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Vicerrectorado de Docencia

Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Educational Management

Theme n.°8

What Does Evaluation Mean in Education

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

7.1 Curriculum evaluation 3
7.1.1. Curriculum assessment as a process 4
7.2 Assessment and accreditation 4
7.3 Evaluation functions 5
7.4 Tools for the evaluation process 6
Complementary Resources 7
References 8
Self-evaluation 10

Theme n.° 7: What Does Evaluation Mean in Education

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

7.1. Curriculum evaluation

The curriculum represents the manifestation of the educational project

conceived by the members of a nation with the purpose of promoting the progress
and socialization of the new generations, as well as of all its citizens in general. This
document reflects, to a greater or lesser extent, the country's educational intentions,
providing guidelines on how to carry out these goals and verify their achievement
effectively (Ministry of Education, 2024).

The Prioritized Curriculum issued in 2021 by the Ministry of Education focuses

on communication, mathematics, digital and socio-emotional skills. This curriculum,
divided into sub-levels, is applicable in face-to-face, blended or distance learning
modalities, with the aim of reinforcing these competencies. The curricular guidelines
aim to meet the needs of the educational context, with literacy skills being the most
important. Additionally, mathematical skills that stimulate logical and rational
thinking, necessary for decision-making, will be promoted (Ministry of Education,

Finally, the essential socio-emotional competencies for the understanding,

expression and proper regulation of human emotions will be highlighted. All this will
contribute to the comprehensive development of students, improving their ability to
deal with various daily situations and strengthening the continuity of learning, as well
as the quality of education in the country.

To learn more about the current curriculum at each of the educational levels,
you can visit the following link:

If you want to learn more about the National Intercultural Bilingual

Curriculums, you can visit the following link:

Theme n.° 7: What Does Evaluation Mean in Education

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

7.1.1. Curriculum assessment as a process

Curricular evaluation will be a dynamic process that begins with a diagnosis,

the formulation of the design, as well as its implementation and the review of the
results achieved (Guamán-Guaya et al., 2024). In the curricular evaluation, the
different contexts in which it was implemented must be considered to carry out
analyses and improvements (OIE, 2015).

Curricular evaluation will be a dynamic process that begins with a diagnosis,

the formulation of the design, as well as its implementation and the review of the
results achieved (Guamán-Guaya et al., 2024). In the curricular evaluation, the
different contexts in which it was implemented must be considered to carry out
analyses and improvements (OIE, 2015):

1. The community must legitimize the evaluation processes.

2. It must provide opportunities for educational improvement.
3. It must have a rigorous methodology.
4. It should be holistic and emphasize good training practices.
5. It must collect contextual and qualitative information by configuring quantitative
6. The results should be documented and socialized.

7.2. Assessment and acreditation

Accreditation is in the academic-administrative field, while evaluation and

qualification are strictly framed in the academic field, indicating the type and level of
learning achieved (Fernández, 2017). Evaluation involves an assessment that
focuses on quality, while rating allows for quantification and relates to quantity. When
making an assessment, various subjective elements must be considered, such as
opinions, feelings, and perceptions. Measurement, on the other hand, refers
exclusively to observed and quantified elements. Therefore, it is feasible to carry out

Theme n.° 7: What Does Evaluation Mean in Education

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

evaluation and accreditation processes without the need to assign grades (Sanahuja
& Sánchez-Tarazaga, 2018).

Contextually, evaluation can be summative or formative. With the first, the

student is certified through numerical qualifications that respond to curricular
knowledge to certify or accredit it. Although it is not the most suitable and
pedagogical, it can offer important data to implement educational plans and projects
at a micro-curricular level, thanks to the knowledge and skills acquired by the
student, at least quantitatively (OIE, 2015). Therefore, it must manifest the following
characteristics (Ministry of Education, 2023):

1) Integral: it must cover beyond the assessment of knowledge, considering other

relevant aspects.
2) Flexible: it must be adjusted to adapt to the population variables present in the
National Education System.
3) Contextualized: it must be in tune with the diverse realities that students face.
4) Dynamic: must explore multiple levels of understanding through the
implementation of various assessment instruments.

7.3. Evaluation Functions

The evaluation must go through a transformation process in order to avoid

resorting to traditionalist methods that prevent the teacher from improving their
teaching practice (Guamán-Guaya et al., 2022). Therefore, this evaluation, by
becoming a source of learning and aligning with the curriculum, resources, training
and support for teachers, planning, among other elements, will allow achieving
substantial improvements both at a macro level in the educational system and at
micro level in institutional curricula (OIE, 2015).

In the following Chart 1, the research by Guamán-Guaya et al. (2022) presents

the perspectives that evaluation presents as part of an integral learning process.

Theme n.° 7: What Does Evaluation Mean in Education

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Chart 1

Assessment for learning, as learning and of learning

Summative Formative
Learning For learning As learning
-Grades. -Authentic, dynamic, and -It is a formative evaluation: it
-Performed by the continuous. implies co-evaluation and self-
teacher. -Critical. evaluation.
-Totalizing: reflects the -Involves teachers and Self-assessment and co-
proportion of learning students. assessment recognize the
achievements attained It promotes socio-affective student as the main agent of
in a grade, course, development. every teaching and learning
quarter, or unit of work. -In addition to what the student process, making him/her the
-It is a bridge to learning if knows how to do (ZDP), it architect of his/her own
numerical values are used considers what he/she can do. learning.
for formative purposes. -Work is done on mistakes. -The educational actors,
-It is oriented in the processes together, define and discuss
to know how to do and to do it. the criteria, objectives and
-It helps the teacher to rectify evaluate learning.
and adjust his methodology, -Problems are identified to
allowing the student to foresee measures to guide and
progress, reflect and improve. improve it.
-It develops skills to -It originates a mediating
realistically evaluate their own action.
performance. -It develops metacognition or
the ability to learn how to
learn, preparing him/her to
learn autonomously.
-Develops attitudes and beliefs
about the student's ability to
take charge of learning.
-Student feels empowered to
achieve new learning
-The student, by making
decisions about his learning
based on agreements with
others, faces a process of
cooperative learning.

7.4. Tools for the Evaluation Process

The instruments used for the evaluation will allow the teacher to compile the
various pedagogical processes. In Chapter 6, several tools for evaluation were

Theme n.° 7: What Does Evaluation Mean in Education

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

analyzed and complemented by those proposed in the following Chart 2 (Calatayud,


Chart 2

Tools for evaluation

writings -Carpet or -Case studies -Portfolio

dossier -Test -Poster
-Control (exam) -Examination -Project
-Notebook -Virtual forum -Objective test
-Questionnaire -Memorial -Diagnostic test
-Reflective -Monograph -Written work
diary, class -Report
orals -Communication -Exhibition -Lecture
-Oral -Group -Class question
questionnaire Discussion -Oral
-Discussion, -Round table presentation
group dialogue
practical -Supervisad -Demonstración, -Role playing
practice performance o
-Documentary and production analysis (review of personal
The student
and group work).
body does not
-Direct observation of the students, the group and
systematically, analysis of audio and video recordings.
Techniques -Self-evaluation (through self-reflection and/or
The student documentary analysis).
body -Peer evaluation (by means of documentary analysis)
participates -Shared or collaborative evaluation (through an individual
or group interview).
-Teacher's diary -Estimation scale - Self-
-Comparison - Observation assessment
scale sheet sheets
-Verbal or -Checklist -Peer evaluation
numerical scale -Decision sheets
Instruments -Descriptive scale matrices -Expert report
or rubric -Individual or Self-evaluation
group follow-up report
sheets -Self-

Complementary Resorces

• Video about the Ecuadorian Curriculum

Theme n.° 7: What Does Evaluation Mean in Education

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

• Curricular grid about the curriculum

• Prioritized curriculum by levels

• National Intercultural Bilingual Curricula

• Good practices in educational evaluation


Alfageme-González, B., Miralles, P., & Monteagudo, J. (2015). Cómo evalúa el

profesorado de Geografía e Historia de Enseñanza Secundaria. Revista
Complutense de Educación, 26(3), 571-589.

Calatayud, M. A. (2014). Evaluación de la práctica docente y calidad educativa: una

relación encadenada. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 65(1), 1-12.

Theme n.° 7: What Does Evaluation Mean in Education

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Fernández, S. (2017). Evaluación y aprendizaje. MarcoELE: Revista de Didáctica

Español Lengua Extranjera, 1-43. Obtenido de

Guamán, B. N., Calatayud, A. y Sánchez, P. (2022). Criterios propuestos para

seleccionar metodologías de enseñanza en Ecuador a partir del análisis de
grupos focales con docentes de bachillerato. Profesorado. Revista de
Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, 26(3), 526-

Guamán, B. N., Calatayud, A. y Sánchez, P. (2022). Las metodologías de

enseñanza en la etapa de Bachillerato en Ecuador [Tesis de doctorado,
Universitat de València]. RODERIC.

Guamán Guaya, B., Calatayud Salom, M. A., & Sánchez Delgado, P. (2024). El reto
de las metodologías de enseñanza del profesorado de bachillerato
ecuatoriano como factor de éxito escolar. Revista Educación, 48(1).

Ministerio de Educación. (2024). Malla Curricular. Quito: Ministerio de Educación.

Obtenidos de

Ministerio de Educación. (2024). Currículo Priorizado por Niveles. Quito: Ministerio

de Educación. Obtenidos de

OIE. (2015). Evaluación del aprendizaje del estudiante y el currículo: problemas y

consecuencias para la política, el diseño y la aplicación. UNESCO. Obtenido

Sanahuja, A., & Sánchez-Tarazaga, L. (2018). La competencia evaluativa de los

docentes: formación, dominio y puesta en práctica en el aula. Revista

Theme n.° 7: What Does Evaluation Mean in Education

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Iberoamericana de Educación, 76(2), 95-116.

Theme n.° 7: What Does Evaluation Mean in Education


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