Embedded Systems and IOT Unit-5

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Applications Development Syllabus Complete Design of Embedded Systems - Development of IoT Applications - Home Automation - ‘Smart Agriculture - Smart Cities - Smart Healthcare Contents 71 72 73 74 7.5 76 77 Complete Design of Embedded Systems Development of loT Applications Home Automation ‘Smart Agriculture Smart Cities ‘Smart Healthcare Two Marks Questions with Answers @ scanned with OKEN Scanner lcations Di Embedded Systems and loT 7-2 Applications Development EAI complete Design of Embedded Systems * Design process uses following concept : 1, Abstraction : Problem component is abstracted first. 2. Software and hardware architecture : Before start of design, architecture must be understood. 3. Additional functional properties : Developer should understand any additional functionality is required or not. 4. System related family of design : Earlier version of system is also considered while designing. 5. Modular design : Modular design is a design approach that creates things out of independent parts with standard interfaces. This allows designs to be customized, upgraded, repaired and for parts to be reused. 6 Mapping : mapping into different representations is done from software requirement. 7. User interface design : It is designed as per user requirement, environment analysis and system functions. In automatic coffee vending machine, LCD display is the user interface. ll Design Metrics Design metrics for embedded systems are as follows : 1. Unit cost : The monetary cost of manufacturing each copy of the system, excluding NRE cost Size : The physical space required by the system Performance : The execution time or throughput of the system Power : The amount of power consumed by the system Flexibility : The ability to change the functionality of the system without incurring heavy NRE cost Maintainability : The ability to modify the system after its initial release 7. Time-to-market : The time required to de can be released and sold to customers yop ey s velop a system to the point that it Abstraction Steps in the Design Process * Embedded system design can be divided into four Major tasks : 1. Partitioning the function to be implemented into smaller interacting pieces. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® . an upthrust for knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ¥ T systems and 10 758 soit Applications Development 9, Allocating those partitions to microprocessors or the function may be implemented directly in hard microprocessor. other hardware units where iware i it we or in software running scheduling the times at which functions are executed, which is important whe several functions partitions share one hardware unit ? ° ™ 4, Mapping a generic functional description into an implementation on a particular set of components. « Design flow of embedded system begins with design specification, its define system constraint, both cost and processing time. System functionality is defined in behavioral description, hardware software partitioning is done to optimize Requrerent TET design result and still fit the requirement. Speateaion Spectestion + Hardware and software integration is done after hardware/software detail Actos “echocre design. Register transfer level design is carried out by means hardware q programming language such as, Verilog, ‘Components [Teron VHDL and Esterel. ie { © Verification and testing process is done _ [Systeminesraton ] Sy intograton to ensure embedded system design is fit (a) topsiown design (b) Bottom-up design to specification. Fig. 7.11 show the Fig. 7.4.4 major steps in the embedded system design process. Embedded System Requirements 1. Reactive systems : The system never stops and produced by the environment. 2 Real time systems : Timing constraints on task execution. Hard constraints. * Real design often uses top-down and bottom-up design methods. * What does the customer want ? (Requirement) * System functions/characteristics. (Specification) * Block diagram (Architecture) HW & SW module detailed design (Components) * Working system (System Integration) the system responds to signals and_ soft 0 TECHNIGAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for know alge ua @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Embedded Systems and loT 7-4 Applications Development Top-down design Methodology 1, Starts with the top level 2. Functional description is converted into component list on each level 3. Each component function is decomposed further on the next abstraction level 4. . Layout is given only for transistor components Advantages of Top-down Methodology ' * Highest level of customization possible on each abstraction level * Only one small transistor library needed * Only one layout design at the end Disadvantages of Top-down Methodology * Difficult metric estimation on upper levels since layout is not known until the end. * Design decision impact on higher level not clear. * Hot spot removal is difficult. * Metric annotation (closure) from lower to higher levels needed during design iterations. Bottom-up Design Methodology 1. Starts from the bottom level. 2. Each level generates library for the next higher level. * Circuit : Standard cells for logic level. * Logic : RTL components for processor level. * Processor : Processing and communication components for system level. * System : Embedded systems platforms for different applications, 3. Floor planning and layout on each level. Advantages of Bottom-up Methodology ¢ Abstraction levels clearly separated with its own library * Accurate metric estimation with layout on each level * Globally distributed development possible « Easy management Disadvantages of Bottom-up Methodology * An optimal library for each design is difficult to predict + Library customization is outside the design group © Layout is performed on every level TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner re ms and 1oT 7-5 enveded syste! Applications Development description of what the user wants and expects to get. may be developed in following ways : It Talking directly to customers; 1 po Requirement | Requirements are general parameters that the system must satisfy. Plain language 2. Talking to marketing representatives; k 3, Providing prototypes to users for comment. | There are different groups of people involved in the requirements engineering | process. These are users, application experts, customers, marketing experts, project managers, electrical engineers, and hardware and software engineers. » The requirements can be classified into functional and non-functional requirements. Non-functional requirements impose constraints on the system requirements. Typical nonfunctional requirements includes : Performance, cost, physical size and weight, power consumption. The non-functional requirements influence the functional requirements. The documentation of non-functional requirements is a valuable basis for decisions that have to be taken when capturing and implementing the functional requirements. Non-functional requirements may be more critical than functional requirements. If these are not met, the system may be useless. Non-functional Requirements Major consideration for the usability of the system and its ultimate cost It may be a combination of soft performance metrics and hard deadlines - ‘© Manufacturing costs (e.g. components, assembly) «© Nonrecurring engineering (NRE) costs (eg: personnel, designing the system) 2 It depends on the application : rot only in battery-powered systems Important Specified in terms of battery life Fi ‘inctional requirements . : ; Describe functionality or system services. * Depend on the type of software, expected users ant Software is used. d the type of system where the TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-hmust for knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Embedded Systems and /oT zs6 Applications Development * Functional user requirements may be high-level statements of what the system should do. * Functional system requirements should describe the system services in detail. Sample requirements form Requirement form Name of company ‘One- of two-line description ‘Types of data : analog ? digital ? mechanical ? ‘Types of YO devices : buttons ? A/D converters ? Video displays ? Functions * More detailed description of the system * When the system receives an input, what does it do ? * How do interface “inputs affect these functions ? * How do different functions Sits socinteract 200 Ged 6 Performance Must be identified earlier to ensure that the system works properly 7. Manufacturing © Cost has. substantial cost influence on architecture * Work with some idea of the E ao sost range. 8 Power Battery powered ? plugged into a wall ? 9%. Physical More or less flexibility in the size/weight components to. use Specification * Specification is contract between the custo description of the system. * Specification must be carefully written so that it cor requirement. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an upthrst for knowledge j Example GPS moving map Consumergrade moving map for driving Power button, two control buttons: LCD display For automotive use. Show major roads and landmarks. Map should scroll smoothly. No more than 1 sec power-up. Lock ‘onto GPS within 15 seconds, $100 street price Current draw comparable to CD player. Should fit in dashboard i] mer and the architects. It is more precise rectly reflects the customer's 1 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner enbactdad Syators ond loT van Applications Development «Specification may include functional a i nd_non-functi "executable" or may be in mathematical mctional elements. It may be 1 ; architecture design process, form for proofs. It provides input to the + Unified Modeling Language : specifications. ge (UML) is a language used for describing [EEL Architecture Design » The architecture is a plan for the overall : structure of the system i later to design the components that make up the adic a. . Major components for satisfying the specification are hardware components (CPUs, peripherals) and software components (Major programs and their operations). + Example : GPS moving map block diagram \ es wad Ea 4 ae } receiver [| engine ea Database ess) Fig. 7.1.2 GPS moving map block diagram « Architectural descriptions must be designed to satisfy both functional and non-functional requirements. Architecture is represented by software and hardware. ay Designing Hardware and Software Components * We understand the components requirement in architectural design. The components will in general include hardware, FPGAs, boards, and software modules. Some components are ready-made, and others must be designed from scratch. It is also make use of standard software modules. For example : Topographic database. Standard you probably want to use standard routines to ace data in a predefined format, but it is highly compressed to save storage. . it il it . * Standard software save the design time. It is possible to implement faster. You can design your own components. some can be modified from existing designs, topographic databases exist, and cess the database, not only is the TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an upitist for knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Embedded Systems and loT System Integration a Applications Development * System integration assembles the all components. It may possible, there are many bugs. Bugs can be removed by good planning. Individual components should be tested first. * Debug method is used to remove the bugs. System integration is difficult because it usually uncovers problems. * We must have a plan for integrating components to uncover bugs quickly, test as much functionality as early as possible. * Debugging facilities for embedded systems are usually much more limited than desktop systems. Challenges in Embedded Computing System Design Parameters How much hardware do we need? @ | How do we meet our deadlines? . ‘How do we minimize power ? . Design for upgradeability . . . | Does it really work’? . * External constraints are one important source of difficulty Remarks Too litle hardware and the system fails to meet its deadlines. Too much hardware and it becomes too expensive, Requirement of CPU and memory capacity. Faster hardware or cleverer software. Faster hardware makes the system more expensive. Increasing the clock rate may not be the solution. Memory access times may be the bottleneck. Power consumption is extremely important in | battery-powered applications, In non-battery applications, excessive power consumption can increase heat dissipation. | So turn off unnecessary logic and reduce memory | access time. ae Hardware to be used over several product generations. Add features by changing software. | How can we design a machine that will provide the | Tequired performance for software that we haven't yet written ? Reliability is especially important in some applications; such as safety-critical systems, : TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ———— | oT. embedded Systems and lo ee Applications Development Increasing application complexity even in standard and large volume products. Increasing target system complexity, Numerous constraints and design objectives; examples : Cost, power consumption, timing constraints, dependability. Pope Reduced and overlapping design cycles, Design flow of embedded system begins with design specification, its define system constraint, both cost and processing time. System functionality is defined in behavioral description, hardware software partitioning is done to optimize design result and still fit the requirement. Hardware and software integration is done after hardware/software detail design. Register transfer level design is carried out by means hardware programming language such as, Verilog, VHDL and Esterel, Verification and testing process is done to ensure embedded system design is fit to specification. Difficulties in their design 1, Complex testing : It may have to run a real machine. It cannot separate the testing of an embedded computer from the machine in which it is embedded. 2, Limited observability and controllability : Usually no keyboard or screen. It may have to watch the electrical signals on the bus. In real time applications, we may not be able to stop the system. 3. Restricted development environments : The tools are more limited and not easy to debug code. Development of loT Applications } * An IoT applications can help us to monitor our business, improve efficiency and make better decisions based on device data that it collects and analyzes. * The Internet of Things means physical devices (or groups of devices) equipped | with sensors, software and other technologies and the ability to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems via the Internet or other networks (ike Wi-Fi or Bluetooth). Every Intemet of Things application requires four elements : Cloud technology, dedicated hardware, a reliable network and intuitive software. ° Cloud : One of the most important elements of IoT, responsible for data Processing and storage. ° Hardware ; Low-energy sensors or mobile devices that can be either custom-built or bought from third-party vendors. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Embodded Systems and or 7-10 Aoplealone Develoomen © Network : It is responsible for two-way communication between all relevant fot devices and properly linking these devices with each other: Software : Software is responsible for managing all devices within an Jot system. Whether we choose to develop a mobile app or a web app, the software should be cloud-based. Additionally, users should be able to check information collected from sensors and devices via one dashboard. ° * Steps ; 1. Define the requirements for the application : An important step in developing an IoT application is to define the goal and scope of the app. nv Choosing the right hardware : The type of hardware depends on project Tequirements, It could be sensors, GPS trackers, or even wearable's. But it is important to pick devices that are reliable and relevant to the project. 2 . Find the right connectivity protocols : There are several network protocols that we can use like WiFi, 2G, 5G, Bluetooth, LoRa, NB-IoT, or Zigbee. Depending on devices and the availability of resources, we need to pick the right channels for connectivity. » . Ensure the firmware is well equipped : Firmware, or device-side software, are the technical terms for the program that runs hardware. . Select the right cloud platform : The right IoT platform will hand the necessary tools to create an application that serves our purpose, Home Automation a Home automation is the automatic control of electronic devices in your home These devices are connected to the Internet, which allows them to be controlled remotely. Interconnected devices enable to intelli igently monitor and control smart homes in a future Internet of Things. Energy saving applications, for example, usage by employing context information computers), reduce room temperature, circulation. * Home automation works on three levels : 1, Monitoring : Monitoring means that u remotely through an app. For example, from a smart security camera. control indoor climate and electricity to switch off appliances (e.g., lights, close windows, or stop warm water sers can check in on their devices someone could view their live feed 2. Control : Control means that the user can control these devices remotely, like planning a security camera to see more of a living space, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner and oT s embedded Systems ett Applications Development 3, Automation : Finally, automatio: another, like having a smart sire detects motion. a Smart Lighting « Smart control the lights with automation signal system to save energy. Smart, connected lighting is the next - Seneration energy - efficient LED products with additional sensors to sense things such as occupancy and temperature. mm % ‘Smart home appliances - ‘Smart lighting nm means setting up devices to trigger one 80 off whenever an armed security camera Air conditioning Window contro} Thermostat In automatic light control system, Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) sensor is used to detect bright /medium /dim /dark conditions. It is simple enough to envision the addition of sensors and communications to create that initial concept of smarter, more adaptive lighting. If people are present, tum the lights on; if not, tum them off. Or use your smart phone to connect to the lighting system and tune it to the desired brightness level or to a particular color. Smart lighting is considered the one of the main solutions for energy reduction by means of controlling lighting level according to desired need with minimum energy consumption. Smart - lighting systems utilize motion and light sensors for performing the control algorithms, * The system uses motion and light sensors for detecting the surrounding £nvironment, There are lamps controlled with the specific lighting level in order to Supply the adequate amount of lighting required without affecting the user Visibility, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-hrust for knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Embedded Systems and foT >| 7-12 Applications Developmen, jghting level is strongly dependent on the weath fertainly the required lighting 4 g : ae in deve weather at night might require more luminance than cloudy one, due to the reflection from the clouds. : | While during mist and foggy weathers require the highest possible lighting leva, as the visibility reaches its lowest. On snowy weather it might require ay intermediate level between clear and foggy. / During night it requires high lighting levels, while at day it needs just fade Jeve) to provide guidance or turn off if the weather is clear. The lighting concentration in the yard is affected by the above conditions. Smart Appliances The role and scope of smart appliances in the home (Washer, dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, fridge, freezer, air conditioner, vacuum cleaner and so on) is on the increase with the market being estimated to have a year on year compound growth of slightly over 15 %. Connecting everyday objects to the internet is an essential element of the IoT. Some appliance suppliers use a low power wireless network to communicate over such as bluetooth, whilst others utilise the existing higher powered Wi-Fi network used for a tablet or computer wireless connectivity. Once a network is in place objects can populate the home environment and communicate with the user and each other. The ability of an object to respond to remote commands and change its behaviour makes it an active device, such as the new Hive heating thermostat or a Sky+ box. Where the remote object has no ability to tespond to remote control requests then it is considered passive as with some fixed sensors. cameras, microphones or temperature IR Sensor : It will be activated in the automated mode to detect person entering or coming out of the room and set a counter based on that. If the counter show there is a person inside it will light up the room automatically and turn on the AC depending upon the temperature reading, Sensors provide data about motion, occupancy, glass breakage, door and window openings, water leaks, light intensity, temperature, energy consumption, camera, and even appliance plug insertion or removal, Controllers turn power on and off or adjust settings on appliances, furnaces, ait conditioners, space heaters, fans, pool pumps, water heaters, lighting, home theatres, music, motorized blinds, door locks, and plug loads, To be deemed intelligent, an appliance's Sensors and controllers should use internet protocol communication, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® an up-hrust for knowledge banmaticionisiii @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Wee ee ee eee tems and oT a8 7-13 embocded Applications Development ‘ gmart refrigerators can keep track of the item: jusers when an item is low on stock, eee d and send updates to the smart TV allow user to search video and movi Sinn aria, beeih TV ochetle movies from the Internet on a local ate fe, fetch news and other things from the Internet, «Oper! ie ma Ie deena open source middle-ware for an Internet of Things. In ee ad levice or protocol, and design your own user interface and a n. Use our online designer, sync to the controller, and control with this app. OpenRemote is a state of the art open source si ildis soft control and automation. are platform for building OpenRemote allows for designing a fully customizable building and home control solution without the need to actually write code. [EET intrusion Detection Intrusion Detection System (IDS) includes both hardware and software mechanisms and IDS is responsible for identifying malicious activities by monitoring network environment and system. The purpose of home intrusion detection system is to detect intrusions using sensors and raise alerts, if necessary. © With the help of Light dependent resistor and PIR motion sensor, it detect the motions in the room. If a motion is detected, system capture the image with the help of a webCam and store locally. Now the alerts are sent to the user with the captured image. © Fig. 7.3.2 shows block diagram of intrusion detection. intrusion detection m of i ; report it estricted areas and immediately, Fig. 7.3.2 Block diagra trusion in 1 * To detect any form of following concept is used. ‘an upthrust for knowled @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Ss 7-14 ‘Applications Developmen, Embedded Systems and loT - 1. A PIR sensor is required to detect the presence of any human being in the | room. 2. An RFID is required to validate the presence of the person in the Toom by tallying his identity with those in the database. 3. A camera is Tequired to click the picture of the room and send it via email as j an alarm. An internet connection is required to register all these movements on a website so that it can be accessed from any place and any device. The different input / output devices are controlled using TCP/IP over the TEE 802.11 standard protocol. Data being gathered from sensors, such as PIR Sensors, temperature sensors, micro - controller as a server, IR transmitter and receiver is being processed on to take necessary steps. * Alarm : It will only be activated in the security mode when some intruder is detected by the PIR motion sensor. Cloud controlled intrusion detection is possible by using location aware services, Here geo - location of each node is independently detected and stored in the cloud. Some intrusion detection system use Processing to recognize the intrusion, Smoke for Gas Detection * Smoke or gas detector sensor which detects the alarm and all these are update on the web page. MQ2 is a semiconductor type sensor, Which can ap of smoke, LPG, methane, butane, When it comes in contact with the sensor decreases; When it detects the s UPnP technology. It is based on image smoke and turns on the buzzer a 'Propriately sense the presence Propane and other hydrocarbon, the gas to be monito red, the electrical resistance of enabling the microcontroller to Tespond to the situation. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® . 4 up-thrust for knowledge ; @ scanned with OKEN Scanner it and IO! 7 systems: 215 Api ‘The MQ2 smoke sensor reports smoke by the y, ; icatior Developmen ‘ltage leve] a ake is there, the gFeater the voltage on mrentiometer t0 adjust the sensitivity 4p smoke a py adjusting the potentiometer, one can chang is a form of calibrating it to adj : oe ar is ex sae No adjust how much voltage n 4 52 SOK, so fo the smo ‘posed to, 8 It will give in relation S CHP. The mare also has a builtin 'Be how sensitiy, po gmart Agriculture ow smart Irrigation In our country, agriculture is major source of demand of human population. In agriculture, influences crop production, | Generally farmers visit their agriculture fields jevel and based on requirement water is pump fields. + The smart irrigation system was developed to optimize water use for agricultural crops. The system has a distributed wireless network of soilmoistire aed temperature sensors placed in the root zone of the plants. « Wireless Transmitter Unit (WTU) is comprised of a soil moisture sensor, a temperature sensor, a microcontroller, a RF transceiver and power source. Several WTUs can be incorporated in field to form a distributed network of sensors oF food Production to the growing imigation is an essential process that Periodically to check soil moisture ed by motors to irrigate respective + Input to the microcontroller is the reading of the moisture sensor and depending upon the threshold value a high or a low. + If the soil moisture value is below the threshold or the temperature exceeds the threshold value, then the motor is turned on till the levels of moisture and temperature are optimized, Otherwise the motor is off. The sensor values and motor status is displayed on an Android App. m Green House Control * In modern greenhouses, several measurement points are required Seas the local climate parameters in different parts of the big greenhouse Bteenhouse automation system work properly. * The most important factors for the quality and Pro temperature, humidity, light and the level of the carb mental varial actor affects grow!h ductivity of plant growth are on dioxide. oe i ples gives information to the ontinuous monitoring of these envito! mn? : and Brower to better understand, how each f ‘imal crop productivene: sn upetnrast for knowlegs? @ scanned with OKEN Scanner TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS Pia gas 7-16 “PPEAHET Coan imbedded Systems * Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) can form a useful part of the automat ON system architecture in modem greenhouses. * Wireless communication can be used to collect the measurements communicate between the centralized control and the actuators log different parts of the greenhouse. * Fig. 7.4.1 shows greenhouse with sensor. ae A $ Fig. 7.4.1 Greenhouse with sensor and ty ated to the Sensor Gateway node —s Computer (Database) server process the data. ‘Smart Cities * The number of urban residents is Srowing by nearly 60 million every year. In addition, more than 60 Percent of the world’s population will be living in cities by 2050, As a result, people cccupying just 2 percent of the world's land will consume about three-quarters of its Tesources. Moreover, more than 100 cities of 1 million People will be built in the next 10 years, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS? . an upthuat for knowiedge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner p sdvot 7-17 Applications Development st decade, the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has developed a a fe ; : the Pas rating, envisioning, developing, and testing numerous connected 1 00 Te collabo vision £0 that could pave the way to a smarter, greener urban environment, jons thal : a hows concept of smart city. ig 1S oy smart industry Smart grid Smart potice uneey Heug Internet of Things eulg Smart people es @ISeM HI oe eu Smart home quewebeu Fig. 7.5.1 Smart city * Smart city includes : | 1. Smarter management of city infrastructure using big data analytics Collaboration across multiple and disparate agencies using cloud technologies . Real - time data collection, enabling quick response using mobile technologies. | Enhanced security : Improved public safety and law enforcement and More efficient emergency response. 5. Better city planning improved schematics, project management an * Networked utilities smart metering and grid management. / Building developments more automation and better management and security. d delivery TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge “= ® scanned with OKEN Scanner 18 Embedded Systems and loT z = Applications Development * With smart city applications producing continuous large data from heterogeneous Sources, existing relational database technologies are inadequate to handle such huge amounts of data given the limited processing speed and the signiticany storage expansion cost. To address this problem, big data processing technologies, which are based on distributed data management and parallel processing, have provided enabling Platforms for data repositories, distributed processing, and interactive data visualization. Smart Parking Traffic congestion is major problem in big cities. Searching for a parking space is a routine (and often frustrating) activity for many people in cities around the world. After finding parking space to the driver, he parks the vehicle, it maybe spend small amount of time to looking for a city council parking attendant to Pay the parking fees, The smart parking system is designed by making use of some IOT supportable hardware's such as raspberry pi, auridino boards etc, Smart parking systems typically obtains information about available parking Spaces in a particular geographic area and process is real - time to place vehicles at available positions. It involves using low-cost sensors, real-time data collection, and mobile-phone-enabled automated Payment systems that allow People to reserve Parking in advance or very accurately predict where they will likely find a spot, When deployed as a system, centers by reducing the need for parking. smart parking thus reduces car emissions in urban for people to needlessly circle city blocks searching Smart parking application can be accessed by drivers from smart phones, tables. Sensor is used for each Parking slot, to detect whether the slot is empty or Local controller collect the information and send to server using Internet. Fig. 7.5.1 shows process specification for smart parking IoT system, Each parking slot contains the sensor and it rez ‘ads at regular intervals. Sensot sends the status information to local Processing centre, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for ‘knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 7219 Applications Development Occupied Fig, 7.5.2 Process specification for smart parking loT system «ig. 753 includes four layers : @ sensing, networking, middleware and application ayer. Gee Fig. 7.5.3 on next page)- sensing layer defines a platform whi parking lot to detect car presence/absence, gates and strategic points of the parking are use unique mapping between RFID tags and car. Networking Layer : TCP/IP over Ethernet parking server and database and Internet access for remo! parking system from outside. Middleware layer hosts different databases and associated servers and manages all of the software intelligence provided by the smart parking system to provide smart services to users by enabling comm the application layer Soe are requested and the low are the into the parking lot to provide smart services. ee layer is the layer where the different services 2° defined and to different users. Client devices have been connected via the TCP/IP Protocol to a parking database. ere sensor devices are embedded into the and RFID devices located at the parking .d to identify cars based on a for connecting the gateway to the ste access to the smart unication between er layers where smart devices TECHNIGAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-hust for Krowiedge : — @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | a Applications Developmen, Embedded Systems and loT Devices Client a ee Application Micro cloud > feb server| Middleware = +3 — ea \ Database Networking Free spot I Occupied spot ‘Sensing ity Gs Parking lot fo ee rs ing gee vem eae * Parking availability status by light on parking spots, which TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® Fig, ~ N up-thrust for knowledge integrating into the car detection system sources of are controlled by actuators to inform of the status of @ scanned with OKEN Scanner systems and loT ae Taq ing spot : e. Applicat a parking : f Cupied, green § alors Dovolapment plue for out of service, or empty, « Remote availability checking usin, tl in eal time the availability of eg meet an Smart parking a Smart Lighting ‘The street lighting is one of the lar . ‘i Best energy expe; section comprises of all the light lamps in an pera The streetlight module. 'N' street lights of this section communicates with ie ee Fils wirelessly through RF module (Zigbee). ‘N’ ‘Ocal controller unit , local controller unit communi with main server through IoT due to its global coverage areas ua ‘Smart light infrastructure is the backbone of the IoT in smart cities, Smart and wireless street light luminaries can act as service Gateways for other street level IoT devices. Smart street lights are intelligent lights that gather dynamic data ie, data that keep changing dynamically by time, through some sensors and generate required information for the request claimed by a citizen on road. Smart street light saves energy by sensing the surrounding through their sensors expecting some other sensor in some other device. Smart Roads + Sensor is installed on road to provides road traffic condition, travel time estimation, congestion and accident. acteristics : oe database using cloud. the central a : * Sensor collect this information and a rte ding HES ing tral information helps for solving 10: ad condition upto dat = mt 0 121 ATION Fig. 7.5.4 Smart road! @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 7-22 ‘Aplications Developme, Embedded Systems and loT * User can access the information from the cloud. User also get real time information. Real time traffic maps can be obtained to enable smooth cae Traffic can be reduced with systems that detect alternate routes. User get timel Y information % they can locate a traffic free road, saving time and fuel. This information can reduce traffic jams and pollution improves the quality of life. Smart Healthcare * Smart health can be defined as medical and public health practice supported by smart devices. The IoT devices will help to test the different parameters so as to facilitate for proper diagnosis. Based on the diagnosis the treatment is monitored, Health and Fitness Monitoring ToT devices can be used to enable remote health monitoring and emergency notification systems, These health monitoring devices can range from blood Pressure and heart rate monitors to advanced devices capable of Monitoring specialized implants. Smart health systems provide health related services using a network?,?some kind of connection between intelligent agents. These intelligent agents could be computing devices, mobile phones, sensors, Fitbit smart bands, surgical devices, devices that measure your blood chemistry, or devices that measure your brainwaves. Any of these things could be intelligent agents, * The human actors, patients or healthcare providers for example, could be intelligent agents in this system. The sensors, devices, computers, applications, and human actors are all intelligent agents that might be connected in the ‘smart health system. * Smart healthcare is an important research area for Intemet of Things, which employs sensors and other information identifying technologies, wireless and wired networks to realize large-scale, multi-layer interaction between patients and medical equipments, medical staff and healthcare institutions. Some challenges in the healthcare system are as follows ; 1, Smarter hospital : Smarter hospital is an important improvement of smart healthcare system. A natural Problem is how to build a smarter hospital for Breatly improving medical services and patient experience, 2 Data integration/realtimeness + How to combine heterogeneous health data Sources in a unified and meaningful way enables the discovery and monitoring of health data from different Sources. It is also important for smart healthcare to ensure the data realtimeness, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® «an upshrust fr ‘knowiedge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ystems ond OT a Applications Development 4, Me al resource shortnes: + opulation. For example, ther institutions but more patients. There ari tes rs not enough medical Tesources for the ‘wer doctors and high-level health \care ’ "Low" usage of community health service centers. In contr health service centers, people prefer the high-level health: fT results in the low usage of community service centers, with community institutions, This 5, Bad health habits. The citizens have some bad health habi poor health, for instance, smoking and no sport. habits that contribute to ¢, Lack of information sharing, hospitals are not sharing enough information. This leads to the following two problems at least Fist, the health Pcie records of patients cannot be queried. Second, there is lack of medical cooperation between hospitals. + The links between the many applications in health monitoring are : 1. Applications require the gathering of data from sensors 2. Applications must support user interfaces and displays 3, Applications require network connectivity for access to infrastructural services 4, Applications have inuse requirements such as low power, robustness durability, accuracy and reliability. + Connected medical devices and associated IoT technologies will primarily be used to achieve the following capabilities : 1. Access real time visibility of the patient's condition, his/her activities, context and physiological parameters. 2. Monitor compliance to prescribed treatment, diet 4, Provide feedback and cues to patients, family members, doctors and caregivers in order to implement corrective action. 4. Leverage high performance computing for real time evidence-based medicine for better patient outcome. and exercise regimes. feedback and use HEX] Wearable Electronic * Wearable electronic devices are small devices worn on the head, neck, at and feet. yrms, torso, * Current smart wearable devices include : 1. Head - Helmets, glasses 2. Neck - Jewelry, collars 3. Arm - Watches, wristbands, rings TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an upd for knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | Embedded Systems and loT at Applications Dogme nt 4. Torso - Clothing, backpacks 5. Feet - Socks, shoes * Smart glasses help us enjoy more of the media and services we value Part of an IoT system, they allow a new approach to productivity. * Smart watches not only help us stay connected, but as a part of a they allow access needed for improved productivity. Two Marks Questions with Answers 1 List the typical nonfunctional requirement for embedded system design, aNd When ” IOT system Ans. : Typical nonfunctional requirements includes : Performance, cost, Physical size and weight, power consumption. Q2 Explain design metrics used in embedded system design. Ans. : Design metrics are unit cost, size, performance, power and time to market, 3 What is smart parking ? Ans. : Smart parking systems typically obtains information about available parking spaces in a particular geographic area and process is real-time to place vehicles at available positions. The smart parking system is designed by making use of some IOT supportable hardware's such as raspberry pi, auridino boards etc. 4 — When urban centers are labeled as smart 7 Ans. : Urban centers are labeled as smart when they leverage technologies to improve the management of common resources, such as street space or waste collection and improve the quality of urban life for citizens. Q5 What are consequence for smart Parking use cases ? Ans. : Consequence are as follows : * Contributes to pollution * Increases traffic incidents * Causes motorist frustration Q6 = What is smart irrigation system ? Ans.: The smart irrigation system was developed to optimize water use for agricultural crops. The system has a distributed wireless network of soil-moisture and temperature sensors placed in the root zone of the plants. Wireless Transmitter Unit (WTU) is comprised of a soil moisture sensor, a temperature sensor, a microcontroller, a BF transceiver and power source. Several WIUs ex be incorporated in field to form @ distributed network of sensors. ih goa TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge @ scanned with OKEN Scanner SOLVED MODEL QUESTION PAPER [Ae Por New Syllabie) Embedded Systems and oT semester + V (IT/ C8 & B8), Seinester - VI (CBE / AI & DS) ree Bowral [Maximum Marks : 100 Answor ALL Quostions PART A - (10 ¥ 2 ™ 20 Marks) Explain the funtion of the EA pin of 8051. 04 (Refer Two Marks Q.15 of Chapter - 1) 4 hare he aresing oes spn ty D5 22 Refer Two Marks Q.22 of Chapter - 2) Defi RTOS. (Refer Two Marks Q7 of Chapter - 4) a3 a Define priority scheduling ? (Refer Two Marks Q.2 of Chapter - 4) as What is toolchain ? (Refer Two Marks Q.13 of Chapter - 5) 6 What is key ciference between sensor anu transucer ? (Refer Two Marks Q.10 of Chapter - 5) a7 What is GSM ? (Refer Two Marks Q.11 of Chapter - 6) a8 List the functions of ZigBee coordinator. (Refer Two Marks Q.15 of Chapter - 6) 09 What is smart irrigation system ? (Refer Two Marks Q.6 of Chapter - 7) 40 What is smart parking ? (Refer Two Marks Q.3 of Chapter - 7) PART B - (5x 13 = 65 Marks) 41 a) i) Explain the functional block diagram of 8051 in detail (Refer section 1.3) ae ii) What are the uses of LCALL and LJUMP instructions of 8051 ? (Refer section 2.8) ® OR 4) i) Describe the different modes of operation of timers in 8051. (Refer section 3.4) 7 (M1) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner a = Embedded Systems and loT M-2 Solved Mode) Question Pan Q.12 a) b) Q.13 a) b) Q.14 a) b) Q.15 a) b) ii) Write « 8051 'C’ program that continuously gets a single bit of data om Py and sends it to P1.0, which creates a square wave of 200 1s Period on pin P25 XTAL frequency = 11.0592 MHz. (Refer example 3.6.10) . By 4) Discuss priority inversion with example. (Refer section 4.7.3 ) in 4) Explain the following : Multiate system, scheduling policies (Refer sections 4.5.1 and 4.5.3) oR i) Define RTOS. Explain difference between hard and soft real time. system, (Refer section 4.4.2) (6 [6 1) What is key bounce ? How it is achieved ? (Refer section 4.24) m What is Arduino ? Explain its feature. Discuss type of Arduino board, (Refer sections 5.2 and 5,3) 113) OR i) Define sketch. Explain Arduino sketch structure. (Refer section 5.5.1) la 4) Define sensor. Explain sensor specification. Discuss types of sensor. (Refer sections 5.7.1 and 5.7.3) 7 9 What is GSM module ? Draw architecture of GSM. Refer section 6.5) [6] 4) Explain Raspberry Pi interfacing. (Refer section 6.7) "1 OR ) What is ZigBee ? Explain architecture Of ZigBee. (Refer section 6,3) 16 40 Write short note on WiFi. (Refer section 6.2.2) i i) What is home automation ? explain three level of home automation. (Refer section 7,3) iG} a i enone Of 10T application. Discuss the steps ‘for design. e OR 9) Explain design metric for embedded system. (Refer section 7.1.1) i 4 Explain concept of smart parking. Dj i ; rt : ‘cuss process specification for sm Parking JOT system. (Refer section 75.) e ue u TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an Up-thrust for knowlarine @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | — systems and !oT M-3 Solved Mode! Question Pager PART C = (1.x 15 = 15 Marks) plain the interrupt structure with the associated registers in 8051 ass 8 microcontroller. (Refer section 3.7) 113) OR b) Explain the operating modes for serial port supported by 8051 (Refer section 3.6.1) 115) goo “Tw yehen dur won @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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