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Certainly, let me provide the step-by-step solutions for the questions presented in the image.

1. Depreciation Calculations for the XYZ Company Machine:

i. Straight Line Method (SLM):

Depreciation Expense per Year = (Cost - Salvage Value) / Useful Life

Depreciation Expense per Year = (51,000 - 6,000) / 5 = 9,000 Bir

ii. Double Declining Balance Method (DDB):

Depreciation Expense Year 1 = (51,000 - 0) x 2/5 = 20,400 Bir

Depreciation Expense Year 2 = (51,000 - 20,400) x 2/5 = 12,240 Bir

Depreciation Expense Year 3 = (51,000 - 32,640) x 2/5 = 7,344 Bir

Depreciation Expense Year 4 = (51,000 - 39,984) x 2/5 = 4,406 Bir

Depreciation Expense Year 5 = (51,000 - 44,390) x 2/5 = 6,610 Bir

iii. Sum of Year Digits Method (SYD):

Sum of Year Digits = 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15

Depreciation Expense Year 1 = (51,000 x 5/15) = 17,000 Bir

Depreciation Expense Year 2 = (51,000 x 4/15) = 13,600 Bir

Depreciation Expense Year 3 = (51,000 x 3/15) = 10,200 Bir

Depreciation Expense Year 4 = (51,000 x 2/15) = 6,800 Bir

Depreciation Expense Year 5 = (51,000 x 1/15) = 3,400 Bir

2. Present Worth Analysis for the Construction Dozer:

Given information:

- Initial Purchase Cost = Rs.4,000,000

- Annual Operating Cost = Rs.55,000

- Expected Salvage Value = Rs.1,000,000

- Useful Life = 6 years

- Interest Rate = 7% per year

Step 1: Calculate the Present Worth of the Initial Purchase Cost

Present Worth of Initial Cost = Rs.4,000,000

Step 2: Calculate the Present Worth of the Annual Operating Cost

Present Worth of Annual Operating Cost = Rs.55,000 x [1 - (1 / (1 + 0.07)^6)] / 0.07 = Rs.283,742

Step 3: Calculate the Present Worth of the Salvage Value

Present Worth of Salvage Value = Rs.1,000,000 / (1 + 0.07)^6 = Rs.700,070

Step 4: Calculate the Total Present Worth

Total Present Worth = Present Worth of Initial Cost + Present Worth of Annual Operating Cost - Present
Worth of Salvage Value

Total Present Worth = Rs.4,000,000 + Rs.283,742 - Rs.700,070 = Rs.3,583,672

Therefore, the most economical alternative is the construction dozer, with a total present worth of
Rs.3,583,672 at the given interest rate of 7% per year.

Based on the details provided in the case study, the school of management thought that has been
discussed is Scientific Management.

Here's the explanation for why:

The key evidence that points to the application of Scientific Management principles includes:

1. The company systematically analyzed and optimized their production processes. This aligns with the
scientific approach advocated by Frederick Taylor, the father of Scientific Management.
2. They studied the "basic elements of the operation" to determine the optimal number of workers and
time required for the various sewing processes. This systematic study and analysis of work elements is a
core tenet of Scientific Management.

3. The company adjusted the rest periods for the workers to increase their productivity. This focus on
improving efficiency through task analysis and appropriate work-rest cycles is characteristic of Scientific

4. After improving the processes, the company decided to reward the more efficient workers by
increasing their wages. Providing appropriate incentives for improved worker productivity is another key
principle of Scientific Management.

So in summary, the case study describes how the Bahir Dar Textile Share Company applied the principles
of Scientific Management, such as systematic process analysis, work study, and use of incentives, to
enhance their operational efficiency and competitiveness. This clearly identifies the school of
management thought discussed in this case.

Alright, let's go through the questions one by one:

1. _____ is the function of ensuring that the divisional, departmental, sectional and individual
performance are reliable and in accordance with the determined objectives and goals. Deviations from
plans need to be recognized and corrected.

The missing term here is "Controlling". Controlling is the function of ensuring that the divisional,
departmental, sectional and individual performance are reliable and in accordance with the determined
objectives and goals.

2. _____ is a function of making sure employees to perform efficiently and productively. The main
purpose of this function is to make sure the measures are formulated to achieve the desired goals and

The missing term here is "Directing". Directing is the function of making sure employees perform
efficiently and productively, with the main purpose of ensuring the measures are formulated to achieve
the desired goals and objectives.

3. _____ is a continuous and an important function of management. After the objectives have been
determined, resources, policies, programmes, procedures and rules have been formulated for their
achievement, activities for the implementation of strategies, policies, programmes, etc. have to be
identified and grouped into jobs, the next reasonable step is to provide people for manning the jobs.
Since the efficiency, competence and well-being of an organization significantly depends on the quality
of its personnel.

The missing term here is "Staffing". Staffing is a continuous and important function of management that
involves identifying and grouping activities for the implementation of strategies, policies, programs, etc.,
and then providing people to man those jobs.

4. This function involves identification of the activities, required for the achievement of the enterprise
and implementation of plans, grouping of activities into jobs, assignment of such jobs to the
departments of the individuals, delegation of responsibility and authority for performance and provision
of vertical and horizontal co-ordination of activities. There are number of departments within the
organization and every department has a manager, who has to decide on how to put the activities that
are needed to achieve the desired objectives.

The missing term here is "Organizing". Organizing is the function that involves identifying the required
activities, grouping them into jobs, assigning those jobs to departments and individuals, and
coordinating the activities vertically and horizontally.

5. _____ is the most important and the most prevalent of all management functions. This function
bridges the gap between where we are and where we want to be in the future. It involves determination
of the long- and short-range objectives and the course of action for their achievement. It involves
planning about the future objectives and the courses of action to be followed for the achievement of
these objectives.

The missing term here is "Planning". Planning is the most important and prevalent management
function that bridges the gap between the current state and the desired future state. It involves
determining long-term and short-term objectives and the courses of action to achieve those objectives.

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