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Subject : English Language

Class / Year : 5 Siddiq

Enrolment : 32 pupils (Mixed ability)

Date : 17th February 2020

Time : 8.45 am – 9.45 am

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 8- Fascinating Sabah and Sarawak

Focused skill : Grammar

Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt how to use prepositions of place: “on”,

“under”, “above”, “below”, “beside” and “between”.

Content standards : By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able

5.1 use different word classes correctly and appropriately.

Learning standards : By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able

5.1.5 able to use prepositions correctly and appropriately:

(a) over

(b) among

Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Demonstrate the usage of preposition (on, under, among,

over) through action.
2. Construct the sentences by using preposition (among and
over) correctly with teacher’s guidance.
3. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

Vocabulary : among, over , fascinating, orang utan

Cross-curricular element : Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) & Language

Educational emphasis :

i) Moral values : Appreciate our nature, grateful, tolerance

ii) Thinking skills : Decision-making, brainstorming, analysing, applying

iii) Multiple intelligence : Intrapersonal, interpersonal, kinaesthetic, linguistic


iv) Entrepreneurship : Creativity

Resources / Teaching Aids : Video, slide show, crossword puzzle, worksheet, instruction


Set Induction To arouse the pupils’ 1. Teacher shows a Preparation phase
(5 minutes) attention by showing a video of - Preparation
video of “Fascinating “Fascinating - Analysis
Sabah and Sarawak” Sabah and
Sarawak”. Material:
Examples of question: 2. Teacher asks Video of Fascinating
i. What can you pupils about what Sabah and Sarawak.
see in the video? they can see from
ii. What animal do the video. PAK21:
you see in the 3. Teacher explains Communication
video? about the video.
iii. Do you want to ICT:
go to Sabah and i. Lap top
Sarawak one ii. LCD
day? iii. Speaker
Presentation To highlight the 1. Teacher shows a Imagination Phase
(15 minutes) preposition of places paragraph of - Synthesizing
(among and over) in a story via slide ideas
paragraph of story. show.
2. Teacher reads PAK 21
the story. Communication
3. Pupils repeat
after the teacher.
The concept of among PowerPoint slides
and over with examples:
4. Teacher explains
(i) The story HOTS:
(ii) The new Analysis
(iii) The Multiple Intelligence
concept of Verbal linguistic
and over ICT:
with some LCD

Practice To recall previous 1. Pupils get into Development Phase

(20 minutes) knowledge and test the groups of three - Generating idea
understanding of the use with mix level of - Synthesizing ideas
of among and over proficiency.
through charade game. 2. Teacher asks Assessment for
each group to learning objective (1)
send a
Instruction paper: representative in Materials: Instruction
front of the paper
3. Teacher gives the HOTS: Analysis
instruction to the
representative PAK21:
without exposing - Collaboration
to other pupils. - Communication
4. The
representative Multiple Intelligence
makes two - Interpersonal
demonstrations of - Kinaesthetic
a charade game
with the help from
5. The
shows a situation
with the use of
preposition in
front of the
classroom and
every group need
to guess what is
the name of
preposition used
in the situation.
6. Teacher gives ten
marks for each
correct answer.
7. Teacher
announces the
group with
highest mark.
Production To evaluate pupils’ 1. Pupils get into Action phase
(15 minutes) understanding by groups of five - Continuous
playing crossword according to their practice
puzzle. level of - Implementation
(2 enrichment Assessment for
groups, 2 learning objective (2)
average groups, & (3)
1 remedial
group). Materials:
Enrichment: 2. Each group are - Worksheet
given a - Crossword
crossword puzzle puzzle
based on their
level of HOTS:
proficiency. - Analyse
3. The pupils need - Create
to work in their
particular group PAK21:
Average: to answer the - Collaboration
crossword - Critical thinking
4. Teacher discuss Multiple Intelligence:
the answer with - Verbal-
the pupils. Linguistic


Closure To recap the lesson by 1. Teacher asks PAK21:

(5 minutes) asking pupils to read three pupils to - Communication
their sentences from the read the
crossword puzzle. sentences.
2. Teacher
comments on
their answers and
correct them if the
answers are

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