Plot Themes and Symbols

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Discover what makes for a good story
What makes for a What is the story's
good story? message?


What happens in a What inferences can I
story? make?
Cite the textual evidence that
01 supports inferences drawn

Lesson from the text.

Determine the central idea or
02 theme of a text.

Identify the symbols present in

03 a text.
Think and Share
Think about one of your favorites stories and
answer the following questions:
What made the story interesting?
How did the story make you feel?
What do you remember most
about it?
What happens in a story?
3. Climax

4. Falling Action
2. Rising Action

THE PLOT 5. Resolution

1.Exposition Most stories follow a structure called a plot,

which is a series of events in a story. Most plots
have five stages. Learning to recognize the
stages of the plot will help you to keep track of
what happened in the story.
1,Exposition 2. Rising Action 3. Climax
This is the beginning of the This is the part of the story This is the turning point of
story, where the characters, where the conflict begins to the story, where the conflict
setting, and main conflict are build, and the characters are reaches its highest point.
introduced. faced with obstacles.

4. Falling Action 5. Resolution

This is the part of the story This is where the conflict is
where the conflict begins to completely resolved, and the
resolve. characters have a solution to
their problems.
Identify the
exposition in
merchant of
Bassanio is in need of money so he can court Portia.

Antonio, his best friend, while willing to lend him the

money, overextended his fortunes in his most recent
venture, sending ships to several different ports.
Identify the
rising action in
merchant of
They went to Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, whose relationship
with Antonio has been overwhelmingly negative.

Shylock finally agrees when Antonio accepts his demand of a pound

of Antonio's own flesh to secure the loan.

Bassanio and Portia exchange rings and Bassanio promises to never

lose it or give it away.
Bassanio's companion Gratiano reveals he plans to marry Portia's
waiting woman, Nerissa.

Antonio got the news that he lost all his ships at sea and can't repay
Shylock, who demands his pound of flesh.

Disguised as a man, Portia goes to Venice to help Antonio.

Identify the
climax in
merchant of
Portia tried to appeal Shylock’s sense of mercy, but to no avail.

Portia pointed out a loophole in the bond signed between Shylock

and Antonio.

Portia saves Antonio at trial; Shylock loses his fortune.

Identify the
Falling action
in merchant of
Portia tricks Bassanio into giving her his wedding ring.
Identify the
resolution in
merchant of
Portia reveals her disguise and returns Bassanio's ring.
What is the story's message?
A story's plot will focus on a conflict
that is important to the theme.

The theme is the overall message the author

wants the reader to understand. The theme
isn't stated. Readers must pay close attention
to the setting, characters, and conflicts to
make inferences about the theme.

Plot & Conflict Characters Setting

Think about what conflicts Think about what the Think about what
the characters faced and how characters do and say, how conflicts the setting
they were resolved they deal with conflicts, and creates
what lessons they learn

Judaism VS Christianity
Shylock was called a dog, subjected to scorn, lives in a
crowded ghetto
This is a reflection of the the prejudice he has faced as a
These prejudices create the anger that causes him to lash
out at Christians
At court, Portia (disguised as a legal scholar named
Balthazar) pleads with Shylock to show Antonio mercy,
to rise above the letter of his contract and be the better
man despite the wrongs Antonio has shown him.
Shylock refuses, and in turn the Christians of Venice,
whose very belief system hinges on the mercy of God,
spare Shylock's life but punish him.
Difference between Christian characters and Shylock in
the story
Christian characters value human relationships over
business ones >> Merchants like Antonio lend money free
of interest and put themselves at risk for those they love
Shylock is only interested in money
what is
Symbolism is a literary device that
involves using symbols, whether they
are words, characters, objects, or
other elements, to represent ideas
beyond their literal meaning.

These symbols often carry deeper

significance and can convey complex
concepts, emotions, or themes within
a work of literature.
forms of symbolism

Individuals who embody
abstract concepts.

E.g. A conflicted character

objects representing the struggle colours
between good and evil.
Physical items can carry Colours can represent
symbolic meaning. various emotions or ideas.

E.g. A rose symbolising love E.g. Red can symbolise

or romance. passion or danger.
forms of symbolism

actions animals
Events or rituals can carry Animals often represent
symbolic significance.
settings specific traits or qualities.

E.g. A physical journey can E.g. A fox could represent

symbolise personal growth. The choice of setting can cunning or cleverness.
symbolise different aspects
of the narrative.

E.g. A dark and foreboding

forest may symbolise
danger or the unknown.
general symbolism
What do you think these common symbols might represent?
(hint: some might be open to multiple interpretations)

a) a dove e) a fork in the road

b) an apple f) rolling dice

c) a gold ring g) light on the horizon

d) a skull h) a key
universal vs.
cultural symbols
It’s important to note that while some symbols carry
universal meaning (a heart to symbolise love, for
instance), others can shift in meanings and
connotations across different cultures, time periods,
or works of literature. Let’s look at some examples!
cultural symbols

Colours Numbers Animals

In Western cultures, white In Western cultures, 7 is In Chinese culture, bats
often symbolises purity and often considered lucky. In symbolise good luck and
innocence but in some many East Asian cultures, happiness. In some Western
Eastern cultures, it's the number 4 is steeped in cultures, bats are
associated with mourning superstition and associated associated with darkness
and death. with bad luck. and fear.
written vs.
visual symbolism
Symbolism can occur in different mediums including
written language (short stories, novels, poetry)
and visual forms (film, art) respectively. While
both involve the use of symbols to convey
meaning, there are differences in how these
symbols are presented and interpreted.
In written symbolism, words, sentences, and
language are used to create images and
convey abstract ideas.

Written symbols can sometimes be more direct

and explicit. Authors may explicitly state the
meaning of a symbol or use descriptive
language to convey its significance.

Written symbolism is inherently tied to

language, and the interpretation relies on the
reader's understanding of the words used.
some examples

‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ by ‘The Road Not Taken’ Moby Dick by Herman
Edgar Allan Poe (1843) by Robert Frost (1916) Melville (1851)

In this short story the In the poem, the fork in In the novel, the white
narrator believes he can the two roads that whale (who bit off
still hear the sound of diverged in different Captain Ahab’s leg)
the old man’s heartbeat directions symbolises a comes to symbolise his
even though he is dead, decision that the obsessive pursuit of
symbolising his guilt and persona must make, revenge and the
psychological torment reflecting the choices we destructive
over murdering him. all have to make in life. consequences of
unchecked vengeance.
purpose of symbolism
Symbolism can be used for a range of reasons that might include:

Enhancing Themes & Ideas Eliciting Emotional Responses

Symbols serve to highlight key themes and Symbols often evoke emotional responses
motifs, guiding readers in their exploration from readers, creating a more immersive and
of deeper meaning and the author’s engaging experience.
E.g. In the poem ‘The Raven’ by Edgar Allen
E.g. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter by Poe, the symbol of the raven contributes to
Nathaniel Hawthorne the symbol of the the eerie and melancholic atmosphere as the
scarlet letter 'A' enhances the exploration of persona contemplates feelings of grief and
themes related to sin, redemption, and despair, heightening the emotional impact of
societal expectations. the poem.
Read Actively

identifying Engage with the text actively by

paying close attention to details,
imagery, and recurring elements and

considering what they might represent.

Look for repetition

Identify any symbols or motifs that appear

repeatedly throughout the work and take note
of patterns and variations in how these
symbols are presented.

Consider literal vs. abstract

Identifying symbolism within a literary
work involves a careful analysis of the
Distinguish between the literal and symbolic
text to uncover elements that meanings of elements in the story. Ask
represent deeper meanings beyond yourself if certain objects, characters, or
their literal interpretation. events may represent abstract ideas.
you might also...

Examine titles and names Explore colours & imagery

The titles of the work Colours may represent

and names of characters Evaluate Characters emotions or themes, and
can often carry symbolic imagery can convey
significance. The actions and traits of symbolic ideas.
characters may embody
Reflect on Themes larger themes or Analyse Setting
represent archetypal
Symbols are often linked figures. Elements like weather,
to the themes in a work landscapes, time periods
and contribute to the or specific locations can
overall message. hold symbolic meaning.
Symbol of wealth, status, and
power, Yet the valuable parts of
life have no relation to gold.
Bassanio needs gold to show he is
a man of quality >> Portia loves
Bassanio even when she finds out
he is poor
Shylock uses gold to exert power
over Antonio >> Neither gold nor
his attempt at revenge will
improve his lot in life

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