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Development of Real Estate Web Portal with Multivendor Features

for Property Listing Solution

Topics covered in this document

A. Objectives.

B. Target Domain.

C. Scope of Work.

D. Technology Platform.

E. Division of Work.

F. Process-Flow.

G. Effort Estimation and Time of Development.

H. Cost Estimate.

I. Other Details needed by you.

A. Objectives

§ To create Real Estate WebPortal with Multivendor Features for Property Listing
§ To provide best Quality and support.
§ To effectively present the brand value to the customers.

B. Target Domain

§ Existing CLIENTS.
§ Staff.

C. Scope of Work

We are tasked with developing a Real Estate Web Portal incorporating multivendor capabilities for
property listing solutions. Each vendor will have access to a CRM system to manage properties, perform
property analytics, and track sales. Below is a detailed list of the proposed features for the project.

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Here is the list:-

• User Management Module

This module is essential for handling user accounts, roles, permissions, and personal
information. It ensures that different user types (Admins, Vendors, Agents, Buyers/Renters)
have appropriate access and functionality within the portal. Below is an extended elaboration of
each sub-section.

• User Registration and Login

This sub-section covers the essential aspects of user authentication and onboarding.

§ Email/Password
• Registration Form: User inputs for email, password, name, and contact details.
• Email Verification: Send a verification link to the user’s email to confirm
• Login Page: Simple email and password fields with a "Remember Me" option.
• Password Recovery: Allow users to reset their password via email.

§ Social Media Integration

• Social Login Options: Allow users to sign up and log in using Facebook, Google, and
• Data Import: Automatically import profile information from social media accounts.
• Link Existing Accounts: Enable users to link their social media accounts with existing
email/password accounts.

§ Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

• Setup 2FA: Allow users to set up 2FA via SMS or Authenticator apps (e.g., Google
• Login with 2FA: Prompt for a second factor (e.g., a code sent to the user’s phone)
after entering the password.
• Backup Codes: Provide users with backup codes to use if they lose access to their
second factor.

• Role-Based Access Control

This sub-section ensures users have appropriate access based on their role within the system.

§ Admin, Vendor, Agent, Customer (Buyers/Renters) Roles

• Admin Role: Full access to all features, including user management, content
management, and system settings.
• Vendor Role: Access to manage their property listings, CRM, and analytics.
• Agent Role: Access to assigned tasks, leads, and property management within the
vendor’s scope.
• Customer Role: Access to search, view property listings, and contact vendors.

§ Permission Management for Each Role

• Permission Matrix: Define and manage permissions for each role (e.g., read, write,
delete, execute).
• Custom Roles: Create and manage custom roles with specific permissions.
• Role Assignment: Assign roles to users upon registration or by admin
• Role Transition: Allow users to upgrade or change roles (e.g., a Customer
becoming a Vendor).

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• Profile Management
This sub-section covers the personal information and settings that users can manage.

§ Personal Information
• Editable Fields: Name, email, phone number, address, and other personal details.
• Privacy Settings: Allow users to control who can view their personal
• Update History: Track and display changes made to personal information.

§ Profile Picture
• Upload/Change Picture: Allow users to upload a profile picture.
• Image Cropper: Tool to crop and adjust the profile picture.
• Default Avatar: Use a default avatar if no profile picture is uploaded.

§ Contact Details
• Additional Contacts: Option to add multiple contact numbers or emails.
• Preferred Contact Method: Allow users to specify their preferred contact method.
• Contact Visibility: Control who can view contact details (public, private, or contacts

• Sub-users (Vendor Employees)

This sub-section focuses on managing vendor employees and their permissions within the
vendor’s scope.

§ Access CRM Features as Permitted by the Vendor

• User Hierarchy: Define roles and access levels for sub-users (e.g., Managers, Agents).
• Feature Access Control: Restrict or grant access to specific CRM features like lead
management, contact management, and task management.
• Activity Logs: Track actions and changes made by sub-users for accountability.

§ Manage Property Listings

• Listing Permissions: Allow sub-users to add, edit, or delete property listings based on
their permissions.
• Task Assignment: Assign property-related tasks to sub-users.
• Performance Tracking: Monitor the performance of sub-users regarding property
listings and sales.

• End-Users (Buyers/Renters)
This sub-section covers functionalities for buyers and renters.

§ Search and View Property Listings

• Advanced Search Filters: Location, price range, property type, size, amenities, etc.
• Save Searches: Allow users to save their search criteria and receive
notifications for new listings.
• Property Comparisons: Enable users to compare multiple properties side-by- side.
• Favorites/Wishlist: Users can save favorite properties for future reference.

§ Contact Vendors
• Inquiry Forms: Quick forms on property pages for users to contact vendors.
• Direct Messaging: Built-in messaging system for direct communication with vendors.
• Appointment Requests: Schedule viewings or meetings with vendors directly through
the portal.
• Inquiry Tracking: Allow users to track the status of their inquiries and view vendor

By extending each sub-section with maximum options, the User Management Module ensures a
robust and comprehensive system to handle various user needs and roles effectively.

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• Vendor Management Module

This module is crucial for managing vendors (real estate agencies, independent agents) and
their operations within the portal. It includes functionalities for vendor registration, vendor
dashboard, and a multi-user CRM to ensure smooth operations and efficient management.

• Vendor Registration and Approval

This sub-section handles the process of vendor onboarding and ensures that only verified
vendors can list properties on the portal.

§ Vendor Application Form

• Basic Information: Company name, address, contact number, email.
• Business Details: Business registration number, tax ID, type of business
(individual agent, real estate agency).
• Documentation: Upload necessary documents (business license, ID proof).
• Terms and Conditions: Agreement to portal's terms of service and privacy policy.
• Captcha Verification: Implement CAPTCHA to prevent spam registrations.
• Application Submission: Button to submit the application for review.

§ Admin Approval System

• Application Review: Admin panel to view and review new vendor applications.
• Document Verification: Verify uploaded documents for authenticity.
• Approval/Rejection: Buttons to approve or reject applications.
• Notification System: Automated email/SMS notifications to vendors about their
application status.
• Re-application Option: Allow rejected applicants to reapply with corrections.

• Vendor Dashboard
This sub-section provides vendors with a comprehensive overview and management tools for
their property listings and performance metrics.

§ Overview of Listed Properties

• Property Summary: Display total number of properties, status (active, pending,
• Quick Actions: Buttons to add new properties, edit existing ones, and delete listings.
• Property Performance: View statistics such as views, inquiries, and interest level for
each property.
• Property Sorting and Filtering: Sort properties by date added, status, price, and other

§ Performance Metrics
• Sales and Rentals: Monthly/quarterly/yearly sales and rental statistics.
• Lead Conversion Rates: Percentage of inquiries converted to sales/rentals.
• Agent Performance: Metrics for agents such as number of properties listed, sales
made, and inquiries handled.
• Revenue Reports: Detailed reports on revenue generated from property

• Customizable Dashboard Widgets: Allow vendors to customize the dashboard with

widgets relevant to their needs.

• Multi-User CRM
This sub-section focuses on managing the vendor's internal team, assigning tasks, and facilitating
internal communication.

§ Agent/Employee Management
• Add/Edit/Delete Employees: Tools to manage employees under the vendor’s account.
• Role Assignment: Assign specific roles and permissions to each employee (e.g., Manager,
Sales Agent, Support).
• Employee Profiles: Detailed profiles with personal information, contact details, and
performance metrics.
• Activity Logs: Track actions taken by each employee for accountability.

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§ Task Assignments
• Create Tasks: Form to create new tasks with details like title, description, due date, and
priority level.
• Assign Tasks: Assign tasks to specific employees or teams.
• Task Tracking: Monitor the status of tasks (pending, in progress, completed) and
• Reminders and Notifications: Automated reminders for upcoming deadlines and
notifications for task updates.
• Recurring Tasks: Set up tasks that need to be repeated on a regular basis (daily,
weekly, monthly).

§ Internal Messaging System

• Direct Messaging: Send direct messages between employees.
• Group Chats: Create chat groups for teams or projects.
• Message History: Access to message history and search functionality.
• File Sharing: Attach and share documents, images, and other files within
• Notification Alerts: Real-time notifications for new messages and mentions.

This detailed breakdown ensures that the Vendor Management Module provides comprehensive
tools for vendors to efficiently manage their operations, teams, and property listings on the

• Vendor Property Management Module

This module is essential for vendors to manage their property listings, update property status,
and provide potential buyers or renters with powerful search and filter tools.

• Property Listings
This sub-section covers the functionalities for adding, editing, and managing property listings in

§ Add/Edit/Delete Property Details

• Property Form: Comprehensive form to input property details.
• Add Property: Create a new property listing with all required details.
• Edit Property: Modify existing property details.
• Delete Property: Remove property listing from the portal.
• Clone Property: Create a new listing by duplicating an existing one with similar details.
• Bulk Upload: Upload multiple property listings via CSV or Excel file.

§ Property Attributes
• Basic Details: Property type (house, apartment, commercial), price, location, size
(square feet/meters).
• Detailed Information: Number of bedrooms, bathrooms, floor number, total floors,
construction year.
• Property Description: Detailed description, highlights, unique selling points.
• Features and Amenities: Checkboxes for amenities like swimming pool, gym, garden,
• Legal Information: Property ownership, legal status, documentation.

§ Upload Photos and Videos

• Photo Gallery: Upload multiple high-resolution images with drag-and-drop
• Video Tours: Upload property videos or embed video links from platforms like YouTube.
• Virtual Tours: Integrate 360-degree virtual tours or walkthroughs.
• Image Optimization: Auto-resize and optimize images for faster loading.
• Watermarking: Add vendor’s watermark to images for branding.

§ Map Integration (Google Maps)

• Location Pin: Pin the exact property location on Google Maps.
• Street View: Enable street view for detailed location insight.
• Neighborhood Insights: Display nearby amenities (schools, hospitals,
supermarkets) on the map.
• Route Planner: Allow users to plan routes from their location to the property.

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• Property Status
These sub-section deals with the management of property status to keep listings updated.

§ Available, Sold, Rented

• Status Updates: Easily update property status to available, sold, or rented.
• Automated Notifications: Notify potential buyers/renters when property status changes.
• Archive Sold/Rented Properties: Move sold or rented properties to an archive while
keeping them accessible for record purposes.
• Status History: Track changes in property status over time for reporting.

• Advanced Search and Filters

This sub-section focuses on providing users with powerful search capabilities and filters to find
properties that match their criteria.

§ Location
• City/Neighborhood Search: Search by specific cities, neighborhoods, or ZIP codes.
• Radius Search: Use a radius filter to find properties within a certain distance from a
specific location.
• Map Search: Interactive map-based search where users can draw areas to search

§ Price Range
• Slider Tool: Interactive sliders to set minimum and maximum price range.
• Currency Conversion: Display prices in different currencies for international users.

§ Property Type
• Type Selection: Drop-down menu to select property types (house, apartment,
commercial, land).
• Multiple Selection: Allow users to select multiple property types simultaneously.

§ Amenities
• Checkbox Filters: Filter by amenities like swimming pool, gym, garden, parking, balcony.
• Advanced Filters: Additional filters like pet-friendly properties,
furnished/unfurnished, age of the property.
• Keyword Search: Search properties by specific keywords mentioned in

By elaborating on these features, the Vendor Property Management Module provides a

comprehensive suite of tools for vendors to manage their property listings effectively, keep
them up-to-date, and make them easily discoverable by potential buyers and renters.

• Vendor CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Module

The Vendor CRM Module is designed to help vendors manage their interactions with potential
buyers or renters, streamline communication, and efficiently handle tasks and leads. Below is
an elaboration of each sub-section with detailed features and functionalities.

• Lead Management
This sub-section focuses on capturing, assigning, and tracking leads to ensure no opportunity is
missed and every potential client is attended to.

§ Capture Leads from Property Inquiries

• Inquiry Forms: Integrated forms on property listings to capture visitor details and
• Auto-Import: Automatically import leads from email inquiries, contact forms, and
third-party platforms.
• Lead Sources: Track and categorize leads based on their source (website, social media,
email campaigns).

§ Lead Assignment to Agents

• Manual Assignment: Assign leads manually to specific agents based on
availability and expertise.
• Automated Assignment: Automatically assign leads to agents using predefined rules
(e.g., round-robin, agent performance, geography).
• Lead Routing: Route leads to the appropriate team or agent based on lead criteria
(e.g., budget, property type).

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§ Lead Status Tracking

• Status Categories: Define statuses such as New, Contacted, Qualified, Follow- Up,
Converted, and Closed.
• Progress Tracking: Visual pipelines to track the progress of leads through various
• Activity Log: Detailed log of all actions taken on a lead, including emails sent, calls
made, and meetings scheduled.
• Lead Scoring: Assign scores to leads based on their engagement level and
interaction history to prioritize follow-up actions.

• Contact Management
This sub-section manages detailed information about customers and tracks all interactions with

§ Customer Details
• Profile Information: Store detailed profiles including name, email, phone number,
address, preferred contact method.
• Notes and Tags: Add notes and tags to customer profiles for better
segmentation and personalized follow-ups.
• Segmentation: Group customers based on various criteria (e.g., buying stage, interests,

§ Interaction History
• Communication Log: Record all interactions including emails, phone calls,
meetings, and messages.
• Document Management: Attach relevant documents (e.g., property brochures,
contracts) to customer profiles.
• Timeline View: Visual timeline of all interactions and activities with a customer for quick

• Task Management
This sub-section helps in creating, assigning, and tracking tasks to ensure efficient workflow
and timely follow-ups.

§ Create, Assign, and Track Tasks

• Task Creation: Form to create new tasks with details such as title, description, due
date, and priority.
• Task Assignment: Assign tasks to specific agents or teams.
• Progress Tracking: Track task status (Not Started, In Progress, Completed) and visualize
progress with task boards or lists.
• Sub-Tasks: Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable sub-tasks.

§ Reminders and Notifications

• Automated Reminders: Set automated reminders for upcoming tasks and
• Notification System: Real-time notifications for task updates, new assignments, and due
• Calendar Integration: Sync tasks with calendar applications (Google Calendar, Outlook)
for better schedule management.
• Recurring Tasks: Set up tasks that need to be repeated regularly (daily, weekly,

• Communication Tools
This sub-section provides tools for effective and efficient communication with leads and customers.

§ Email Templates
• Pre-Designed Templates: A library of customizable email templates for common scenarios
(e.g., initial contact, follow-up, appointment confirmation).
• Personalization: Personalize email templates with customer details (e.g., name, property
of interest).
• Bulk Emails: Send bulk emails to multiple leads or customers using templates.

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§ SMS Integration
• SMS Campaigns: Create and send SMS campaigns to leads and customers.
• Automated SMS: Set up automated SMS responses for inquiries or follow-ups.
• Two-Way Messaging: Enable two-way SMS communication between agents and

§ Automated Responses
• Email Auto-Responders: Automatically send a response to inquiries or actions taken by
• Drip Campaigns: Set up a series of automated emails to nurture leads over time.
• Custom Triggers: Define triggers for automated responses based on specific actions
or statuses (e.g., lead status change, new inquiry).

This comprehensive elaboration ensures that the Vendor CRM Module provides all the necessary
tools for vendors to effectively manage their customer relationships, streamline communication,
and handle tasks and leads efficiently.

• Vendor Property Analytics and Reporting Module

This module provides vendors with detailed insights and reports on their property listings,
performance metrics, and website analytics. These tools help vendors make data-driven
decisions, optimize their strategies, and improve overall performance.

• Web Analytics
This sub-section covers tracking and analyzing the online performance of property listings.

§ Property Views
• Total Views: Count of how many times a property listing has been viewed.
• Unique Visitors: Number of unique visitors who have viewed the property.
• Time on Page: Average duration visitors spend on the property listing page.
• Bounce Rate: Percentage of visitors who leave the property page without taking any
further action.
• Heat Maps: Visual representation showing which parts of the property listing page get
the most attention.

§ Click-Through Rates
• CTR Calculation: Percentage of visitors who click on call-to-action buttons (e.g., contact
vendor, schedule viewing).
• Link Tracking: Track which links within the property listing are clicked most
• Conversion Tracking: Monitor the rate at which visitors convert into leads or make

§ Visitor Demographics
• Geographic Data: Information about the location of visitors (country, city).
• Device Data: Type of devices used to view property listings (desktop, mobile, tablet).
• Browser Data: Information on the browsers used by visitors.
• Age and Gender: Demographic breakdown of visitors if available.
• Referral Sources: Track where the traffic is coming from (search engines, social media,
direct, referrals).

• Vendor Performance Reports

This sub-section provides detailed reports on vendor-specific performance metrics.

§ Sales Statistics
• Total Sales: Number and value of properties sold.
• Sales by Property Type: Breakdown of sales by different property types (e.g., houses,
apartments, commercial).
• Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly Sales: Sales statistics over different time periods.
• Top Performing Properties: List of properties with the highest sales figures.
• Sales Trends: Graphical representation of sales trends over time.

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§ Lead Conversion Rates

• Lead Source Analysis: Conversion rates based on the source of leads (e.g., website,
social media, email campaigns).
• Stage Conversion: Conversion rates at different stages of the sales funnel (e.g., inquiry
to contact, contact to viewing, viewing to sale).
• Agent Performance: Conversion rates of leads handled by different agents.
• Follow-Up Effectiveness: Success rates of follow-up activities in converting leads.
• Lost Opportunities: Analysis of leads that were not converted and reasons why.

• Custom Reports
This sub-section allows vendors to generate customized reports based on various metrics and
provides options for exporting these reports.

§ Generate Reports Based on Various Metrics

• Customizable Metrics: Select specific metrics to include in the report (e.g., property
views, lead conversion rates, sales figures).
• Date Range Selection: Choose specific date ranges for the reports.
• Filter Options: Filter data by property type, location, agent, lead source, and more.
• Report Templates: Use pre-designed templates for common report types or create
custom templates.

§ Export Options (PDF, Excel)

• Export to PDF: Generate PDF reports for easy sharing and printing.
• Export to Excel: Export data to Excel for further analysis and manipulation.
• Email Reports: Option to directly email generated reports to stakeholders.
• Scheduled Reports: Set up automated reports to be generated and sent at regular
intervals (e.g., weekly, monthly).

This detailed breakdown of the Vendor Property Analytics and Reporting Module ensures
vendors have access to comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to track their property
performance, analyze web traffic, and generate detailed reports for better decision-making and
strategy optimization.

• Customer (Buyers/Renters) Interaction Module

This module is designed to facilitate seamless interaction between customers (buyers/renters)
and vendors, enhancing user experience and engagement. It includes features for making
property inquiries, scheduling appointments, and providing reviews and ratings.

• Property Inquiries
This sub-section allows potential buyers or renters to make inquiries about properties directly
through the portal.

§ Inquiry Forms
• Simple Contact Forms: Basic forms on each property listing where users can submit
their name, email, phone number, and message.
• Detailed Inquiry Forms: Enhanced forms with additional fields for specific
questions or preferences (e.g., desired move-in date, financing options).
• Customizable Fields: Allow vendors to add custom fields to inquiry forms based on the
property type or vendor’s needs.
• Auto-Responder: Automated email response acknowledging receipt of the inquiry
and providing next steps or additional information.
• Captcha Verification: Implement CAPTCHA to prevent spam inquiries.
• Inquiry Tracking: Dashboard for users to track the status of their inquiries and
responses from vendors.

§ Direct Messaging to Vendors

• Internal Messaging System: Built-in messaging platform for direct
communication between users and vendors.
• Chat Interface: Real-time chat interface allowing users to ask questions and get
immediate responses.
• Message History: Access to past conversations for reference.
• File Attachments: Ability to attach and share documents, images, or videos within
• Notifications: Real-time notifications for new messages and responses.
• Offline Messaging: Option to leave messages when the vendor is offline, with
notifications sent once the vendor responds.

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• Appointment Scheduling
This sub-section helps customers schedule property viewings and appointments with vendors

§ Calendar Integration
• Availability Calendar: Vendors can display their available dates and times for
• Booking Form: Users can select preferred dates and times, and submit a request
for an appointment.
• Automatic Confirmation: Option for automatic confirmation of appointments based on
vendor’s settings.
• Vendor Approval: Vendors can approve or suggest alternative times for
• Sync with External Calendars: Sync appointments with Google Calendar, Outlook,
or other calendar applications.
• Multiple Viewings: Ability to schedule multiple property viewings in one session.

§ Appointment Reminders
• Email Reminders: Automated email reminders sent to both users and vendors before
the scheduled appointment.
• SMS Notifications: Option to send SMS reminders for upcoming appointments.
• Custom Reminder Settings: Vendors and users can customize the timing and
frequency of reminders.
• Rescheduling Options: Easy rescheduling options for both users and vendors, with
updated reminders.

• Reviews and Ratings

This sub-section allows users to provide feedback on properties and vendors, fostering transparency
and trust.

§ Property Reviews
• Review Forms: Users can submit reviews directly on property listing pages.
• Rating System: Star rating system (e.g., 1 to 5 stars) for overall property
• Review Details: Fields for detailed feedback including title, pros and cons, and personal
• Image Upload: Option to upload photos taken during property visits.
• Verification: Verification of reviews to ensure they come from actual viewers or buyers.
• Review Moderation: Admin and vendor moderation of reviews to manage
inappropriate content.
• Reply to Reviews: Vendors can respond to reviews to address concerns or thank
users for positive feedback.

§ Vendor Ratings
• Overall Rating: Aggregate rating of the vendor based on all reviews received.
• Specific Criteria Ratings: Separate ratings for specific criteria such as
responsiveness, professionalism, and knowledge.
• Customer Testimonials: Allow customers to write detailed testimonials about their
experience with the vendor.
• Display on Vendor Profile: Display ratings and reviews on vendor profiles to build
credibility and trust.
• Review Management: Vendors can manage and showcase positive reviews and ratings
on their profile or listings.

This detailed breakdown of the Customer (Buyers/Renters) Interaction Module ensures a

comprehensive and user-friendly experience for customers, facilitating effective communication,
smooth appointment scheduling, and transparent feedback mechanisms.

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• Payment and Subscription Module

The Payment and Subscription Module is designed to handle the financial transactions between
vendors and the real estate portal, including subscription management, payment processing,
and billing.

• Subscription Plans for Vendors

This sub-section outlines the different subscription plans available for vendors, detailing the
features and limitations of each tier.

§ Different Tiers (Basic, Premium, Enterprise)

• Basic Plan
- Listing Limits: Limited number of property listings.
- Basic Support: Email support, access to knowledge base.
- Limited Features: Access to essential features like property listings, basic analytics.
• Premium Plan
- Increased Listings: Higher limit on property listings.
- Enhanced Support: Priority email and chat support.
- Advanced Features: Access to advanced features like enhanced analytics, virtual
tours, lead management tools.
- Promotional Tools: Access to marketing and promotional tools such as featured
listings, social media promotion.
• Enterprise Plan
- Unlimited Listings: No limit on property listings.
- Dedicated Support: Dedicated account manager, 24/7 support.
- All Features: Full access to all portal features including custom reports, API access,
integration with third-party tools.
- Custom Solutions: Tailored solutions based on the vendor’s needs, including custom
development options.

§ Feature Limitations Based on Plan

• Property Listings: Limit on the number of active listings.
• Analytics Access: Varying levels of access to analytics and reporting tools.
• CRM Features: Access to different CRM functionalities based on the subscription tier.
• Marketing Tools: Access to promotional and marketing tools such as email
campaigns, featured listings.
• User Accounts: Limit on the number of sub-user accounts for vendor

• Payment Gateway Integration

This sub-section ensures the secure and efficient processing of payments through multiple
payment methods.

§ Support for Multiple Payment Methods

• Credit/Debit Cards: Integration with major card providers (Visa, MasterCard, American
• Bank Transfers: Direct bank transfer options.
• E-Wallets: Support for popular e-wallets (PayPal, Stripe, Google Pay, Apple Pay).
• Local Payment Methods: Integration with region-specific payment methods to cater to
a diverse vendor base.

§ Secure Transactions
• SSL Encryption: Ensure all transactions are secured with SSL encryption.
• PCI Compliance: Adherence to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards for
handling payment information.
• Fraud Detection: Implement fraud detection and prevention measures to protect
against unauthorized transactions.
• Tokenization: Use tokenization to securely process and store payment

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• Billing and Invoices

This sub-section manages the billing process, invoice generation, and keeps a history of all

§ Automated Billing
• Recurring Billing: Set up automated recurring billing for subscription renewals.
• Prorated Billing: Handle mid-cycle changes to subscriptions with prorated billing
• Payment Reminders: Automated reminders for upcoming payments and overdue

§ Invoice Generation and History

• Invoice Generation: Generate detailed invoices for each transaction.
• Invoice Details: Include breakdown of charges, subscription details, and payment
• Customizable Templates: Customizable invoice templates with vendor branding.
• Invoice History: Maintain a history of all invoices issued.
• Download Options: Vendors can download invoices in PDF format.
• Search and Filter: Search and filter invoice history by date, amount, and status.
• Email Invoices: Option to email invoices directly to vendors.
• Payment Receipts: Generate and send payment receipts upon successful
• Receipt Details: Include transaction ID, amount paid, and date of payment.
• Automated Receipts: Automatically send receipts for recurring payments.

This detailed elaboration of the Payment and Subscription Module ensures that vendors have
clear options for their subscriptions, a secure and versatile payment process, and a robust billing
and invoicing system for managing their financial transactions with the real estate portal.

• Marketing Module
The Marketing Module is designed to help vendors enhance the visibility of their property
listings, engage with potential customers, and track the performance of their marketing efforts
through various tools and integrations.

• SEO Tools
This sub-section provides vendors with tools to optimize their property listings for search
engines, helping to increase organic traffic.

§ Meta Tags Management

• Title Tags: Customize title tags for each property listing to improve search engine
• Meta Descriptions: Add and edit meta descriptions to provide concise
summaries for search engine results.
• Keyword Optimization: Identify and integrate relevant keywords into meta tags to
enhance search visibility.
• Automated Suggestions: Receive automated suggestions for optimizing meta tags
based on current best practices.
• Dynamic Meta Tags: Generate dynamic meta tags based on property attributes (e.g.,
location, property type).

§ Sitemap Generation
• Automated Sitemap: Automatically generate an XML sitemap for all property listings.
• Manual Sitemap Updates: Option to manually update and submit sitemaps to search
• Priority Settings: Assign priority levels to different property listings within the sitemap.
• Indexing Status: Monitor the indexing status of property listings through search engines.
• Integration with Google Search Console: Direct integration with Google Search Console
for easier sitemap submission and performance tracking.

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• Social Media Integration

This sub-section focuses on leveraging social media platforms to share property listings and
track their engagement.

§ Share Listings on Social Platforms

• One-Click Sharing: Enable vendors to share property listings on major social media
platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) with a single click.
• Customizable Posts: Customize the content and images that appear when sharing
listings on social media.
• Scheduled Posts: Schedule social media posts in advance to ensure consistent
• Social Media Widgets: Add social media sharing widgets directly on property listing
pages to encourage visitors to share.
• Integration with Social Media Management Tools: Integration with tools like
Hootsuite or Buffer for streamlined social media management.

§ Track Social Media Engagement

• Engagement Metrics: Track metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and clicks for each
property listing shared on social media.
• Social Media Analytics Dashboard: A dedicated dashboard to view overall social media
• Sentiment Analysis: Analyze the sentiment of comments and mentions to gauge
public perception.
• Follower Growth: Monitor the growth of social media followers over time.
• Campaign Performance: Track the performance of social media campaigns, including
reach, impressions, and engagement rates.
• UTM Tracking: Use UTM parameters to track the effectiveness of social media posts in
driving traffic to property listings.
• Integration with Analytics Tools: Integration with analytics tools like Google Analytics
to measure the impact of social media efforts on website traffic and conversions.

This detailed elaboration of the Marketing Module ensures that vendors have comprehensive tools to
optimize their property listings for search engines, share and promote their listings on social media,
and track the effectiveness of their marketing strategies.

• Admin Module
The Admin Module is a comprehensive toolkit for administrators to manage the real estate
portal effectively. It includes features for overseeing vendor and user management, configuring
system settings, managing content, analyzing site performance, and handling financial and
invoice management.

• Vendor Management
This sub-section provides administrators with tools to manage vendor registrations and monitor
their activities.

§ Approve/Reject Vendor Registrations

• Vendor Application Review: View detailed applications submitted by vendors.
• Approval Workflow: Approve or reject vendor registrations with automated
• Verification Process: Implement additional verification steps (e.g., document upload,
background checks) before approval.
• Onboarding Assistance: Provide onboarding guides and resources for approved vendors.

§ Monitor Vendor Activities

• Activity Dashboard: Monitor vendor activities such as new property listings, updates,
and interactions with customers.
• Performance Metrics: Track performance metrics like property views, inquiries received,
and conversion rates.
• Compliance Monitoring: Ensure vendors comply with platform policies and
• Issue Management: Identify and address issues or violations with vendor activities
through warnings or penalties.

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• User Management
This sub-section allows administrators to manage all user accounts and set global permissions and

§ Manage All User Accounts

• User Directory: View and manage all registered users, including vendors, agents,
and customers.
• Account Status: Activate, deactivate, or suspend user accounts.
• Profile Editing: Edit user profiles and update information as needed.
• Access Logs: Monitor user login history and activity logs for security purposes.

§ Set Global Permissions and Roles

• Role Definitions: Define roles such as Admin, Vendor, Agent, and Customer with specific
• Permission Settings: Set and customize permissions for each role, controlling access to
different features and modules.
• Role Assignment: Assign roles to users and update their permissions as needed.
• Audit Trail: Maintain a record of changes to user roles and permissions.

• System Settings
This sub-section provides tools to configure site-wide settings and manage integrations.

§ Configure Site-Wide Settings

• General Settings: Manage site-wide settings like site name, logo, contact
information, and default language.
• Security Settings: Configure security settings including password policies, two- factor
authentication, and data encryption.
• Notification Settings: Set up email and SMS notification templates and
• Backup and Restore: Implement backup policies and restore options for site data.

§ Manage Payment Gateways and APIs

• Payment Gateway Integration: Add, configure, and manage payment gateways (e.g.,
PayPal, Stripe).
• API Management: Manage and configure third-party API integrations.
• Transaction Settings: Configure settings for transaction processing, including currency,
tax rates, and invoicing rules.

• Content Management
This sub-section allows administrators to manage content on the homepage and blog.

§ Manage Homepage Content

• Content Editor: Use a WYSIWYG editor to update homepage content, including banners,
featured properties, and announcements.
• Content Scheduling: Schedule content updates to be published at specific times.
• SEO Settings: Optimize homepage content with meta tags, keywords, and

§ Blog Management
• Create and Edit Posts: Create, edit, and delete blog posts.
• Category Management: Manage blog categories and tags for better
• Comment Moderation: Moderate comments on blog posts to prevent spam and
inappropriate content.
• Author Management: Assign and manage authors for blog posts, including guest

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• Analytics and Reporting

This sub-section provides tools to generate and view various analytics and reports.

§ Overall Site Analytics

• Traffic Reports: View reports on site traffic, including page views, unique visitors,
and bounce rates.
• User Behavior: Analyze user behavior on the site, such as average session duration
and most visited pages.
• Conversion Tracking: Track conversion rates for key actions like inquiries,
registrations, and subscriptions.

§ Revenue Reports
• Subscription Revenue: Generate reports on revenue from vendor subscriptions.
• Transaction Reports: View detailed reports on all financial transactions
processed through the site.
• Revenue Trends: Analyze revenue trends over time to identify patterns and growth

§ Vendor Performance Reports

• Listing Performance: Report on the performance of vendor listings, including views,
inquiries, and sales.
• Vendor Activity: Track and report on vendor activity levels and engagement with the
• Comparison Reports: Compare performance metrics across different vendors to identify
top performers.

• Financial Management
This sub-section manages the financial aspects of vendor subscriptions and payment processing.

§ Subscription Plans for Vendors

• Plan Management: Create and manage different subscription plans (Basic,
Premium, Enterprise) with varying features and pricing.
• Plan Upgrades/Downgrades: Allow vendors to upgrade or downgrade their plans.
• Trial Periods: Offer trial periods for new vendors to test the platform features.

§ Different Levels of Access and Features

• Feature Access: Control access to features based on subscription plans.
• Usage Limits: Set limits on usage (e.g., number of listings, CRM features) based on
the subscription tier.

§ Payment Gateway Integration

• Multiple Payment Methods: Support multiple payment methods for
subscriptions (credit/debit cards, e-wallets, bank transfers).
• Secure Payment Processing: Ensure secure processing of payments through PCI-
compliant gateways.

§ Online Payments for Subscriptions

• Recurring Payments: Set up recurring payment options for automatic
subscription renewals.
• Payment Reminders: Send automated reminders for upcoming and overdue

• Invoice Management
This sub-section handles the generation, automation, and management of invoices.

§ Automated Invoicing and Billing

• Invoice Generation: Automatically generate invoices for subscription payments and
other transactions.
• Invoice Customization: Customize invoice templates with branding, terms, and
• Invoice History: Maintain a comprehensive history of all issued invoices for reference
and auditing.
• Email Invoices: Automatically email invoices to vendors upon generation.
• Payment Receipts: Generate and send receipts for successful payments.
• Dunning Management: Implement dunning processes for handling failed
payments and overdue invoices.
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This detailed elaboration of the Admin Module ensures that administrators have the necessary
tools to manage vendors and users, configure system settings, manage content, generate
analytics and reports, handle financial transactions, and manage invoices efficiently.

• Support Module

The Support Module is designed to provide comprehensive assistance to users, ensuring their
queries and issues are resolved efficiently. It includes features for a help desk, live chat support,
and a feedback system.

• Help Desk
This sub-section provides structured support through a ticketing system and access to FAQs and
a knowledge base.

§ Ticketing System
• Ticket Creation: Users can create support tickets for issues or queries.
• Categorization: Tickets can be categorized by issue type (e.g., technical support,
billing, account management).
• Priority Levels: Assign priority levels to tickets (e.g., low, medium, high) based on the
urgency of the issue.
• Automated Acknowledgment: Send automated acknowledgment emails upon ticket
• Ticket Tracking: Users can track the status of their tickets in real-time.
• Agent Assignment: Automatically or manually assign tickets to support agents based on
expertise and workload.
• Response Templates: Use predefined response templates for common issues to ensure
consistency and speed up responses.
• SLAs: Implement Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to ensure timely resolution of
• Escalation Process: Automatic escalation of unresolved tickets based on
predefined rules.
• Ticket History: Maintain a history of all tickets for reference and auditing

§ FAQs and Knowledge Base

• Comprehensive FAQs: A searchable FAQ section covering common questions and
• Knowledge Base Articles: Detailed articles and guides on using the platform’s features.
• Step-by-Step Tutorials: Visual tutorials (videos or images) to help users navigate
the platform.
• Regular Updates: Keep FAQs and knowledge base articles updated with the latest
information and solutions.
• User Contributions: Allow users to suggest additions or edits to the knowledge base.

• Live Chat Support

This sub-section provides real-time support for users through a live chat interface.

§ Real-Time Support for Users

• Chat Interface: A user-friendly chat interface embedded in the portal for
immediate assistance.
• Agent Availability: Display agent availability status (online, offline, busy).
• Chat Bots: Implement chat bots for initial interactions and to handle common queries,
transferring to live agents if needed.
• File Sharing: Allow users and agents to share files and screenshots within the chat.
• Chat Transcripts: Users can receive chat transcripts via email for future
• Multilingual Support: Support for multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base.
• Visitor Tracking: Monitor visitor activity on the site and proactively initiate chat based on
• Queue Management: Manage chat queues and provide estimated wait times for users.
• Feedback on Chat: Collect feedback from users on their chat experience to improve
service quality.

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• Feedback System
This sub-section focuses on collecting and analyzing user feedback to improve platform performance
and user satisfaction.

§ Collect Feedback from Users

• Feedback Forms: Integrated forms for users to provide feedback on their
experience with the platform.
• Surveys: Conduct periodic surveys to gather detailed insights from users.
• Rating System: Allow users to rate their interactions with support agents and overall
platform experience.
• Feedback Widgets: Place feedback widgets at strategic points in the user journey
for real-time input.

§ Analyze and Respond to Feedback

• Feedback Analysis: Use analytical tools to categorize and analyze feedback data.
• Sentiment Analysis: Implement sentiment analysis to gauge user emotions and identify
areas for improvement.
• Feedback Reporting: Generate reports on user feedback to identify trends and recurring
• Response Management: Create a system for timely and appropriate responses to user
• Actionable Insights: Translate feedback into actionable insights for platform
enhancements and policy adjustments.
• User Follow-Up: Follow up with users who provided feedback to inform them of actions
taken and improvements made.
• Public Feedback Display: Option to display aggregated user ratings and reviews on the
platform to build trust and transparency.

This detailed elaboration of the Support Module ensures that users have access to efficient and
effective support, including structured help desk features, real-time chat assistance, and a robust
feedback system for continuous improvement.

• Additional Features
The Additional Features section encompasses various enhancements to the real estate portal,
enriching the user experience, ensuring security, and expanding functionality.

• Map Integration
This feature integrates Google Maps to provide users with visual representations of property

§ Google Maps for Property Location Visualization

• Interactive Maps: Display properties on an interactive map for easy navigation and
• Geocoding: Convert property addresses into geographic coordinates for accurate
• Street View: Enable Street View functionality for users to explore the
surrounding area of properties.
• Location-Based Search: Allow users to search for properties based on location proximity
or specific areas.

• Virtual Tour
This feature offers integration for 360-degree virtual tours, enhancing the property viewing
§ Integration for 360-Degree Views
• Immersive Experience: Provide users with immersive virtual tours of properties, allowing
them to explore every corner.
• Panoramic Views: Enable users to navigate through rooms and spaces
• Hotspot Navigation: Include hotspots within virtual tours for users to click and move to
different areas.
• Mobile Compatibility: Ensure virtual tours are compatible with mobile devices for on-
the-go viewing.

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• User Reviews and Ratings

This feature implements a property and vendor rating system, promoting transparency and trust.

§ Property and Vendor Rating System

• Rating Scale: Allow users to rate properties and vendors on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5 stars).
• Review Submission: Enable users to submit reviews along with their ratings.
• Review Moderation: Implement moderation to ensure reviews adhere to
community guidelines.
• Aggregate Ratings: Display aggregated ratings for properties and vendors to aid

• Mobile App Integration

This feature involves the development and integration of mobile apps for vendors and customers.

§ Mobile App for Vendors and Customers

• Vendor App: Provide vendors with a mobile app to manage listings,
communicate with customers, and access analytics on the go.
• Customer App: Offer customers a mobile app to search for properties, schedule viewings,
and interact with vendors.
• Cross-Platform Compatibility: Develop apps for both iOS and Android platforms to cater
to a wider audience.
• Synced Data: Ensure data sync between the web portal and mobile apps for seamless
user experience.

§ Push Notifications
• Instant Updates: Send push notifications to users for important updates such as new
property listings, appointment reminders, and messages from vendors.
• Personalized Notifications: Customize notifications based on user preferences and
• Alerts and Announcements: Notify users about promotional offers, events, or platform

• Security Features
This feature focuses on implementing robust security measures to protect user data and ensure
platform integrity.

§ Data Encryption
• SSL/TLS Encryption: Encrypt data transmitted between users and the server to prevent
• Database Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data stored in the database to protect against
unauthorized access.
• Secure Authentication: Implement secure authentication mechanisms such as hashed
passwords and multi-factor authentication.

§ Regular Backups
• Automated Backups: Schedule regular backups of the database and critical files to
prevent data loss in case of system failure or cyberattacks.
• Offsite Storage: Store backups in offsite locations for additional redundancy and disaster

§ Security Audits
• Periodic Assessments: Conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities and
weaknesses in the system.
• Penetration Testing: Perform penetration testing to simulate cyberattacks and identify
potential entry points for hackers.
• Compliance Checks: Ensure compliance with relevant data protection
regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) and industry standards.

This comprehensive set of additional features enhances the real estate portal by providing
advanced mapping capabilities, immersive property viewing experiences, transparent user
feedback mechanisms, mobile accessibility, and robust security measures.

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• Security and Compliance

The Security and Compliance section focuses on ensuring the protection of user data and
adherence to relevant regulations and standards. It encompasses measures for data security,
compliance with regulations such as GDPR, and backup and recovery protocols.

• Data Security
This sub-section outlines measures to safeguard user data from unauthorized access and ensure
secure user interactions.

§ SSL Encryption
• Secure Communication: Utilize SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption to encrypt
data transmitted between users' devices and the server.
• Data Integrity: Ensure data integrity by encrypting sensitive information such as login
credentials, personal details, and financial transactions.
• Secure Data Transfer: Encrypt data during transit to prevent interception and
eavesdropping by malicious actors.

§ Secure User Authentication

• Strong Password Policies: Enforce strong password requirements such as minimum
length, complexity, and periodic changes.
• Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Implement MFA to add an extra layer of security
by requiring users to verify their identity through multiple methods (e.g., password +
OTP, biometric authentication).
• IP Whitelisting: Allow access only from trusted IP addresses to prevent
unauthorized access to sensitive areas of the system.
• Session Management: Manage user sessions securely, including session timeouts
and token-based authentication to prevent session hijacking.

• Compliance
This sub-section ensures adherence to regulatory requirements and data privacy policies to
protect user privacy and rights.

§ GDPR Compliance
• Data Protection Principles: Adhere to GDPR principles such as lawfulness, fairness,
transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation,
integrity, and confidentiality.
• User Consent Management: Obtain explicit consent from users before
processing their personal data for specific purposes.
• Data Subject Rights: Enable users to exercise their rights under GDPR, including
the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict processing, and data portability.
• Data Breach Notification: Implement procedures to promptly notify users and relevant
authorities in case of a data breach.

§ Data Privacy Policies

• Privacy Policy Statement: Provide a clear and comprehensive privacy policy that outlines
how user data is collected, used, stored, and protected.
• Transparency: Clearly communicate to users the purposes for which their data is
collected and processed.
• User Consent: Obtain explicit consent from users before collecting and
processing their personal data.
• Data Retention: Define data retention policies specifying the duration for which user data
will be retained and the procedures for deletion or anonymization.

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• Backup and Recovery

This sub-section ensures the availability and integrity of data through regular backups and
recovery options.

§ Regular Data Backups

• Scheduled Backups: Automate regular backups of the database, files, and
configurations to prevent data loss in case of system failures, cyberattacks, or human
• Incremental Backups: Implement incremental backups to only capture changes made
since the last backup, reducing storage space and backup time.
• Offsite Storage: Store backup copies in offsite locations or cloud storage services
to protect against physical disasters and ensure redundancy.

§ Recovery Options
• Data Restoration: Develop procedures and tools for restoring data from backups
in the event of data loss or corruption.
• Testing and Validation: Regularly test backup and recovery processes to ensure they are
functioning correctly and validate the integrity of backup copies.
• Disaster Recovery Plan: Establish a comprehensive disaster recovery plan outlining steps
to be taken in the event of data loss, system downtime, or other emergencies.

This robust framework for security and compliance ensures the protection of user data, fosters
trust among users, and mitigates risks associated with data breaches and system failures. By
implementing SSL encryption, adhering to GDPR regulations, and maintaining regular backups,
the real estate portal can uphold the highest standards of security and compliance.

• Integrations
The Integrations section highlights the platform's compatibility with third-party services and the
availability of API access for seamless integration with other systems.

• Third-Party Integrations
This sub-section outlines the integration of various third-party services to enhance functionality and
user experience.

§ Payment Gateways
• Secure Transactions: Integrate with leading payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, or
Authorize.Net to facilitate secure online transactions.
• Multiple Payment Methods: Support a variety of payment methods including
credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and e-wallets to cater to diverse user preferences.
• Automated Payment Processing: Enable seamless processing of payments for
subscription plans, property purchases, and other transactions.

§ CRM Tools (if applicable)

• Streamlined Workflow: Integrate with CRM tools such as Salesforce, HubSpot, or Zoho
CRM to streamline lead management, customer interactions, and sales processes.
• Data Synchronization: Ensure seamless synchronization of customer data, leads, and
interactions between the real estate portal and CRM system for a unified view of
customer relationships.
• Task Automation: Automate tasks such as lead assignment, follow-ups, and
notifications to improve efficiency and productivity.

§ Marketing and Analytics Tools

• Data-driven Insights: Integrate with marketing and analytics tools like Google
Analytics, Facebook Pixel, or Adobe Analytics to gather valuable insights into user
behavior, campaign performance, and website traffic.
• Conversion Tracking: Track conversions, measure ROI, and optimize marketing
strategies based on real-time data and analytics.
• Targeted Campaigns: Leverage audience segmentation and retargeting
capabilities to deliver personalized marketing campaigns and improve

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• API Access
This sub-section highlights the availability of API access for seamless integration with other
systems and services.

§ API for Integration with Other Systems

• Listing Syndication: Provide an API for listing syndication to enable partners and
affiliates to access and display property listings on their platforms.
• CRM Integration: Offer APIs for CRM integration to allow synchronization of data
between the real estate portal and external CRM systems.
• Custom Integrations: Enable developers to build custom integrations with the platform
to extend functionality, automate workflows, and enhance user experience.

By integrating with third-party services such as payment gateways, CRM tools, and marketing
analytics platforms, the real estate portal can offer users a comprehensive and seamless
experience while leveraging API access to facilitate integration with extern al systems and
services, ensuring flexibility, scalability, and interoperability.


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