Eng project 25 Mar 2024

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Millions of people are dying because of

hunger and food shortages are occurring in lots of countries. Food shortage means when a country
doesn't have enough food to meet the people's demand. Continents like Africa are suffering food
shortages which is leading to social unrest and poor economic growth. A report says that about 25000
people are dying because of Hunger. Unlike the United States and some western European countries,
countries like Nigeria, Somalia, and South Sudan do not have the money to bring in imports and
the climate in these countries aren’t favourable for farming because of frequent flooding. Our
invention will change this.
Hriday word count :105

The doubler can double any food by placing under the light that the doubler produces. It will take
all the nutrients from the atmosphere and produce the same exact copy of the food that you
placed under the light. You can also adjust the size of the food by turning a switch on the doubler
left or right. You can also choose the quantity of the food you want to double.
It is also economically friendly. This machine is one of the most convenient invention ever because
it’s able to end world hunger. It is the first ever machine ever that can double food.
Manveat word count: 104

The Doubler is one of the best machines ever created by man-kind. Not only is this machine
capable of doubling food, but it is also convenient for everyone in the whole entire world!
Anyways,Let’s talk about how this machine works. The machine is made up of recycling materials,
such as paper, plastic, metals and used batteries. The machine consists of two parts, the first part
is used to turn on the machine, and the second part is to put the food inside, so that the machine
can double the food.To use this machine, firstly we will have to press the big red button on the first
part of the machine.Secondly, we will put the food inside the machine, and finally at last we can sit
back and relax and let the machine do it’s magic! However, you might be thinking, how is everyone
in the world able to access this machine? Well, the creators of this machine have had the help of
many different organizations to build more than 200 machines in the world.This way, every country
can at least have one copy of this machine! This is the first machine that doubles food, how
interesting it is!
Richard word count: 198

The doubler is a remarkable machine.It is made out of recycling materials which was collected
from parts of the world.Since the word recycling has been introduced,let me tell you it is a safe and
reliable machine which doesn’t harm our planet Earth.It’s instructions are easy and straightforward
not only that it also has an ideal shape which saves up a lot of space.It is the future of
machines,you may be wondering why is it the future of machines,well we have the answer to that
which is it guarantees to end world hunger.This machine will be donated across the world not only
that,the factory of this machine is also going to be built in parts of the world,which will save time
and money for importing the machines.If you are wondering weather the food that the machine
supplies is limited or not.Well the answer is,it is not limited.The machine will provide food till the
end of time.
Heles word count : 155

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