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Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Actual Islamic Studies (1st ICAIS 2022)

Makassar, June 30th 2022


(Method and Implementation of Astronomy Learning)

Mursyid Fikri1; Indriana2; St. Rajiah3;

Rifda Nur Irwani4; Muqhnika Abeng Hasan5
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract: The circulation of various information related to Metavers is part of the development of three-
dimensional virtual space technology innovation which is currently making many people curious, both
from its very rapid development and its implementation which is starting to be widely used in various
sectors of life. This research study discusses the challenges and opportunities of the world of Islamic
education in this case the study of astronomy in applying various learning methods in the metaverse
space later as well as analyzing the form of classroom implementation in the metaverse space. The
research method used is a literature study by collecting various sources of information either through
journals, Metavers Innovation developers Web pages (Meta, WIR and Microsoft) by analyzing various
learning approaches that are in line with learning Astrology. The fact shows that the popularity of
Metaverse has reached its peak in recent months and the acceleration of metaverse technology in the
world of education has been seen with the application of digital learning media based on augmented
reality and virtual reality. Metaverse is believed to be able to overcome the limitations that exist in the
world of education, such as limited class capacity due to the pandemic, limited distance and time to enter
class, and others. Therefore, through this approach, there is room for every educational practitioner to
design their own virtual learning space.

Keywords: Challenges and Opportunities, Metaverse, Methods and Implementation of Astronomy..

I. Introduction
The emergence of various innovations in the world of information and
technology is so hot to discuss as a form of realization of the future world of technology,
one of which is the emergence of the term "Metavers" which is again hotly discussed
in the world, especially in Indonesia. The term metavers was first used in a novel
entitled Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson and published in 1992. In the novel, it is
described that humans can enjoy a virtual world that is different from the real world
and Ernest Cline's 2011 Ready Player One Novel with the help of devices such as virtual
reality. VR), magic gloves, and controllers, we will be brought into a three-dimensional
virtual world.
The world of Islamic education cannot refuse technological progress. Instead,
we must take advantage of these technological advances as a tool to carry out positive

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Makassar, June 30th 2022

activities. With the development of the metaverse by giant technology companies, the
world of Islamic education inevitably has to prepare itself to welcome this technology.
Metaverse (if it is successfully developed) will become deja vu when the internet also
began to enter the world of education.
Mark Zuckerberg announced on October 29, 2021 that Facebook would change
its name to Meta and also make significant investments in the development of the
Metaverse technology (Muhammet Damar, 2021). Many people see Metaverse as a new
word. But the concept of Metaverse is not a new term. The word Metaverse first
appeared in 1992 in the speculative fiction entitled Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson (Li
& Xiong, 2022). In this novel, Stephenson defines the metaverse as a large virtual
environment. A metaverse world has also been introduced in the novel and film Ready
Player One. Naya, V. B., Lopez, R. M. & Hernández, I. L. (2012), defines metaverse
as a virtual environment also known as MUVE (Multi User Virtual Environments), has
a format derived from MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games)
that allows everyone to meet avatars in a virtual environment. 3D video games by
combining virtual reality, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the internet.
So with the Metaverse and its supporting technology devices, it allows users to feel the
sensation of being in a very real virtual environment (Díaz et al., 2020). This can not
only be used for video games or other entertainment activities (Lee, 2021). Many
aspects of life can use Metaverse technology, one of which is the focus of discussion in
this article is the world of education. The development of Metaverse also overcomes
the weaknesses of the growing virtual dimensional technology.
The development of Metaverse also overcomes the weakness of today's virtual
dimensional technology, which still has limitations on sensations and experiences. The
low self-perception created by 2D virtual technology makes users not get an optimal
experience when exploring virtual spaces (Dunn, T.J.; Kennedy, 2019). Although then
the 2D virtual technology was replaced by 3D technology which makes users feel a
more real sensation in terms of visuals, due to the model displayed by the 3D
technology. This Metaverse technology actually has a fundamental difference with AR
and VR. Park, S. M., & Kim, Y. G. (2022), stated that there are three things that
distinguish Metaverse from AR and VR, two technologies that emerged before
Metaverse. First, if VR-related studies are focused on physical approaches and
rendering, then Metaverse has more strong aspects as a service with more sustainable
content and social meaning. Second, Metaverse doesn't have to use AR and VR
technology. So, even if a platform doesn't support VR and AR, it can still be a
Metaverse app. Finally, the Metaverse has a scalable environment that can
accommodate many people, this is very important to reinforce the social meaning
emphasized by this technology (Xi et al., 2022).
Islamic education as a bulwark for the formation of a good character for students
in the future as well as being part of the instrument for the advancement of a nation, as
the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National
Education System states explicitly that education aims to develop the potential of
students to become good human beings. have faith and fear of God Almighty, have

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Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Actual Islamic Studies (1st ICAIS 2022)
Makassar, June 30th 2022

noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and

become democratic and responsible citizens.
The world of Islamic education must think about the transformation of the
cultivation of Islamic values in shaping character and play an active role in coloring
technological developments which basically have a function to facilitate formal and
material human transactions. For this reason, awareness is needed for personnel who
work directly in the world of education so that they always follow the demands of the
times or integrate technological developments with the learning process.
Learning astronomy itself is the most important part in the history of Islamic
civilization and education. History has recorded, scholars and Al-Falaky (a title for
astronomy activists) emerged when Islamic civilization was at its golden peak and when
Islam experienced a decline, the echo of astronomy was no longer heard, even many
Muslims today do not know the term "science of astronomy". This phenomenon
indicates that there is a positive correlation between the establishment of civilization
and Islamic education with the development of Islam which is a symbol of astronomy
which is a reflection of the existence of Islam.
The existence of the observatory at that time became an icon of the
establishment of a science, the emergence of various sources of study and
implementation of astrology learning resulted in the creation of a high spiritual
awareness for Muslims who increasingly reflected the meaning related to the postulates
of the Qur'an that had been conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the past.
However, it can be proven by the discovery of various sciences.

II. Research Method

This type of research is a literature study. The literature study method is a series
of activities related to the methods of collecting library data, reading and taking notes,
and managing research materials (Bermejo & Hui, 2021; Muhammet Damar, 2021).
Literature studies are carried out by each researcher with the main objective of finding
the basis for obtaining and building theoretical foundations, frameworks of thought,
and determining provisional conjectures which are also called research hypotheses.
While the sources are taken from several scientific books published with the intention
of being used as a reference source. The data collection techniques in this research are
library research.

III. Discussion
A. Learning Concepts in Metavers
Online learning on the Metaverse will push the boundaries of social connections
and informal learning. Physical presence in the classroom will cease to be a privileged
educational experience. Telepresence, avatar body language and facial expressions will
allow virtual encounters to be just as effective as face-to-face meetings. In addition,
social MR in the Metaverse can enable mixed active pedagogy to cultivate deeper and

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Makassar, June 30th 2022

sustainable knowledge (Mystakidis, S., 2021). More importantly, it can be a

democratizing factor in education, enabling equal participation around the world, no
longer bound by geographic boundaries (Girvan, 2018).

Figure 1: The Metaverse Concept (Source: Mystakidis, S. (2022). Metaverse. 486–497)

Its main dimensions are illustrated in Figure 1. However, in the context of

Mixed-Reality (MR), it can bridge social media connectivity with the unique
capabilities of VR and AR immersive technologies. If the interaction between them is
unleashed creatively, it promises to change many sectors of life, including education.
A new model of Meta-education, online distance education that Metaverse supports,
could emerge to enable new formal and informal learning experiences with the concept
of an online 3D virtual campus (Kye et al., 2021). Online learning on the Metaverse
will be able to push the boundaries of social connections and informal learning.
Physical presence in the classroom will cease to be a privileged educational experience.
Telepresence, avatar body language and facial expressions will allow virtual encounters
to be just as effective as face-to-face meetings. In addition, social MR in the Metaverse
can enable mixed active pedagogy to cultivate deeper and sustainable knowledge
(Mystakidis, S., 2021). More importantly, it can be a democratizing factor in education,
enabling equal participation around the world, no longer bound by geographic
boundaries (Girvan, 2018).

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Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Actual Islamic Studies (1st ICAIS 2022)
Makassar, June 30th 2022

Figure 2: Illustration of Class form in Metavers

(Source: Michael Ananda: Metavers Future Class.)

The picture shows an overview of discussion forums in the world of metavers

which presents an overview of learning media directly through screens in each class.
when a teacher teaches students in a class about motorcycle racing, not only
viewing photos, videos and reading books on the topic, but in the Metaverse, the teacher
can show students a racing motorcycle in front of their eyes.
They can then display how the car was built, how fast it runs and what
temperature and speed the tires can withstand. Experiencing such scenarios gives
educators the opportunity to teach students in new ways. As the following picture.

Figure 3: Illustration of Motorcycle Racing Introduction through Metavers

(Source Helmy Yahya Youtube: A Virtual Robot Appears In My Studio!)

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Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Actual Islamic Studies (1st ICAIS 2022)
Makassar, June 30th 2022

B. Astrology Learning Transformation

A learning is considered successful if it is able to produce a personal solution to
environmental problems. To produce such a person, the various elements of learning
must be reviewed. The curriculum must be more related to current issues so that it can
provide students with knowledge and experience about real problems in society. If it is
not in line with this concept, then the education strategy in Indonesia has ignored the
education vision 2030; a vision that is globally oriented and people-based (Raihani,
Therefore, the evaluation of the learning process must be based on the human
potential of students, not the uniform imposed by educators. In terms of management,
the manager of an educational institution must be able to mobilize and activate every
potential around him to participate in thinking about educational issues. The above
discourse states the necessity of a renewed perspective on the teaching and learning
process of astronomy.
First, in terms of objectives, the study of astronomy must be oriented to produce
individuals who are prophetic, who have a liberative mission to various issues related
to Muslim worship. Learning strategies must be oriented to optimize every potential
possessed by students with productive skills orientation.
Both interesting teaching process; Interesting in the sense that in terms of
implementation and results, of course it must be interesting for students. With
interesting implementation methods, it will make it easier for participants to participate
in the education provided, such as the provision of learning facilities, materials for
practice adjustment of study time and others. In terms of good results means what is
achieved is really useful for.
Third, it has a public oriented output in the sense that all processes of teaching
astronomy must be beneficial to society, especially in terms of Muslim worship. The
teaching of astronomy should not only form individual piety, or mystical awareness in
the perspective of Muhammad Iqbal, but must also form social piety. As Iqbal pointed
out at the beginning of the 20th century and is still being felt today, Muslims in the
Eastern world tend to put forward mystical awareness and individual piety which is
likened to dissolving with tasbih, which is important to survive in the afterlife, while
the surrounding problems are not given much thought (Saiyidain, 1981). ). For this
reason, according to Azyumardi Azra, educational orientation must be directed to be
able to answer the needs and challenges that arise in society as a consequence of change
(Azra, 1999). Finally, forming a Muslim individual who has prophetic awareness with
emancipatory, liberative and transcendental characters who are able to read empirical
problems around them so that they are able to be involved in problem solving. But, on
the other hand, he is also able to solve every problem that befalls him.

C. Implementation of Astronomy Learning in Metavers

Metaverse opens up a myriad of possibilities in the field of education. This can
help bridge Lecturers and students from remote locations while meeting in one virtual
location. Students will also benefit from studying in a truly immersive 3D environment

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Makassar, June 30th 2022

relating to any subject they may study. The virtual world in the metaverse can make
students excited to learn more.
Astrology in terms of the object of study generally discusses only three main
things including the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. However, everything related to the
three celestial bodies is a sub-topic of astronomy. Therefore, the author will try to
describe one by one the object of the study of astronomy, are:
First talking about the Earth (Arabic: Al-Ard: English: Earth) in the Qur'an
mentioned 361 times. Among them 352 in the sense of earth, a number of 6 times means
land and then twice means land. And only once interpreted with the area (unknown) .
As is well known, the earth is one of the celestial bodies that revolves around the sun
(heliocentric) according to a predetermined line of travel and has various structures,
one of which is known as the atmosphere (Mursyid Fikri, 2021).
Second, Talking about the Moon, the mention of the word "moon" (Arabic: Al-
Qamr, English: moon and Latin: Luna) in the Qur'an 27 times. As it is known that the
moon is a satellite of the earth that always follows and never leaves it, both when the
earth rotates around its axis and when it revolves around the sun. As long as the position
of the earth and the moon and the moon with respect to the sun varies, this change is
called the term moon phase, when the moon occupies the closest position to the sun,
the part facing the earth is dark, not visible. This phase is called the new moon but when
the position of the earth to the moon is as far as the sun looks half full. Until it reaches
the full moon or full moon. As can be seen from the illustration below. (Mursyid Fikri,
Third, speaking about the sun, the word sun (Arabic: Ash-Sham, English: Sun)
is mentioned in the Qur'an 33 times. The sun is a typical star that gives off its own light.
Astronomers estimate the age of the sun to be 41/2 billion years. And between the earth,
the moon and the sun have their own time and place of orbit.
Broadly speaking, the purpose of studying astronomy only revolves around 4
things, namely: measuring the direction of qibla, knowing prayer times, knowing the
beginning of the qamariyah month, knowing the time of the eclipse.
In the implementation of astronomy learning in the meta world, it can be
integrated in a form like the following picture:

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Makassar, June 30th 2022

Figure 4: Introduction of Coordinate Points to students

From the process of recognizing the coordinates in VR and AR, we can direct
it directly to the Qibla direction so that the application of the learning can be directly
implemented by students.

Figure 5: Determining Qibla Direction based on Google Earth

The introduction of constellations through the meta room will also become more
interesting and interactive because students will be able to see directly and recognize
the shape of the constellations in real by presenting a structured and systematic
explanation and can be developed continuously.

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Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Actual Islamic Studies (1st ICAIS 2022)
Makassar, June 30th 2022

Image : illustration of Stellarium Implementation in Metavers

D. Challenges and Opportunities

The implementation of Metaverse in the world of Islamic education, especially
the astronomy subject, has a very big opportunity to support the process of
implementing education for the better. Audiovisual-based teaching is the most popular
application of Metaverse which is currently widely used in learning.
For example, in astronomy education, which in fact is based on experience, it is
not enough just to see and read, but also to feel, meaning that astronomy learning will
be better if there is a direct or simulated learning experience process, both in practice
and observation.
Judging from the opportunities for applying metavers in astronomy learning, it
presents a different experience in the learning process. The presence of Metaverse can
optimize the technology and educational media that are currently being used to become
even more effective.
The learning experience that students get with Metaverse technology will
further assist them in developing soft-skills and fostering a better self-perception thanks
to the simulation created.
Metaverse is also a solution for distance learning which is currently less
effective due to the lack of interaction between students and teachers during the learning
However, there are weaknesses and challenges in using the Metaverse
Metaverse, which is borderless or provides unlimited space, resulting in greater
engagement that must be faced, meaning that if education enters the metaverse, it must
be prepared for wider international engagement.
Another challenge is the socio-economic conditions of the community that
make not everyone able to get access in the metaverse era because the cost of
implementing and using it is still relatively large.
In an online lecture, some of the students still complained about the signal that
hampered the teaching and learning process. And there are many other challenges,
namely the crime of the digital world, data security and privacy, physical conditions
that are in shock to the Metaverse device, such as motion sickness, nausea and
dizziness. However, by getting used to this new technology, the implementation of this

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Makassar, June 30th 2022

technology will be more freely applied and will certainly help to improve the quality
and learning experience in the future.

VI. Conclusion
Astronomy learning in dealing with metavers needs to carry out a movement
transformation that does not only revolve at the theoretical level, but also application
and inspiring learning methods by utilizing the development of information technology
in introducing astronomy and strengthening astronomy learning. The scientific
transformation is at least able to touch three scientific dimensions, namely the
intellectual dimension, the spiritual dimension and the socio-political dimension by
prioritizing an approach to clear goals, an interesting learning process, and a systematic
public output.
Judging from the learning opportunities of astronomy in implementing learning
in the metavers room, it can support the process of implementing education for the
better because it involves students' feelings directly. The presence of Metaverse can
optimize the technology and educational media that are currently used to become even
more effective and the learning experience that students get with Metaverse technology
will further assist them in developing soft-skills and fostering a better self-perception
thanks to the simulation created.
Judging from the challenges of applying Falak science learning in the metavers
world, namely the socio-economic conditions of the community, network access that is
not yet adequate in every area, digital world crimes, data security and privacy, physical
conditions that are in shock to the Metaverse device, such as motion sickness, nausea
and dizziness. .

Thank you to the organizers, in this case the dean of the Faculty of Islamic Religion,
Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and the LPBKUI Institute of Muhammadiyah
Makassar University. This writing is the initial concept of learning astronomy in the
world of metavers and henceforth it is recommended to meta developers so that it can
be realized in a good and structured manner.

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Makassar, June 30th 2022

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