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Principles of Tendon

S t r u c t u re , H e a l i n g , a n d t h e
M i c ro e n v i ro n m e n t
Rowena McBeath, MD, PhDa,b,*, Kevin C. Chung, MD, MSc

 Tenocyte  Vinculae  Fibril  Phenotype  Extrinsic  Intrinsic  Tenosynovium

 Tendons are composed of cells (tenocytes) in collagen-rich extracellular matrix and are responsible
for force transduction from muscle to bone.
 Flexor tendons of the hand pass through fibro-osseous sheaths composed of tenosynovium as well
as fibrocartilaginous pulleys.
 This anatomic structure of flexor tendons in the hand predisposes to adhesion formation after
 Healing capacity of tendon depends on cues in the tendon microenvironment including oxygen
levels and force transmission.

INTRODUCTION report, flexor tendons of the hand were divided

into 5 zones: zone I (distal to proximal interphalan-
In the musculoskeletal system, “form follows func- geal joint [PIPJ]), zone II (A1 to PIPJ), zone III (palm),
tion.” The concept that musculoskeletal tissues zone IV (carpal tunnel), and zone V (wrist and fore-
develop from the tensile and compressive forces arm; Fig. 1A). In the thumb, these zones include
that they conduct was proposed centuries ago by zone I (distal to interphalangeal joint [IPJ]), zone II
the anatomist and surgeon Julius Wolff with respect (A1), zone III (thenar eminence), and with zones IV
to bone remodeling, in that bone will adapt to the and V the same as for fingers.3 These zones persist
loads under which it is placed.1 Although a soft tis- today and have undergone further subclassification
sue, tendon is strong in that it is capable of trans- in zones I,4 II,5 and V6 (Fig. 1B, Table 1).
mitting equal forces as bone, through tensile in Although the zones of flexor tendon injury in the
principle more so than compressive mechanisms.2 hand have remained relatively unchanged during
The ability of tendon to transmit such loads— the last few decades, decision-making has
important to the hand with respect to maximizing evolved concerning whether to repair or recon-
heavy grip as well as fine dexterous movement— struct zone II injuries, as well as timing, method
is due to its gross and cellular anatomic structure. of repair, sheath preservation or excision, and
repair of one or both tendons.7 Although zone II in-
Flexor Tendon Zones of the Hand
juries—of all zones—have the most unpredictable
In 1983, the Committee of Tendon injuries outcomes due to adhesion formation, most sur-
cochaired by Kleinert and Verdan agreed on geons agree that flexor tendon injuries should be
anatomic nomenclature regarding flexor tendon repaired by a surgeon familiar with the anatomy
zones as presented by Eaton and Weilby.3 In this of the fibro-osseous sheath.

Philadelphia Hand to Shoulder Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; b Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Thomas
Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA; c Department of Surgery, Section of Plastic Surgery, University of
Michigan, 1500 East Medical Center Drive 2130 Taubman Center, SPC 5340, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
* Corresponding author. 834 Chestnut Street, Suite G-114 Philadelphia, PA 19107.
E-mail address:

Hand Clin 39 (2023) 119–129
0749-0712/23/Ó 2023 Published by Elsevier Inc.
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120 McBeath & Chung

Fig. 1. (A) Initial classification of flexor tendon zones in the hand and fingers. (B) Further classification of flexor tendon
zones in the hand. (From [A] Kleinert HE and Verdan C. Report of the Committee on Tendon Injuries. Journal of Hand
Surgery 1983. 8 (5 pt 2): 794-798; and [B] Venkatramani H, Varadharajan V, Bhardwaj P, Vallurupalli A, Sabapathy SR.
Flexor tendon injuries. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2019;10(5):853-861.

Tenosynovium and Pulley System: Fibro- the finger flexor sheath and pulley system.8–15 In
Osseous Sheath a series of cadaveric studies, Doyle injected the
synovial sheaths of 61 cadaveric fingers with
Classic anatomic studies of the hand and fingers
methylene blue. Using a microscope, they docu-
revealed what we know today as the structure of
mented the structure of 5 annular pulleys and 3
cruciform pulleys and a tenosynovial sheath,
Table 1 which we identify today as the fibro-osseous
Flexor tendon zones of the hand sheath (Fig. 2A and B).16 The synovial sheath
(“membranous” portion) was described as a tube
Region Subclassification
sealed at both ends, with the pulleys (“retinacular”
Zone 1 Distal to FDS 1a: from bone4 portion) overlaying the synovium at discrete inter-
insertion 2a: from 1a to distal vals, with the floor of the pulleys being the volar
edge A4 pulley4 plates and volar surfaces of the phalanges. Finger
3a: beneath or flexion was achieved without bowstringing owing
proximal to
to the broader pulleys (A2 and A4) localized
A4 pulley4
1p: pull-off (avulsion)4 between joints, whereas narrow (A1, A3, A5, and
cruciform) were over the joints, with segmental
Zone II FDS insertion 2a: proximal A4 to C25
to A1 2b: C2 to C15
pulley arrangement with synovial windows in
2c: deep to A25 between.16 One unique finding in the flexor ten-
2d: deep to A15 dons of the digits is that the fibro-osseous sheath
Zone III A1 to distal aspect of flexor provides function through form—increased gliding
retinaculum provided by the tenosynovium, coupled with
Zone IV Carpal tunnel under flexor
mechanically optimized range of motion through
retinaculum pulley composition and position.
More than mechanical function, the role of the
Zone V Proximal to the flexor retinaculum6
tenosynovium in maintaining tendon homeostasis
Abbreviation: FDS, flexor digitorum superficialis. through diffusion from the synovial fluid was first

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Tendon Structure, Healing, and the Microenvironment 121

Fig. 2. (A) Cadaveric finger injection with methylene blue, demonstrating the anatomy of the pulleys and teno-
synovial sheath. (B) The fibro-osseous sheath. (From Doyle JR, Blythe W. Macroscopic and functional anatomy of
the flexor tendon sheath. J Bone Joint Surg 1974: 56A: 1094; with permission.)

proposed in 1907 and has been demonstrated by face the surgeon dealing with hand injuries, few
multiple investigators.17,18 Most definitively, Man- have proved as difficult to solve as that of the
ske and colleagues19 used a hydrogen washout flexor tendon which has been severed within the
technique in a chicken flexor tendon model to digital sheath.”25 In his studies of the effect of sim-
examine the ability of the tenosynovium to provide ple tenotomy versus tenotomy coupled with surgi-
tendon nutrition. A oxygen–hydrogen gaseous cal repair in a rabbit model, Matthews found the
mixture was administered to the chickens and presence of adhesion formation in both cases,
measured using platinum electrodes on the intact irrespective of injury level along the sheath
tendon. Two treatment groups were then created; (Fig. 4).25 Furthermore, examination of tendon
in one case, the tendon was isolated from its syno- specimens via silver iodine perfusion revealed
vium but the vasculature remained intact. In the adhesion formation within the first 3 weeks in
other group, the vinculae were divided but the both conditions, with cut-out of the suture from
synovium left intact. The gaseous mixture was the tendon in the repair group, leading to the
administered to each group and then measured; conclusion that the circulation through the tendon
surprisingly, none of those tendons isolated from may be adversely affected by the initial injury itself
the synovium demonstrated hydrogen uptake, as well as the repair technique.25 Similarly, Mat-
whereas all of those tendons with synovium intact thews and Richards also noted excision of the
but vinculae divided demonstrated near-normal synovial sheath (as well as suture of partially lacer-
hydrogen uptake (Fig. 3).19 These results empha- ated tendon and immobilization) as a factor
sized the importance of the synovium to maintain- contributing to adhesion formation in rabbits.26
ing tendon homeostasis. Other investigators also These studies emphasized the importance of
demonstrated the ability of tendons to survive in damage to the synovial sheath to adhesion
the absence of discrete vasculature by implanting formation.
transected tendons into the synovial pouch of the With respect to the pulley component of the
rabbit knee,20–23 as well as demonstrating tendon fibro-osseous sheath, it was demonstrated by
survival and healing in in vitro explant culture.24 Peterson and colleagues27 in a human cadaver
These studies delineated the ability of tendon to model that retaining both A2 and A4 pulleys was
survive in the absence of discrete vasculature in necessary for near-normal digital flexion. More
a synovial or other fluid environment. recently, multiple studies have demonstrated
It is seen from the complex yet elegant structure good outcomes after zone II flexor tendon repair
of the fibro-osseous sheath that in the setting of with pulley venting, coupled with a strong repair
flexor tendon injury, mechanical friction between and early postoperative mobilization.5
suture of the lacerated tendon and the sheath,
increased by swelling and vascular ingrowth after
Vascular System: Vinculae
repair, will contribute to decreased tendon excur-
sion, subsequent adhesion formation, and onset Tendons were originally regarded as avascular
of stiffness. It is this conundrum—of balancing structures28,29; however, classic cadaveric injec-
the strength of the tendon repair with ease of pas- tion studies led anatomists such as Berkenbusch
sage through the sheath despite the propensity for to observe that (1) the tendon is vascularized
adhesion formation—that led Dr J Phillip Mat- from palmar vessels derived from vinculae within
thews to conclude that “Of all the problems which the digital sheath, and at the osseous insertion,

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122 McBeath & Chung

Fig. 3. (A and B) Photograph of experimental setup for determination of hydrogen washout technique in chicken
flexor tendons, with (A) the vinculae divided yet the synovium left intact, or (B) with the vinculae intact (see ar-
rows) but the synovium stripped. (C) Graphical representation of hydrogen measurements from tendon with vin-
culae divided “free tendon” compared with normal “intact tendon.” (From Manske PR, Whiteside LA and Lesker
PA. Nutrient pathways to flexor tendons using hydrogen washout technique. J Hand Surg Am 1978 3(1): 32-36;
with permission.)

(2) both the profundus and the superficialis ten- Similarly, classic anatomic studies of the hand
dons have consistent areas of avascularity more and fingers identified tendon vasculature.32–43 Us-
commonly in adults than in children, and (3) most ing India-ink injection of fresh cadaveric human
vessels remain on the tendon surface; those hands, Ochiai and colleagues42 identified 4 trans-
entering the substance ended in loops rather verse communicating braches of the digital ar-
than form a network of capillaries.30,31 teries that entered the fibro osseous canal

Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of rabbit tendon adhesion formation, after simple tenotomy: (A) 3 weeks (B) 8 weeks,
and (C–E) after tenotomy and tendon repair: (C) 2 days, (D) 4 days, and (E) 3 weeks. (From Matthews JP. Vascular
changes in flexor tendons after injury and repair: an experimental study. Injury. 1977;8(3):227-233; with

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Tendon Structure, Healing, and the Microenvironment 123

through openings in the pulleys: the distal trans- factor (FGF). Restoring vascularity after tendon
verse, interphalangeal transverse, proximal trans- repair remains a delicate balance. Understanding
verse, and branch to vinculum longus the behavior of tendon tissue and cells to vascular
superficialis (VLS; Fig. 5). All these branches ingrowth and subsequent oxygen levels represents
contributed to the vinculae, which were short and the next frontier of understanding tendon healing.
long folds of the mesotenon (see Fig. 5). Short vin-
culae, vinculum breve superficialis originated from
Tendon Structure and Stages of Tendon
the membranous volar plate of the PIPJ, whereas
the vinculum breve profundus originated from the
distal two-thirds of the middle phalanx; the short Tendon is a hierarchical structure composed of
vinculae were consistent in all fingers (see cells (tenocytes) embedded in a dense extracel-
Fig. 5). The long vinculae varied among fingers, lular matrix. Tendon extracellular matrix is
and included VLS (3 types: radial, ulnar, absent), composed mostly of collagen type Ia1, with small
which originated from the base of the proximal amounts of noncollagenous proteins including
phalanx, and vinculum longus profundus (5 types: proteoglycans.46 The visible unit structure of
distal, middle, mixed, proximal, absent), which tendon is a fascicle, which often contributes to
originated from the FDS (see Fig. 5). its gross striated appearance, covered by a thin
Although multiple studies delineated the vascular filmy connective tissue known as endotenon.
supply to the flexor tendon system, the importance Tendon is composed of groups of collagen fasci-
of vinculae to tendon homeostasis and nutrition cles, separated by endotenon, and covered with
was debated for many years. Tendon vascularity is a similar loose connective tissue known as the epi-
necessary because experiments wrapping tendons tenon. Vascular supply to the tendon occurs via
resulted in avascularity and subsequent tendon ne- vessels in the endotenon and epitenon (Fig. 6).46
crosis.43–45 From these anatomic studies and The anatomic and microscopic structure of
others, it is seen that the vascular supply to tendon tendon dictates its behavior under stress. Tendon
is delicate yet deliberate, with vessel pattern influ- fascicles are composed first of 3 polypeptide
enced by the presence or absence of pulleys. Poor chains in a helical pattern, forming tropocollagen.
vascularity was demonstrated in the A2 and A4 pul- Five tropocollagen molecules cross-linked
ley areas, and good vascularity was demonstrated in together form microfibrils, which together form fi-
the areas of the cruciform pulleys and membranous brils, then fascicles. This fiber-based structure
sheath.32 Although vascular input to the tendon has tendon viscoelastic properties that influences
seems necessary for tendon health, the role of the strain, rate of strain, loading direction, and loca-
vasculature to tendon homeostasis is still unclear. tion.46 Under slow initial loading, tendon stiffens
Many investigators proposed the role of tendon with increasing strain, resulting from collagen
vasculature to adhesion formation. Indeed, another fibrils.46 Linear stress–strain is then reached, with
predisposing factor for adhesion formation results failure occurring at strain of 10%46 (see
from rapid vessel ingrowth and increased inflam- Fig. 6).47,48 Tendon stiffness is also sensitive to
matory growth factors including transforming location and loading direction, with the greatest
growth factor beta 2 (TGFb2) and fibroblast growth stiffness in the direction of the fibers.

Fig. 5. (A) Photomicrograph of tendon vasculature in fresh human hands, depicting 4 transverse communicating
branches from the common digital arteries: (1) distal transverse artery, (2) interphalangeal transverse digital ar-
tery, (3) proximal transverse digital artery, and (4) branch to the VLS. (B) A graphical representation of vinculae in
the human finger. (From Ochiai N, Matsui T, Miyaji N, Merklin RJ, Hunter JM. Vascular anatomy of flexor tendons.
I. Vincular system and blood supply of the profundus tendon in the digital sheath. J Hand Surg Am. 1979;4(4):321-
330; with permission.)

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124 McBeath & Chung

Fig. 6. (A) The hierarchical microorganization and macroorganization of tendon. (B) The mechanism by which
tendon accommodates force. I, intact tendon withstands force in the toe region; II, stretched tendon accommo-
dates force in the linear region; III, partially damaged tendon accommodates force in the plastic region; and IV,
failure to accommodate force occurs in the failure region. (From [A] Thorpe CT, Clegg PD, Birch HL. A review of
tendon injury: Why is the equine superficial digital flexor tendon most at risk? Equine Veterinary Journal
2010;42:174-180.; and [B] de Cassia Marqueti R, Vieira de Sousa
Neto I, Reichert Barin F, et al. (2019) Exercise and Tendon Remodeling Mechanism. Tendons. IntechOpen. DOI:
10.5772/intechopen.79729. Ó 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and repro-
duction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.)

Early investigators noted poor healing capacity bone morphogenic protein (elevated early in
of tendons,49 which was thought to be due to tendon healing),59 connective tissue growth factor
decreased cellularity of the tendon.50 In observa- (elevated during the first 21 days),60 insulin growth
tions of tendon healing, Bunnell51 and Garlock52 factor-1 (found after 4 to 8 weeks, during formation
noticed the development of adhesions at tendon and remodeling),61 platelet-derived growth factor
laceration sites, which were assumed to come (found in healing tendons and persisting more
from the periphery. Further investigations by Pea- than 6 months postinjury),62 transforming growth
cock53 delineated 3 phases to tendon repair: (1) factor b (found throughout the course of tendon
Immediate migration of peripheral cells into the healing),63,64 and vascular endothelial growth fac-
wound site to provide increased vascularity and fi- tor (with increased activity during the proliferative
broblasts (“Inflammatory” phase, 24 hours to and remodeling phases)65 (see Fig. 7).56 Interest-
7 days),54 (2) Protein and collagen aggregate for- ingly, these same factors involved in tendon healing
mation (“proliferation” phase, 3 days to 4 also contribute to adhesion formation.66 Multiple
weeks),55 (3) Remodelling because of biophysical studies have investigating blocking growth factors
forces: controlled tension and enzymatic via antibody-targeted or gene-targeted means;
biochemical activity (“remodelling” phase, 4 however, the ability to improve intrinsic tendon
weeks to months) (Fig. 7).56 These phases have healing without extrinsic adhesion formation re-
been observed in animal models of intrasynovial mains elusive.
and extrasynovial tendon healing.56
Initial studies noted that flexor tendon healing
Tendon Healing and Mechanical Force
occurred through intrinsic and extrinsic mecha-
nisms,55 with contributions from each depending Bunnell famously identified injury to the intrasyno-
on the phase of healing. Initially, the inflammatory vial flexor tendon as “no man’s land” due to the pro-
phase occurs from predominantly extrinsic mecha- pensity for adhesion formation after repair,51 and
nisms, with influx of inflammatory cells (predomi- for many years, attempts at tendon repair in this
nantly neutrophils) resulting in increases of zone were abandoned.31 Subsequently multiple
interleukin (IL)-1b, IL-6, and IL-8 (Fig. 7).56,57 Cells investigators, in their quest to improve outcomes,
at the injury site also release growth factors studied the effects of tendon repair, the synovium,
including: basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and the role of immobilization to adhesion forma-
(found in fibroblasts and inflammatory cells sur- tion. Using a rabbit model, Matthews and Richards
rounding the healing site in the tendon sheath),58 found 3 factors that affected adhesion formation

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Tendon Structure, Healing, and the Microenvironment 125

Fig. 7. (A) The phases of tendon healing. (B) Chart of growth factors present in stages of tendon healing. (From
[A] Schulze-Tanzil GG, Delgado-Calcares M, Stange R, Wildemann B, Docheva D. Tendon healing: a concise review
on cellular and molecular mechanisms with a particular focus on the Achilles tendon. Bone Joint Res.
2022;11(8):561-574; and [B] Docheva D, Müller SA, Majewski M, Evans CH. Biologics for tendon repair. Adv
Drug Deliv Rev. 2015;84:222-239; with permission.)

after tendon repair: (1) suture of a lacerated tendon, tendon repairs applied that active postoperative
(2) excision of the tendon sheath, and (3) immobili- motion protocols.5
zation after tendon repair.26 In their studies, extra- Given that tendon is a mechanoactive tissue,
synovial tendon repair followed by immobilization multiple basic biochemical studies have studied
resulted in intrinsic healing, with minimal adhe- the role of mechanical force and tendon viability,
sions. However, when coupled with sheath exci- function and gene expression. Maeda and col-
sion, tendon repair and immobilization resulted in leagues,74 in their examination of cyclic loads on
dense adhesions.26 tenocytes, found increased expression of collagen
Other investigations into the role of the synovial type III mRNA in rat tenocytes and increased
environment on tendon healing examined the ef- growth factor concentration in response to me-
fects of mechanical force through altered postop- chanical loading. Recently, more attention has
erative motion protocols. In their investigations of been devoted to characterizing the mechanical
flexor tendon healing in a canine model, Gelber- environment of tenocytes, their cytoskeleton75
man and colleagues67–69 discovered passive mo- and their relationship with surrounding cells via
tion after tendon repair resulted in a smooth cell-cell contacts and gap junctions.76 These
gliding surface, decreased adhesion formation, results support the evolving concept that mechan-
and enhanced tensile strength (Fig. 8). This finding ical force, aside from maintaining tendon tissue
suggested that motion in and of itself decreases health, affects regulation of differential gene
adhesion formation and increases repair quality, expression.
although applied force greater than that sup-
ported by the repair can lead to tendon rupture.70
Tendon Healing and the Oxygen
Subsequently, multiple postoperative motion
protocols after human flexor tendon repair using
passive71 and active72,73 motion demonstrated There has been much interest in the tendon oxy-
improved clinical outcomes. Currently, most gen microenvironment and the effect of this

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126 McBeath & Chung

Fig. 8. Scanning electron micrographs of lacerated and sutured canine flexor tendons. (A) Immobilized tendon
postrepair at 10 days. (B) Mobilized tendon postrepair at 42 days. (From Gelberman RH, Vande Berg JS, Lundborg
GN, Akeson WH. Flexor tendon healing and restoration of the gliding surface. An ultrastructural study in dogs. J
Bone Joint Surg Am. 1983;65(1):70-80; with permission.)

microenvironment on tendon healing and adhe- SUMMARY

sion formation. Although multiple aforementioned
studies26,68 determined the anatomy of tendon Investigations into the macroscopic, microscopic,
vasculature before and after tendon repair, the and molecular anatomy of flexor tendons and their
role of tendon vasculature—coupled with the intra- tenosynovium have resulted in a thorough under-
synovial environment—on determination of tendon standing of the flexor tendon macroenvironment
oxygen concentration and tendon healing con- in the hand. Despite these advances, difficulties
tinues to be investigated. persist: consistent successful outcomes after
Recently, further characterization of the intrasy- intrasynovial flexor tendon repair are difficult to
novial and extrasynovial tendon and its microenvi- obtain due to adhesion formation. Causes of adhe-
ronment has been performed in animal models. sion formation include mechanical barriers to
Although the intrasynovial tendon has been shown gliding, as well as an uncontrolled and unbalanced
to be relatively avascular,67 Shen and colleagues77 extrinsic and intrinsic healing responses. Although
recently demonstrated altered extracellular matrix the healing response has been characterized as
and inflammatory markers in intrasynovial versus consisting of a cascade of cells and growth fac-
extrasynovial tendon, suggesting that the tors, difficulty persists in controlling the tendon
decreased vascularity in the avascular zone in ca- healing response for effective intrinsic healing
nines affects the tendon phenotype. In this study, with minimal extrinsic adhesion formation. This
there were increased proteoglycans and imbalance may be due to the effects of the local
decreased inflammatory and metabolic responses oxygen and tension microenvironment on the
in the intrasynovial tendon after repair, again sup- tenocyte phenotype.
porting improved healing in extrasynovial versus
intrasynovial tendons.77 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS
Although the exact oxygen concentration in National Institutes of Health (R. McBeath, K.C.
tendon tissue is unknown, it is estimated to be be- Chung), book royalties from Wolters Kluwer and
tween 1% and 5%, much lower than that in the at- Elsevier (K.C. Chung), and a research grant from
mosphere (21% O2).78 Hypoxic culture of multiple Sonex to study carpal tunnel outcomes (K.C.
cell types has been shown to decrease senes- Chung).
cence and increase proliferation capacity.79–81 In
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