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In continuation to the Marfa Salinity monitoring in the Pumping catchment our Team has identified one
manhole MH10 where the conductivity has been recorded above 235000 micro siemens/cm which
would be one of the contributions to increase the overall conductivity of the plant reception influent.

Google Earth Map showing Pumping station locations

Google map showing suspected manholes MH10 & MAMH ‐15
Drawings As built drawings
Sketch showing the arrangements of manholes and Conductivity
Readings Measured Asset Asset Id Coordination Conductivity Value (micro

Type Siemens/cm)
Longitude Latitude Zone
1 Manhole MH10 750968.05 m E 2664168.49 m N 39R 295000

2 Manhole MAMH15 751006.72 m E 2664152.81 m N 39R 276000

Brief of Our Findings
From the above sketch having understood very high conductivity has been recorded at the manhole
MH10 and it receives the inflow from Marfa Pumping station MPS3, MPS8 and collective flow from
catchments MR5 and MR‐6 through MAMH‐15. The Manholes MAMH‐15 & MH‐10 were connected by
DN200 GRP pipe which is passing under the road.

We have initiated our action to identify the source of infiltration just by installing the inflatable stopper
at two ports inside manhole MAMH ‐15 to isolate the sewage water from MR5 & 6 Catchments and it
was expected no flow in the pipe line connecting MH10 & MAMH‐10.

But noticed flow present in the pipeline which is measured very high conductivity of 250000 mS/cm and
the reason might be dislocation of pipe joints under the road or rupture due to soil settlement which
permits ground water entry into our assets causing these issues and moreover the asset is 20 years old.

The photographic reports showing our activities can be referred below.

Pneumatic Plug Insertion in Suspected Manhole

Electrical Conductivity reading recorded as 235000 mS/cm at MH10
In Marfa pumping station catchment presently infiltration study through CCTV monitoring by ILF
( O‐14787 ) is under progress and we also supporting to the contractor as required and the above
finding can be shared through projects division and it is required to expedite the rectification activity at
the earliest to bring the conductivity of the plant influent within the limits to avoid the deterioration of
treatment plant equipment and often process upsets.

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