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1 List out some Confined Space and How to prevent Accident.

Furnace, Boiler, Pipe line, Tank Approved CSE Program and Procedure
Sludge Ponds, Inlet basin, utility valet PTW, AGT, Trained crews, Trained CSE attend
Silo Log sheet. Communication facility. Continues gas Monitoring
Duct cover for insulation Awareness about Black hole, Rotating equipment ,Power
Trench, Pit. Tools, all other live hazardous. Exhaust fan.
Close Supervision and monitoring
2 Probabilities of fall at work place and prevention
Working at scaffold Fall arrest systems- safety harness, life line etc
Working near to excavations Training, Inspection and Reporting
Working on MEWP, Working in Man Basket Safe watch, Closed Supervision
Grating Installation, Modification, removal etc Approved Working Plan, Program and TBM,DTRA
Slip, Trip From Working at height Material management and house keeping
3 Hazardous Prevention during excavation
Protect proper physical barricade with Cave-in. Use Benching, Shuttering, Slopping protection from Collapse
Confined space entry program, Banks man, effective Field Supervision, equipment and vehicles Safe management.
Detector for Buried utilities and gases.
4 BBS?
Behavior Based safety is a Modern Cultural Interactive Program to changing un safe behavionce in a
Proactive way. Using Positive intervene as tool to changing and Promoting an advanced effective
Work culture. It’s Increasing the rate of production and avoiding Man based Conflict. Man ,Machine, Management
System harmony
5 Key workman Regulations law about HSE rules at Bahrain
2012 no36 Bahrain Labour law
2008 no3 GOSI .General organization for social Insurance
2004 Bahrain Pension Fund
2013 Beijing Guide line (ozone layer Protection and Global warming)
2012 Supreme Environmental council
2012 Supreme Environmental council act and amendments
2006 tubli bay conservation law(mangrove and coral protection)
2007 used oil reduce, reuse ,recycle management law
2006 waste management program and provisions
1996 wild life protection act.
6 Ergonomics? Human Engineering
Ergonomics is the study of efficiency of man power in specific work field. working environment, working
Schedule, working techniques, engineering supports, management mission, machine involvements are the key
Engineering adaptation, tool criteria, man power managements were regular supportive elements.
It is a fact figure indication to regulate the efficiency of manpower with engineering factors
7 Fire hazardous area and Prevention
Gas – Hydro carbons,H2S, Catalytic Agents Firefighting station with equipment’s (as per standard)
Liquid - Hydrocarbons, Con. acids, Lube oil, Approved program and procedure(MS,RHA,DTRA,TBM etc),
Solid - Explosive Metals, wood, Paper, Cotton Authorized PTW with trained crews, Effective Supervision
Electrical shortage, vehicle incidents Fire water line and its reliability
Habitat, covering firefighting equipment’s(included fire
Miss communication and Poor Coordination extinguisher )

8 Heat stress cause and remedy

On Summer section increasing the body temperature and loosing water level from human body, gradually it will
Metabolic Activity results are Heat Stroke, Dizzy, Faint and Sun burn. Factors are humidity and temperature.
(Percentage and Celsius) The remedy is drinking plenty of water in rest/time frame, with Safe schedule
63 % humidity / 55 degree Celsius is upper category level.(drinking water/Time schedule)
Drinking water shelter, Proper Rest shelter, Awareness, Posters, Field Monitoring, Self-urine colour analysis are
Preliminary conditions. Using soft cotton cloths , self-digestion awareness will effective for prevention of heat stress

9 Accident Investigation (TOPSET)

TOPSET – Technology, Organization, People, Sequence, Environment, Time.
Aim, Facts & Figure data, determine the sequence ,Findings, Root Cause, Remedy and Recommendation,
enforcement , Conclusion and reporting

Pick up van fall in a 5 mtr Pit during reverse at work place after offloading.(reverse performed on un authorizes area )
Finding : Driver In Hurry , absence of supervisor, absence of Banks man
Root cause: Procedure Ignorance, Attitude issue, Poor Supervision.

0 PTW and RAMS? Importance.
Permit is a legal document to authorizing and Risk Assessment and Method of Statements are the Essential
Accountable for each task as per Scrutiny. Its
covering Part of PTW. It’s perfectly protracting the safe and un safe
All Genuine data for communication and avoiding
the Conditions in the working topography with assigned activity.
Conflict activity. Permit to work to help Method of statement is the scientifically approach for each
Effective tool for Communication and
1 Coordination Work step with approved algorithms.
Authorized to control and Monitoring each
2 sequence Within the safety plan by sequence of wok step identifying
3 Accountable for all activity in single frame All potential and floating risk ,accountable to isolating or
Easily separate and identify Hazards with risk by
4 PTW Reducing the rating by Field Pattern, Man, Machine, Materials
algorithms With involvements in a safe way.
Proper important of associate activity and
5 Certificate
1 Worker Welfare why and what

Civic organization –Social welfare –community Health ,Happiness, Prosperity and well being
Workers welfare plan social security system, Vocational Training
First State for Welfare was Germany 1889 at Bismark government introduced Social Security.
Welfare Provision and Funding
Sanitary Conveniences.
Toilets, accessible location, Ventilation and Lightening, rooms, Doors, Mobilization. Water, Dress code.
International Labor Organization.
2 Strength of a HSSE Person
Proactive person, Understanding Capability, Gentile, knowledgeable
Interaction proficiency ,leader ship excellence, Problem solving skill with developing safety culture
Trained Field observer, Dedicated team worker , Accountability

3 Simultaneous operation – SIMOPS , different type of jobs at work place will leads to an accident.
As per field safety Priority assigning and performing the activity.
TLV - Threshold Limit Value, TWA - Time Weight Average
STEL – Short Time Exposure Limit, PEL – Permissible Exposure Limit
IDLH - Immediately danger to Life and Health
15 Line Driven Safety supervision

16 Chemical safety and TOXICOLOGY

17 Suspension trauma strap and work at height.

18 Heavy equipment moments inside the work area, man machine interphase.

19 Major Incidents in industries.

20 Environmental QMS, and Environmental sustainability Significance

Climate change, Energy. Food production, Water scarcity, Biodiversity. Changing demographics.
Geopolitical instability. The global development agenda.

21 Zero harm concept.

1 What is BBS and its Basic tools?
2 Zero harm concept, about health, safety, environmental and society.
3 What is the purpose Traffic management plan? 5 activities of traffic management plan.
4 Man machine interphase?
5 Potentially dangers equipment and rotating equipment control?
6 ISO 14001, what is meaning of sustainable.
7 Fall arrest system@ working at height
8 Working under load with in line of fire.
9 What is hazard? Risk management? Risk assessment – how to prevent accidents.
10 Occupational health? List out 10 points in industry?
11 What is the meaning of root cause? How it find out periodically
12 What is permit and its certificates?
13 Supervisory skill?
14 Radiography and its roles?
15 Hazards generation chance in BMP project? How to control
16 Major responsibility of HSE person?
17 Toxicology? STEL? TWA
18 Brown field excavations?
19 Safety from machinery and rotating equipment how to implement.
20 Difference between green field and brown field.
21 PSM
22 Operations dept. –issuing permit – PERMIT CYCLE.

PSM contents

1. Management of change
2. Prestart up safety review
3. Hot work
4. Mechanical integrity.
5. Contractors
6. Training
7. Emergency response and planning
8. Incident investigation
9. Compliance audit

10. Trade secrets

11. Employee Participation
12. Process Safety Information.
13. Process Hazard Anais
14. Operating Procedure.

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