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Vicerrectorado de Docencia

Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Educational Management

Theme n.° 6

Educational Strategies and Techniques

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

6.1. Methods, techniques and procedures 3
6.2. Didactic Resources 6
Complementary Resources 7
References 8
Self-evaluation 9

Theme n.° 6: Educational Strategies and Techniques

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

6.1. Methods, techniques and procedures

First, it is essential to recognize that education in the country experiences

constant changes, and the teaching strategies adopted by Ecuadorian educators
must adapt to social, technological, and cultural transformations. This implies that
they will face one of the most significant challenges in their professional work: the
need to stay updated and familiar with new pedagogical methodologies that promote
meaningful learning and the development of essential skills for the 21st century,
such as critical thinking. creativity and collaboration.

The Organic Law of Intercultural Education (2011) establishes that seeing the
student body as the central axis of educational processes leads teachers to
consider, when selecting a teaching methodology, not only aspects such as
socioeconomic and cultural realities, but also the implementation and promotion of
inclusive approaches as an integral part of quality education. Therefore, an emerging
proposal in Ecuadorian education is to overcome the mere repetition of information,
allowing students to build concepts through their own reasoning through
methodologies focused on their learning process.

The objective is to guarantee the academic success of students and align

teaching with sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which focuses on “ensuring
equitable and quality education to promote learning opportunities and for young
people to acquire the necessary skill throughout life” (UNESCO, 2015, p. 25).

The studies conducted by Sivarajah et al. (2019) and Andrews et al. (2019)
reveal that teaching can be classified into two clearly defined perspectives, which
emerged at the end of the 19th century with the movement of the New School. The
first perspective focuses on pedagogical traditionalism, where teachers are
considered the central point of educational processes. In contrast, the second
perspective is based on a constructive approach, where the student body occupies
the main role in the learning process. To provide better understanding of these

Theme n.° 6: Educational Strategies and Techniques

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

teaching models, Chart 1 compiles some of the most representative characteristics

that can guide teachers in an initial analysis of their teaching practice.

Chart 1

Characteristics of teaching models

Teacher: center of process Student: main actor of the process

Conception of teaching and performance of the teacher in the classroom
- Teacher: source of information and - Teacher: provides information so that the
knowledge. student interacts and reflects based on
- The essential: knowledge of the subject. their knowledge.
- It is important to transmit information. - Facilitates the construction of knowledge.
- Teacher: central axis of all teaching - Teaching considers the student's learning
processes. contexts or ecologies.
- Open, flexible and didactic teaching.
Teaching Methodology
- The use of the expository methodology or - Use of active methodologies
master lesson is the only means to reach (Cooperative Learning, Projects, Cases)
the student. in order to enhance student learning.
- Unilateral and non-participatory - Promotes the use of methodologies that
interactions are carried out. allow interdisciplinary and inclusive
- The student copies and memorizes. knowledge.
- Student ideas are not considered to - The use of the methodology will lead you
make improvements. to build a participatory and active culture.
- Leave aside critical reasoning and - Encourages learning to be and do.
argumentation. - The use of cooperative and teamwork
- Answer tests and complete activities prevails.
from the textbook. - Develop projects, solve problems or
- Does not allow the intervention of other cases and present results for academic
specialists in the academic area. purposes.
- Proposes activities and solution paths as - Allows the student to develop their
a result. knowledge in social contexts.
- Qualification: exam. - Assessment: formative.
- Evaluation for accreditation or to ensure - Allows the student to solve cases or
curricular development. problems from their experience and/or
- The results of the evaluation are not from the content analyzed in class.
considered to reorganize teaching - The students share their conclusions and
planning. results with the educational community.
- Little feedback to improve learning. - Provides feedback on the processes
developed to ensure improvement.
Source: Guamán-Guaya et al. (2024).

Theme n.° 6: Educational Strategies and Techniques

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Therefore, based on the definitions proposed by different researchers, it is

understood that teaching methods, methodologies, or techniques “are the various
paths or forms that guide the teaching process with a systematic order and coherent
with the contents, competencies and objectives of learning that the student must
acquire to achieve learning” (Guamán-Guaya et al., 2022). Below, in Figure 1, an
image is presented that can guide the manager in the educational process. In
addition, in the following link you can find 13 teaching methodologies with their
respective application process, advantages and disadvantages and involvement with
the different learning theories: https://uespe-

Figure 1

Methodologies for the teaching-learning process

Theme n.° 6: Educational Strategies and Techniques

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

6.2. Didactic Resources

In the educational field, the teaching process is closely linked to learning, and
both require specific actions that result from the interaction between teaching
strategies and educational resources. These resources play directive, mediating and
motivating roles in the classroom, guiding the student towards solving problems
through the information they offer.

The adaptation of educational resources according to the academic needs

and the teacher's approach makes it possible to create flexible and original learning
environments in the classroom. Knowing their functions implies mastering them and
considering them as pedagogical support, highlighting the importance of adapting
them to the educational context, number of students, academic level, among other
aspects (Hernández et al., 2020).

Below, in Figure 2, various teaching resources that can be used in the

teaching and learning process are presented.

Figure 2

Didactic resources for the teaching and learning process

Theme n.° 6: Educational Strategies and Techniques

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

In summary, educational resources are support tools for the teaching

methodology and must be carefully planned and organized for their efficient use in
the classroom. It is important to keep in mind that not all educational centers and
students, especially in the Ecuadorian context, have the necessary physical or digital

Assessment, like education, faces new challenges in serving a global,

diverse, multicultural, and technological society. Its importance has grown
significantly, becoming an essential competence for teachers at all educational levels
(OIE, 2015). International organizations such as the OECD, PISA and the World
Bank recognize this role, highlighting that evaluation not only implies knowing how to
grade, but also understanding how to carry out evaluations and apply them with
operational tools adapted to teaching methodologies.

From a pedagogical perspective, evaluation has two objectives: one

summative and the other formative. The first certifies the student's progress through
numerical grades that indicate their performance in relation to the curriculum,
whether to certify, accredit or select them. Although summative evaluation may not
be the most pedagogical, its usefulness is highlighted to strengthen the quality and
management of educational programs by collecting data on the level of knowledge
and skills acquired by the student, at least quantitatively. The effectiveness of the
summative evaluation will depend on the strategic use made of this data (OIE,

Complementary Resources

• Video on methods, techniques and activity

• Video on What is a teaching resource?

Theme n.° 6: Educational Strategies and Techniques

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

• Video on Evaluation in education


Andrews, T., Auerbacch, A. y Grant, E. (2019). Exploring the Relationship between

Teacher Knowledge and Active-Learning Implementation in Large College
Biology Courses. [Explorando la relación entre el conocimiento del profesor y
la implementación del aprendizaje activo en los grandes cursos de biología
universitarios]. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 18(4), 1-17.
Gargallo, B., Morera, I., Iborra, S., Climent, M. J., Navalón, S. y García, E. (2014).
Metodología centrada en el aprendizaje. Su impacto en las estrategias de
aprendizaje y en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios.
Revista Española dePedagogía, (259), 415-435.
Guamán-Guaya, B., Calatayud Salom, M. A., & Sánchez-Delgado, P. (2022). Criterios
propuestos para seleccionar metodologías de enseñanza en ecuador a partir
del análisis de grupos focales con docentes de bachillerato. Profesorado,
Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 26(3), 526–546.
Guamán-Guaya, B., Calatayud-Salom, M. A. y Sánchez-Delgado, P. (2024). El
reto de las metodologías de enseñanza del profesorado de bachillerato

Theme n.° 6: Educational Strategies and Techniques

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

ecuatoriano como factor de éxito escolar. Revista Educación, 48(1).

Hernández Jaime, J., Jiménez Galán, Y. I., & Rodríguez Flores, E. (2020). Más allá
de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje tradicionales: construcción de un
recurso didáctico digital. Revista Iberoamericada para la investigación y el
Desarrollo Educativo (RIDE), 10(20), 1-27. https://10.23913/ride.v10i20.622

OIE. (2015). Evaluación del aprendizaje del estudiante y el currículo: problemas y

consecuencias para la política, el diseño y la aplicación. UNESCO. Obtenido

Sivarajah, R. T., Curci, N. E., Johnson, E. M., Lam, D. L., Lee, J. T. y Richardson, M.
L. (2019). A review of innovative teaching methods. [Una revisión de los
métodos pedagógicos innovadores].Academic radiology,26(1), 101-113
UNESCO. (2015). Informe de la Educación para Todos en el Mundo. Enseñanza y
aprendizaje: lograr la calidad para todos.ázquez-

Theme n.° 6: Educational Strategies and Techniques


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