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District Office, Sundargarh ( Touzi Section)


No Lj .G Yf., /Touzi. Date «, S'. d '$ I

FAX-06622273166. PIN-77000l

All Executive Agency of Sundargarh District.

Sub: Realisation of additional charge along with EMF and DMF from the
work bills of works and other Engineering Department in addition
of the royalty of Minor Minerals used in the Project..

With reference to the subject cited above, I am to say that
Government in R & DM Department vide letter No.38234 / R & DM Dtd:l0.ll.2022
have instructed that additional charge along with EMF and DMF shall be deducted
, from the works bills of works and other Engineering Department in addition to of the
royalty of Minor Minerals used in the Project. In case executants fails to produce
transit pass and money receipt in support of payment of Royalty. The said amount
shall be included in the works estimate of the project.

For fixation of Additional charge of Minor Mineral at Tahasil level in

the District, A District committee has been formed as per instruction contained in R &
DM Department letter No .11111 Dtd: 07.04.2022 under chairmanship of ADM
(Revenue), Sundargarh. The rate of Additional charge fixed for Minor Minerals in
:espect ~f different Tahasil of Sundargarh District is enclosed in Annexure- A for your
mformatIOn and necessary action.

Encl: As above Annexure- A

Yours faithfully,

Add~ional &: .~~~r~

~ Sundar /
Memo No. Uk:,\) ":L '"
Copy forwarded to aII ISub.'! 'J . Dtd: ~,S , ~
for information. Colectors/all Tahaslldars of Sundargarh

Additional Di~/
Sundargarh tt-
Information on rate of Additional charge of Minor Minerals in Rs. per Cum in respect of Sundargarh District.
Name of the ,s.-)!
SI.No Tahasil Name of the Settled Source Sand Stone Morrum Earth Remarks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Hemgir Sarbahal Stone Quarry 0 191.50 0 0
I 2 Lep hri para 8ad banga Stone Qua rry 0 10.00 0 0
, Lemiema {Tangarbhadi )Sand Bed 672.00
3 TangarpaIi
0 0 0
Daldali Sand Bed 693 .00 0 0 0
Sadar Nua -amlipali Sand Bed II 370.00 0 0 0

Sadar ILankahuda Sand Bed 379.00 0 0 0
Sadar Bhasma Sand Bed 691.00 0 0 0
, Sadar Kainsara Sand Bed-I 233 .00 0 0 0
Subdega Gailo Sand Bed 30.00 0 0 0
Subdega Barpali Sand Bed 126.00 0 0 0
Subdega Jaisar Sand Bed 15.00 0 0 0
Subdega Bhagapali Sand Bed 425.25 0 0 0
Subdega Rasrajpur Morrum Quarry 0.00 0 26.00 0

Subdega Sublaya Sand Bed 12.00 0 0 0

Balisankara Bankidihi Sand Bed 371.00 0 0 0

6 Balisankara Telijore Sand Bed 327.00 0 0 0

Balisankara Deobhubanpur Stone Quarry 0 96.00 0 0

7 0 0 0 0
Badgaon Nil
0 0 0
Kutra Udurma Sand Bed 410.25
8 0
Kutra 410.25 0 0
Samleimunda Sand Bed
0 0
9 Rajgangpur Ramlata Stone Quarry 0 6.50

Chungimati Sand Bed

71.75 0 0 0 Jr

Rajgangpur .;.. ..
~ )

0 235.00 0 0
Rajgangpur Raika ka chhar Sto ne Qua r ry
0 120.00 0 0
Rajgangpur Kumarkela Stone Qua rry-I
16.00 0 0 0
Biramitrapur Goppur Sand Bed
16.00 0 0 0
10 Bira m it rapur Lankoi Sand Bed
662.00 0 0 0
6iram i trapur Tete rkela Sa nd Bed
459 .99 0 0 0

I 11
I\uCi rm ur; oa

Kuarmund o
Chand iposh Sand Bed

Ushra Sand Be d-II 421.00 0 0 0

! Ku arm unda Ku armu nda Sand Bed-I 817.00 0 0 0

Kuarmundo Kuarm unda Sand Bed-II 387.00 0 0 0

lathikat a Attaghat Sand Bed 560.00 0 0 0

l ath ikat a Kansa r Sa nd Bed 670.00 0 0 0

lathikata Ta inser Sand Bed 120.00 0 0 0
12 lathikata Be /dihi Sand Bed-I Na 0 0 0
lathikata Ka loku dar Sand Bed Na 0 0 0
lathikat a Asurchhapa/ Stone Quarry- / 0 20.00 0 0
L.athikat a Balanda Stone Quarry-II 0 180.00 0 0
Bisra Jabaghat Sand Bed 120.00 0 0 0
Bisra Bad -Banbua Sand Bed 20.00 0 0 0
Bisra Jamsera Sand Bed-II
13 25.00 0 0 0
Bisra Dume rta -I St one Quarry 0 70.00 0 0
Bisra Khatang kudar Sand Bed 35.00 0 0 0
Bisra Kun daposh Sand Bed 35.00 0 0 0
Rourkela Ko e lnagar Sa nd Bed 0 .00 0 0 0
14 Rourkela
Pra dhanpali Sand Bed 477.00 0 0 0
Tarkera Sand Bed -II 65.00 0 0 0
Rourkela Tarkera Sand Bed -III 118.00 a a a J 1;,

Rourkela Tangarpali Stone Quarry-I a 94.00 a a 1: ~

lahunipara Tumkela Sand Bed 6.00 a a a
15 lahunipara Poigaon Sand Bed 5.00 a a a
lahunipara luthurba Saand Bed 50.00 a a a
Bonai Upurda Sand Bed 76.00 a a a
Bonai Gilli Sand Bed 57.00 a a a

Bonaikela Sand Bed 92.00 a a a
Bonai Sangogua Sand Bed 126.00 a a a
Bonai Tendra Sand Bed 36.00 a a a
Bonai Chandrapur Stone Quarry a 311.00 a 0
17 Koida Banko Stone Quarry 0 110.00 0 0
Gurundia Chhidi Sand Bed 567.00 0 0 0

18 Gurundia
Pitagaon Sand Bed 137.00 0 0 0
Bartengda Sand Bed 213.00 0 0 0

~" 7C
Additional District Magistrate/ .

~ Sundargarh

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