A Horseman in the Sky by Ambrose Bierce

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A Horseman in the Sky by Ambrose Bierce

TASK 1: Read the following short story, "A Horseman in the Sky," by Ambrose Bierce, and arrange the events of the story as seen below following a consecutive

A. The sergeant walks away in disbelief, leaving Druse alone with his decision.
B. He is a Confederate soldier, but his family is wealthy and he had a comfortable upbringing.
C. He is stationed as a sentinel on a cliff overlooking a valley, tasked with watching for enemy movements.
D. When asked if he red, Druse responds calmly, admitting to shooting the horse.
E. A soldier named Carter Druse, stationed in western Virginia in 1861, falls asleep at his post.
F. Druse wakes up to see a Union soldier on horseback in the distance, seemingly admiring the landscape.
G. Druse aims his ri e at the Union soldier but hesitates when he sees the man's face, feeling con icted about killing him.
H. Druse joined the Union regiment despite his family's Southern loyalties.
I. The Union of cer, witnessing the scene from below, is astonished by the sight of a man on horseback in the sky and falls in shock.
J. Druse reloads his ri e and maintains his post, showing no emotion to a nearby Federal sergeant who questions him.
K. Druse considers the consequences of his actions and decides to shoot the horse instead of the soldier, hoping to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.
L. He reveals that the man on the horse was his own father, shocking the sergeant.

ANSWER: _____ B - _____
- _____ H - _____
C - _____
F - _____
G - _____
K - _____
I - _____
J - _____
D - _____
L - _____

TASK 2: Discuss the following questions and answers:

1. In “A Horseman in the Sky,” which point of view did Ambrose Bierce use to tell the story?
A. First person B. Second person C. Third person

2. How many main characters are there in the story?

A. Two B. Three C. Four

3. Which of the following statement is true about the story?

A. All of these characters share the same perspective.
B. Though not all of them speak, their emotions and inner struggles are clearly visible.
C. The individual perspectives of the characters are not responsible for the tension that underlines the war.

Teacher Trung Duc

A Horseman in the Sky by Ambrose Bierce
TASK 3: Remember that identity is the set of characteristics by which a person is recognized and differentiated from others. Think about the main character,
Carter Druse, and what you have learned about his perspective on the war. Read the following text, which explains how Carter's perspective and the plot of the
story help develop the theme of struggling to nd one's own identity. Fill the blanks with the appropriate words from the word cloud.

A. internal C. example E. struggling G. context I. commitment

B. values D. dilemma F. perspective H. sense J. relationships

In "A Horseman in the Sky" by Ambrose Bierce, Carter Druse's 1._________

perspectiv on the war and his personal 2.__________
values come together to create a narrative with the

theme of 3.__________
struggling to nd one's own identity amidst con icting loyalties. Carter, a Union soldier, faces a profound moral 4.__________
dilemma when he discovers his

father, a Confederate soldier, positioned in the line of his ri e. His 5.__________

internal struggle between his duty to his country and his familial loyalty is a perfect

example of the complexities of individual identity in the 7.__________
context of war.

Carter's decision to prioritize his 8.__________

sense of familial duty over his faithfulness to the Union underscores the profound in uence of personal 9.__________
relationships and

values on one's identity. His choice to spare his father's life, even at the cost of betraying his uniform, re ects a deeper 10.__________
commitment to his own moral code and

individual conscience. Through Carter's perspective and actions, Bierce explores the notion that true identity emerges not only from societal roles or af liations but

also from the ethical choices individuals make in moments of crisis.

Teacher Trung Duc


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