Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
with Budget
16-Jun-23 22-Aug-24

Pre Requisites 92 19-Jun-23 31-Oct-23

General 92 19-Jun-23 31-Oct-23

Define the Project as ConcessionArea 0 19-Jun-23
Change Project Nature from Nature Reserve 0 05-Jul-23
Define the Land Owner in the Land System 0 05-Jul-23
Connectivity to the Main land, Vessels Circulation and Berthing studies (Nominated Consultant by EH) 12 19-Jun-23 07-Jul-23
Approval of Pre-concept Master Plan 0 17-Jul-23
Topographical (Site Survey Verification) 20 19-Jun-23 19-Jul-23
Authorities consent and advice on Tie in points capacity and location 0 27-Jul-23
Finalization of the Tunnel Location and Alignment 0 31-Jul-23
Complete and ObtainApproval on Tunnel Traffic Impact Study (TIS) (EH) 0 31-Jul-23
Final Concept Master PlanApproved by EH 0 15-Aug-23
Approved Number of Buildings and their GFA 0 16-Aug-23
Complete and ObtainApproval on Environment Impact Analysis (EIA) (ECG) 0 31-Oct-23
General 296 16-Jun-23 22-Aug-24

Key Milestones 296 16-Jun-23 22-Aug-24

Project Start 0 16-Jun-23*
Appointment Letter 0 19-Jun-23*
Affection Plan to be provided by Eagle Hills 0 19-Jun-23*
Appoint EIAConsultant 0 19-Jun-23
Coordination of Utilities Buildings Location (SBA) 5 28-Jul-23 03-Aug-23
Hotel OperatorAppointment 0 13-Sep-23*
Authorities Approval on the Concept Master Plan 0 11-Oct-23
Authorities Approval on the Detailed Master Plan 0 18-Dec-23
Design Stage Completion 0 09-Feb-24*
Permits: Submit toADM (Subject to urban planning council Approval) 45 19-Dec-23 20-Feb-24
Permits/Authorities process completion 0 22-Aug-24
Building Permits 125 21-Feb-24 22-Aug-24

General 125 21-Feb-24 22-Aug-24

Obtain Phased Permits 5 21-Feb-24 27-Feb-24
Obtain Permit for Villa Type V2GN (UNI) 60 28-Feb-24 28-May-24
Obtain Permit for Villa Type V4P(UNI) 60 28-Feb-24 28-May-24
Obtain Permit for Villa Type V1S (UNI) 60 28-Feb-24 28-May-24
Obtain Permit for Villa Type V1SBA(SBA) 60 28-Feb-24 28-May-24
Obtain Permit for Villa Type V2SBA(SBA) 60 28-Feb-24 28-May-24
Obtain Permit for Villa Type V3SBA(SBA) 60 28-Feb-24 28-May-24
Obtain Permit for Villa Type T2 (ECG) 60 28-Feb-24 28-May-24
Obtain Permit for Villa Type T2-2 (ECG) 60 28-Feb-24 28-May-24
Obtain Permit for Villa Type V2G (UNI) 60 28-Feb-24 28-May-24
Obtain Permit for each Building (Other than Villas) 120 28-Feb-24 22-Aug-24
Master Plan 125 19-Jun-23 18-Dec-23

Localization 50 19-Jun-23 31-Aug-23

General 50 19-Jun-23 31-Aug-23

StudyApplicable Regulations for the island 5 19-Jun-23 23-Jun-23
Advise on local regulations as applicable 5 26-Jun-23 05-Jul-23
Review implementation of local regulations 5 06-Jul-23 12-Jul-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 1 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Advise on roads geometry and coordinate with Master Plan 5 13-Jul-23 19-Jul-23
Available Tie-in Points 5 20-Jul-23 27-Jul-23
Estimate Utilities Load demands 5 16-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Utilities Building size estimate 5 16-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Early Scheme for Infra Networks (Brief BOD) and options studies 5 16-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Prepare GIS Drawings 10 18-Aug-23 31-Aug-23
Pre-Concept Master Plan 18 19-Jun-23 17-Jul-23

General 18 19-Jun-23 17-Jul-23

Advanced copy of Master Plan CAD file (Draft pre-concept) 0 26-Jun-23
Submission of Pre Concept Master plan by (SBA) 11 19-Jun-23 06-Jul-23
Review andApproval of Pre Concept Master Plan by EH 7 07-Jul-23 17-Jul-23
Concept Master Plan 60 18-Jul-23 11-Oct-23

General 60 18-Jul-23 11-Oct-23

Submission of Concept Master plan by (SBA) 13 18-Jul-23 04-Aug-23
Review andApproval of Concept Master Plan by Client 7 07-Aug-23 15-Aug-23
Submission of Concept Master Plan: Urban Planning Council 5 25-Aug-23 31-Aug-23
Review andApproval of Concept Master Plan: Urban Planning Council (one cycle) 28 01-Sep-23 11-Oct-23
Detailed Master Plan 33 01-Nov-23 18-Dec-23

General 33 01-Nov-23 18-Dec-23

Submission of Detailed Master Plan: Urban Planning Council 5 01-Nov-23 07-Nov-23
Review andApproval of Detailed Master Plan: Urban Planning Council (one cycle) 28 08-Nov-23 18-Dec-23
Grading Plans 10 20-Jul-23 03-Aug-23

General 10 20-Jul-23 03-Aug-23

Develop Mass Grading Layouts 10 20-Jul-23 03-Aug-23
Studies and Investigation 93 16-Jun-23 31-Oct-23

General 93 16-Jun-23 31-Oct-23

Geotechnical (Land) 20 16-Jun-23 18-Jul-23
Geotechnical (Marine) 20 19-Jun-23 19-Jul-23
Bathymetric 40 19-Jun-23 17-Aug-23
Tides / Currents 40 19-Jun-23 17-Aug-23
Develop Circulation Studies 5 16-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Study with the project team the possibilities and opportunities to relocate and preserve the trees 5 16-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Traffic Impact Study (TIS inside ADLI) 40 16-Aug-23 11-Oct-23
Axonometric Studies 40 16-Aug-23 11-Oct-23
Environment Impact Analysis 90 19-Jun-23 27-Oct-23
Urban System Assessment 15 11-Oct-23 31-Oct-23
External Utilities 144 19-Jul-23 09-Feb-24

General 144 19-Jul-23 09-Feb-24

Contribute to Development Phasing Studies 5 19-Jul-23 26-Jul-23
Submission of Concept Design (External Utilities) 25 23-Aug-23 26-Sep-23
Review andApproval of Concept Design (External Utilities) 5 27-Sep-23 04-Oct-23
Submission of Schematic Design (External Utilities) 35 05-Oct-23 22-Nov-23
Review andApproval of Schematic Design (External Utilities) 5 23-Nov-23 29-Nov-23
Submission of Detailed Design (External Utilities) 45 30-Nov-23 02-Feb-24
Review andApproval of Detailed Design (External Utilities) 5 05-Feb-24 09-Feb-24
Buildings Residential and Public Buildings 148 21-Jun-23 23-Jan-24

Villa Type V1-SBA 110 10-Jul-23 13-Dec-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 2 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Key Milestones 63 08-Sep-23 08-Dec-23
Foundation Package Submission 0 08-Sep-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 0 15-Sep-23
MEPMain Equipment Package 0 15-Sep-23
Internal Finishes Package Submission 0 24-Oct-23
External Facade Finishes Package Submission 0 31-Oct-23
Precast Design Package 0 06-Nov-23
100% Detailed Design Package Submission 0 22-Nov-23
IFC Package Submission 0 08-Dec-23
Gateway 1 36 10-Jul-23 29-Aug-23
Initial Concept Presentation 7 10-Jul-23 18-Jul-23
Fixed Floor Plans 7 19-Jul-23 28-Jul-23
Interior Design Mood Board 2 31-Jul-23 01-Aug-23
Structure Elements Coordination 3 31-Jul-23 02-Aug-23
MEPSpace Requirment Package 3 31-Jul-23 02-Aug-23
Facade Concept Design 2 03-Aug-23 04-Aug-23
Landscape Concept Package 7 31-Jul-23 08-Aug-23
Facade Engineering Review 7 07-Aug-23 15-Aug-23
Estidama Target Score Card 1 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Concept Design 5 16-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Client Consent - Gateway 1 5 23-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Gateway 2 33 28-Aug-23 12-Oct-23
BIM Verification 2 28-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Structure Statical System Coordination - Revit Model 4 30-Aug-23 04-Sep-23
Facade Lighting Design&Coordination 1 06-Sep-23 06-Sep-23
Facade Engineering, Special Facade details 2 05-Sep-23 06-Sep-23
External Utilities, Coordinate Tie-in location & Capacity 1 07-Sep-23 07-Sep-23
ID Coordination Package & RCP( 50% ID Package) 3 06-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
Landscape Coordinate with the building Levels & materials 1 08-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
Foundation Package 4 05-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
50% Landscape Package 5 04-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 10 04-Sep-23 15-Sep-23
MEPMain Equipment Package Preparation 10 04-Sep-23 15-Sep-23
50% Detailed Design Package 28 30-Aug-23 09-Oct-23
Estidama, Provide Energy Model 2 10-Oct-23 11-Oct-23
Client Consent - Gateway 2 5 06-Oct-23 12-Oct-23
Gateway 3 34 13-Oct-23 29-Nov-23
Acoustic Validation 4 13-Oct-23 18-Oct-23
Finalize Structure Coordination 7 13-Oct-23 23-Oct-23
100% ID Package & Materials Cut Sheets 0 24-Oct-23
Finishes Schedules 5 19-Oct-23 25-Oct-23
Finalize Coordinated RCP 3 24-Oct-23 26-Oct-23
Landscape Design & Coordination 2 26-Oct-23 27-Oct-23
External Lighting Landscape 2 30-Oct-23 31-Oct-23
Precast Design Drawings 7 27-Oct-23 06-Nov-23
Fire & Life Safety Drawings 5 01-Nov-23 07-Nov-23
Structure Third Party Stamp 3 07-Nov-23 09-Nov-23
FLS Third Party Stamp 3 08-Nov-23 10-Nov-23
Precast Fabrication Package 7 10-Nov-23 20-Nov-23
Estidama Final Score Card 2 21-Nov-23 22-Nov-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 3 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
100% Detailed Design Submission 29 13-Oct-23 22-Nov-23
Client Consent - Gateway 3 5 23-Nov-23 29-Nov-23
Gateway 4 9 30-Nov-23 13-Dec-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPIFC Submission 6 30-Nov-23 08-Dec-23
Interior Design BOQ 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPBOQ 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Landscape BOQ 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Specifications 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
ECG Stamp ID & Landscape BOQ for Construction 2 11-Dec-23 12-Dec-23
ECG Stamp Landscape Design for Construction 2 11-Dec-23 12-Dec-23
ECGReview & Stamp ID Drawings for Construction 2 11-Dec-23 12-Dec-23
Client Consent - Gateway 4 1 13-Dec-23 13-Dec-23
Villa Type V2-SBA 110 10-Jul-23 13-Dec-23

Key Milestones 63 08-Sep-23 08-Dec-23

Foundation Package Submission 0 08-Sep-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 0 15-Sep-23
MEPMain Equipment Package 0 15-Sep-23
Internal Finishes Package Submission 0 24-Oct-23
External Facade Finishes Package Submission 0 31-Oct-23
Precast Design Package 0 06-Nov-23
100% Detailed Design Package Submission 0 22-Nov-23
IFC Package Submission 0 08-Dec-23
Gateway 1 36 10-Jul-23 29-Aug-23
Initial Concept Presentation 7 10-Jul-23 18-Jul-23
Fixed Floor Plans 7 19-Jul-23 28-Jul-23
Interior Design Mood Board 2 31-Jul-23 01-Aug-23
Structure Elements Coordination 3 31-Jul-23 02-Aug-23
MEPSpace Requirment Package 3 31-Jul-23 02-Aug-23
Facade Concept Design 2 03-Aug-23 04-Aug-23
Landscape Concept Package 7 31-Jul-23 08-Aug-23
Facade Engineering Review 7 07-Aug-23 15-Aug-23
Estidama Target Score Card 1 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Concept Design 5 16-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Client Consent - Gateway 1 5 23-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Gateway 2 33 28-Aug-23 12-Oct-23
BIM Verification 2 28-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Structure Statical System Coordination - Revit Model 4 30-Aug-23 04-Sep-23
Facade Lighting Design&Coordination 1 06-Sep-23 06-Sep-23
Facade Engineering, Special Facade details 2 05-Sep-23 06-Sep-23
External Utilities, Coordinate Tie-in location & Capacity 1 07-Sep-23 07-Sep-23
ID Coordination Package & RCP( 50% ID Package) 3 06-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
Landscape Coordinate with the building Levels & materials 1 08-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
Foundation Package 4 05-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
50% Landscape Package 5 04-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 10 04-Sep-23 15-Sep-23
MEPMain Equipment Package Preparation 10 04-Sep-23 15-Sep-23
50% Detailed Design Package 28 30-Aug-23 09-Oct-23
Estidama, Provide Energy Model 2 10-Oct-23 11-Oct-23
Client Consent - Gateway 2 5 06-Oct-23 12-Oct-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 4 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Gateway 3 34 13-Oct-23 29-Nov-23
Acoustic Validation 4 13-Oct-23 18-Oct-23
Finalize Structure Coordination 7 13-Oct-23 23-Oct-23
100% ID Package & Materials Cut Sheets 0 24-Oct-23
Finishes Schedules 5 19-Oct-23 25-Oct-23
Finalize Coordinated RCP 3 24-Oct-23 26-Oct-23
Landscape Design & Coordination 2 26-Oct-23 27-Oct-23
External Lighting Landscape 2 30-Oct-23 31-Oct-23
Precast Design Drawings 7 27-Oct-23 06-Nov-23
Fire & Life Safety Drawings 5 01-Nov-23 07-Nov-23
Structure Third Party Stamp 3 07-Nov-23 09-Nov-23
FLS Third Party Stamp 3 08-Nov-23 10-Nov-23
Precast Fabrication Package 7 10-Nov-23 20-Nov-23
Estidama Final Score Card 2 21-Nov-23 22-Nov-23
100% Detailed Design Submission 29 13-Oct-23 22-Nov-23
Client Consent - Gateway 3 5 23-Nov-23 29-Nov-23
Gateway 4 9 30-Nov-23 13-Dec-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPIFC Submission 6 30-Nov-23 08-Dec-23
Landscape BOQ 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Interior Design BOQ 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPBOQ 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Specifications 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
ECG Stamp ID & Landscape BOQ for Construction 2 11-Dec-23 12-Dec-23
ECG Stamp Landscape Design for Construction 2 11-Dec-23 12-Dec-23
ECGReview & Stamp ID Drawings for Construction 2 11-Dec-23 12-Dec-23
Client Consent - Gateway 4 1 13-Dec-23 13-Dec-23
Villa Type V3-SBA 110 10-Jul-23 13-Dec-23

Key Milestones 63 08-Sep-23 08-Dec-23

Foundation Package Submission 0 08-Sep-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 0 15-Sep-23
MEPMain Equipment Package 0 15-Sep-23
Internal Finishes Package Submission 0 24-Oct-23
External Facade Finishes Package Submission 0 31-Oct-23
Precast Design Package 0 06-Nov-23
100% Detailed Design Package Submission 0 22-Nov-23
IFC Package Submission 0 08-Dec-23
Gateway 1 36 10-Jul-23 29-Aug-23
Initial Concept Presentation 7 10-Jul-23 18-Jul-23
Fixed Floor Plans 7 19-Jul-23 28-Jul-23
Interior Design Mood Board 2 31-Jul-23 01-Aug-23
MEPSpace Requirment Package 3 31-Jul-23 02-Aug-23
Structure Elements Coordination 3 31-Jul-23 02-Aug-23
Facade Concept Design 2 03-Aug-23 04-Aug-23
Landscape Concept Package 7 31-Jul-23 08-Aug-23
Facade Engineering Review 7 07-Aug-23 15-Aug-23
Estidama Target Score Card 1 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Concept Design 5 16-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Client Consent - Gateway 1 5 23-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Gateway 2 33 28-Aug-23 12-Oct-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 5 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
BIM Verification 2 28-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Structure Statical System Coordination - Revit Model 4 30-Aug-23 04-Sep-23
Facade Engineering, Special Facade details 2 05-Sep-23 06-Sep-23
Facade Lighting Design&Coordination 1 06-Sep-23 06-Sep-23
External Utilities, Coordinate Tie-in location & Capacity 1 07-Sep-23 07-Sep-23
Landscape Coordinate with the building Levels & materials 1 08-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
Foundation Package 4 05-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
50% Landscape Package 5 04-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
ID Coordination Package & RCP( 50% ID Package) 3 06-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 10 04-Sep-23 15-Sep-23
MEPMain Equipment Package Preparation 10 04-Sep-23 15-Sep-23
50% Detailed Design Package 28 30-Aug-23 09-Oct-23
Estidama, Provide Energy Model 2 10-Oct-23 11-Oct-23
Client Consent - Gateway 2 5 06-Oct-23 12-Oct-23
Gateway 3 34 13-Oct-23 29-Nov-23
Acoustic Validation 4 13-Oct-23 18-Oct-23
Finalize Structure Coordination 7 13-Oct-23 23-Oct-23
100% ID Package & Materials Cut Sheets 0 24-Oct-23
Finishes Schedules 5 19-Oct-23 25-Oct-23
Finalize Coordinated RCP 3 24-Oct-23 26-Oct-23
Landscape Design & Coordination 2 26-Oct-23 27-Oct-23
External Lighting Landscape 2 30-Oct-23 31-Oct-23
Precast Design Drawings 7 27-Oct-23 06-Nov-23
Fire & Life Safety Drawings 5 01-Nov-23 07-Nov-23
Structure Third Party Stamp 3 07-Nov-23 09-Nov-23
FLS Third Party Stamp 3 08-Nov-23 10-Nov-23
Precast Fabrication Package 7 10-Nov-23 20-Nov-23
100% Detailed Design Submission 29 13-Oct-23 22-Nov-23
Estidama Final Score Card 2 21-Nov-23 22-Nov-23
Client Consent - Gateway 3 5 23-Nov-23 29-Nov-23
Gateway 4 9 30-Nov-23 13-Dec-23
Landscape BOQ 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Interior Design BOQ 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPBOQ 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Specifications 4 05-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPIFC Submission 6 30-Nov-23 08-Dec-23
ECG Stamp ID & Landscape BOQ for Construction 2 11-Dec-23 12-Dec-23
ECG Stamp Landscape Design for Construction 2 11-Dec-23 12-Dec-23
ECGReview & Stamp ID Drawings for Construction 2 11-Dec-23 12-Dec-23
Client Consent - Gateway 4 1 13-Dec-23 13-Dec-23
Villa Type (T2) - ECG 68 21-Jun-23 28-Sep-23

Key Milestones 26 18-Aug-23 25-Sep-23

Foundation Package Submission 0 18-Aug-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 0 21-Aug-23
MEPMain Equipment Package 0 21-Aug-23
Internal Finishes Package Submission 0 30-Aug-23
External Facade Finishes Package Submission 0 06-Sep-23
Precast Design Package 0 07-Sep-23
100% Detailed Design Package Submission 0 14-Sep-23
IFC Package Submission 0 25-Sep-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 6 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Gateway 1 31 21-Jun-23 08-Aug-23
Initial Concept Presentation 7 21-Jun-23 04-Jul-23
Fixed Floor Plans 7 05-Jul-23 13-Jul-23
Interior Design Mood Board 2 14-Jul-23 17-Jul-23
Structure Elements Coordination 3 14-Jul-23 18-Jul-23
MEPSpace Requirment Package 3 14-Jul-23 18-Jul-23
Facade Concept Design 2 19-Jul-23 20-Jul-23
Landscape Concept Package 5 14-Jul-23 20-Jul-23
Facade Engineering Review 5 24-Jul-23 28-Jul-23
Estidama Target Score Card 1 04-Aug-23 04-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Concept Design 5 31-Jul-23 04-Aug-23
Client Consent - Gateway 1 2 07-Aug-23 08-Aug-23
Gateway 2 14 07-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
BIM Verification 2 07-Aug-23 08-Aug-23
Structure Statical System Coordination - Revit Model 4 09-Aug-23 14-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Design&Coordination 1 16-Aug-23 16-Aug-23
Facade Engineering, Special Facade details 2 15-Aug-23 16-Aug-23
External Utilities, Coordinate Tie-in location & Capacity 1 17-Aug-23 17-Aug-23
ID Coordination Package & RCP( 50% ID Package) 3 16-Aug-23 18-Aug-23
Landscape Coordinate with the building Levels & materials 1 18-Aug-23 18-Aug-23
Foundation Package 4 15-Aug-23 18-Aug-23
50% Landscape Package 5 14-Aug-23 18-Aug-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 6 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23
MEPMain Equipment Package Preparation 6 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23
50% Detailed Design Package 10 09-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Estidama, Provide Energy Model 2 23-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
Client Consent - Gateway 2 2 23-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
Gateway 3 16 25-Aug-23 15-Sep-23
Finalize Structure Coordination 3 25-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Acoustic Validation 3 25-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
100% ID Package & Materials Cut Sheets 0 30-Aug-23
Finalize Coordinated RCP 2 30-Aug-23 31-Aug-23
Finishes Schedules 2 30-Aug-23 31-Aug-23
Landscape Design & Coordination 2 01-Sep-23 04-Sep-23
External Lighting Landscape 2 05-Sep-23 06-Sep-23
Precast Design Drawings 5 01-Sep-23 07-Sep-23
Fire & Life Safety Drawings 2 07-Sep-23 08-Sep-23
FLS Third Party Stamp 2 11-Sep-23 12-Sep-23
Structure Third Party Stamp 3 08-Sep-23 12-Sep-23
Estidama Final Score Card 2 13-Sep-23 14-Sep-23
Precast Fabrication Package 2 13-Sep-23 14-Sep-23
100% Detailed Design Submission 15 25-Aug-23 14-Sep-23
Client Consent - Gateway 3 1 15-Sep-23 15-Sep-23
Gateway 4 9 18-Sep-23 28-Sep-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPIFC Submission 6 18-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
Landscape BOQ 4 20-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
Interior Design BOQ 4 20-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPBOQ 4 20-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
Specifications 4 20-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
ECG Stamp ID & Landscape BOQ for Construction 2 26-Sep-23 27-Sep-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 7 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
ECG Stamp Landscape Design for Construction 2 26-Sep-23 27-Sep-23
ECGReview & Stamp ID Drawings for Construction 2 26-Sep-23 27-Sep-23
Client Consent - Gateway 4 1 28-Sep-23 28-Sep-23
Villa Type (T2 - 2) - ECG 68 21-Jun-23 28-Sep-23

Key Milestones 26 18-Aug-23 25-Sep-23

Foundation Package Submission 0 18-Aug-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 0 21-Aug-23
MEPMain Equipment Package 0 21-Aug-23
Internal Finishes Package Submission 0 30-Aug-23
External Facade Finishes Package Submission 0 06-Sep-23
Precast Design Package 0 07-Sep-23
100% Detailed Design Package Submission 0 14-Sep-23
IFC Package Submission 0 25-Sep-23
Gateway 1 31 21-Jun-23 08-Aug-23
Initial Concept Presentation 7 21-Jun-23 04-Jul-23
Fixed Floor Plans 7 05-Jul-23 13-Jul-23
Interior Design Mood Board 2 14-Jul-23 17-Jul-23
MEPSpace Requirment Package 3 14-Jul-23 18-Jul-23
Structure Elements Coordination 3 14-Jul-23 18-Jul-23
Landscape Concept Package 5 14-Jul-23 20-Jul-23
Facade Concept Design 2 19-Jul-23 20-Jul-23
Facade Engineering Review 5 24-Jul-23 28-Jul-23
Estidama Target Score Card 1 04-Aug-23 04-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Concept Design 5 31-Jul-23 04-Aug-23
Client Consent - Gateway 1 2 07-Aug-23 08-Aug-23
Gateway 2 14 07-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
BIM Verification 2 07-Aug-23 08-Aug-23
Structure Statical System Coordination - Revit Model 4 09-Aug-23 14-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Design&Coordination 1 16-Aug-23 16-Aug-23
Facade Engineering, Special Facade details 2 15-Aug-23 16-Aug-23
External Utilities, Coordinate Tie-in location & Capacity 1 17-Aug-23 17-Aug-23
Landscape Coordinate with the building Levels & materials 1 18-Aug-23 18-Aug-23
Foundation Package 4 15-Aug-23 18-Aug-23
50% Landscape Package 5 14-Aug-23 18-Aug-23
ID Coordination Package & RCP( 50% ID Package) 3 16-Aug-23 18-Aug-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 6 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23
MEPMain Equipment Package Preparation 6 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23
50% Detailed Design Package 10 09-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Estidama, Provide Energy Model 2 23-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
Client Consent - Gateway 2 2 23-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
Gateway 3 16 25-Aug-23 15-Sep-23
Finalize Structure Coordination 3 25-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Acoustic Validation 3 25-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
100% ID Package & Materials Cut Sheets 0 30-Aug-23
Finalize Coordinated RCP 2 30-Aug-23 31-Aug-23
Finishes Schedules 2 30-Aug-23 31-Aug-23
Landscape Design & Coordination 2 01-Sep-23 04-Sep-23
External Lighting Landscape 2 05-Sep-23 06-Sep-23
Precast Design Drawings 5 01-Sep-23 07-Sep-23
Fire & Life Safety Drawings 2 07-Sep-23 08-Sep-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 8 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
FLS Third Party Stamp 2 11-Sep-23 12-Sep-23
Structure Third Party Stamp 3 08-Sep-23 12-Sep-23
Precast Fabrication Package 2 13-Sep-23 14-Sep-23
100% Detailed Design Submission 15 25-Aug-23 14-Sep-23
Estidama Final Score Card 2 13-Sep-23 14-Sep-23
Client Consent - Gateway 3 1 15-Sep-23 15-Sep-23
Gateway 4 9 18-Sep-23 28-Sep-23
Interior Design BOQ 4 20-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPBOQ 4 20-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
Landscape BOQ 4 20-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
Specifications 4 20-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPIFC Submission 6 18-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
ECG Stamp ID & Landscape BOQ for Construction 2 26-Sep-23 27-Sep-23
ECG Stamp Landscape Design for Construction 2 26-Sep-23 27-Sep-23
ECGReview & Stamp ID Drawings for Construction 2 26-Sep-23 27-Sep-23
Client Consent - Gateway 4 1 28-Sep-23 28-Sep-23
Villa Type V2G - UNI 82 27-Jun-23 25-Oct-23

Key Milestones 40 24-Aug-23 20-Oct-23

Foundation Package Submission 0 24-Aug-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 0 12-Sep-23
MEPMain Equipment Package 0 12-Sep-23
Internal Finishes Package Submission 0 21-Sep-23
Precast Design Package 0 28-Sep-23
External Facade Finishes Package Submission 0 28-Sep-23
100% Detailed Design Package Submission 0 05-Oct-23
IFC Package Submission 0 20-Oct-23
Gateway 1 31 27-Jun-23 14-Aug-23
Initial Concept Presentation 7 27-Jun-23 10-Jul-23
Fixed Floor Plans 7 11-Jul-23 19-Jul-23
Interior Design Mood Board 2 20-Jul-23 24-Jul-23
Structure Elements Coordination 3 20-Jul-23 25-Jul-23
MEPSpace Requirment Package 3 20-Jul-23 25-Jul-23
Facade Concept Design 2 26-Jul-23 27-Jul-23
Landscape Concept Package 5 20-Jul-23 27-Jul-23
Facade Engineering Review 5 28-Jul-23 03-Aug-23
Estidama Target Score Card 1 10-Aug-23 10-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Concept Design 5 04-Aug-23 10-Aug-23
Client Consent - Gateway 1 2 11-Aug-23 14-Aug-23
Gateway 2 27 11-Aug-23 18-Sep-23
BIM Verification 2 11-Aug-23 14-Aug-23
Structure Statical System Coordination - Revit Model 4 15-Aug-23 18-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Design&Coordination 1 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Facade Engineering, Special Facade details 2 21-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
External Utilities, Coordinate Tie-in location & Capacity 1 23-Aug-23 23-Aug-23
ID Coordination Package & RCP( 50% ID Package) 3 22-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
Landscape Coordinate with the building Levels & materials 1 24-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
Foundation Package 4 21-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
50% Landscape Package 5 18-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 18 18-Aug-23 12-Sep-23
MEPMain Equipment Package Preparation 18 18-Aug-23 12-Sep-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 9 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
50% Detailed Design Package 23 15-Aug-23 14-Sep-23
Estidama, Provide Energy Model 2 15-Sep-23 18-Sep-23
Client Consent - Gateway 2 5 12-Sep-23 18-Sep-23
Gateway 3 17 19-Sep-23 12-Oct-23
Finalize Structure Coordination 2 19-Sep-23 20-Sep-23
Acoustic Validation 2 19-Sep-23 20-Sep-23
100% ID Package & Materials Cut Sheets 0 21-Sep-23
Finalize Coordinated RCP 2 21-Sep-23 22-Sep-23
Finishes Schedules 2 21-Sep-23 22-Sep-23
Landscape Design & Coordination 2 25-Sep-23 26-Sep-23
External Lighting Landscape 2 27-Sep-23 28-Sep-23
Precast Design Drawings 4 25-Sep-23 28-Sep-23
Fire & Life Safety Drawings 2 02-Oct-23 03-Oct-23
Structure Third Party Stamp 2 02-Oct-23 03-Oct-23
FLS Third Party Stamp 2 04-Oct-23 05-Oct-23
Estidama Final Score Card 2 04-Oct-23 05-Oct-23
Precast Fabrication Package 2 04-Oct-23 05-Oct-23
100% Detailed Design Submission 12 19-Sep-23 05-Oct-23
Client Consent - Gateway 3 5 06-Oct-23 12-Oct-23
Gateway 4 9 13-Oct-23 25-Oct-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPIFC Submission 6 13-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
Landscape BOQ 4 17-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
Interior Design BOQ 4 17-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPBOQ 4 17-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
Specifications 4 17-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
ECG Stamp ID & Landscape BOQ for Construction 2 23-Oct-23 24-Oct-23
ECG Stamp Landscape Design for Construction 2 23-Oct-23 24-Oct-23
ECGReview & Stamp ID Drawings for Construction 2 23-Oct-23 24-Oct-23
Client Consent - Gateway 4 1 25-Oct-23 25-Oct-23
Villa Type V2GN - UNI 94 26-Jun-23 09-Nov-23

Key Milestones 49 28-Aug-23 06-Nov-23

Foundation Package Submission 0 28-Aug-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 0 04-Sep-23
MEPMain Equipment Package 0 04-Sep-23
Internal Finishes Package Submission 0 09-Oct-23
Precast Design Package 0 16-Oct-23
External Facade Finishes Package Submission 0 16-Oct-23
100% Detailed Design Package Submission 0 20-Oct-23
IFC Package Submission 0 06-Nov-23
Gateway 1 34 26-Jun-23 16-Aug-23
Initial Concept Presentation 7 26-Jun-23 07-Jul-23
Fixed Floor Plans 7 10-Jul-23 18-Jul-23
Interior Design Mood Board 2 19-Jul-23 20-Jul-23
Structure Elements Coordination 3 19-Jul-23 24-Jul-23
MEPSpace Requirment Package 3 19-Jul-23 24-Jul-23
Facade Concept Design 2 25-Jul-23 26-Jul-23
Landscape Concept Package 5 19-Jul-23 26-Jul-23
Facade Engineering Review 8 27-Jul-23 07-Aug-23
Estidama Target Score Card 1 14-Aug-23 14-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Concept Design 5 08-Aug-23 14-Aug-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 10 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Client Consent - Gateway 1 2 15-Aug-23 16-Aug-23
Gateway 2 36 15-Aug-23 04-Oct-23
BIM Verification 2 15-Aug-23 16-Aug-23
Structure Statical System Coordination - Revit Model 4 17-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Facade Lighting Design&Coordination 1 24-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
Facade Engineering, Special Facade details 2 23-Aug-23 24-Aug-23
External Utilities, Coordinate Tie-in location & Capacity 1 25-Aug-23 25-Aug-23
ID Coordination Package & RCP( 50% ID Package) 3 24-Aug-23 28-Aug-23
Landscape Coordinate with the building Levels & materials 1 28-Aug-23 28-Aug-23
Foundation Package 4 23-Aug-23 28-Aug-23
50% Landscape Package 5 22-Aug-23 28-Aug-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 10 22-Aug-23 04-Sep-23
MEPMain Equipment Package Preparation 10 22-Aug-23 04-Sep-23
50% Detailed Design Package 32 17-Aug-23 02-Oct-23
Estidama, Provide Energy Model 2 03-Oct-23 04-Oct-23
Client Consent - Gateway 2 5 27-Sep-23 04-Oct-23
Gateway 3 17 05-Oct-23 27-Oct-23
Finalize Structure Coordination 2 05-Oct-23 06-Oct-23
Acoustic Validation 2 05-Oct-23 06-Oct-23
100% ID Package & Materials Cut Sheets 0 09-Oct-23
Finalize Coordinated RCP 2 09-Oct-23 10-Oct-23
Finishes Schedules 2 09-Oct-23 10-Oct-23
Landscape Design & Coordination 2 11-Oct-23 12-Oct-23
External Lighting Landscape 2 13-Oct-23 16-Oct-23
Precast Design Drawings 4 11-Oct-23 16-Oct-23
Fire & Life Safety Drawings 2 17-Oct-23 18-Oct-23
Structure Third Party Stamp 2 17-Oct-23 18-Oct-23
FLS Third Party Stamp 2 19-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
Estidama Final Score Card 2 19-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
Precast Fabrication Package 2 19-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
100% Detailed Design Submission 12 05-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
Client Consent - Gateway 3 5 23-Oct-23 27-Oct-23
Gateway 4 9 30-Oct-23 09-Nov-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPIFC Submission 6 30-Oct-23 06-Nov-23
Landscape BOQ 4 01-Nov-23 06-Nov-23
Interior Design BOQ 4 01-Nov-23 06-Nov-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPBOQ 4 01-Nov-23 06-Nov-23
Specifications 4 01-Nov-23 06-Nov-23
ECG Stamp ID & Landscape BOQ for Construction 2 07-Nov-23 08-Nov-23
ECG Stamp Landscape Design for Construction 2 07-Nov-23 08-Nov-23
ECGReview & Stamp ID Drawings for Construction 2 07-Nov-23 08-Nov-23
Client Consent - Gateway 4 1 09-Nov-23 09-Nov-23
Villa Type V4P - UNI 95 21-Aug-23 03-Jan-24

Key Milestones 57 09-Oct-23 28-Dec-23

Foundation Package Submission 0 09-Oct-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 0 09-Oct-23
MEPMain Equipment Package 0 09-Oct-23
Internal Finishes Package Submission 0 30-Oct-23
External Facade Finishes Package Submission 0 20-Nov-23
Precast Design Package 0 04-Dec-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 11 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
100% Detailed Design Package Submission 0 13-Dec-23
IFC Package Submission 0 28-Dec-23
Gateway 1 27 21-Aug-23 26-Sep-23
Initial Concept Presentation 7 21-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Fixed Floor Plans 7 30-Aug-23 07-Sep-23
Interior Design Mood Board 2 08-Sep-23 11-Sep-23
MEPSpace Requirment Package 3 08-Sep-23 12-Sep-23
Structure Elements Coordination 3 08-Sep-23 12-Sep-23
Landscape Concept Package 5 08-Sep-23 14-Sep-23
Facade Concept Design 2 13-Sep-23 14-Sep-23
Facade Engineering Review 3 15-Sep-23 19-Sep-23
Estidama Target Score Card 1 22-Sep-23 22-Sep-23
Facade Lighting Concept Design 3 20-Sep-23 22-Sep-23
Client Consent - Gateway 1 2 25-Sep-23 26-Sep-23
Gateway 2 19 25-Sep-23 20-Oct-23
BIM Verification 2 25-Sep-23 26-Sep-23
Structure Statical System Coordination - Revit Model 4 27-Sep-23 03-Oct-23
Facade Lighting Design&Coordination 1 05-Oct-23 05-Oct-23
Facade Engineering, Special Facade details 2 04-Oct-23 05-Oct-23
External Utilities, Coordinate Tie-in location & Capacity 1 06-Oct-23 06-Oct-23
50% Landscape Package 5 03-Oct-23 09-Oct-23
ID Coordination Package & RCP( 50% ID Package) 3 05-Oct-23 09-Oct-23
Landscape Coordinate with the building Levels & materials 1 09-Oct-23 09-Oct-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 5 03-Oct-23 09-Oct-23
MEPMain Equipment Package Preparation 5 03-Oct-23 09-Oct-23
Foundation Package 4 04-Oct-23 09-Oct-23
50% Detailed Design Package 15 27-Sep-23 18-Oct-23
Estidama, Provide Energy Model 2 19-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
Client Consent - Gateway 2 5 16-Oct-23 20-Oct-23
Gateway 3 42 23-Oct-23 20-Dec-23

Acoustic Validation 5 23-Oct-23 27-Oct-23

Finalize Structure Coordination 5 23-Oct-23 27-Oct-23
100% ID Package & Materials Cut Sheets 0 30-Oct-23
Finalize Coordinated RCP 7 30-Oct-23 07-Nov-23
Finishes Schedules 7 30-Oct-23 07-Nov-23
Landscape Design & Coordination 7 08-Nov-23 16-Nov-23
External Lighting Landscape 2 17-Nov-23 20-Nov-23
Fire & Life Safety Drawings 2 21-Nov-23 22-Nov-23
FLS Third Party Stamp 2 23-Nov-23 24-Nov-23
Precast Design Drawings 18 08-Nov-23 04-Dec-23
Structure Third Party Stamp 2 05-Dec-23 06-Dec-23
Precast Fabrication Package 2 07-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
100% Detailed Design Submission 37 23-Oct-23 13-Dec-23
Estidama Final Score Card 2 12-Dec-23 13-Dec-23
Client Consent - Gateway 3 5 14-Dec-23 20-Dec-23
Gateway 4 9 21-Dec-23 03-Jan-24
Specifications 4 25-Dec-23 28-Dec-23
Landscape BOQ 4 25-Dec-23 28-Dec-23
Interior Design BOQ 4 25-Dec-23 28-Dec-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPBOQ 4 25-Dec-23 28-Dec-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 12 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Architectural / Civil & MEPIFC Submission 6 21-Dec-23 28-Dec-23
ECGReview & Stamp ID Drawings for Construction 2 29-Dec-23 02-Jan-24
ECG Stamp ID & Landscape BOQ for Construction 2 29-Dec-23 02-Jan-24
ECG Stamp Landscape Design for Construction 2 29-Dec-23 02-Jan-24
Client Consent - Gateway 4 1 03-Jan-24 03-Jan-24
Villa Type V1S - UNI 107 10-Jul-23 08-Dec-23

Key Milestones 44 03-Oct-23 05-Dec-23

Foundation Package Submission 0 03-Oct-23
MEPMain Equipment Package 0 10-Oct-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 0 10-Oct-23
Internal Finishes Package Submission 0 06-Nov-23
Precast Design Package 0 13-Nov-23
External Facade Finishes Package Submission 0 13-Nov-23
100% Detailed Design Package Submission 0 17-Nov-23
IFC Package Submission 0 05-Dec-23
Gateway 1 52 10-Jul-23 20-Sep-23
Initial Concept Presentation 10 10-Jul-23 24-Jul-23
Fixed Floor Plans 10 25-Jul-23 07-Aug-23
Interior Design Mood Board 2 08-Aug-23 09-Aug-23
Structure Elements Coordination 3 08-Aug-23 10-Aug-23
MEPSpace Requirment Package 3 08-Aug-23 10-Aug-23
Facade Concept Design 5 11-Aug-23 17-Aug-23
Landscape Concept Package 10 08-Aug-23 21-Aug-23
Facade Engineering Review 7 18-Aug-23 28-Aug-23
Estidama Target Score Card 1 18-Sep-23 18-Sep-23
Facade Lighting Concept Design 15 29-Aug-23 18-Sep-23
Client Consent - Gateway 1 2 19-Sep-23 20-Sep-23
Gateway 2 31 19-Sep-23 01-Nov-23
BIM Verification 2 19-Sep-23 20-Sep-23
Structure Statical System Coordination - Revit Model 4 21-Sep-23 26-Sep-23
Facade Lighting Design&Coordination 1 28-Sep-23 28-Sep-23
Facade Engineering, Special Facade details 2 27-Sep-23 28-Sep-23
External Utilities, Coordinate Tie-in location & Capacity 1 02-Oct-23 02-Oct-23
ID Coordination Package & RCP( 50% ID Package) 3 28-Sep-23 03-Oct-23
Landscape Coordinate with the building Levels & materials 1 03-Oct-23 03-Oct-23
Foundation Package 4 27-Sep-23 03-Oct-23
50% Landscape Package 5 26-Sep-23 03-Oct-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 10 26-Sep-23 10-Oct-23
MEPMain Equipment Package Preparation 10 26-Sep-23 10-Oct-23
50% Detailed Design Package 27 21-Sep-23 30-Oct-23
Estidama, Provide Energy Model 2 31-Oct-23 01-Nov-23
Client Consent - Gateway 2 5 26-Oct-23 01-Nov-23
Gateway 3 17 02-Nov-23 24-Nov-23
Finalize Structure Coordination 2 02-Nov-23 03-Nov-23
Acoustic Validation 2 02-Nov-23 03-Nov-23
100% ID Package & Materials Cut Sheets 0 06-Nov-23
Finalize Coordinated RCP 2 06-Nov-23 07-Nov-23
Finishes Schedules 2 06-Nov-23 07-Nov-23
Landscape Design & Coordination 2 08-Nov-23 09-Nov-23
External Lighting Landscape 2 10-Nov-23 13-Nov-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 13 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Precast Design Drawings 4 08-Nov-23 13-Nov-23
Fire & Life Safety Drawings 2 14-Nov-23 15-Nov-23
Structure Third Party Stamp 2 14-Nov-23 15-Nov-23
FLS Third Party Stamp 2 16-Nov-23 17-Nov-23
Estidama Final Score Card 2 16-Nov-23 17-Nov-23
Precast Fabrication Package 2 16-Nov-23 17-Nov-23
100% Detailed Design Submission 12 02-Nov-23 17-Nov-23
Client Consent - Gateway 3 5 20-Nov-23 24-Nov-23
Gateway 4 9 27-Nov-23 08-Dec-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPIFC Submission 6 27-Nov-23 05-Dec-23
Landscape BOQ 4 29-Nov-23 05-Dec-23
Interior Design BOQ 4 29-Nov-23 05-Dec-23
Architectural / Civil & MEPBOQ 4 29-Nov-23 05-Dec-23
Specifications 4 29-Nov-23 05-Dec-23
ECG Stamp ID & Landscape BOQ for Construction 2 06-Dec-23 07-Dec-23
ECG Stamp Landscape Design for Construction 2 06-Dec-23 07-Dec-23
ECGReview & Stamp ID Drawings for Construction 2 06-Dec-23 07-Dec-23
Client Consent - Gateway 4 1 08-Dec-23 08-Dec-23
Villa Type V4B - UNI 99 04-Sep-23 23-Jan-24

Key Milestones 65 17-Oct-23 18-Jan-24

Foundation Package Submission 0 17-Oct-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 0 26-Oct-23
MEPMain Equipment Package 0 26-Oct-23
Internal Finishes Package Submission 0 14-Nov-23
Precast Design Package 0 21-Nov-23
External Facade Finishes Package Submission 0 21-Nov-23
100% Detailed Design Package Submission 0 03-Jan-24
IFC Package Submission 0 18-Jan-24
Gateway 1 23 04-Sep-23 05-Oct-23

Initial Concept Presentation 3 04-Sep-23 06-Sep-23

Fixed Floor Plans 3 07-Sep-23 11-Sep-23
Interior Design Mood Board 2 12-Sep-23 13-Sep-23
Structure Elements Coordination 3 12-Sep-23 14-Sep-23
MEPSpace Requirment Package 3 12-Sep-23 14-Sep-23
Facade Concept Design 2 15-Sep-23 18-Sep-23
Landscape Concept Package 5 12-Sep-23 18-Sep-23
Facade Engineering Review 5 19-Sep-23 25-Sep-23
Estidama Target Score Card 1 03-Oct-23 03-Oct-23
Facade Lighting Concept Design 5 26-Sep-23 03-Oct-23
Client Consent - Gateway 1 2 04-Oct-23 05-Oct-23
Gateway 2 19 04-Oct-23 30-Oct-23
BIM Verification 2 04-Oct-23 05-Oct-23
Structure Statical System Coordination - Revit Model 4 06-Oct-23 11-Oct-23
Facade Lighting Design&Coordination 1 13-Oct-23 13-Oct-23
Facade Engineering, Special Facade details 2 12-Oct-23 13-Oct-23
External Utilities, Coordinate Tie-in location & Capacity 1 16-Oct-23 16-Oct-23
ID Coordination Package & RCP( 50% ID Package) 3 13-Oct-23 17-Oct-23
Landscape Coordinate with the building Levels & materials 1 17-Oct-23 17-Oct-23
Foundation Package 4 12-Oct-23 17-Oct-23
50% Landscape Package 5 11-Oct-23 17-Oct-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 14 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
50% Detailed Design Package 15 06-Oct-23 26-Oct-23
MEP1st Fix Drawings 12 11-Oct-23 26-Oct-23
MEPMain Equipment Package Preparation 12 11-Oct-23 26-Oct-23
Estidama, Provide Energy Model 2 27-Oct-23 30-Oct-23
Client Consent - Gateway 2 5 24-Oct-23 30-Oct-23
Gateway 3 50 31-Oct-23 10-Jan-24
Finalize Structure Coordination 10 31-Oct-23 13-Nov-23
Acoustic Validation 10 31-Oct-23 13-Nov-23
100% ID Package & Materials Cut Sheets 0 14-Nov-23
Finalize Coordinated RCP 2 14-Nov-23 15-Nov-23
Finishes Schedules 2 14-Nov-23 15-Nov-23
Landscape Design & Coordination 2 16-Nov-23 17-Nov-23
External Lighting Landscape 2 20-Nov-23 21-Nov-23
Precast Design Drawings 4 16-Nov-23 21-Nov-23
Fire & Life Safety Drawings 5 22-Nov-23 28-Nov-23
Structure Third Party Stamp 5 22-Nov-23 28-Nov-23
FLS Third Party Stamp 2 29-Nov-23 30-Nov-23
Precast Fabrication Package 15 29-Nov-23 20-Dec-23
Estidama Final Score Card 2 02-Jan-24 03-Jan-24
100% Detailed Design Submission 45 31-Oct-23 03-Jan-24
Client Consent - Gateway 3 5 04-Jan-24 10-Jan-24
Gateway 4 9 11-Jan-24 23-Jan-24
Architectural / Civil & MEPIFC Submission 6 11-Jan-24 18-Jan-24
Landscape BOQ 4 15-Jan-24 18-Jan-24
Interior Design BOQ 4 15-Jan-24 18-Jan-24
Architectural / Civil & MEPBOQ 4 15-Jan-24 18-Jan-24
Specifications 4 15-Jan-24 18-Jan-24
ECG Stamp ID & Landscape BOQ for Construction 2 19-Jan-24 22-Jan-24
ECG Stamp Landscape Design for Construction 2 19-Jan-24 22-Jan-24
ECGReview & Stamp ID Drawings for Construction 2 19-Jan-24 22-Jan-24
Client Consent - Gateway 4 1 23-Jan-24 23-Jan-24
Hotel 105 26-Jul-23 21-Dec-23

General 105 26-Jul-23 21-Dec-23

Submission of Concept Design by SBA( Hotel ) 30 26-Jul-23 05-Sep-23
Review as per Local Regulations and Utilities provisions by ECG 3 01-Sep-23 05-Sep-23
Review andApproval of Concept Design ( Hotel ) 5 06-Sep-23 12-Sep-23
Schematic Design ( Structural & MEP)( Hotel ) 25 13-Sep-23 18-Oct-23
Schematic Design (Architectural & Interior ) ( Hotel ) 25 13-Sep-23 18-Oct-23
Review andApproval of Schematic Design ( Hotel ) 5 19-Oct-23 25-Oct-23
Submission of Detailed Design by ECG ( Hotel ) 35 26-Oct-23 14-Dec-23
Review andApproval of Detailed Design ( Hotel ) 5 15-Dec-23 21-Dec-23
BORGO 90 18-Jul-23 22-Nov-23

General 90 18-Jul-23 22-Nov-23

Submission of Concept Design by SBA( Borgo) 30 18-Jul-23 29-Aug-23
Review as per Local Regulations and Utilities provisions by ECG 3 25-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Review andApproval of Concept Design ( Borgo ) 5 30-Aug-23 05-Sep-23
Schematic Design ( Structural & MEP)( Borgo) 20 06-Sep-23 04-Oct-23
Review andApproval of Schematic Design ( Borgo ) 5 05-Oct-23 11-Oct-23
Schematic Design (Architectural & Interior ) ( Borgo ) 25 06-Sep-23 11-Oct-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 15 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Submission of Detailed Design by ECG ( Borgo ) 25 12-Oct-23 15-Nov-23
Review andApproval of Detailed Design ( Borgo) 5 16-Nov-23 22-Nov-23
Mosque - Jame'e 50 15-Aug-23 24-Oct-23

General 50 15-Aug-23 24-Oct-23

Mosques Concept Design 5 15-Aug-23 21-Aug-23
Review andApproval of Concept Design 5 22-Aug-23 28-Aug-23
Mosques Schematic Design 10 29-Aug-23 11-Sep-23
Review andApproval of Schematic Design 5 12-Sep-23 18-Sep-23
Mosques Detailed Design 20 19-Sep-23 17-Oct-23
Review andApproval of Detailed Design 5 18-Oct-23 24-Oct-23
Mosque - Masjids 50 15-Aug-23 24-Oct-23

General 50 15-Aug-23 24-Oct-23

Mosques Concept Design 5 15-Aug-23 21-Aug-23
Review andApproval of Concept Design 5 22-Aug-23 28-Aug-23
Mosques Schematic Design 10 29-Aug-23 11-Sep-23
Review andApproval of Schematic Design 5 12-Sep-23 18-Sep-23
Mosques Detailed Design 20 19-Sep-23 17-Oct-23
Review andApproval of Detailed Design 5 18-Oct-23 24-Oct-23
Utility Buildings 88 23-Aug-23 26-Dec-23

General 88 23-Aug-23 26-Dec-23

Fix utilities buildings size and location 5 23-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Define Size of Utility Buildings 5 23-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Submission of Concept Design ( Utility Buildings ) 14 23-Aug-23 11-Sep-23
Review andApproval of Concept Design ( Utility Buildings ) 5 12-Sep-23 18-Sep-23
Submission of Schematic Design ( Utility Buildings ) 24 19-Sep-23 23-Oct-23
Review andApproval of Schematic Design ( Utility Buildings ) 5 24-Oct-23 30-Oct-23
Submission of Detailed Design ( Utility Buildings ) 35 31-Oct-23 19-Dec-23
Review andApproval of Detailed Design ( Utility Buildings ) 5 20-Dec-23 26-Dec-23
External works 94 19-Jun-23 02-Nov-23

General 5 18-Jul-23 25-Jul-23

External Utilities Alignment Plans and utilities corridors 5 18-Jul-23 25-Jul-23
Landscape 94 19-Jun-23 02-Nov-23

General 94 19-Jun-23 02-Nov-23

Landscape Booklet 15 19-Jun-23 12-Jul-23
Submission of Concept Design ( Landscape ) 10 09-Aug-23 22-Aug-23
Review andApproval of Concept Design ( Landscape ) 5 23-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Submission of Schematic Design ( Landscape ) 15 30-Aug-23 19-Sep-23
Review andApproval of Schematic Design ( Landscape ) 5 20-Sep-23 26-Sep-23
Submission of Detailed Design ( Landscape ) 21 27-Sep-23 26-Oct-23
Localisation by D&B Team (TGC) 51 16-Aug-23 26-Oct-23
Review andApproval of Detailed Design ( Landscape ) 5 27-Oct-23 02-Nov-23
Irrigation Network 26 27-Sep-23 02-Nov-23

General 26 27-Sep-23 02-Nov-23

available water source and STP 5 27-Sep-23 04-Oct-23
Submission of Detailed Design ( Irrigation Network ) 16 05-Oct-23 26-Oct-23
Review andApproval of Detailed Design ( Irrigation Network ) 5 27-Oct-23 02-Nov-23
Signage and Wayfinding - Landscape & Exterior 40 23-Aug-23 18-Oct-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 16 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone
Activity Name Original Start Finish 2023 2024
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
General 40 23-Aug-23 18-Oct-23
Appoint Specialist Consultant - Signage and Wayfinding - Landscape & Exterior 5 23-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Submission of Concept Design ( Signage and Wayfinding ) 10 30-Aug-23 12-Sep-23
Review andApproval of Concept Design ( Signage and Wayfinding ) 5 13-Sep-23 19-Sep-23
Submission of Schematic Design ( Signage and Wayfinding ) 15 20-Sep-23 11-Oct-23
Review andApproval of Schematic Design ( Signage and Wayfinding ) 5 12-Oct-23 18-Oct-23
Water Features and Pools 40 23-Aug-23 18-Oct-23

General 40 23-Aug-23 18-Oct-23

Appoint Specialist Consultant - Water Features & Pools 5 23-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Submission of Concept Design ( Water Features and Pools ) 10 30-Aug-23 12-Sep-23
Review andApproval of Concept Design ( Water Features and Pools ) 5 13-Sep-23 19-Sep-23
Submission of Schematic Design ( Water Features and Pools ) 15 20-Sep-23 11-Oct-23
Review andApproval of Schematic Design ( Water Features and Pools ) 5 12-Oct-23 18-Oct-23
Lighting: Landscape and Outdoor 40 23-Aug-23 18-Oct-23

General 40 23-Aug-23 18-Oct-23

Appoint Specialist Consultant - Lighting Landscape and Outdoor 5 23-Aug-23 29-Aug-23
Submission of Concept Design ( Lighting Landscape and Outdoor ) 10 30-Aug-23 12-Sep-23
Review andApproval of Concept Design of Concept Design ( Lighting Landscape and Outdoor ) 5 13-Sep-23 19-Sep-23
Submission of Schematic Design of Concept Design ( Lighting Landscape and Outdoor ) 15 20-Sep-23 11-Oct-23
Review andApproval of Schematic Design of Concept Design ( Lighting Landscape and Outdoor ) 5 12-Oct-23 18-Oct-23

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 17 of 17
Actual Level of Effort Remaining Work Milestone

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