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1. Which of the following is not an oxide ore?

a) Cuprite b) Siderite c) Cassiterite d) Zincite

2. Which of the following is an oxide ore?

a) Sphalerite b) Calamine c) Cassiterite d) Stefinite

3.The process of converting hydrated alumina into anhydrous alumina is called

a) Roasting b) Smelting c) Auto-reduction d) Calcination

4. Which of the following is a sulphide ore?

a) Pyrargyrite b) Malachite c) Limonite d) Kaolinite

5. Which of the following is not a carbonate ore?

a) Siderite b) Calamine c) Cerrusite d) Cassiterite

6. Which of the following is a carbonate ore?

a) Limonite b) Siderite c) Magnetite d) Haematite

7. Which of the following is the ore of iron?

a) Limonite b) Azurite c) Stefinite d) Cerrusite

8.Which of the following is not an ore of iron?

a) Haematite b) Magnetite c) Siderite d) Anglesite

9. Which of the following is an ore of silver?

a) Azurite b) Prousitite c) Cerrusite d) Limonite
10. Which of the following is a sulphate ore?
a) Galena b) Zinc blende c) Cerrusite d) Anglesite

11. Non-metallic impurities, rocky materials, and siliceous matter which are associated with ores
are called as.
a) Slag b) Flux c) Gangue d) residue

12. Gravity separation is suitable for

a) Oxide ore b) Sulphide ore c) Carbonate ore d) Sulphate ore

13.Froth floatation is suitable for

a) Oxide ore b) Sulphide ore c) Carbonate ore d) Sulphate ore

14. In froth floatation, pine oil is used as a

a) Collector b) depressing agent c) Frothing agent d) Flux

15. In froth floatation sodium ethyl Xanthate is used as a

a) Collector b) depressing agent c) frothing agent d) Flux

16. In froth floatation sodium cyanide is used as a

a) Collector b) depressing agent c) frothing agent d) Flux

17. The floatation property of the impurity ZnS present in galena is depressed by adding
a) Pure oil b) Eucalyptus oil c) Sodium cyanide d) Sodium ethyl Xanthate

18. Which method of purification represented by the equation?

Ti(Impure) + 2I2 55OK Til4 1800K Ti(pure) + 2I2
a) Cupellation b) Zone refining c) Van-Arkel method d) Mond’s process

19. Concentration of gold ore is done by------------------------leaching

a) Cyanide b) Ammonia c) Alkali d) Acid

20. Ammonia leaching is done for the concentration of the ore of-------------
a) Silver b) Copper c) Aluminium d) Zinc
21. During roasting sulphide ores are converted into their
a) Metals b) Oxides c) Carbonates d) nitrates

22. During the calcination of carbonate ore the expelled gas is

a) Carbon monoxide b) Carbon dioxide c) Sulphur dioxide d) Nitrogen dioxide

23. Sulphite ores of metals are usually concentrated by froth floatation process. Which one of the
following sulphide ore offers an exception and is concentrated by chemical leaching.
a) Argentite b) galena c) Copper pyrites d) Sphalerite

24. Cinnabar is converted into mercury by

a) Reduction by metal b) Reduction by hydrogen c) Reduction by carbon d) Auto reduction

25. Thermodynamically the reduction of metal oxide with a given reducing agent can occur if the
free energy change for the coupled reaction is
a) Positive b) Negative c) One d) Zero

26. For the reduction of metal oxide into metal a reducing agent is selected in such a way that for
the coupled reaction it provides a
a) Large positive G value b) Small positive G value

c) Large negative G value d) Small negative G value

27. For the formation of various metal oxides Ellingham diagram is a graphical representation
a) G° & S b) G° & H c) G° & T d) H & S

28. In the Ellingham diagram, for most of the metal oxide formation the slope is
a) Positive b) Negative c) Zero d) One

29. Elements like Silicon and Germanium to be used as a semiconductor is purified by -----------
a) heating under Vaccum b) Van-Arkel method c) Zone refining d) Electrolysis

30. If the e.m.f of the net redox reaction is positive, its G is

a) Positive b) Negative c) Zero d) One
31. Which of the following metal is refined by distillation?
a) Tin b) Lead c) Zinc d) Bismuth

32. Which of the following is not refined by zone refining?

a) Germanium b) Zirconium c) Silicon d) Gallium

33. Which of the following is refined by the Mond process?

a) Silicon b) Copper c) Nickel d) Zinc

34. Which of the following is defined by Van Arkel method?

a) Gallium b) Titanium c) Germanium d) Silicon

35. Which of the following metal is used in galvanization?

a) Copper b) Aluminium c) Zinc d) Gold

36. Which is used in making luminous paints, fluorescent lights, and x-ray screens?
a) Brass b) Zinc sulphide c) Cast iron d) Gold nanoparticles

37. Which is used for increasing the efficiency of solar cells?

a) Brass b) Zinc sulphide c) Cast iron d) Gold nanoparticles

38. Which is not refined by liquation?

a) Tin b) Zinc c) Lead d) Bismuth

39. Which is not refined by zone refining?

a) Silicon b) Gallium c) Zirconium d) Germanium

40 Assertion (A) : Cr2O3 is reduced into chromium by aluminothermic process.

Reason (R): Aluminium acts as the reducing agent.
i) A and R are correct, R explains A. ii) A is correct, R is wrong
iii) A is wrong, R is correct iv) A and R are correct but R does not explain A.
41. Assertion (A): Tinstone ore is concentrated by magnetic separation.
Reason (R) : Wolframite impurities are magnetic
i) A and R are correct, R explains A. ii) A is correct, R is wrong
iii) A is wrong, R is correct iv) A and R are correct but R does not explain A.

42. Flux is a substance which is used to convert

a) Mineral’into silicate b) Infusible impurities to soluble impurities
c) Soluble impurities to infusible impurities d) All of these

43. Which one of the following ores is best concentrated by froth floatation method?
a) Magnetite b) Heamatite c) Galena d) Cassiterite

44. Zinc is obtained from ZnO by

a) Carbon reduction b) Reduction using silver

c) Electrochemical process d) Acid leaching

45. Considering the Ellingham diagram, which of the following metals can be used to reduce
a) Fe b) Cu c) Mg d) Zn

46. Which of the following is used for concentrating ore in metallurgy?

a) Leaching b) Roasting c) Froth floatation d) Both (a) and (c)

47. Which of the following is not true with respect to the Ellingham diagram?
a) Free energy changes follow a straight line. The deviation occurs when there is a phase change.
b) The graph for the formation of CO2is a straight line almost parallel to the free energy axis.
c) Negative slope of CO shows that it becomes more stable with an increase in temperature.
d) Positive slope of metal oxides shows that their stabilities decrease with an increase in
48. Which of the following reduction is not thermodynamically feasible?
a) Cr2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Cr b) Al2O3 + 2Cr → Cr2O3 + 2Al
c) 3TiO2 + 4Al → 2Al2O3 + 3Ti d) None of these

49. In the electrolytic refining of copper, which one of the following is used as anode?
a) Pure copper b) Impure copper c) Carbon rod d) Platinum electrode

50. The incorrect statement among the following is

a) Nickel is refined by Mond’s process
b) Titanium is refined by Van Arkel’s process
c) Zinc blende is concentrated by froth floatation
d) In the metallurgy of gold, the metal is leached with a dilute sodium chloride solution

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