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Date: June,29.2024
Everyone always had a memory of experience that want to share. And me too I had
a new experience that I want to share. At the early this month I had an internship for a
week in the Kompongchhnang province. I had to go to a village to survey the health of
people who lived there and do an education that in my major called Health Community
Care subject. In the first day when I was been there, it was like a relaxing day. But after
that day, I had a lot of works to do. First of all, we needed to go to the village in the early
morning to survive one house to one house till the targeted teacher gave (15house for a
team). When we completed the target, we needed to submit it to the systems to collect data
for from the survived it was the problem because in there it poor of internet. After we got
all the data that all of teams had submit in to the system teacher needed one team to edit
data to easy to know for researched. I went join the team, I knew it was my first time to
did it but I tried my best. After we knew the problem of people who we had survived we
went to plan for education to protect, and tell them what needed to care about their health.
In our plan, we could complete the mission with a good experience and a best memory. I
could not detail it well at all in our mission it is had a lot of activities, such as some of the
activities no words to sound like them because it has a good and bad part of going there.
Anyway, I thought I had learned a lot from the mission like to do what we had practiced
in class to be real, to work in team, how to collect data, and prepare to be a teacher, the
best partner, be leader, and monitor all of the members in my generation. Finally, what I
can say about it is I had learned what I never do before and what I unexpected that I could
do like a monitor like that. I think I must join the best mission next time if I had a chance.
Thank you so much teacher for reading my journey. I finished my writing while my in
mind is thinking and missing all of the activities that I had done for a week when I was
there so much.

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