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The pie chart shows the proportion of people from different households living in poverty in
the UK in 2002. Write an analytical paragraph to describe the information in 100-120 words.

analytical paragraph example proportion of people from each household type living in poverty
The given pie chart illustrates seven different categories of households living in poverty in the
UK in 2002.
It is clearly evident from the pie chart that 26% of the total poverty-stricken households are
those of sole parents. Single people without children account for the second highest proportion
with 24%. In contrast to couples without children that accounts for just 9%, couples with children
account for 15% of the poor households. Single aged persons and aged couples proportion for
12% together for poor households.
Overall, 14% of all households in the UK were living under poverty. The younger generation had
a greater poor percentage than their aged counterparts. Couples without children had better
economic conditions than those with children.

Q2. Below given are three pie charts showing consumption habits of India, China and World
overall in 2008. Write an analytical paragraph describing the pie charts (100-120 words).
types of food

The three given pie charts depicts types of food consumption in 2008 as compared in two
countries- India and China. In general, processed food is the major type of food eaten.
Processed food comprises as high as 41% of the global consumption. In China and India as
well, processed foods are consumed the most, the rate of consumption being 34% and 39%
respectively. On an average, vegetables and fruits constitute 29% of consumption. In China,
vegetables and fruits comprise 32% of food consumption which is 9% more than that of India.
For Indians, animal food accounts for 27% of their diet, exceeding Chinese food consumption by
a striking 12%. However, nuts and seeds comprise almost one-fifth of Chinese food habits. This
is way more than the global consumption of 4% and 11% of India.
Overall, world food consumption largely comprises processed food. Chinese consumption of
nuts and seeds is unbelievably higher than the average percentage.
Q3. The following table shows details about the internet activities for six categories for different
age groups. Write an analytical paragraph for the table given in around 150-200 words.
internet activities by age group

The given table suggests the internet activities of seven age groups ranging from teens to those
in their seventies for six different kinds of activities. The table shows that the younger generation
is more interested in online games and news, while the older generation spends time on the
internet to research and buy products.
It is evident from the table that teens mainly use the internet for games (as high as 81%), news
and downloads and are interested in searching for people or friends or doing any product
research. The middle-age group (people in 20s to 60s) is highly interested in getting news,
doing product research and buying products, the percentage ranging from 70-80%. The internet
activity which gets the least time is searching for people. All the age groups spend less than
30% of their internet time on the same. The amount of time spent on downloads decreases with
age and gets as low as 6% (for people in 70s).
Overall, the table suggests that teenagers are most likely to spend time playing games and
doing downloads. On the other side, older people are interested in researching and buying
products. People spend the least amount of time searching for other people online.

Q4. The graph given shows estimated sales of gold in Dubai in 2002. Write an analytical
paragraph describing the line graph in around 150 words

The line graph depicts the estimated sales of gold in Dubai for a period of twelve months in
2002 in millions of Dirhams.
In January 2002, the sales stood at 200 million Dirhams. It steadily increased through the next
month and peaked to 350 million Dirhams in the third month of the year. However, the gold
sales started to plummet over the next three months and hit 110 million Dirhams in the month of
July. Unexpectedly, the sales doubled in August before coming down to the same level as in
July for the month of September. For the next two months of the year, the gold sales levelled off
to 180 million Dirhams and then slightly increased in December.
Overall, the estimated gold sales fluctuated in 2002. The sales were the highest in the month of
March and lowest in the months of July and September. The sales at the end of the year were
almost the same as they were in the beginning of the year.
Here we conclude the topic of Analytical paragraphs. As it is a new topic added to the syllabus
of Class 10, students need to prepare it well.

Q5. Below is a graph given showing birth and death rates in a country from 1901 to 2101. Write
an analytical paragraph (100-150 words).birth and death rates
The graph shows birth and death rates starting from 1901 till 2101.
Since 1901, the birth rate has remained more than the death rate until 2041. Birth rate was
20000 in 1901 and started increasing gradually. It peaked in 1961 to around 65000. From 1961,
birth rate has fluctuated multiple times between 50000 and 60000. It is expected to decline for
the coming years reaching approximately 42000 by 2101.
On the other hand, the death rate stood at around 10000 in 1901 and then has increased
steadily. It is expected to rise strikingly from 2021 before levelling off to approximately 60000
between 2061 and 2081. The graph indicates a slight decline in deaths in the year 2101.
The graph shows the huge gap between birth rate and death during 1961 to 2001. However,
this gap is expected to reduce in the later years. Overall, as opposed to the prevailing trends,
the death rate will be more than the birth rate in the later half of the 21st century.

Q6. The chart shows the division of household tasks by gender in Great Britain. Write an
analytical paragraph describing the chart given in not more than 200 words.

division of household tasks by gender in great britain

The chart shows the number of minutes per day spent by British men and women in doing
household tasks. On an average, the women spend about four hours doing household tasks
whereas the men spend less than two and half hours.
The tasks on which women spend more time than men include cooking, cleaning house, taking
care of the children and laundry. In doing all these tasks, women spend approximately 200
minutes which is almost three times the time spent by men in these tasks. On the other hand,
men spend twice the time than women in doing tasks like gardening and maintenance of odd
jobs in the house. Men spend the highest time, almost 50 minutes, in gardening and petcare.
While the women spend only 30 minutes for these tasks. The time spent by men in washing,
ironing and sewing clothes is as low as 2 minutes per day as opposed to 25 minutes spent by
In short, women spend far more time doing household chores than men whilst men prefer to do
gardening, petcare and maintaining odd jobs.
Q7. You asked people what they thought was the most valuable thing. The given pie chart
shows the analytics of the different answers you received. Write an analytical paragraph for a
research project in 150-200 words.

pie chart
Ans. The given pie chart displays the analytics of different answers to the question of what
people thought was the most valuable thing in the world. The pie chart is divided into five
sections, meaning that the total number of responses to this question were five.

The pie chart shows that the majority of people think Knowledge to be the most valuable thing to
possess. Knowledge holds forty-eight percent of the pie chart, which indicates that almost half
of the responses said that Knowledge is the most valuable thing. On the other hand, Power is
the most valuable possession according to the minority of the respondents. Fame is almost on
the same level as Power, only two percent more. Love and Money hold twenty and eighteen
percent of the pie chart respectively.

In a nutshell, Knowledge is said to be the most valuable thing. Many people consider Love and
Money to be almost equally important. Very few people give importance to Power and Fame.

Q8. A research was conducted in order to see the maturity gap between young people of 15-35
years old and older people of 36-60 years old. The respondents were asked which of the
following was the most important in order to be successful in life. Conceptualise the given result
in an analytical paragraph having 150-200 words.

bar graph to observe the difference in the mentality of young and old people
Ans. The given bar graph represents the research conducted to observe the difference in the
mentality of young and old people.

The respondents were asked which of the following items was the most important in order to be
successful in life. The respondents ranged from young people of 15-35 years old to older people
of 36-60 years old. The bar graph is a grouped type bar graph, which shows the side-by-side
comparison of the two groups.

Both the groups think Hard Work to be the most important item required for success in life. On
the other hand, they think Contacts to be of lesser importance. The younger group feels Talent
and Intelligence to be the keys to success. The older group thinks Hard Work, Honesty, Luck
and Money to be the major tools for success. The item Contacts got the same amount of vote,
slightly more from the younger group.
Overall, the older group believes that, using resources in sufficient amounts like money and with
luck and hard work, one can multiply that money into great amounts. However, the younger
group believes that, even if one does not have a single penny, with talent, high IQ, and social
interaction, one can be successful.

Q9. As the Captain of the school’s Cultural Club, you have been asked to study the given
itinerary provided by a tour-organising vendor.
A 3N/2D Educational Tour for the Senior School Students:
Jabalpur and Kanha National Park (Vandhya Pradesh)

Tour Travel & sightseeing by bus.

Accommodation on quad sharing basis.
One staff complimentary for every 20 students.
Bottled mineral water throughout the tour.
Dance Party on 22 November.
Insurance policy of ₹ 20,000/- per head.
Provision of Tour Manager’s assistance to all places.
Cultural Club

Analyse this itinerary to either approve or reject the tour proposal, while focusing on the
students’ safety, interest, and physical wellness. Write this analytical paragraph in about 120
words, by selecting features that support your analysis.
You may begin like this : A thorough analysis of the itinerary provided by the tour organising
vendor reveals that the tour proposal should be accepted / rejected.
You may end like this: Therefore, the tour proposal for the educational trip should be approved /

Ans. A thorough analysis of the itinerary provided by the tour organising vendor reveals that the
tour proposal should be accepted / rejected.

The given itinerary displays the timings and the activities of the three nights and two days
educational trip to Jabalpur and Kanha National Park. This trip is for the senior students only.
Vandhya Pradesh is a good place for landscape and wildlife sightseeing. Considering that the
Kanha National Park holds dangerous animals like tigers, it is a risky site for children. On the
other hand, the senior students are suitable for such a trip. However, one staff complimentary
with 15 students seems more suitable for the location. The insurance is too low. There is no
mention of the dance party in the given time table. A 7 hour trip in the park can be too
exhausting. Along with the bottled mineral water, some light refreshment should also be
provided. Interestingly, the tour trip, despite its flaws, will be a fun and educational trip for the

Therefore, the tour proposal for the educational trip should be approved.
Q10.The given statistics display the spendings of the income of an average household in the
UK. Display the important points in an analytical paragraph.

spendings of the income of an average household in the UK

Ans. The given statistics display the spendings of an average household in the UK.

The spendings is divided into six categories – Clothes, Grocery, Rent, Transportation,
Education and Miscellaneous. According to the given pie chart, an average UK household
spends the majority of its income on groceries, which holds twenty-three percent of the pie
chart. Next comes Education holding twenty percent of the pie chart, meaning that school fees
in the UK are generally high. Rent holds the lowest fraction of the pie chart, which is just five
percent, meaning that in the UK, rent is not as high as the price of groceries, basic commodities
like food and water, and education. An average household in the UK is observed to spend
eighteen percent of their income on miscellaneous items. In addition, no money is used for

Therefore, an average household in the UK does not save money for future prospects.

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