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Class 10 - Physics

(c) 5 N-m clockwise, 5 Nm clockwise
Explanation: From the given figure,
i. At point P Two torques τ and τ acting from distances 0.05 m and (0.2 - 0.05 = 0.15) 0.15 m.
1 2

Hence, torque, τ = force × distance = 25 × 0.05 = 1.25 N clockwise and torque, τ = 25 × (0.2 - 0.05) = 25 × 0.15 =
1 2

3.75 N clockwise Hence, (net) total torque = τ + τ = 1.25 + 3.75 = 5 Nm, clockwise
1 2

ii. Now, at point Q Two torques τ and τ will be 1 2

τ = F1 × 0 = 0

τ2 = 25 × 0.2 = 25 × 2

= 5 N, clockwise
Hence, net torque = τ + τ = 0 + 5 = 5 Nm, clockwise.
1 2

(c) 2.4 m
Explanation: F = 5 N
Moment of force = 6 Nm
r = OA = ?
radius = OA × 5 = 6
OA = 5
= 1.2 m

∴ diameter = 2r = 2 × 1.2 = 2.4 m

(b) π

rad s-1
Explanation: Length of seconds hand of a clock = 10 cm.
∴ Angular speed, ω =

But θ = 2π , t = 60 s
∴ ω =


rad s-1

(b) 225 g


As the metre scale is balanced at 55 cm mark i.e. large arm is balanced by arm BC and 25 g is suspended at one end i.e. at 100
cm mark
∴ Anticlockwise moment = clockwise moment

W × (55 - 50) = 25 × (100 - 55)

5W = 25 × 45
W= = 225 g

(d) 77.5 cm


Let a wt. of 80 gf be placed at a distance x from 40 cm mark.

Clock wise moments = Anticlock wise moment
(80 × x) + 50 × (50 - 40) = 100 × (40 - 5)
80x + 500 = 3500
80x = 3500 - 500 = 3000
x= = 37.5 cm


∴ A is at 40 + 37.5 = 77.5 cm mark

(d) mr
Explanation: mr

Mass of the particle = m


As, the particle is executing a uniform circular motion, it will be accelerated with u

directed towards the centre as it is moving
with a circle of radius r and moving with uniform speed.
According to Newton's second law of motion,

centripetal force, Fc = mu

Rearranging, it can be written as,
2 2
2 (mu) p
Fc = mu



= mr

Hence, option mr
is correct.
(d) 140 Nm
Explanation: ⊥ distance = 1.75 m
Force F = 80 N
∴ Moment of force = F × ⊥ distance
= 80 × 1.75 = 140.00 = 140 Nm

(c) Mg - Mv

Explanation: When a car of mass M passes through a convex bridge of radius r with velocity v, it exerts a force on it, in
following ways
i. The weight mg of the car acting vertically downwards.
ii. Normal reaction R of the road on the car, acting vertically downwards. As the radius of the bridge is hence the centripetal
force is along the surface of the road, towards the centre of turn.

Hence, the magnitude of force = Mg - Mv


(d) 1.5 m
Explanation: A nutcracker is an example of second class of lever, where fulcrum is one side and load (nut) is between fulcrum
and effort.
According to the question,
moment of force = F × d
= 120 × 100
= 60 N-m
As the same moment of force acts on the nutcracker by applying a force of 40N, then applying formula
moment of force = F × d
60 = 40 × d
⇒ d = = 1.5 m
60 3
40 2

(c) both velocity of body continuously changes because the direction of motion changes and the motion of body is accelerated
Explanation: both velocity of body continuously changes because the direction of motion changes and the motion of body is
11. With reference to their direction of action, centripetal force is directed towards the centre of circle whereas centrifugal force is
opposite to centripetal force, (i.e., radially outward).
12. i. When a number of forces acting on a body produce no change in its state of rest or motion, the body is said to be in
ii. Static
13. The second leg goes backwards so as to keep the centre of gravity over the supporting foot.
14. Yes, the velocity of a particle in a uniform circular motion is variable or the circular motion is accelerated even though the speed
of particle is uniform.
15. Here, force = F
Perpendicular distance of force from point of rotation = 0
Moment of force = F × 0
16. A planet moves around the Sun in a nearly circular path for which the gravitational force of attraction on the planet by the Sun
provides necessary centripetal force.
17. Resultant moment of force = Moment of couple
= F × Perpendicular distance between the forces
= 5 Nm
18. i. Dimensions change in the non-rigid body.
ii. No change in dimensions.
19. Given, F = 20 N, d = 20 cm = 0.2 m
Moment of force = F × d = 20 × 0.2 = 4 N-m

20. Force acting during its free fall is given by

F = mg
= 1.50 × 9.8 N
= 14.7 N


where, T is tension in the string and w is weight of the ball, T = mg or T = w

22. A force which is not real is called fictitious force.
Centrifugal force is a fictitious force. It is the apparent force that draws a rotating body away from the centre of rotation.
23. i. Two equal and opposite parallel forces, acting along parallel line at different points of a body form a couple.
ii. Nm

24. i.

F' is the restoring force

ii. Spring balance.
25. The conditions are as follows
i. For Translational Motion: When the body is free to move in a straight path.
ii. For Rotational Motion: When the body is pivoted at a point.
26. i. The rope walker holds a long pole in his hands to adjust the centre of gravity. When he feels that he is falling towards right, he
shifts the pole towards left so that his centre of gravity remains at same place and he can balance himself without falling

ii. This is because, if the passengers stand, then the centre of gravity of the boat gets raised up. This may cause the boat to
overturn as well as producing imbalance.
iii. Torque = Force × Perpendicular distance = F × d. If the handle is long, then force acts at large distance so d is more, hence
more torque is produced.


Let the weight of metre rod be wgf.

Applying principle of moments
Clockwise moment = Anti-clock wise moment
200(95 - 70) = 50(70 - 40) + W(70 - 50)
200 × 25 = 50 × 30 + W × 20
5000 = 1500 + W × 20
20 × W = 3500
W= 20

W = 175 gf
28. i. Uniform speed.
ii. Yes, radially inwards.
iii. Centrifugal force acting radially outward.
29. i. While receiving the charge from an opponent at football, we keep our feet wide apart to adjust the centre of gravity as low as
possible to maintain ourselves in stable equilibrium. Thus, on hitting we do not fall..
ii. It is easier to knock over a person who is standing on one foot because one foot has a smaller base area than the person
standing on both the feet. Thus, the person standing on one foot is in a less stable equilibrium and can easily get knocked
iii. Wine glass has a broad and heavy base because heavy base lowers its centre of gravity and broad bash will adjust the line
joining the centre of gravity and centre of the earth fall within the base and keep the glass in stable equilibrium.
Due to similar reason, base of bunsen burner, table lamp, flask and bottle, etc., have a heavy and broad base.
30. i. With reference to the direction of motion, both centrifugal force and centripetal force acts in opposite direction. Centripetal
force acts towards the centre while centrifugal force acts radially outwards.
ii. No, the centrifugal force is not the force of reaction of centripetal force. It is because the action-reaction pair of forces acts on
two bodies, but here it is acting on single body.
iii. The magnitudes of centripetal and centrifugal force are equal.
31. It is clear from the figure, the weight w of the meter scale acts at the centre of scale that is at 50 cm mark. The mass of 10 g must
be suspended from the other end i.e., from B.

Since, the meter scale is in equilibrium.

∴ Using the principle of moment,

w × (60 - 50) = 10 × (100 - 60)

w × 10 = 10 × 40
w = 40 g
32. According to the figure, given in question, we get
i. The moments of the force of 150 gf
= 150 gf × 40 cm = 6000 gf cm
ii. The moments of the force of 250 gf
= -250 × 20 = -5000 gf cm i.e., clockwise

iii. The difference of moments = 6000 gf cm
- 5000 gf cm = 1000 gf cm
iv. To balance these 1000 gf cm anti-clockwise moments, 100 gf weight must be at a distance X on the right side of O.
x= 100gf
= 10 cm on the right side of O.
33. Let tension in the wires be T1 and T2 as shown in the figure. As the rod is uniform its weight act as the centre of gravity of the rod
i.e., at 25 m from one end.

Now, at the equilibrium,

the sum of upward forces = sum of downward forces
i.e., T1 + T2 = 90 N ...(i)
Taking moment about Q1,
clockwise moment = anti-clockwise moment
T1 × 2 m = T2 × 1 m ...(ii)
On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
T1 = 30 N and T2 = 60 N
34. A particle moving in a circular path with uniform speed x in the anti-clockwise direction. The particle travels in each quarter path
of the circle AB, BC, CD and DA in the same time interval t = . Thus, the speed of the particle is the same at all positions, but

the direction of motion of the particle changes at every point on the circular path.

Velocity at point A is in North direction, at point B it is in West direction, at C it is in South direction and at point D it is in East
direction. As velocity is changing at each point, hence the motion is non uniform and hence accelerated.
35. Given mass of the car = 1800 kg
Let m and (900 - m) kg be the masses of each front wheel and each back wheel, respectively.
Distance of front axle from the centre of gravity
= 1.05 m
∴ Distance of back axle from the centre of gravity
= 1.80 - 1.05 = 0.75 m
moment of force about the centre of gravity,
m × 1.05 = (900 - m) × 0.75
or 1.05 m + 0.75 m = 900 × 0.75
or 1.80 m = 900 × 0.75
or m = 1.80
= 375 kg
∴ (900 - m) = 900 - 375 = 525 kg
∴ Weight of each front wheel (w1) = m1g

= 375 × 9.8
= 3675 N
Force exerted by the level ground on each front wheel = Force exerted by each front wheel on the level ground
(w1 = 3675 N)
Weight of each back wheel (w2) = m2g

w2 = 525 × 9.8 = 5145 N
∴ Force exerted by the level ground on each back wheel
= Force exerted by each back wheel on level ground (w2)
= 5145 N
(c) A is true but R is false.
Explanation: Linear motion is also known as translational motion. When force acting on stationary object makes it to move in
a straight path then the body is said to have translational or linear motion.
And when a free body is acted upon by two unequal forces in opposite direction, but not in one line, then the body possesses
both rotational as well as translational motion.
(c) A is true but R is false.
Explanation: When a body remains in a state of rest under the influence of several forces, then the body is in static
equilibrium. Thus, the duster which lie on the table in state of rest is the example of static equilibrium.
When a body remains in the same state of motion under the influence of several forces then the body is said to be in dynamic


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