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Elevator Pitch:
Pitch your innovation, sharing its essence, impact,
customers and business potential.
0 / 150 words

2. Team: How did your team form? What role will each
team member play? What motivated you to make this
innovation? What special capabilities, resources or
experiences do your team members bring?
0 / 150 words

3. Opportunity: What issue or pain point does your

innovation address?
0 / 300 words

4. Innovation:

Describe your innovation, its design and your technology.

How does it work? What is new or proprietary about the

How does it meet needs and resolve pain points? What

impact does your innovation create for individual users
and for humankind? Describe this qualitatively and

How can new or proprietary aspects be protected and

made valuable by one or more methods such as a patent,
trade secret, copyright or otherwise competitively
defensible configuration?
0 / 750 words

5. Validation and Progress:

How have you validated your innovation, technology or

processes? What progress have you made in developing
your innovation?
0 / 450 words

6. Market:

Describe your customers and your target segments. What

is important to them? What is the size of the opportunity?
Is the buyer or payer different from the customer in this
market? Describe the industry ecosystem.
0 / 300 words

7. Competition:

What competes with your innovation, and how does your

innovation compare? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of your innovation? What is your
0 / 300 words

8. Go-to-Market:
How will you attract and sell to customers? Who are the
best initial or pilot customers? Is the market best served
through direct sales, distribution, licensing, strategic
partnerships or other strategies?
0 / 150 words

9. Business Model:

What are your key revenues and costs? What are the
pricing and costs to deliver one product or service unit?
0 / 300 words

10. Fundraising:

What funds do you need to get started, and how will you
use these funds? How much will it cost to develop the
product and roll it out? What different sources will you
pursue for funding, and why are these a fit?
0 / 150 words


Add a list of the references you cited throughout the

Innovation Brief here.
Select file

Your attachment must be a PDF file. Further formatting guidelines for this document can be
found in the Global Challenge Student Guide.
Additional Attachment (1/2)

Select file

We encourage you to include additional visual aids or resources to present additional

context to the Judges about your story, your innovation, your progress, or your business
model. However, note that Judges are not required to review these attachments. Ensure all
essential information is included in your responses to the questions above.

Be sure you refer to these attachments in your responses to the questions above so that the
Judges know to review them.

Additional Attachment (2/2)

Select file

We encourage you to include additional visual aids or resources to present to the Judges
additional context about your story, your innovation, your progress, or your business
model. However, note that Judges are not required to review these attachments. Ensure all
essential information is included in your responses to the questions above.

Be sure you refer to these attachments in your responses to the questions above so that the
Judges know to review them.

Innovation Video
Your Innovation Video is a pitch that focuses on explaining your innovation and its benefits.

In the video, you'll need to show how your innovation works using a model. You may use
sketches, 3D models, storyboards, wireframes, physical prototypes, or any other visual
artifact to show how it works.

Remember, your video should focus largely on your innovation, its capabilities and
technology. It must be NO MORE than 5 minutes in length and smaller than 800 MB.

Video Link
Include a direct link to your video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo. Make sure the video is
accessible to the Judges (either "public" or "unlisted," visible to those with the link).

Video File MP4

Select file

Your video must be uploaded in the MP4 file format and be smaller than 800 MB.
Great entrepreneurs build great websites. A website is a fantastic communication tool for
spreading the word about your innovation to the world! A good website builds awareness of
your work among customers, investors, media, employees and other members of the public
while bolstering your credibility through presenting your brand.

Your website may include details about your team, your innovation, a link to your
Innovation Video, company social media, and more! Don't forget--websites are public
spaces, so don't share sensitive or confidential information.

More best practices for your website can be found in the Student Guide as well as in
our Resource Library.

Website URL

Team Photo and Innovation Image

We want to meet you and see your innovation! Please share a high-quality team photo and
one image to represent your innovation.

For your team photo, you are free to be creative as long as the image is high quality. Be sure
to use good lighting.

For the innovation image, you'll submit an image of a model of your innovation. We
recommend you use the same model that you referenced in your Innovation Video and your
Website. Previous teams have submitted pictures of a physical prototype, UI/UX wireframes,
sketches, and more.

If you are selected as Finalists, your photo and image will appear on the Conrad Challenge
Global Finalists web page! By submitting, you give the Conrad Foundation and Space Center
Houston permission to use these images on the web, in social media and for promotional

Team Photo
Select file

Innovation Image
Select file

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