Family Talent Show

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S.Y. 2024-2025

Ground Rules and Mechanics: Family Talent Show

The COLM Family Talent Show aims to highlight and celebrate the varied talents within families,
promoting a sense of unity and community. This event provides an opportunity for family members
to come together and perform, enhancing family connections and creating enduring memories, while
also encouraging creativity and self-expression.

A. Category
Junior High School (2 entry per grade and section)
B. This competition is only for JHS students from Grades 7-10.
C. Have each family member perform a talent in front of the whole group. Even people who think
they don't have talents should be able to come up with something.
D. The materials that should be used is strictly recycled, violations of this will result in deduction
E. Each family is given approximately 4 minutes to perform and showcase their talents on stage.
F. The winners will be identified using the following Criteria for Judging:

-Creativity and Originality (30%)

Assessment of the uniqueness and innovation in the performance.
-Talent and Skill (30%)
Evaluation of the level of talent and proficiency demonstrated in the performance.
-Stage Presence and Confidence (20%)
Judging the performers' stage presence, confidence, and ability to engage the audience.
-Audience Impact (10%)
Measurement of the overall impact and entertainment value of the performance on the
-Adherence to Time Limit (10%)
Ensuring the performance stays within the allocated 4 minutes.


Ms. Mariefe D. Mercado

Mr. Leo Niño Dulce


Family Talent Show

Name of Participants Creativity Talent and Stage Audience Adherence

and Skill (30%) Presence and Impact to Time
Originality Confidence (10%) Limit
(30%) (20%) (10%)

Judge: ____________________________________________________________

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