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1. What is NOT a way to make mechanical writing practice more meaningful?

A. Writing words in the correct order

B. Delayed copying

C. Copying sentences from the board

D. Match words with pictures

2. What should teachers do to correct a written work by an elementary student?

A. Cross the mistakes and write the correct answers.

B. Underline the whole phrases containing the mistakes, then write the error

C. Only underline the phrases containing the mistakes

D. Only write the error symbols

3. To be able to write, what do we DON’T need?

A. A message

B. A message receiver

C. A comprehensible pronunciation

D. The ability to join letters, words and sentences to communicate a message

4. What should a teacher do in teaching writing?

A. Teach writing after the other 3 skills have been mastered

B. Introduce consonants first

C. Only teach printing letter style

D. Teach letters with similar shapes together.

5. Which is NOT a meaningful writing activity?

A. Re-ordering words
B. Dictation
C. Gap-filling
D. Correcting the facts

6. What is the basic procedure for correcting simple written work in class?

A. The teacher corrects all the work themselves

B. Students correct their own work without any guidance

C. The teacher writes the correct answers on the board and students correct their
own work

D. The teacher collects all the work and corrects it at home

7. What is the main purpose of pre-writing activities?

A. To teach grammar

B. To check listening comprehension

C. To generate ideas and plan the writing

D. To correct mistakes in writing

8. Which of the following is NOT a common sub-skill of writing that is taught at the
primary level?

A. Forming letters and words

B. Writing short texts of a few words or sentences

C. Copying models

D. Writing longer texts such as letters or compositions

9. Which of the following is an example of a controlled writing activity?

A. Writing a story

B. Writing a letter to a friend

C. Gap-filling

D. Writing a poem
10. Which of the following is a common writing activity for secondary level learners?

A. Copying models

B. Writing short texts of a few words or sentences

C. Writing research papers

D. Writing letters to pen pals

11. Which type of writing activity involves copying letters, letter combinations, words,
and simple sentences?

a. Guided writing

b. Free writing

c. Controlled writing

d. Meaningful writing

12. In the context of guided writing, what is suggested to make the transition from
controlled to freer paragraph writing easier for students?

a. Giving a short text as a model

b.Correcting every mistake in detail

c.Avoiding any writing until advanced levels

d. Ignoring the writing process

13. What is mentioned as one of the roles of teachers in writing tasks?


b. Policeman


14. How can a teacher guide paragraph writing based on a text?

a. By providing a model text and asking students to copy it.

b. By giving a short text as a model and asking students to make changes.

c. By assigning random topics for students to write about.

d. By correcting all errors in the students' writing.

15. What are the stages of a forty-five-minute writing lesson ?

a. Pre-task, while-task, post-task

b. Pre-task, while-writing, post-writing

c. Pre-writing, while-writing, post-writing

d. Pre-writing while writing- post-task

16. What is the main difference between primary and secondary level writing skills?

A) Primary level focuses on forming letters and words, secondary level focuses on
writing longer texts.

B) Primary level focuses on copying models, secondary level focuses on

communicating a message.

C) Primary level focuses on accuracy, secondary level focuses on creativity.

D) Primary level focuses on grammar, secondary level focuses on listening and


17. What is the benefit of encouraging learners to use the writing process in the

A) It helps them to be creative and to develop their message.

B) It helps them to complete gaps in sentences with the correct word.

C) It helps them to write one-word answers to reading comprehension questions.

D) It helps them to check their grammar and spelling.

18. Why is it a good idea to give writing tasks that can easily be corrected in class?

A) Because it saves the teacher’s time and energy.

B) Because it helps the students to learn from their mistakes and peers.

C) Because it makes the writing tasks more fun and engaging.

D) Because it reduces the need for accuracy and creativity in writing.

19. What is the main purpose of giving students exercises that require them to think
and add something of their own?

A) To make them more confident and independent writers.

B) To make them more accurate and grammatical writers.

C) To make them more creative and original writers.

D) To make them more interested and motivated writers.

20. What is the main benefit of giving students a short text to read and study before
writing a similar paragraph?
A) It helps them to improve their reading comprehension skills.
B) It helps them to model their writing after a good example.
C) It helps them to avoid plagiarism and copying.
D) It helps them to express their own opinions and ideas.

1. Teachers can guide students’ writing by giving a model text or doing an
______ preparation.

2. _________ is a way to grade students’ work by dividing the total mark and
giving a proportion for organization, accuracy and appropriacy.

3. Writing is the ________ important among the 4 skills.

4. Mechanical writing activities are used when students’ mother tongue is

_________ from English.

5. In mechanical copying, students can copy the sentence even if they do not
know what it means. Their attention is not focused on the ________ of the sentence
at all.

6. There are three main types of writing activities: controlled, _______, and
__________ writing.

7. In the context of writing tasks, one of the principal roles of teachers is to serve as
a __________, creating the right conditions for the generation of ideas, persuading
students of the usefulness of the activity, and encouraging them to make as much
effort as possible for maximum benefit.

8. Besides accuracy, successful writing also requires having enough ideas,

organizing them effectively, and expressing them in an __________ style.

9. When using a text as a model for writing, students read a short text and may study
particular features of it. Afterward, they write a paragraph that is similar but involves
some __________.

10. In the post-writing stage, after students have written, the teacher marks their
papers and provides feedback by pointing out good points and common mistakes for
the whole class to learn from their __________.

11. There are 2 types of controlled writing activities:_____________and_________

12. __________activities are used when student's mother tongue is different from

13. Writing are______skill

14. Simply copying words or sentences from the board can be a very __________

15. Free writing, writing based on a text and oral preparation are___________

16. Another way of guiding paragraph writing is to do ________ beforehand with the
whole class.

17. Short writing tasks are usually_______.

18. In pre-task, teacher ______ and ______.

19. In post-task, teacher______.

20. As the teacher gives the answers, students ______ and the teacher moves
around the class to supervise what they are doing;


1. C (p.111)
2. A (p.122)
3. C (p.109)
4. D (p.110)
5. B (p.114)
6. C (p.121)
7. C (p.119)
8. D (p.120)
9. C (p.114)
10. D (p.120)
11. C ( p110)
12. A ( p116)
13. C (p123)
14. B ( p117)
15. C (p. 119)
16. A (p. 120)
17. A (p. 120)
18. B (p. 120)
19. C (p. 113)
20. B (p. 117)


1. Oral (p.116)
2. Split marking (p.122)
3. Least (p.109)
4. Different (p.110)
5. Meaning (p.113)
6. guided / free (p.109)
7. Motivator (p.123)
8. appropriate (p.109)
9. changes (p.117)
10. peers (p.119)
11. Mechanical_ meaningful (p109)
12. Mechanical ( p110)
13. Productive (p109)
14. Mechanical ( p123- old coursebook)
15. Guided writing (p116)
16. Oral preparation (p118)
17. Controlled writing activities (p120)
18. Introduces the task; gives clear instructions (p120)
19. Feedback (p120)
20. Correct their own work (p121)

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