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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

16 Accords of Madness, v. IX Urag gro-Shub, Apocrypha
16 Accords of Madness, v. VI Nightcaller Temple, Urag gro-Shub (College of Winterhold), Apocrypha
16 Accords of Madness, v. XII Urag gro-Shub, Castle Volkihar, Apocrypha
2920, Evening Star, v12 Brinewater Grotto, Urag gro-Shub, Castle Volkihar, Angeline's Aromatics
2920, First Seed, v3 Wreck of the Brinehammer, Palace of the Kings, Urag gro-Shub
2920, Frostfall, v10 Skill Book Conjuration Belyn Hlaalu's House, Sacrificial Altar: Evergreen Woods, Sunderstone Gorge
2920, Hearth Fire, v9 Skill Book Conjuration Urag gro-Shub (Hitting the Books), Guardian Stones (altar, SW), Rimerock Burrow, The Mortar and Pestle, Bloodlet
Throne (W), The Conjurer's Altar
2920, Last Seed, v8 Skill Book Sneak Redoran's Retreat, Hag Rock Redoubt, Raldbthar, Stendarr's Beacon (miner's camp, E)
2920, MidYear, v6 Skill Book Heavy Armor Fort Dunstad, Gallows Rock, Morthal Guardhouse, Blackreach, Bonechill Passage
2920, Morning Star, v1 Skill Book One-Handed Driftshade Refuge, Lost Echo Cave, Northwatch Keep, Jorgen and Lami's House (Morthal), Robber's Gorge (Dead
2920, Rain's Hand, v4 Skill Book Restoration Falion's House, Hall of the Dead, Petra, Widow's Watch Ruins, Winterhold (cave, SE)
2920, Second Seed, v5 Skill Book Speech Sadri's Used Wares, Shriekwind Bastion, Crumbling Bastion, Sorli's house (Stonehills)
2920, Sun's Dawn, v2 Skill Book Illusion Movarth's Lair, Ansilvund Burial Chambers, Temple of Dibella, Darklight Tower, Reachcliff Cave
2920, Sun's Dusk, v11 Angeline Aromatics, Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Urag gro-Shub, Volkihar Ruins
2920, Sun's Height, v7 Urag gro-Shub, Windhelm Guard Barracks, Fort Sungard Tower, Jala's House (Solitude)
A Children's Anuad Bards College, Wreck of the Brinehammer, Fort Dunstad, Urag gro-Shub, The Warrens, Proudspire Manner

A Dance in Fire, v1 Broken Fang Cave, East Empire Company Warehouse, Fellglow Keep, Fort Greymoor, Frostmere Crypt, Ilinalta's
Deep, Bards College, Blue Palace, The Winking Skeever, Treva's Watch, Twilight Sepulcher, Windhelm Barracks,
Urag gro-Shub
A Dance in Fire, v2 Skill Book Block Fort Snowhawk, Karthspire Camp, Traitor's Post, Urag gro-Shub, Kjenstag Tomb, Stendarr's Beacon (troll lair, E)

A Dance in Fire, v3 Urag gro-Shub, Hall of the Elements, Bloodlet Throne

A Dance in Fire, v4 Fort Neugrad, Riften Jail, Urag gro-Shub, Jala's House
A Dance in Fire, v5 Urag gro-Shub, Mistveil Keep
A Dance in Fire, v6 Skill Book Speech Dainty Sload, Meeko's Shack, Debate Hall (Blackreach) Dead Man's Drink, The Conjuror's Caravan
A Dance in Fire, v7 Skill Book Speech Mzinchaleft, Angarvunde, Beggar's Row, Arnleif and Sons Trading Company
A Dream of Sovngarde High Hrothgar, Bards College, Fletcher, The Bee and Barb, Riften Stables, Sunderstone Gorge, Temple of Kynareth,
Windpeak Inn, Arcadia's Cauldron, Pawned Prawn, Drunken Huntsman, Urag gro-Shub, Dragonsreach, Temple of
A Game at Dinner Skill Book Alchemy New Gnisis Cornerclub, Honningbrew Meadery, Dead Crone Rock, Forsaken Crypt (must have Nurelion's Mixture)
A Gentleman's Guide to Whiterun Thalmor Headquarters, Loreius Farmhous, Alvor's House, The Arcanaeum, Carlotta Valentia's House, Urag gro-
Shub, Bards College, Nighgate Inn, Ysolda's House, House of Clan Battle-Born, Merryfair Farm, Abandoned Lodge

A Hypothetical Treachery Skill Book Destruction Fellglow Keep, Dawnstar (bandit camp, W), Aretino Residence, Puzzling Pillar Ruins, Mzinchaleft, High Gate Ruins,
Windward Ruins (bandit camp, NW), Volkihar Undercroft, Apocrypha
A Kiss, Sweet Mother Temple of Mara, House of Maven Black-Briar, Aretino Residence, Windhelm (Shrine of Talos), Temple of Kynareth,
Penitus Oculatus
A Letter to Selina I Letters / Notes Dragonborn Found near the skeleton of Maximian Axius in Fort Frostmoth
A Letter to Selina II Letters / Notes Dragonborn Found near the skeleton of Maximian Axius in Fort Frostmoth
A Letter to Selina III Letters / Notes Dragonborn Found near the skeleton of Maximian Axius in Fort Frostmoth
A Letter to Selina IV Letters / Notes Dragonborn Found next to the skeleton of Maximian Axius in Fort Frostmoth
A Minor Maze Dragonsreach (Court Wizard's Library), Volunruud Elder's Cairn, Bards College, Sunderstone Gorge, The Katariah,
Riftweald Manor, Urag gro-Shub, Hjerim, Mara's Eye Den
A Mysterious Note Letters / Notes Dragonborn Not found in the game
A Mysterious Note Letters / Notes Dragonborn Not found in the game
A Mysterious Note Letters / Notes Dragonborn Not found in the game
A Mysterious Note Letters / Notes Dragonborn Not found in the game
A Note Letters / Notes Dragonborn Stuck to the wall at the Ramshackle Trading Post
A Scrawled Note Letters / Notes Carried by Necromancer after killing Malyn Varen
A Tragedy in Black Skill Book Enchanting Ilinata's Deep, Eldergleam Sanctuary, Bruca's Leap Redoubt, Harmugstahl, Glenmoril Cavern, Shrine of Akatosh
A Warning Letters / Notes The Ragged Flagon
Admonition Against Ebony Journal Dragonsreach (Basement, The Whispering Door Quest)
Adonato's Book Adonato, Leotelli (Candlehearth Hall)
Adril's Survey Results Letters / Notes Dragonborn Morvayn Manor (Raven Rock), in the upstairs chamber on desk at the end of the bed

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Advances in Lockpicking Skill Book Lockpicking Bannermist Tower, Chillwind Depths, The Ragged Flagon - Cistern, Riften Sewers, Heartwood Mill (dead Redguard),
Adventurer's Journal Chillwind Depths (adventurer's campsite, E)
Aedra and Daedra Bards College, Hob's Fall Cave, Hall of the Vigilant, Stendarr's Beacon, Fort Hraggstad, High Hrothgar, Fellglow Keep
Dungeons, Temple of Kynareth, Urag gro-shub, Nightingale Hall
Aeri's Note Letters / Notes Given by Aeri
Aevar Stone-Singer Skill Book Pickpocket Dragonsreach Bandit Camp, Labyrinthian, Sightless Pit, Thonnir's House (Morthal), Darkwater Pass (barrels, SW)

Afflicted's Note Letters / Notes Bthardamz

Agrius's Journal Journal Halldir's Cairn
Ahzidal's Descent Dragonborn
Ahzirr Traajijazeri Aadvar's House, Bonechill Passage, Urag gro-Shub, Dainty Sload, Helgen Keep, Frostmere Crypt, Riverside Shack,
Uttering Hills Cave, Palace of the Kings, Meeko's Shack, House of Clan Shatter-Shield
Aicantar's Lab Journal Journal Calcelmo's Laboratory
Alchemist's Journal Journal Variant 2 Alchemist's Shack
Alchemist's Journal Journal Variant 1 Evergreen Grove (camp, N)
Alchemist's Note Letters / Notes Forelhost Refectory
Alduin is Real College of Winterhold, Lost Knife Cave, The Blue Palace, Temple of Kynareth, Jorrvaskr, Urag gro-Shub, Dragon
Bridge Lumber Camp, Dragonsreach, Castle Dour
Alethius' Notes Nchuand-Zel Excavation Site
All Employees Must Read! Letters / Notes Black-Briar Meadery
Alva's Journal Journal Alva's House
Amaund Motierre's Sealed Letter Letters / Notes Given to player in Volunruud
Amongst the Draugr Urag gro-Shub, The Winking Skeever
An Accounting of the Scrolls Urag gro-Shub
An Apology Letters / Notes Pawned Prawn
An Explorer's Guide to Skyrim Hlaalu Farm, Klimmek's House, Braidwood Inn, Loreius Farm, Understone Keep, Merryfair Farm, Nightgate Inn,
Esbern's vault, Riften Stables, Fort Neugrad, Alvor and Sigrid's House, Bards College, Blue Palace, Bryling's House,
Vittoria Vici's House, Carlotta Valentia's House, House of Clan Battle-Born, Ysolda's House, Arcadia's Cauldron,
Driftshade Refuge, Dragonsreach, Jorrvaskr Sleeping Quarters, Urag gro-Shub, Arcanaeum, Dark Brotherhood

Ancestors and the Dunmer The Blue Palace (Court Wizard's room)
Ancient Edict Letters / Notes Reachwater Rock
Anders' Message Twilight Sepulcher Inner Sanctum
Anise's Letter Letters / Notes Anise's Cabin
Annals of the Dragonguard Sleeping Giant Inn, secret basement room. Riverwood after Esbern sets it on the table during Alduin's Wall quest.

Anonymous Letter Letters / Notes Not found in the game

Antecedents of Dwemer Law Fellglow Keep, Mistwatch, Pelagia Farm, The Frozen Hearth, Dwemer Museum, Riftweald Manor, House of Clan
Gray-Mane, Urga gro-Shub, Bloodlet Throne, Clan Shatter-Shield
Arcana Restored Vittoria Vici's House, Urag gro-Shub
Argonian Account, Book I Urag gro-Shub, Bards College, Palace of the Kings, Faldar's Tooth
Argonian Account, Book II Greenspring Hollow, Urag gro-Shub
Argonian Account, Book III Bards College, Hall of the Dead, Urag gro-Shub, Bloodlet Throne
Argonian Account, Book IV Urag gro-Shub, Driftshade Refuge
Argonian Ceremony Letters / Notes Temple of Mara
Arondil's Journal, Part 1 Journal Yngvild
Arondil's Journal, Part 2 Journal Yngvild
Arondil's Journal, Part 3 Journal Yngvild
Arondil's Journal, Part 4 Journal Yngvild
Arvel's Journal Journal Bleak Falls Barrow (Arvel)
Atlas of Dragons Sky Haven Temple (post-Alduin)
Atronach Forge Manual Journal Recipes that can be used at the The Midden
Atronach Forge.
Attention Employees! Letters / Notes Black-Briar Meadery
Azura and the Box College of Winterhold, Hall of Attainment
Balmora Blue Note Letters / Notes The Red Wave
Bandit Leader's Journal Journal Robber's Gorge
Bandit's Journal Journal Variant 2 Fort Neugrad (Bandit Chief)
Bandit's Journal Journal Variant 1 Orotheim (Bandit Chief)

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Bane of the Undead Spell Tome Restoration Master Restoration Ritual Spell quest reward
Banish Daedra Spell Tome Conjuration Adept Purchase at UK, FH, CW. Find in Fort Amol Prison.
Battle of Red Mountain Skill Book Block Largashbur Cellar, Skybound Watch Pass, Kilkreath Ruins, Tovald's Crossing, Redwater Den
Battle of Sancre Tor Skill Book Two-Handed Dustman's Cairn, House of Clan Battle-Born, Broken Helm Hollow, Bleakcoast Cave
Before the Ages of Man Skill Book Illusion Angarvunde Ruins, Dragonsreach Jarl's Quarters, Reeking Cave, Shroud Hearth Barrow, Skytemple Ruins, Apocrypha

Beggar Skill Book Pickpocket Haelga's Bunkhouse, Ironback Hideout, The Ratway, Wreck of the Winter War, between Swindler's Den and
Gjukar's Monument (dead bandit), Apocrypha
Beggar Prince Arcanaeum, Fellglow Keep, Fort Amol Prison, East Empire Company Warehouse
Beware the Butcher! Letters / Notes Viola Giordano's House, Hjerim
Biography of Barenziah, v1 Brinewater Grotto, Chillfurrow Farm, Fort Amol Prison, Fort Greenwall Captain's Quarters, Fort Neugrad Prison,
The Frozen Hearth, The Ratway Warrens (Esbern's Vault)
Biography of Barenziah, v2 Arcanaeum, Nightcaller Temple, Fellglow Keep Dungeons
Biography of Barenziah, v3 Arcanaeum, Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Drelas' Cottage
Biography of the Wolf Queen Skill Book Speech The Blue Palace, Bthardamz Dwelling, Liar's Retreat, Anga's Mill Common house, Belethor's General Goods

Blizzard Spell Tome Destruction Master Purchase at CW after Destruction Ritual Spell quest
Blood Horker Orders Letters / Notes Windpeak Inn, Stig Salt-Plank (pickpocketed)
Bloodstained Letter Letters / Notes Dragonborn Hrodulf's House, in the basement, on the corpse of Bjornolfr
Bloodstained Note Letters / Notes Frostflow Abyss
Boethiah's Glory Urag gro-Shub
Boethiah's Proving Starts Quest "Boethiah's Calling" Septimus Signus' Outpost (lvl30), Abandoned House (lvl30), Hob's Fall Cave (lvl30), Fellglow Keep, Boethiah
Cultists, randomly generated (lvl24)
Bolar's Writ Letters / Notes Bloated Man's Grotto
Bone, Part I Dragonborn
Bone, Part II Dragonborn
Bonemold Formula Letters / Notes Dragonborn Castle Karstaag Caverns, on the corpse of Esmond Tyne
Bound Battleaxe Spell Tome Conjuration Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Bound Bow Spell Tome Conjuration Adept Purchase at UK, FH, CW
Bound Sword Spell Tome Conjuration Novice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK. Find in Fort Greymoor.
Bounty Letters / Notes Given by Inkeeper, Steward
Bounty (Bandit Leader) Carried by Bounty Hunters
Bounty (Dragon) Given by Innkeeper, Steward
Bounty (Forsworn Leader) Given by Innkeeper, Steward
Bounty (Giant) Given by Innkeeper, Steward
Breathing Water Skill Book Alteration Ilinalta's Deep, Kraldar's House, Snapleg Cave, Steamcrag Camp, Ysgramor's Tomb, Apocrypha
Brief History of the Empire, v1 Arcanaeum, Fellglow Keep
Brief History of the Empire, v2 Fellglow Keep Dungeons, The Winking Skeever
Brief History of the Empire, v3 Fellglow Keep Dungeons, The Winking Skeever
Brief History of the Empire, v4 Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Drelas' Cottage
Brothers of Darkness The Katariah
Butcher Journal Journal Variant 1 Calixto's House of Curiosities (requires key)
Butcher Journal #1 Journal Variant 2 Hjerim
Butcher Journal #2 Journal Variant 3 Hjerim
Call to Arms Spell Tome Illusion Master Purchase at CW after Illusion Ritual Spell quest
Calm Spell Tome Illusion Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Candlelight Spell Tome Alteration Novice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK. Found in Fort Snowhawk.
Catalogue of Armor Enchantments Skill Book Enchanting The Brinehammer Below Deck, Falion's House, Fort Amol, Steamscorch Mine, Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon
Catalogue of Weapon Enchantments Skill Book Enchanting Castle Dour, Darkwater Pass, Roadside Ruins, The White Hall, Urag gro-Shub, Apocrypha
Cats of Skyrim Arcanaeum, Fort Dawnguard
Chain Lightning Spell Tome Destruction Adept Purchase at DR, WH, CW, PK
Chance's Folly Arcanaeum, Fellglow Keep, Dragonsreach
Changed Ones Dragonborn
Charwich Koniinge Letters, v1 The Winking Skeever, Urag gro-Shub
Charwich Koniinge Letters, v2 Driftshade Refuge, Urag gro-Shub
Charwich Koniinge Letters, v3 Urag gro-Shub
Charwich Koniinge Letters, v4 Urag gro-Shub
Chaurus Pie: A Recipe Endon's House
Cherim's Heart Skill Book Smithing Broken Oar Grotto, Eldergleam Sanctuary, Morvunskar, Purewater Run, Quicksilver Mine
Children of the All-Maker Dragonborn

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Children of the Sky Brinewatter Grotto, The Ratway Warrens (Esbern's vault)
Chimarvamidium Skill Book Heavy Armor Calcelmo's Tower, Goldenrock Mine, Reachwind Eyrie, Bleakcoast Cave, Ivarstead (troll den, NE), Alftand Glacial
Ruins, Calcelmo's Laboratory, Dwemer Museum, Septimus Signus' Outpost
Chronicles of Nchuleft Dwemer Museum
Cicero's Journal - Final Volume Journal Dawnstar Sanctuary
Cicero's Journal - Volume 1 Journal Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Dawnstar Sanctuary
Cicero's Journal - Volume 2 Journal Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Dawnstar Sanctuary
Cicero's Journal - Volume 3 Journal Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Dawnstar Sanctuary
Cicero's Journal - Volume 4 Journal Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Dawnstar Sanctuary
Circle of Protection Spell Tome Restoration Expert Purchase at CW
Clairvoyance Spell Tome Illusion Novice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK. Find in Embershard Mine.
Cleansing of the Fane Urag gro-Shub*, Broken Oar Grotto, Silverdrift Lair
Close Wounds Spell Tome Restoration Adept Purchase at CW
Command Daedra Spell Tome Conjuration Expert Not available for purchase. Reward for Conjuration Ritual Spell quest.
Commander's Note Letters / Notes Fort Snowhawk, during The Battle for Fort Snowhawk[verification needed]
Complaint Letter Letters / Notes Fort Greymoor
Confessions of a Dunmer Skooma Eater Dragonborn
Confessions of a Khajiit Fur Trader Dead Drop Falls
Conjure Ash Guardian Spell Tome Conjuration Expert Purchase at Tel Mithryn from Talvas Fathryon (new to The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn)
Conjure Dremora Lord Spell Tome Conjuration Expert Purchase at CW
Conjure Familiar Spell Tome Conjuration Novice (Breton starting spell) Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Conjure Flame Atronach Spell Tome Conjuration Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK. Find in Korvanjund Crypt Craft at Atronach Forge.
Conjure Flaming Familiar Spell Tome Conjuration Adept Not available for purchase. Reward for A Scroll For Anska quest.
Conjure Frost Atronach Spell Tome Conjuration Adept Purchase at UK, FH, CW. Craft at Atronach Forge.
Conjure Storm Atronach Spell Tome Conjuration Expert Purchase at CW. Craft at Atronach Forge.
Contract Letters / Notes Carried by Hired Thugs
Cook's Journal Journal Faldar's Tooth
Corpse Note Letters / Notes On a Breton corpse in following places: Twilight Sepulcher, Dragontooth Crater, Rift Watchtower, North
Shriekwind Bastion, The Katariah, Anise's Cabin
Courage Spell Tome Illusion Novice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK. Find in Treva's Watch.
Courier's Letter Letters / Notes Radiant, on a Courier (pickpocketed)
Cultists' Orders Letters / Notes Dragonborn Carried by cultists.
Dark Brotherhood Assassin's Note Letters / Notes Carried by Assassins
Darkest Darkness Ilinalta's Deep
Daughter of the Niben Skill Book Alteration Brandy-Mug Farm, Haemar's Shame, Pale Imperial Camp, Understone Keep, Urag gro-Shub
Daynas Valen's Journal Journal Folgunthur
Daynas Valen's Notes Journal Folgunthur (Daynas Valen)
De Rerum Dirennis Skill Book Alchemy Evergreen Grove, Grave Concoctions, Sinderion's Field, The Midden Dark, Valerica's Study, Clearpine Pond

Dead Thrall Spell Tome Conjuration Master Purchase at CW after Conjuration Ritual Spell quest
Dearest Dinya Letters / Notes Dragonborn Alor House (Raven Rock), on a table in the upstairs area.
Death Blow of Abernanit Skill Book Block Dawnstar (W), Jarl's Longhouse, Northwind Mine, Reachwater Rock, Hall of the Dead (Whiterun), Apocrypha

Death of a Wanderer Thalmor Headquarters, Volkihar Keep

Deathbrand Dragonborn
Declaration of War Letters / Notes Dragonborn Found on an ash spawn during March of the Dead
Decree of Monument Journal Refugees' Rest
Detect Dead Spell Tome Alteration Expert Purchase at CW after reaching level 70 Alteration
Detect Life Spell Tome Alteration Adept Purchase at CW, MK. Reward for Infiltration quest.
Diary of Faire Agarwen Originally Called “Unknown Book, Vol. III”
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. I Ruunvald Excavation
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. II Ruunvald Excavation
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. III Ruunvald Excavation
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. IV Ruunvald Excavation
Dragon Investigation: Current Status Letters / Notes Thalmor Embassy, Elenwen's Solar
Dragon Language: Myth no More Sky Haven Temple
Dragonhide Spell Tome Alteration Master Reward for Alteration Ritual Spell quest (Level 90 Alteration)
Dread Zombie Spell Tome Conjuration Expert Purchase at CW
Dryston's Note Letters / Notes Carried by Dryston
Dunmer of Skyrim Belyn Hlaalu's House, Arcanaeum, Fellglow Keep Dungeons

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Dwarves, v1 Calcelmo, Calcelmo's Research Spot
Dwarves, v2 Calcelmo
Dwarves, v3 Calcelmo
Dwemer History and Culture Septimus Signus' Outpost
Dwemer Inquiries Vol I Arcanaeum, High Hrothgar, Pelagia Farm
Dwemer Inquiries Vol II Arcanaeum, High Hrothgar, Pelagia Farm, Fellglow Keep, Lost Knife Hideout
Dwemer Inquiries Vol III Arcanaeum, High Hrothgar
East Empire Connection Letters / Notes The Ragged Flagon - Cistern
Ebonyflesh Spell Tome Alteration Expert Purchase at CW after reaching level 70 Alteration
Effects of the Elder Scrolls Septimus Signus' Outpost, Sky Haven Temple
Eisa's Journal Journal Frostmere Crypt
Eltrys' Note Letters / Notes Given by Eltrys after witnessing Margret's murder in Markarth
Enchanter's Primer Skill Book Enchanting Carlotta Valentia's House, Fort Kastav (NNW), Honeyside, Hob's Fall Cave, Valthume (NNE)
Endrast's Journal Journal Alftand Animonculory
Epistolary Acumen Black Book Dragonborn Force, Dragonborn Dragonborn Found in Nchardak during the quest "The Path of Knowledge".
Flame, Dragonborn Frost
Equilibrium Spell Tome Alteration Novice Not available for purchase. Found in Labyrinthian Chasm.
Erj's Notes Journal Nchaund-Zel Armor (Erj)
Expedition Manifest Journal Alftand (ruined shack)
Expel Daedra Spell Tome Conjuration Expert Purchase at CW (must be level 70 Conjuration).
Eydis's Journal Dragonborn
Eyes Open Letters / Notes The Ragged Flagon - Cistern
Faded Diary Journal Tolvald's Crossing
Faendal's Fake Letter From Sven Letters / Notes Given by Sven
Faleen's Letter to Calcelmo Letters / Notes Given by Faleen
Fall From Glory Arcanaeum, Belethor's General Goods, The Ragged Flagon - Cistern
Fall of the Snow Prince Dwemer Museum, Radiant Raiment, Urag gro-Shubb, Skaal Village Great HAll
Faralda's Notes Letters / Notes The College of Winterhold
Fast Healing Spell Tome Restoration Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Father of the Niben Skill Book Archery Hunter's Rest, Kagrenzel, Twilight Sepulcher, Wreck of the Brinehammer, Autumnshade Clearing
Father's Missive Letters / Notes Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary
Fear Spell Tome Illusion Apprentice (Altmer starting spell) Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Feyfolken I Bards College, Valerica's Study
Feyfolken II Arch-Mage's Quarters (Winterhold), Valerica's Study
Feyfolken III Jarl's Longhouse (Winterhold), Valerica's Study
Filament and Filigree Black Book Secret of Arcana, Secret of Dragonborn Found in Kolbjorn Barrow during the quest "Unearthed".
Protection, Secret of Strength
Final Lesson Old Hroldan Inn
Fire and Darkness Skill Book One-Handed Dawnstar Sanctuary, Folgunthur, Moss Mother Cavern, The Ratway Warrens, Wreck of the Pride of Tel Vos,
Fire Rune Spell Tome Destruction Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Fire Storm Spell Tome Destruction Master Reward for Destruction Ritual Spell quest
Fireball Spell Tome Destruction Adept Purchase at DR, WH, CW, PK
Firebolt Spell Tome Destruction Apprentice Purchase at DR, WH, CW, PK
First Letter from EEC Letters / Notes Dragonborn On the floor near the bed in the south room of the basement in the Alor House
First Letter from Linwe Letters / Notes Niranye's House (Windhelm)
Fisherman's Journal Journal Variant 2 Ilinalta's Deep
Fisherman's Journal Journal Variant 1 Wreck of the Winter War (camp)
Five Songs of King Wulfharth Shroud Hearth Barrow, Karita, Palace of Kings, Urag gro-Shub
Flame Cloak Spell Tome Destruction Adept Purchase at DR, WH, CW, PK. Find by charred body (likely one of the missing apprentices) east of CW.
Flame Thrall Spell Tome Conjuration Master Purchase at CW after Conjuration Ritual Spell quest(must be level 90 Conjuration)
Flames Spell Tome Destruction Novice (starting spell for all) Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, CW, PK, MK. Find in Labyrinthian Chasm, Forelhost Refectory, Hag's End, Mzulft
Flight from the Thalmor Sky Haven Temple
For Shelly Letters / Notes Pilgrim's Trench
Forge, Hammer and Anvil Driftshade Refuge
Forsworn Missive Letters / Notes Deepwood Redoubt
Forsworn Note Letters / Notes Variant 2 Deepwood Vale, Hag's End
Forsworn Note Letters / Notes Variant 1 Serpent's Bluff Redoubt
Fort Neugrad Treasure Map Treasure Map Tower on top of Fort Neugrad (map)

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Fragment: On Artaeum Fellglow Keep Ritual Chamber
Frenzy Spell Tome Illusion Adept Purchase at BP, CW
Frontier, Conquest Ilinalta's Deluge, Drelas' Cottage, High Hrothgar
Frost Cloak Spell Tome Destruction Adept Purchase at DR, WH, CW, PK
Frost Rune Spell Tome Destruction Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Frost Thrall Spell Tome Conjuration Master Purchase at CW after Conjuration Ritual Spell quest
Frostbite Spell Tome Destruction Novice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK. Find in Labyrinthian Thoroughfare, Mzulft Aedrome,
Serpent's Bluff Ruins.
Frost's Identity Papers Letters / Notes Black-Briar Lodge
Fury Spell Tome Illusion Novice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK
Gaius Maro's Schedule Letters / Notes Penitus Oculatus Outpost
Galerion The Mystic Arcanaeum, Fellglow Keep, Hilgrund's Tomb (outside)
Gallus's Encoded Journal Journal Given by Karliah
Gallus's Journal Translated version of Gallus's Encoded Journal
Geirmund's Epitaph Letters / Notes Geirmund's Hall
Ghosts in the Storm Jarl's Longhouse (Falkreath)
Gissur's Note Letters / Notes Carried by Gissur
Give Me a Chance Letters / Notes The Ragged Flagon, under a barrel to the west of the exit to the Ratway Vaults. May not be obtainable[verification
Glories and Laments Temple of Dibella - Inner Sanctum, The Katariah
Glover's Letter Letters / Notes Dragonborn In the basement room of Glover Mallory's House
Gods and Worship The Katariah, Drelas' Cottage, Bloodlet Throne, Honningbrew Meadery, Farengar's library, House Gray-Mane,
House of Clan Battle-Born, Hob's Fall Cave, Bard's College, Fort Amol, Temple of Mara, Urag gro-Shub,
Chillchurrow Farm
Goldenglow Letters / Notes The Ragged Flagon - Cistern
Goldenglow Bill of Sale Letters / Notes Variant 2 Given by Gulum-EI during “Scoundrel's Folly”
Goldenglow Bill of Sale Letters / Notes Variant 1 Goldenglow Estate during “Loud and Clear”
Gorm's Letter Letters / Notes Given by Gorm
Gourmet's Writ of Passage Letters / Notes Carried by Balagog gro-Nolob
Grand Healing Spell Tome Restoration Expert Purchase at CW
Gratian's Journal Dragonborn
Gratian's Letter Letters / Notes Dragonborn Given by Crescius Caerellius at the start of the quest
Great Harbringers High Hrothgar, Jorrvaskr, Urag gro-Shub, Apocrypha
Greater Ward Spell Tome Restoration Adept Purchase at CW
Guardian Circle Spell Tome Restoration Master Purchase at CW after Restoration Ritual Spell quest
Guard's Orders Letters / Notes Abandoned Prison
Guide to Better Thieving Skill Book Pickpocket Fort Sungard Oubliette, Goldenglow Estate Sewer, Jarl's Longhouse (Falkreath), Mara's Eye Den, Thalmor Embassy
(Snowy Sabre Cat Den, NE)
Gulum-Ei's Confession Letters / Notes Brinewatter Grotto
Habd's Death Letter Letters / Notes Frostflow Abyss
Habd's Journal Journal Frostflow Lighthouse
Hajvarr's Journal Journal White River Overlook
Hallgerd's Tale Skill Book Heavy Armor Fallowstone Cave, Jorrvaskr, Mistwatch East Tower, Rift Watchtower, Alor House
Hamelyn's Journal Journal Hamelyn, Honningbrew Basement
Hand-written Note Letters / Notes Dragonborn On a Thalmor soldier outside of an abandoned lodge
Hargar's Journal Journal Dropped by Captain Hargar in Broken Oar Grotto or found on the table in his room (if he didn't have it on him).

Harmony Spell Tome Illusion Master Purchase at CW after Illusion Ritual Spell quest
Harvesting Frostbite Spider Venom Lost Knife Hideout, Fort Dawnguard, The Winking Skeever, Mistveil Keep
Hastily Scribbled Note Letters / Notes Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
Have Need of Cynric Letters / Notes Variant 2 Honningbrew Meadery
Have Need of Cynric Letters / Notes Variant 1 The Ragged Flagon- Cistern
Heal Other Spell Tome Restoration Adept Purchase at CW. Find in Shalidor's Maze.
Healing Spell Tome Restoration Novice (starting spell for all) Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Healing Hands Spell Tome Restoration Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Heavy Armor Forging Skill Book Smithing East Empire Company Warehouse, Gloombound Mine, Pinepeak Cavern, Silent Moons Camp, Whistling Mine,
Heddic's Volunruud Notes Journal Volunruud
Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim Skill Book Alchemy Arcadia's Cauldron, Boulderfall Cave, Journeyman's Nook, The Hag's Cure
Herbane's Bestiary: Automatons Urag gro-Shub, Castle Volkihar

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Herbane's Bestiary: Hagravens Mistveil Keep, Jorrvaskr, Bard's College, Urag gro-Shub, Arcanaeum, Lost Knife Hideout
Herbane's Bestiary: Ice Wraiths Arcadia's Cauldron, Mistveil Keep, Riverwood (Faendal), Honningbrew Meadery, Urag gro-Shub, Castle Dour

Hired Thug's Missive Letters / Notes Labyrinthian

History of Raven Rock, Vol. I Dragonborn
History of Raven Rock, Vol. II Dragonborn
History of Raven Rock, Vol. III Dragonborn
Holdings of Jarl Gjalund Journal Dragonsreach (Farengar's desk)
Horker Attacks Arcanaeum, Arch-Mage's Quarters (Winterhold)
Horror of Castle Xyr Skill Book Destruction Darklight Tower (WSW), Glenmoril Coven, Harmugstahl (SE), Rannveig's Fast, Stendarr's Beacon (near burning
House Redoran's Reply Letters / Notes Dragonborn Morvayn Manor (Raven Rock), in the upstairs chamber on desk at the end of the bed
Hrodulf's Journal Dragonborn
Hunter's Journal Journal Variant 1 Halldir's Cairn (camp, N)
Hunter's Journal Journal Variant 2 Tolvald's Cave (near entrance)
Hysteria Spell Tome Illusion Master Reward for Illusion Ritual Spell quest
Ice and Chitin Skill Book Light Armor Guard Tower (Markarth), Narzulbur, Shrouded Grove Cave, Snow Veil Sanctum, Windhelm (guard's room)

Ice Spike Spell Tome Destruction Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Ice Storm Spell Tome Destruction Adept Purchase at DR, WH, CW, PK
Icy Spear Spell Tome Destruction Expert Purchase at CW
Idgrod's Note Letters / Notes Given by Idgrod the Younger at Highmoon Hall
Ildari's Journal Dragonborn
Ildari's Journal, vol. I Dragonborn
Ildari's Journal, vol. II Dragonborn
Ildari's Journal, vol. III Dragonborn
Immortal Blood Lami's House, Labyrinthian, Alva's House, Bards College, Vigilants of Stendarr (pickpocket), Movarth's Lair, Smelter
Overseer's House, Urag gro-Shub, Frostflow Lighthouse, Brunwulf Free-Winter's House, Talsgar the Wanderer
Imperial Condolences Letters / Notes Ansilvund Excavation
Imperial Letter Letters / Notes Shor's Watchtower
Imperial Missive Letters / Notes Variant 2 Fort Neugrad
Imperial Missive Letters / Notes Variant 1 House of Clan Battle-Born
Imperial Report on Saarthal Arch-Mage's Quarters
Incident in Necrom Skill Book Illusion Bloodlet Throne, Fallowstone Cave, Pinemoon Cave, Shrine of Dibella, Shrine to Peryite
Incinerate Spell Tome Destruction Expert Purchase at CW
Incriminating Letter Letters / Notes Variant 1 Given by Gabriella during “Breaching Security”
Incriminating Letter Letters / Notes Variant 2 Mistveil Keep
Invisibility Spell Tome Illusion Expert Purchase at CW
Invitation to Elenwen's Reception Letters / Notes Given by Thalmor Embassy
Invocation of Azura Bards College
Ironflesh Spell Tome Alteration Adept Purchase at CW, MK after reaching level 50 Alteration
Isabelle's Letter Letters / Notes Hob's Fall Cave
Japhet's Journal Journal Japhet's Folly Towers
J'datharr's Note Letters / Notes Carried by J'datharr
Jornibret's Last Dance Skill Book Light Armor Autumnwatch Tower, Fort Neugrad, Honeystrand Cave, Korvanjund Temple, Soljund's Sinkhole
Journal Journal Variant 2 Harmugstahl
Journal Journal Variant 3 Meeko's Shack
Journal Journal Variant 1 Shrine to Peryite (pond, NW)
Journal of a Madman Letters / Notes Dragonborn Carried by a wizard
Journal of Drokt Journal Tower of Mzark
Journal of Mirtil Angoth Forgotten Vale (Originally titled Unknown Book, Vol II)
Justiciar Execution Order Letters / Notes Carried by Thalmor Justiciar
J'zhar's Journal Journal Alftand Glacial Ruins
Karan's Journal Journal Old Hroldan Inn (camp, N)
Katria's Journal Arkngthamz (Katria)
Killing - Before You're Killed Faendal's House, Bards College, Arcanaeum, Dragonsreach, Hollyfrost Farm, Urag gro-Shub, Falkreath Barracks,
Snow-Show Manor, Warmaiden's, Jorrvaskr, Mara's Eye Den, House of Clan Battle-Born
King Skill Book Two-Handed Bleakwind Bluff, Froki's Shack, The Katariah, Forelhost,
King Olaf's Verse Dead Man's Respite

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Kodlak's Journal Journal Jorrvaskr Living Quarters*
Kolb & the Dragon Bards College, The Blue Palace, Bolli's House, Braidwood Inn, Broken Tower Redoubt, Carlotta Valentia's House,
Arcanaeum, Corpselight Farm, Dragonsreach, Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Klimmek's House, Marise Aravel's House,
Markarth (flute/tree stump), Mistveil Keep, Radiant Raiment, Rorikstead, The Winking Skeever

Krag's Journal Journal Nchuand-Zel

Kyr's Bounty Letters / Notes Frostmere Crypt
Kyr's Log Journal Frostmere Crypt
Last King of the Ayleids Urag gro-Shub*, Fellglow Keep, Shimmermist Cave, Mzinchaleft Gatehouse, Robber's Gorge, Movarth's Lair,
Rebel's Cairn, Redoran's Retreat, Lost Valley Redoubt, Stony Creek Cave, Skaal Village Great Hall
Last Scabbard of Akrash Skill Book Smithing Black-Briar Lodge (SSE), Fort Sungard Muster, Gallows Rock
Legend of Krately House Skill Book Sneak Black-Briara Lodge, Halldir's Cairn, Nightgate Inn Cellar, Potema's Catacombs, Red Wave
Lesser Ward Spell Tome Restoration Novice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK. Find in Alftand Animonculory.
Letter Letters / Notes Greenwall Cave
Letter Letters / Notes Dragonborn Hrodulf's House
Letter from <enemy> Letters / Notes An Enemy's Gratitude (given by a courier)
Letter from a Friend Letters / Notes Given by a Courier
Letter from Calcelmo Given by a Courier
Letter from Christophe Letters / Notes Black-Briar Manor
Letter from Falk Firebeard Letters / Notes Delivered by Courier
Letter from Father Letters / Notes Carried by Gaius Maro
Letter from Maven Letters / Notes The Bannered Mare
Letter from Olfina Letters / Notes Carried by Jon Battle-Born
Letter from Quintus Navale Letters / Notes Delivered by Courier
Letter from Ralis Sedarys Letters / Notes Dragonborn Given by a Courier
Letter from Ralis Sedarys 2 Letters / Notes Dragonborn Given by a Courier
Letter from Ralis Sedarys 3 Letters / Notes Dragonborn Given by a Courier
Letter from Ralis Sedarys 4 Letters / Notes Dragonborn Given by a Courier
Letter from Sabjorn Letters / Notes Black-Briar Manor
Letter from Septimus Signus Letters / Notes Delivered by Courier (if under lvl15) during “Discerning the Transmundane”
Letter from Solitude Letters / Notes Dragonsreach Jarl's Quarters
Letter from the Steward Letters / Notes Aretino Residence
Letter of Credit Letters / Notes Given by Delvin Mallory during “The Silence Has Been Broken”
Letter of Inheritance Letters / Notes Delivered by Courier when an NPC you befriended dies
Letter to Beem-Ja Letters / Notes Carried by Beem-Ja
Letter to Golldir Letters / Notes Carried by Golldir
Letter to Imperial City Letters / Notes Dragonborn Fort Frostmoth, on General Falx Carius' body.
Letter to Salma Letters / Notes Carried by Salma
Letter to Usha Letters / Notes Dragonborn Atop a table next to Usha at an unmarked wooden structure north of Ashfallow Citadel (map)
Life of Uriel Septim VII The Blue Palace, Breezehome, Hilgrund's Tomb, High Hrothgar
Light Armor Forging Skill Book Smithing Cracked Tusk Keep, Embershard Mine, Lod's House, Silent Moons Camp, Dushnikh Yal (E)
Lightning Bolt Spell Tome Destruction Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Lightning Cloak Spell Tome Destruction Adept Purchase at DR, WH, CW, PK
Lightning Rune Spell Tome Destruction Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Lightning Storm Spell Tome Destruction Master Purchase at CW after Destruction Ritual Spell quest
Liminal Bridges Skill Book Conjuration Broken Tower Redoubt, Falkreath Watchtower, Shalidor's Maze, Sleeping Tree Camp
Lives of the Saints Dragonborn
Lorcalin's Orders Letters / Notes Carried by Agent Lorcalin
Lost Legends Starts Quest "Forbidden Legend" Arcanaeum, Nightcaller Temple, Geirmund's Hall, Fellglow Keep, Dragonsreach, Thalmor Embassy, Understone
Love Poem Yngvar the Singer (given)
Lu-ah's Journal Journal Ansilvund Excavation
Lusty Argonian Maid Folio Dragonborn
Lycanthropic Legends of Skyrim Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Urag gro-Shub
Lymdrenn Tenvanni's Journal Journal Wreck at the Pride of Tel Vos
Mace Etiquette Skill Book One-Handed Fort Greenwall Captain's Quarters, Orotheim, Sky Haven Temple, Uttering Hills Cave, Volunruud
Madanach's Note Letters / Notes Madanach
Magelight Spell Tome Alteration Apprentice Purchase at CW, MK after reaching level 25 Alteration
Magic from the Sky Saarthal excavation, Shroud Hearth Barrow, Urag gro-Shub, Soul Cairn
Maluril's Journal Journal Mzinchaleft

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Malyn Varen's Grimoire Journal Ilinalta's Deluge
Mani's Letter Letters / Notes Frostflow Lighthouse
Mannimarco, King of Worms Skill Book Alchemy Evergreen Grove, Haafingar Stormcloak Camp, Nightcaller Temple, Winterhold (Rundi)
Many Thanks Letters / Notes Riftweald Manor
Mara Smiles Upon You! Letters / Notes The Bee and Barb
Margret's Journal Journal Silver-Blood Inn
Markarth Home Decorating Guide Received when Vindrel Hall in Markarth is purchased
Mass Paralysis Spell Tome Alteration Master Purchase at CW after Alteration Ritual Spell (Level 90 Alteration)
Master Illusion Text Arcanaeum
Master Illusion Text Atronach Forge (The Midden)
Master Illusion Text Hall of Attainment
Master Illusion Text Hall of Countenance
Mayhem Spell Tome Illusion Master Purchase at CW after Illusion Ritual Spell quest
Medresi's Notes Journal Angarvunde (outside camp)
Merchant's Journal Journal Dragon Bridge (Redguard corpes, SE)
Merilar's Journal Dragonborn
Midden Incident Report Journal The Midden Dark
Miner's Journal Journal Lost Prospect Mine
Minorne Ruunvald Temple
Mireli's Letter to Mother Letters / Notes Dragonborn On the corpse of Mireli in Kolbjorn Barrow
Mixed Unit Tactics The Frozen Hearth, Helgen Keep, Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary, Treva's Watch, Jorrvaskr, Haemar's Cavern, The
Katariah (Hail Sithis), Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Urag gro-Shub, Castle Dour, Whiterun Jail, Chillfurrow Farm,
Alchemist's Shack, Wreck of the Brinehammer, Morwen's House
Mogrul's Orders Letters / Notes Dragonborn Carried by Mogrul's thugs
Muffle Spell Tome Illusion Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Museum Pamphlet Letters / Notes Given by Courier around lvl20
Mysterious Akavir Arcanaeum, Drelas' Cottage, Pelagia Farm, Dragonsreach Court Wizard Library, House Gray-Mane Valtheim
Towers, Eastmarch Imperial Camp (pre-Battle for Windhelm), The Frozen Hearth, Ustengrav, Lod's House,
Chillfurrow Farm
Mysterious Note (Dark Brotherhood) Handed by Courier
Mysterious Note (Delphine) Ustengrav
Mystery of Talara, Part 4 Skill Book Illusion Blind Cliff Bastion, Broken Fang Cave, Hag's End, Nepos' House, Stony Creek Cave
Mystery of Talara, v 2 Skill Book Restoration Eldergleam Sanctuary, Frostflow Lighthouse, Ragnvald Crypts, Ustengrav, Crystaldrift Cave
Mystery of Talara, v1 Fellglow Keep, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
Mystery of Talara, v3 Skill Book Destruction Birna's Oddments, Darklight Chambers, Morvunskar, Steepfall Burrow, Tolvald's Crossing
Mystery of Talara, v5 Bards College, Urag gro-Shub, Temple of Dibella
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1 Silus Vesuius' House (Dawnstar Museum)
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 2 Silus Vesuius' House (Dawnstar Museum)
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3 Silus Vesuius' House (Dawnstar Museum)
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 4 Silus Vesuius' House (Dawnstar Museum)
Myths of Sheogorath Arcanaeum, Fellglow Keep Dungeons, House of Gray-Mane, Pelagia Farm, Abandoned Prison, Lost Knife Cave, Hall
of the Dead (Whiterun), Bards College, Anga's Mill, Dragonsreach court wizard's library, Chillfurrow Farm, Ienth
Mzinchaleft Work Order Letters / Notes Mzinchaleft
Nchunak's Fire and Faith Dragonborn
Necromancer's Letter Letters / Notes Fort Snowhawk
Nepos' Journal Journal Nepos the Nose (pickpocketed)
Nerevar at Red Mountain Dragonborn
Nerevar Moon and Star Dwemer Museum
N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! Bards College, Bleak Falls Barrow, Halldir's Cairn, Hela's Folly, Morvath's Lair, Nightingale Hall*, Ragnvald Temple,
Skyborn Altar, Valtheim Towers, Orotheim, Labyrinthian
Night FAlls on Sentinel Skill Book One-Handed The Guardian Stones (Falkreath), Volunruud*, Swindler's Den*
Night of Tears Fellglow Keep Ritual Chamber
Nightingales: Fact or Fiction? The Bee and Barb, Arcanaeum, Pinewatch, The Ragged Flagon, Riftweald Manor, Jala's House, Beletho's General
Goods, Calixto's Curiosities, Nightingale Hall
No Word Yet Letters / Notes The Ragged Flagon - Cistern
Nords Arise! Urag gro-Shub, Arcanaeum, Lost Knife Hideout, Dead Man's Drink, Amren's House, Hollyfrost Farm, Riftweald
Manor, Alchemist's Shack, Elgrim's Elixirs
Nords of Skyrim Dragonreach, Faldar's Tooth, Fort Amol, Riftweald Manor, The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub
Note Letters / Notes Camp NW of Sarethi Farm

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Note Letters / Notes Forelhost Crypt
Note Letters / Notes Forelhost Refectory
Note Letters / Notes Fort Greenwall
Note Letters / Notes Mistwatch West Tower
Note Letters / Notes Unmarked Troll den NW of Ivarstead
Note from Agna Letters / Notes Hilgrund's Tomb
Note from Jaree-Ra Letters / Notes Carried by Deeja
Note from Maven Letters / Notes Black-Briar Meadery
Note from Mogrul Letters / Notes Dragonborn Carried by Mogrul's thugs.
Note to Rhorlak Letters / Notes Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary
Note to Rodulf Letters / Notes White River Watch
Note to the Authorities Letters / Notes Bleak Falls Barrow
Note to Thomas Letters / Notes Hut NW of Bonechill Passage
Notes on Dimhollow Crypt, Vol.3 Dimhollow Crypt
Notes on the Lunar Forge Journal Silent Moons Camp
Notes on Yngol Barrow Journal Yngol Barrow
Notice Letters / Notes Fort Greymoor
Notice of Cost Increase Letters / Notes The Bee and Barb
Nystrom's Journal Journal Twilight Sepulcher
Oakflesh Spell Tome Alteration Novice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK
Ode to the Tundrastriders Faendal's House, Mistveil Keep, Dragonsreach, Jorrvaskr, Bards College, Urag gro-Shub
Of Crossed Daggers Temple of Kynareth, Carlotta Valentia's House, Hlaalu Farm, Mistveil Keep, The Bee and Barb, Bards College, Urag
gro-Shub, Riften, Uttering Hills Cave
Of Fjori and Holgeir Hod and Gerdur's House, Ansilvund Burial Chambers, Bards College, Dragonsreach, House of Clan Battle-Born,
Urag gro-Shub, Arcadia's Cauldron, Clan Shatter-Shield Office, Nepos' House, White River Watch

Official Warning Letters / Notes Steamcrag Camp

Oghma Infinium Obtained through “Discerning the Transmundane”
Olaf and the Dragon Hod and Gerdur's House, Adonato (“Deliver Adonato's Book to Geraud”), Bards College, Dawnstar Barracks,
Merryfair Farm, Urag gro-Shub, Shrine of Akatosh
Old Tome Journal Lost Echo Cave
On Apocrypha: Boneless Limbs Dragonborn
On Apocrypha: Delving Pincers Dragonborn
On Apocrypha: Gnashing Blades Dragonborn
On Apocrypha: Prying Orbs Dragonborn
On Oblivion Nightcaller Temple, Mirabelle Ervine (pickpocket), The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub, Bards College
On Stepping Lightly Bards College, Urag gro-Shub
On the Great Collapse Dwemer Museum, Grave Concoctions, Ratway Warrens (Esbern's Hideout), Urag gro-Shub
Opusculus Lamae Bal Urag gro-Shub, Valerica's Study, Apocrypha,
Orders Letters / Notes Forelhost Refectory
Orsinium and the Orcs Skill Book Heavy Armor Darkshade, Dushnikh Yal, Fort Fellhammer, Lost Knife Hideout, Rockwallow Mine, Apocrypha, Fort Fellhammer
Pacify Spell Tome Illusion Expert Purchase at CW
Palla, Volume 1 Arcanaeum, Castle Dour Dungeon, Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Lost Knife Hideout, Urag gro-Shub
Palla, Volume 2 Elgrim's Elixirs, Urag gro-Shub, Saarthal, Castle Volkihar
Paralyze Spell Tome Alteration Expert Purchase at CW after reaching level 70 Alteration
Pension of the Ancestor Moth Faendal's House, Bards College, Septimus Signus' Outpost, Urag gro-Shub, Alva's House, Nepos' House,
Arcanaeum, Drelas' Cottage, Jorrvaskr
Per Your Requests Letters / Notes Mistveil Keep
Physicalities of Werewolves Carried by Vigilants of Stendarr, Half-Moon Hill, Autumnwatch Tower, carried by Silver Hand members, Hall of the
Vigilant, Gallows Rock, Stendarr's Beacon, Urag gro-Shub, Castle Volkihar
Pirate King of the Abecean Arcanaeum, Bards College, Dragonsreach, Rimerock Burrow, Twilight Sepulcher, The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub,
Proudspire Manor, Dawnstar Sanctuary, Caerellius House, Mistwatch, Riften Fishery, Riverside Shack

Possible Rivals Letters / Notes The Ragged Flagon - Cistern

Posted Notice Letters / Notes Dragonborn The Bulwark (Raven Rock), across from the jail, on a table.
Power of the Elements Given by Faralda once Destruction Skill reaches lvl100
Prisoner's Plan Letters / Notes Abandoned Prison
Private Letter Letters / Notes Lod's House
Promissory Note Letters / Notes Honningbrew Meadery

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Proper Lock Design Skill Book Lockpicking Cidhna Mine, Faldar's Tooth, Largashbur (SSE), Twilight Sepulcher, Steepfall Burrow, Howling Wolf's Folly

Purchase Agreement Letters / Notes Carried by Wujeeta

Purchase Agreement Letters / Notes Given by Bolli
Purloined Shadows Skill Book Pickpocket Prospector's Shack, Smuggler's Alcove, Nightingale Hall, Honorhall Orphanage, Bonechill Passage (hut, NW),
Duskglow Crevice, Folgunthur
Quite Pleased Letters / Notes The Scorched Hammer
Racial Phylogeny Skill Book Restoration Avanchnzel Animoncultory, Boulderfall Cave, Autumnshade Clearing, Shor's Stone, Corpselight Farm, Moorside
Inn, Urag gro-Shub, Apocrypha
Rahgot's Reply Letters / Notes Forelhost Refectory
Raise Zombie Spell Tome Conjuration Novice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK. Find in Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Fort Snowhawk, Halidir's
Ra'jirr's Note Letters / Notes Frostmere Crypt
Raleth Eldri's Notes on Kagrumez Dragonborn
Rally Spell Tome Illusion Adept Purchase at BP, CW
Ramati's Journal Journal Frostflow Lighthouse
Reality & Other Falsehoods Skill Book Alteration Bthardamz Arcanex*, Marise Aravel's House, Snow-Shod Farm, Sundered Towers, Yngvild Throne Room, Red
Eagle Redoubt
Reanimate Corpse Spell Tome Conjuration Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Red Eagle's Rite Journal Sundered Towers
Regarding Your Loss Letters / Notes Black-Briar Manor
Remanada Pinepeak Cavern, Halted Stream Camp, High Hrothgar, Urag gro-Shub, Riften Fishery, Volskygge Passages, Sky
Haven Temple
Repair Supplies Letters / Notes Temple of Dibella
Repel Lesser Undead Spell Tome Restoration Adept Purchase at CW
Repel Undead Spell Tome Restoration Expert Purchase at CW
Report: Disaster at Ionith Dragonsreach, Bards College, Urag gro-Shub, Halted Stream Camp, Nightgate Inn, Yngol Barrow, Runil (gifted),
Honeyside, Clan Shatter-Shield Office, Palace of the Kings, Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Fort Amol Prison

Reports of a Disturbance Letters / Notes Temple of Mara

Request for Help! Letters / Notes Aerin's House
Request from Letters / Notes Delivered by Courier
Requested Report Letters / Notes Bolli's House
Research Log Journal Gavros Plinius
Research Notes Journal Alftand Glacial Ruins
Response to Bero's Speech Skill Book Destruction Haemar's Cavern, Iron-Breaker Mine, Thaumaturgist's Hut, Witchmist Grove, Urag gro-Shub*
Revenant Spell Tome Conjuration Adept Purchase at UK, FH, CW
Riften Home Decorating Guide Given by Riften steward after purchasing Honeyside
Rigel's Letter Letters / Notes Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary
Rising Threat, Vol. I Honningbrew Meadery, Farengar's library in Dragonsreach, Urag gro-Shub,
Rising Threat, Vol. II Bards College, House Gray-Mane, Urag gro-Shub, House of Clan Battle-Born
Rising Threat, Vol. III Bards College, Snow-Shod Manor, The Drunken Hunstman, Urag gro-Shub
Rising Threat, Vol. IV Bards College Farengar Secret-Fire's Library in Dragonsreach, Urag gro-Shub
Rislav the Righteous Skill Book Light Armor Abandoned Prison, Bleakcoast Cave, Cracked Tusk Vaults, Fort Greymoor, Riverside Shack, Snow Veil Sanctum (N),
Lucky Lorenz's Shack (NW Fort Amol)
Rogatus' Letter Given by Rogatus Salvius
Roras' Letter Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary
Rout Spell Tome Illusion Expert Purchase at CW (must be level 60 Illusion).
Ruined Trailbook Journal Tolvald's Crossing
Ruins of Kemel-Ze Drelas' Cottage, Treva's Watch, Dragonsreach court wizard library, Breezehome, Jorrvaskr, Hab's Fall Cave, The
Katariah, Urag gro-Shub, Chillfurrow Farm
Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls Arcanaeum, Septimus Signus' Outpost
Runil's Journal Journal Radiant, found in: Bloated Man's Grotto, Brittleshin Pass, Darkshade Copse, Embershard Mine, Greywater Gorge,
Halldir's Cairn, Moss Mother Cavern, Southfringe Sanctum, Sunderstone Gorge
Sacred Witness Skill Book Sneak Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Dawnstar Sanctuary, Deepwood Redoubt, Twilight Sepulcher, Abandoned Shack

Saden's Journal Dragonborn

Saint Jiub's Opus Obtained as a reward upon completion of Impatience of a Saint
Scourge of the Gray Quarter Mistwatch, Winterhold Arch-Mage's Quarters, Riverwood, Bards College, Hollyfrost Farm, Honeyside, Urag gro-
Shub, House of Clan Battle-Born

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Scrawled Note Letters / Notes Dragonborn Bloodskal Barrow, sitting on a desk at the top of one of the exterior towers
Scrawled Page Letters / Notes Frostflow Abyss
Scribbles of a Madman Letters / Notes Dragonborn Carried by a madman
Second Letter from EEC Letters / Notes Dragonborn On the floor next to the bed in the south room of the basement in the Alor House
Second Letter from Linwe Letters / Notes Niranye's House
Servos' Journal Dragonborn
Shadowmarks The Ragged Flagon - Cistern, Arcanaeum
Shalidor's Insights Radiant quest, given by Urag gro-Shub
Shavari's Note Letters / Notes Carried by Shavari
Shezarr and the Divines Saarthal, Urag gro-Shub, The Winking Skeever
Shipment's Arrived Letters / Notes The Ragged Flagon
Shipment's Ready Letters / Notes Riften Warehouse
Shopping List Letters / Notes Riftweald Manor
Short History of Morrowind Mistveil Keep, Urag gro-Shub
Sibbi Black-Briar Letters / Notes Mistveil Keep
Sild's Journal Journal Rannveig's Fast
Sinderion's Field Journal Journal Starts Quest "A Return To Your Sinderion's Field Laboratory
Sithis Skill Book Alteration Cradle Stone Tower, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Dawnstar Sanctuary, Nchuand-Zel, Wreck of the Brinehammer

Skorm Snow-Strider's Journal Journal Forelhost Stronghold

Skyrim's Rule Urag gro-Shub
Small Note Letters / Notes Radiant, found on dead bandit surrounded by pit wolves
Smuggler's Journal Journal Mara's Eye Den
Smugglers' Note Letters / Notes Bandit Camp SW Whitewatch Tower
Soldier's Request Letters / Notes Fort Greymoor
Solitude Home Decorating Guide Given by Solitude steward after purchasing Proudspire Manor
Sondas' Note Given by Sondas Drenim at Darkwater Crossing
Song of Hrormir Skill Book Two-Handed Abandoned Prison, Jala's House, Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Mauhulakh's Cellar, Yngol Barrow
Song of the Alchemists Skill Book Alchemy Anise's Cabin, Bards College, Apocrypha
Song of the Askelde Men Arcanaeum, Haemar's Cavern, Bloodlet Throne, High Hrothgar, Windpeak Inn, Urag gro-Shub, Jorrvaskr, Riftweald
Songs of Skyrim Bards College, Saarthal, Urag gro-Shub, Autumnwatch Tower, Braidwood Inn, Pelagia Farm
Songs of Skyrim: Revised Pelagia Farm, Bards College
Songs of the Return, Vol 19 The Arcanaeum, High Hrothgar, House Gray-Mane, Bards College, Riverwood Trader, Dragonsreach court wizard
library, Evette San's House, Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Urag gro-Shub
Songs of the Return, Vol 2 Riverwood, Bards College, Jorrvaskr, Dragonsreach court wizard library, Volunruud, Urag gro-Shub, The
Arcanaeum, Loreius Farmhouse, High Hrothgar
Songs of the Return, Vol 24 Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Riverwood Trader, Dragonsreach Court Wizard Library, Evette San's House, Urag gro-
Shub, Bards College
Songs of the Return, Vol 56 High Hrothgar, Loreius Farmhouse, Pelagia Farm, Bards College, Temple of the Divines (Solitude), House of Clan
Battle-Born, Urag gro-Shub, Palace of the Kings
Songs of the Return, Vol 7 High Hrothgar, Loreius Farmhouse, Nightingale Hall, Riverwood Trader, Arcadia's Cauldron, Farengar Secret-Fire's
Library, House of Clan Battle-Born
Soul Trap Spell Tome Conjuration Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK. Craft at Atronach Forge.
Souls, Black and White Hall of Attainment, Urag gro-Shub, Movarth's Lair, Wreck of the Brinehammer, Stony Creek Cave, College of
Winterhold, Valtheim Towers (rare)
Sovngarde: A Reexamination The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub, Riften Jail
Sparks Spell Tome Destruction Novice (Dunmer starting spell) Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Spider Experiment Notes Dragonborn
Spirit of Nirn The Winking Skeever, The Arcanaeum, Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Haemar's Shame, High Hrothgar, Radiant
Raiment, Hall of the Dead, Bards College, Arngeir, The Katariah, Bloodlet Throne
Spirit of the Daedra Rorik's Manor, Urag gro-Shub
Staubin's Diary Journal Nchuand-Zel Control
Steadfast Ward Spell Tome Restoration Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK. Find in Labyrinthian.
Stoneflesh Spell Tome Alteration Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Storm Thrall Spell Tome Conjuration Master Purchase at CW after Conjuration Ritual Spell quest
Stormcloak Missive Letters / Notes Fort Neugrad
Stormcloak Missive Letters / Notes Fort Snowhawk
Stromm's Diary Journal Nchuand-Zel Quarters

12 of 20
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Sudi's Journal Journal Frostflow Lighthouse
Sulla's Journal Journal Alftand Glacial Ruins
Surfeit of Thieves Skill Book Lockpicking Mistveil Keep Jarl's Chambers, Pelagius Wing, Potema's Catacombs*, Volskygge, Wreck of the Winter War

Suvaris Atheron's Logbook Journal Clan Shatter-Shield's Office

Sven's Fake Letter from Faendal Letters / Notes Given by Sven
Tattered Journal Journal Variant 1 Embershard Mine
Tattered Journal Journal Variant 2 Tolvald's Cave
Tattered Note Letters / Notes Shalidor's Maze
Telekinesis Spell Tome Alteration Adept Purchase at CW, MK
Thalmor Dossier: Delphine Journal Thalmor Embassy, Elenwen's Solar
Thalmor Dossier: Esbern Journal Thalmor Embassy, Dungeon
Thalmor Dossier: Ulfric Stormcloak Journal Thalmor Embassy, Elenwen's Solar
Thalmor Orders Letters / Notes Thalmor Soldier corpse SW of The Guardian Stones
The “Madmen” of the Reach The Arcanaeum, Hall of Attainment, Fort Amol, Pelagia Farm, Rimerock burrow, Urag gro-Shub, Deepwood Redoubt

The Adabal-a Urag gro-Shub, The Karariah, Thalmor Embassy (Elenwen's Solar)
The Aetherium Wars Starts Quest "Lost to the Ages" Dawnguard Castle Dour Dungeon, Castle Volkihar Undercroft, Dragonsreach, Fallglow Keep, Fort Dawnguard, Fort Snowhawk,
Hall of the Vigilant, Ilinalta's Deep, Rannveig's Fast, Redwater Den, Ruunvald TEmple, Thalmor Embassy, Calcelmo's
Dwemer Museum, Katria, Bards College, Palace of the Kings, Hob's Fall Cave

The Alduin/Akatosh Dichotomy High Hrothgar, Bards College, Farengar's Library, Temple of Kynareth, Urag gro-Shub
The Amulet of Kings Ilinalta's Deep, Fort Amol Prison, Arch-Mage's Quarters (College of Winterhold), Riftweald Manor, Bards College

The Anticipations Dragonborn Wreck of the Strident Squall, Apocrypha

The Apprentice's Assistant The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Corpselight Farm, Urag gro-Shub
The Arcturian Heresy The Frozen Hearth, Farengar's library, House Gray-Mane, Karita (pickpocketed), Bards College, Riftweald Manor,
Fort Neugrad, Urag gro-Shub, Chillfurrow Farm, House of Clan Battle-Born, Pelagia Farm, Fort Amol Prison,
Cracked Tusk Keep
The Armorer's Challenge Skill Book Smithing Bilegulch Mine, Mor Khazgur, The Scorched Hammer, The Skyforge, Tower of Mzark
The Art of War Magic Skill Book Destruction Southfringe Sanctum (Bashnag)*, Bthardamz, Fallowstone Cave, Ravenscar Hollow, The White Hall, Apocrypha

The Axe Man Dragonborn The Bulwark, Tel Mithryn, Ienth Farm, Alor House, Glover Mallory's House, Severin Manor, Bloodskal Barrow

The Battle of Red Mountain Kilkreath Ruins, Boulderfall Cave (Bandit's House, SW), Skybound Watch Pass, Tolvald's Crossing (caravan),
Largashbur Cellar, Redwater Den
The Bear of Markarth Fellglow Keep, Bloodlet Throne, Farengar's Library, Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Hob's Fall Cave, Urag gro-Shub, Bards
College, House of Clan Battle-Born
The Beginner's Guide to Homesteading Carpenter's Workbench next to homestead
The Betrayed Reward from Urag gro-Shub after completing the quest “Ancient Falmer Tomes”
The Black Arrow, v1 Bards College, Sunderstone Gorge, Shrine to Peryite, Fort Fellhammer, Urag gro-Shub, The Winking Skeever,
Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Lost Knife Hideout
The Black Arrow, v2 Skill Book Archery Valtheim Towers, The Drunken Huntsman, Brood Cavern, Helgen Keep, Robber's Gorge
The Black Arts on Trial Skill Book Illusion Falkreath Jail, Fallen Tree Bridge, SE of Morthal (Black Arts Burial Ground), The White Phial, Urag gro-Shub*

The Book of Daedra The Arcanaeum, Hall of Attainment, Nightcaller Temple, Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Fort Amol, House of Clan Battle-
The Book of Fate Calixto's House of Curiosities
The Book of Life and Service Soul Cairn
The Book of the Dragonborn The Arcanaeum, Helgen Keep, Sky Haven Temple, Sleeping Giant Inn, Urag gro-Shub
The Buying Game Skill Book Speech Bards College, Dead Men's Respite, East Empire Company Warehouse, Falkreath Stormcloak Camp, Shrine to
Peryite, Ambushed Khajiit Caravan (S of Orphan Rock)
The Cabin in the Woods Lost Knife Hideout, Honorhall Orphanage, House Gray-Mane, Farengar's Library, Windpeak Inn, Unmarked cabin
near Bonechill Passage, Vittoria Vici's House, Lakeview Manor, House of Clan Battle-Born

The Cake and the Diamond The Arcanaeum, Pinewatch Bandit Sanctuary, Radiant Raiment, Bloodlet Throne, Halted Stream Camp,
Honningbrew Meadery, Bards College, Proudspire Manor, Chillfurrow Farm, House of Clan Battle-Born, Palace of
the Kings
The City of Stone The Arcanaeum, Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Fellglow Keep, Bards College, Pawned Prawn, Dawnstar Jail, Merryfair

13 of 20
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

The Code of Malacath The Winking Skeever, Cracked Tusk Keep, Bards College, Rift Watchtower, Orc mines
The Doors of Oblivion Skill Book Conjuration Fellglow Keep, Hall of the Dead (Falkreath), Ilinalta's Deluge, Reachcliff Cave
The Doors of the Spirit Dragonborn Raven Rock Temple, Tel Mithryn
The Dowry Urag Gro-Shub, Mistveil Keep
The Dragon Break High Hrothgar
The Dragon War High Hrothgar, Ratway Warrens (Esbern's Hideout), Urag gro-Shub
The Dreamstride Nightcaller Temple
The Exodus Skill Book Restoration Forelhost Crypt, Frozen Hearth Cellar, Hob's Fall Cave, Stendarr's Beacon, N Apprentice Stone
The Falmer: A Study Dwemer Museum, Urag gro-Shub, The Frozen Hearth
The Firmament Arcadia's Cauldron, House of Clan Battle-Born, Hob's Fall Cave, Cragwallow Slope, Pinewatch, Fort Amol, Broken
Tower Redoubt, Drelas' Cottage Urag gro-Shub, Cracked Tusk Keep, Tel Mithryn Steward's House

The Firsthold Revolt Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Drelas' Cottage, Fort Amol Prison, Jorrvaskr, Honningbrew Meadery
The Five Far Stars Dragonborn Raven Rock Temple, The Bulwark, Abandoned Building (Raven Rock), Morvayn Manor, Severin Manor
The Four Totems of Volskygge Volskygge
The Gold Ribbon of Merit Skill Book Archery Fletcher, Fort Hraggstad, Hunter Camp SE Autumnshade Clearing, Angi's Camp
The Great War Sleeping Giant Inn, High Hrothgar, Dragonsreach, Honningbrew Meadery, House Gray-Mane, House of Clan Battle-
Born, Uragr gro-Shub
The Guardian and the Traitor Dragonborn Seekers in Apocrypha, Greathall (Skaal Village)
The Hidden Twilight Black Book Mora's Agony, Mora's Boon, Mora's Found in Tel Mithryn, next to the Staff Enchanter.
The Holds of Skyrim The Arcanaeum, Thane Bryling's House, Dragonsreach, Amren's House, Urag gro-Shub
The Hope of the Redoran Drelas' Cottage, Ilinalta's Deluge, High Hrothgar, Lost Knife Hideout, Pelagia Farm, House Gray-Man, Riftweald
Manor, Temple of Kynareth, Bards College, Valthume, The Katariah, House of Clan Battle-Born, Honningbrew
Meadery, Tel Mithryn Steward's House
The House of Troubles Dragonborn Glover Mallory's House, Raven Rock Temple, Alor House, Morvayn Manor, Caerellius House, The Bulwark, Severin
Manor, Tel Mithryn
The Importance of Where Skill Book One-Handed Dragonborn Brina's House, Chillfurrow Farm, Gallows Rock, Markarth Guard Tower, Winterhold Shrine of Talos (W)
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 19 Dragonborn
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 20 Dragonborn
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 21 Dragonborn
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 22 Dragonborn
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 23 Dragonborn
The Keepers of the Razor Journal Obtained during the Daedric quest “Pieces of the Past”
The Knights of the Nine Skill Book Heavy Armor Guldun Rock Cave, Hall of the Vigilant, Mauhulakh's Longhouse, Palace of the Kings, The Tower Stone
The Last King of the Ayleids Fellglow Keep Ritual Chamber, Shimmermist Cave, Mzinchaleft, Robber's Gorge, Movarth's Lair, Rebel's Cairn,
Redoran's Retreat, Lost Valley Redoubt, Stony Creek Cave
The Legend of Red Eagle Starts Quest "Find Red Eagle's Abandoned Prison, The Arcanaeum, Silver-Blood Inn, Mistveil Keep, Riftweald Manor, Riverside Shack, Frostflow
sword" Lighthouse, Lost Knife Cave, Dragonsreach, Fellglow Keep Dungeons, The Katariah, Sundered Towers, Falkreath
Jarl's Longhouse, Understone Keep, Angelines Aromatics, Deepwood Redoubt, Wreck of the Brinehammer,
Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary, Honningbrew Meadery, Hag's End, Faldar's Tooth, Palace of the Kings, Anga's Mill

The Legendary Sancre Tor Skill Book Two-Handed Ysgramor's Tomb*, Steamcrag Camp, Robber's Gorge, Falkreath Barracks, Northwatch Keep, Broken Tower
Redoubt, Cragswallow Slope
The Legendary Scourge Urag gro-Shub, Steepfall Barrow, Shadowgreen Cavern, Volunruud*, Stony Creek Cave, High Gate Ruins, Hrolduf's
The Locked Room Skill Book Lockpicking Alftand Animonculory, The Apprentice Stone (Flooded Mound, NW), Cronvangr Cave, Highmoon Hall, Honeystrand
The Lunar Lorkhan Skill Book Alteration Faldar's Tooth, Solitude Lighthouse, Mzulft, Cragswallow Camp, Pinewatch
The Lusty Argonian Maid, v1 Abandoned Prison, Benkongerike, Driftshade Refuge, Fort Dawnguard, Haelga's Bunkhouse, Hrodulf's House,
Riftweald Manor, Winterhold Jarl's Longhouse, Mercer Frey's House
The Lusty Argonian Maid, v2 Honningbrew Meadery, Haelga's Bunkhouse, Urag gro-Shub, Baldor Iron-Shaper's House, Benkongerike, Highmoon
Hall, Hrodulf's House, Kolbjorn Barrow, Volkihar Keep
The Madness of Pelagius Urag gro-Shub, Proventus Avenicci's quarters in Dragonsreach
The Marksmanship Lesson Skill Book Archery Cliffside Retreat, Dawnstar Sanctuary, Faldar's Tooth, Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Mixwater Mill
The Mirror Skill Book Block Broken Tower Redoubt, Forsaken Cave, The Palace of the Kings
The Monomyth Fellglow Keep Dungeons, High Hrothgar, Urag gro- Shub
The Night Mother's Truth Korvanjund, Urag gro-Shub, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Falkreath Jarl's Longhouse
The Nightingales Vol. 1 Nightingale Hall
The Nightingales Vol. 2 Nightingale Hall

14 of 20
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

The Nirnroot Missive Received after completing the quest “A Return To Your Roots”
The Oblivion Crisis Helgen Keep, Fort Snowhawk, The Bard's College, Dragonsreach, High Hrothgar, Hob's Fall Cave, College of
Winterhold, The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub
The Old Ways Fort Kastav Captain's Quarters, Urag gro-Shub, Movarth's Lair*, Uttering Hills Cave, Nightingale Hall
The Pig Children Carried by Grelod, Bards College, Urag gro-Shub, Hall of the Dead, Nightingale Hall
The Poison Song, Book I Dragonborn Bloodskal Barrow, Tel Mithryn, Raven, Ienth Farm, Alor House, Morvayn Manor
The Poison Song, Book II Dragonborn Ienth Farm, Alor House, Morvayn Manor, Glover Mallory's House
The Poison Song, Book III Dragonborn Raven Rock Mine, Ienth Farm, Alor House
The Poison Song, Book IV Dragonborn Abandoned Building (Raven Rock), Alor House
The Poison Song, Book V Dragonborn Alor House
The Poison Song, Book VI Dragonborn Ienth Farm, Alor House, Carried by Seekers in Apocrypha
The Poison Song, Book VII Dragonborn Alor House
The Posting of the Hunt Urag gro-Shub
The Ransom of Zerek Mistwatch East Tower, Rimerock Burrow, Halted Stream Camp, Urag gro-Shub, Arcanaeum
The Real Barenziah, Book I Breezehome, Tolvald's Cave, The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub, Chillfurrow Farm, House of Clan Battle-Born, Ienth
Farm, Drelas' Cottage, Lost Knife Hideout
The Real Barenziah, Book II Valthume, Radiant Raiment, Arcadia's Cauldron, Honningbrew Meadery, Tolvald's Cave, The Katariah, Urag gro-
Shub, Ienth Farm
The Real Barenziah, Book III Radiant Raiment, Arcadia's Cauldron, Honningbrew Meadery, Farengar Secret-Fire's Library, Tolvald's Cave, The
Katariah, Urag gro-Shub, Drelas' Cottage, Fellglow Keep
The Real Barenziah, Book IV Haemar's Cavern, Honningbrew Meadery, Tolvald's Cave, The Blue Palace, The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub,
Chillfurrow Farm, Nightingale Hall
The Real Barenziah, Book V Honningbrew Meadery, House Gray-Mane, Tolvald's Cave, The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub, Jorrvaskr, House of Clan
Battle-Born, Lost Knife Hideout, Mistwatch
The Rear Guard Skill Book Light Armor Castle Dour, Driftshade Cellar, Druadach Redoubt Cave, Largashbur, Shadowgreen Cavern, Apocrypha, Avanchnzel

The Reclamations Dragonborn Raven Rock Temple, The Retching Netch, Caerellius' House
The Red Book of Riddles Nightgate Inn (carried by Fultheim), Urag gro-Shub
The Red Kitchen Reader Skill Book Sneak Frostmere Crypt, New Gnisis Cornerclub, Nightingale Hall, Pinewatch, Riftweald Manor
The Red Year, Vol I Raven Rock Temple, The Retching Netch, Ienth Farm, Alor House, Glover Mallory's House, Morvayn Manor, The
Bulwark, Severin Manor
The Red Year, Vol II Raven Rock Temple, The Retching Netch, Morvayn Manor, Severing Manor
The Red Year, Vol. I Dragonborn
The Red Year, Vol. II Dragonborn
The Refugees Skill Book Light Armor Blind Cliff Cave, Solitude Blacksmith, Wolfskull Ruins, South Cold Rock Pass, Drelas' Cottage
The Rise and Fall of the Blades The Arcanaeum, High Hrothgar, Sleeping Giant Inn (basement), Ratway Warrens
The Sallow Regent Black Book Seeker of Might, Seeker of Shadows, Dragonborn Found in White Ridge Barrow
Seeker of Sorcery
The Seed Dwemer Museum, Urag gro-Shub, Bards College, Homestead double bed (Hearthfire)
The Song of Pelinal, Book v1 The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub, Temple of Kynareth, Temple of Mara
The Song of Pelinal, Book v2 Urag gro-Shub, Temple of Kynareth, Bards College, Temple of Mara, Bloodlet Throne, Palace of the Kings
The Song of Pelinal, Book v3 The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub, Bards College, Temple of Mara, Skaal Village
The Song of Pelinal, Book v4 Urag gro-Shub, Temple of Kynareth, Bards College, Temple of Mara
The Song of Pelinal, Book v5 Urag gro-Shub, Temple of Mara
The Song of Pelinal, Book v6 Urag gro-Shub, Temple of Mara
The Song of Pelinal, Book v7 Urag gro-Shub, Valtheim Towers, Temple of Mara
The Song of Pelinal, Book v8 The Katariah, Urag gro-Shub, Temple of Mara
The Sultry Argonian Bard, v1 Dead Drop Mine
The Tale of Dro'Zira Dengeir's House, Temple of Dibella, Bloodskal Barrow, Urag gro-Shub
The Talos Mistake Nightcaller Temple, Fellglow Keep, Thalmor Embassy, Fort Amol, Dragonsreach, Valthume, Fort Greenwall, Urag
The Third Door Vindrell Hall, Urag gro-Shub
The Third Era Timeline Honningbrew Meadery, Bards College, Dragonsreach, The Drunken Huntsman, Urag gro-Shub, Tel Mithryn, Nepos'
House, Pelagia Farm
The Totems of Hircine Jorrvaskr
The True Nature of Orcs Largashbur, Narzulbur, Rift Watchtower, Urag gro-Shub, Burguk's Longhouse
The True Noble's Code Dragonborn Tel Mithryn, Ienth Farm, Morvayn Manor, Caerellius House
The Ulen Matter Letters / Notes Dragonborn In the Severin family safe in the basement of Severin Manor
The Warmth of Mara Letters / Notes Given by Dinya Balu during the related quest

15 of 20
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

The Warrior's Charge Skill Book Conjuration Brittleshin Pass, Pinepeak Cavern, Southfringe Sanctum, Stillborn Cave, Understone Keep, The Headless Skeleton,
Fort Amol
The Waters of Oblivion Yngvild, Urag gro-Shub, Hag's End
The Wild Elves Bards College, Hob's Fall Cave, Dead Man's Respite, Cronvangr Bloodlair, Arcanaeum
The Windhelm Letters The Arcanaeum, Dragonsreach, Angeline's Aromatics, Bards College, Blacksmith Quarters, The Blue Palace,
Braidwood Inn, Erikur's House, Hlaalu Farm, Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Moorside Inn, Nightgate Inn, Vittoria Vici's
House, Cragwallow Slope
The Winds of Change Black Book Companion's Insight, Lover's Insight, Dragonborn Found in Bloodskal Barrow, during the quest "The Final Descent".
Scholar's Insight
The Wispmother The Arcanaeum, Arch-Mage's Quarters, High Hrothgar, Lost Knife Hideout, Fort Dawnguard, Jorrvaskr,
Dragonsreach, Hob's Fall Cave
The Wolf Queen, v1 Skill Book Lockpicking Broken Fang Cave, Cragslane Cavern, Dawnstar Jail, Duskglow Crevice, Urag gro-Shub
The Wolf Queen, v2 Mistwatch East Tower, Sadri's Used Wares, Urag gro-Shub, Proudspire Manor, Faldar's Tooth
The Wolf Queen, v3 Radiant Raiment, Hall of the Dead (Solitude), Uttering Hills Cave Hideout, Urag gro-Shub, Windelm Barracks,
Faldar's Tooth
The Wolf Queen, v4 Urag gro-Shub, Erikur's House, Palace of the Kings
The Wolf Queen, v5 Reachcliff Cave, Urag gro-Shub, Uttering Hills Cave, Bards College, Clan Shatter-Shield Office, Bloodlet Throne, Fort
Amol Prison, Viola Giordano's House
The Wolf Queen, v6 Dragonsreach, The Ratway Warrens, Esbern's hideout (Ratway Warrens), Urag gro-Shub
The Wolf Queen, v7 Radiant Raiment, Urag gro-Shub, Mistwatch East Tower, Bards College, Fort amol Prison, The Blue Palace, Fellglow
Keep Dungeons
The Wolf Queen, v8 Proudspire Manor, Fellglow Keep, Urag gro-Shub
The Woodcutter's Wife Pelagia Farm, Dragonsreach, House of Clan Battle-Born, Bards College, Loreius Farm, Honorhall Orphanage, Hag's
End, Urag gro-Shub, Alva's House, Merryfair Farm
There Be Dragons Sleeping Giant Inn, Urag gro-Shub
Thief Skill Book Pickpocket Swindler's Den, Bleak Falls Temple, Argonian Assemblage, Silverdrift Lair, Alchemist's Shack
Thief of Virtue Bannered Mare, Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Pelagia Farm, The Pelagius Wing, Wreck of the Brinehammer, House of
Clan Battle-Bron, Bards College, Honeyside, Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary, Cracked Tusk Keep, Proudspire Manor,
Ragged Flagon - Cistern, Urag gro-Shub
Thief's Last Words Letters / Notes Irkngthand Slave Pens
Things to Do Letters / Notes Riften Fishery
Third Letter from EEC Letters / Notes Dragonborn On the floor near the bed in the south room of the basement in the Alor House
Thirsk, a Revised History Dragonborn Apocrypha, Chapter IV
Thonar's Journal Journal Carried by Thonar Silver-Blood
Three Thieves Skill Book Sneak Angi's Camp, Honningbrew Meadery Basement*, Shor's Watchtower, Snow Veil Catacombs*
Thunderbolt Spell Tome Destruction Expert Purchase at CW
Timely Offer Letters / Notes The Ragged Flagon
To a Concerned Citizen Letters / Notes Pawned Prawn
To Be Read Immediately! Black-Briar Meadery
To Milore from Nilara Letters / Notes Dragonborn Ienth Farm (Raven Rock), main floor, on a table to the right of the cooking pot.
To the Brotherhood Letters / Notes Black-Briar Manor (basement)
To the Owner Letters / Notes Riftweald Manor
Torkild's Letter to Wulf Letters / Notes Dragonborn Carried by Torkild
Torn Note Letters / Notes Chillwind Depths (Firir)
Torn Note Letters / Notes Dragonborn On the body of a dead adventurer in Gyldenhul Barrow
Touching the Sky Originally titled Unknown Book, Vol. IV, translated by Calcelmo
Tova's Farewell Letters / Notes House of Clan Shatter-Shield if Nilsine Shatter-Shield died during “Mourning Never Comes”
Training Chests Letters / Notes The Ragged Flagon - Cistern
Transmute Mineral Ore Spell Tome Alteration Adept Purchase at CW after reaching level 50 Alteration. Found in Ansilvund Burial Chambers, Halted Stream Camp.

Trap Dragonborn Bloodskal Barrow, Ashfallow Citadel

Treasure Hunter's Note Letters / Notes Carried by Treasure Hunters
Treasure Map I Treasure Map Unmarked Bandit camp just south of The Guardian Stones (map)
Treasure Map II Treasure Map Journeyman's Nook (map)
Treasure Map III Treasure Map Riverside Shack (map)
Treasure Map IV Treasure Map Inside Redoran's Retreat
Treasure Map IX Treasure Map On Lucky Lorenz's corpse, just across the White River from the Abandoned Prison, underneath the rubble of his
crushed house (map)
Treasure Map V Treasure Map Angi's Camp (map)

16 of 20
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Treasure Map VI Treasure Map South-southeast of Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon and west of Stonehill Bluff on the corpse of a female Bosmer found
alone on top of a mountain (map)
Treasure Map VII Treasure Map Traitor's Post (map)
Treasure Map VIII Treasure Map Southeast of Bleakcoast Cave on Dead Hunter (map)
Treasure Map X Treasure Map Inside Stony Creek Cave
Treatise on Ayleidic Cities The White Hall, Urag gro-Shub
Trials of St. Alessia Nightcaller Temple, Lost Knife Hideout, Fort Snowhawk, Riftweald Manor, Urag gro-Shub
Troll Slaying The Arcanaeum, Mistveil Keep, Bards College, Dragonsreach, Urag gro-Shub, Angeline's Aromatics, House of Clan
Battle-Born, Tel Mithryn Steward's House
Turn Greater Undead Spell Tome Restoration Expert Purchase at CW
Turn Lesser Undead Spell Tome Restoration Apprentice Purchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK
Turn Undead Spell Tome Restoration Adept Purchase at CW
Twin Secrets Skill Book Enchanting Calcelmo's Laboratory, Winterhold Jarl's Longhouse, Serpent's Bluff Ruins, Shrine of Stendarr (S of Swindler's Den),
Treva's Watch
Ulfr's Book Journal White River Watch
Ulyn's Journal Dragonborn
Umana's Journal Journal Alftand Glacial Ruins
Uncommon Taste Bryling's House, Erikur's House, Windhelm Barracks, carried by Balbus, Palace of the Kings, Belethor's General
Goods, Understone Keep, Riftweald Manor, Dragonsreach, Narzulbur, The Bards College, Urag gro-Shub,
Cronvangr Cave, Faldar's Tooth, Mara's Eye Den, Thalmor Embassy
Uncommon Taste - Signed Given by Festus Krex during the related quest
Unknown Book, Vol. I Forgotten Vale
Unknown Book, Vol. II Forgotten Vale Overlook (N, right, in a chest before a waterfall)
Unknown Book, Vol. III Forgotten Vale, near the Glacial Crevice
Unknown Book, Vol. IV Forgotten Vale, through the Falmer village
Unsent Afflicted Letter Journal Removed from the game.
Until Next Time Letters / Notes Haelga's Bunkhouse
Untold Legends Black Book Bardic Knowledge, Black Market, Dragonborn Found in Benkongerike, after the word wall.
Secret Servant
Urag's Note Letters / Notes Given by Urag gro-Shub during “Fetch me that Book!”
Vald's Debt Letters / Notes Given by Maven Black-Briar during the quest “The Pursuit”
Valerica's Journal Valerica's Study (Castle Volkihar)
Valmir's Orders Letters / Notes Captain Valmir (pickpocket)
Varieties of Daedra Urag gro-Shub, Vigilants of Stendarr
Varieties of Faith in the Empire Dragonborn Ashfallow Citadel, Tel Mithryn Steward's House
Velehk Sain's Treasure Map Treasure Map Given to you by Velehk Sain
Venarus Vulpin's Journal Redwater Den
Venarus Vulpin's Research Redwater Den
Vernaccus and Bourlor Skill Book Archery Clearspring Tarn Froki's Shack, Graywinter Watch, Kinfepoint Ridge, The Treasury House (Markarth), Honningbrew
Meadery, Dragonsreach Jarl's Quarters, Temple of Kynareth, Bards College, Bloodlet Throne, House of Clan Battle-
Born, Urag gro-Shub, Skaal Village
Volk's Journal Outside Ruunvald
Wabbajack The Arcanaeum, Lost Knife Hideout, Ustengrav, Morvunskar, Honningbrew Meadery, Arcadia's Cauldron, Alvor and
Sigrid's House, Dragonsreach, Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Pawned Prawn, Merryfair Farm, Urag gro-Shub

Waking Dreams Black Book Skill tree reset in exchange for one Dragonborn Found in the Temple of Miraak during the main questline.
dragon soul.
Walking the World, Vol XI Nightcaller Temple, Nightgate Inn, Bards College, Dragonsreach, House Gray-Mane, Harmugstahl, Urag gro-Shub,
Alchemist's Shack, Jorrvaskr, The Frozen Hearth
Wall of Flames Spell Tome Destruction Expert Purchase at CW. Find in Skuldafn.
Wall of Frost Spell Tome Destruction Expert Purchase at CW
Wall of Storms Spell Tome Destruction Expert Purchase at CW
War of the First Council Dwemer Museum, Duskglow Crevice, Darkwater Pass, Valtheim Towers, Kagrenzel, Druadach Redoubt Cave,
Orotheim, Mara's Eye Pond, Urag gro-Shub
Warning Letters / Notes Pinewatch
Warrior Skill Book Block Driftshade Refuge, Fort Kastav Captain's Quarters, Haafingar Stormcloak Camp, North Skybound Watch, Silent Ruin
Watcher of Stones Dragonsreach, Temple of Kynareth, Jorrvaskr, Bards College, Urag gro-Shub
Watchtower Guard's Letter Letters / Notes Shor's Watchtower
Waterbreathing Spell Tome Alteration Adept Purchase at CW, MK after reaching level 50 Alteration

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Books and Notes

X Book Title in Inventory Type Description 1 Description 2 DLC Location(s)

Weylin's Note Letters / Notes The Warrens
Where were you when the Dragon Broke Dragonborn Fahlbtharz, in a Riekling tent
Whiterun Home Decorating Guide Acquired from Proventus Avenicci when Breezehome is purchased
Wind and Sand Dragonborn Radiant, part of the quest “Wind and Sand”
Windhelm Home Decorating Guide Given by the Steward when purchasing Hjerim
Withershins Skill Book Restoration Arcwind Point, Gloomreach Cavern, Harmughstahl, Temple of Kynareth, Valthume
Words and Philosophy Skill Book Two-Handed Geirmund's Hall, Lost Knife Cave, Mistveil Keep Barracks, Shrine of Talos west of Saarthal, Silverdrift Lair,
Apocrypha (Winds of Change)
Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi The Frozen Hearth, Autumnwatch Tower, Urag gro-Shub
Words of the Wind Dragonborn Fethis Alor, Tel Mithryn, Alor House, Morvayn Manor, Severin Manor
Wraith's Wedding Dowry Urag gro-Shub, Angarvunde Catacombs, Brinewater Grotto
Writ of Execution: <player> Letters / Notes Dragonborn Carried by Morag Tong Assassins.
Writ of Sealing Letters / Notes Folgunthur
Writ of Sealing Letters / Notes Geirmund's Hall
Writ of Sealing Letters / Notes Saarthal
Wyndelius's Journal Journal Carried by Wyndelius Gatharian
Yellow Book of Riddles The Arcanaeum, Fellglow Keep, Palace of the Kings Barracks, Narzulbur, Serpent's Bluff Ruin, Bards College, Urag
gro-Shub, Snow-Shod Manor, Dainty Sload, Bloodlet Throne, Uthgerd the Unbroken's House, Proudspire Manor

Yngol and the Sea-Ghosts Angeline's Aromatics, The Arcanaeum, College of Winterhold Arch-Mage's Quarters, Drelas' Cottage, High
Hrothgar, Chillfurrow Farm, Yngol Barrow, Dragonsreach
Ysolda's Message Letters / Notes Sleeping Tree Cave (Ulag)

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The following abbreviations may be used in the "Location(s)" column:

UK Understone Keep
FH Falion's House
DR Dragonsreach
WH The White Hall
FH The Frozen Hearth
RT Riverwood Trader
BP The Blue Palace
CW The College of Winterhold
PK Palace of the Kings
MK Mistveil Keep
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