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Revision:Chemistry unit 1.

2 - formulae, equations and moles

Empirical and Molecular Formulae

 The empirical formula of a compound tells us the simplest ratio of atoms in that compound. It is found from experimental data.

A hydrocarbon was found to contain 75% carbon and 25% hydrogen by mass. Determine its empirical formula.

Mass(g) 75 25
Divide by the relative atomic mass 75/12 25/1
Ratio of atoms 6.25 25
Divide by smallest 6.25/6.25 25/6.25
. 1 4

So, the empirical formula of this hydrocarbon is CH4.

 The molecular formula of a compound tells us the actual number of atoms in a compound of one mole of that compound.

It was found that a hydrocarbon had an empirical formula of CH 3. It was found that its relative formula mass (r.f.m.) is 30. Determine

its molecular formula.

 Determine r.f.m. of CH3 = (12x1) + (1x3) = 15

 Determine the ratio of mass = 30:15 = 2:1

 Multiply the number of atoms by the ratio to give molecular formula = 2 * CH 3 =C2H6

 Compound Formulae
 Find the Compound Formula for AB where

 Step 1.

 Step 2. If , they combine like this:

 Step 3. If not...: cancel down this fraction into it's simplest form, like:

 Step 4. Call this 'cancelled down' version of x and y as

 Step 5. The Compound can be written as

 Example:

 1.

 2. 3 is not equal to 2

 3.

 4.

 5. Formula =
 Full and Ionic Equations
 A fully balanced equation or stoichiometric equation is one that shows the formulae of reactants and products and the

relative number of particles reacting. e.g.

 An ionic equation is one where the ions are represented separately. Only ionic compounds can be represented as ions.

Covalent substances and elements cannot be represented as ions. Also, ionic solids cannot be represented as free ions

because the ions are not free to move.

 How to construct ionic equations
 1) Write down the stoichiometric equation:

2) Split all the ionic compounds into their free ions where possible:

3) Cancel all spectator ions in the equation. These are ions that play no part in the reaction:

4) Write out what is left:

Reacting Masses

We can use chemical equations to determine the mass of reactants and products given certain information.


In a reaction it was found that 6g of magnesium fully reacted with air. Determine the mass of magnesium oxide produced.

1) Write out the stoichiometric equation:

2) Convert any relevant data given into moles:

Amount(moles) = Mass(g)/r.f.m. = 6/24 = 0.25 moles

3) Relate this information to the amount in moles of the substance you are trying to work out the mass of.

Amount(moles) = 0.25 moles of MgO produced

4) Convert this amount into mass in grams:

Mass of MgO = Amount(moles) * r.f.m. = 0.25 x 40 = 10g

Reacting gases and gas volumes

One mole of any gas occupies the volume of 24dm 3 or 24,000cm3 at room temperature and pressure. We need to be able to relate

volumes of gases in reactants and products to answer certain questions.


10g of CaCO3 reacts fully with excess HCl. Calculate the volume of CO 2 gas produced.

1) Stoichiometric equation:

2) Work out the amount in moles of CaCO3:

Moles of CaCO3 = Mass/r.f.m = 10/100 = 0.1moles

3) Work out the amount in moles of CO2:

Moles of CO2 = Moles of CaCO3 = 0.1moles

4) Work out the volume of CO2:

Volume of CO2 = Moles of CO2 x 24 = 0.1 x 24 = 2.4dm3

Gaseous Reactions

The ratio of the volume of a gas produced in a reaction to the number of moles of this gas in the reaction is constant.


Calculate the volume of water vapour produced when 10cm3 of propane reacts fully with air.

1) Write out the stoichiometric equation:

2)Work out the volume of water vapour produced:

Volume of C3H8 / moles of C3H8 = Volume of H2O / moles of H2O

10 / 1 = Volume of H2O / 4

Volume of H2O = 40cm3.

Solutions and Concentrations

The concentration of a solution is the measure of the amount of solute dissolved in 1dm 3 of a solvent (usually water). It can be

measured in one of two ways:

 moles/dm3 or mol dm-3

 grams/dm-3 or g dm-3

In order to convert between the two different forms there is a simple equation:

Concentration( gdm-3 ) = Concentration(Moles dm-3) * r.f.m

Volumetric Calculations

We can determine the concentration of a solution of unknown concentration using titration. These calculations are called volumetric

calculations or volumetric analyses.


It was found by titration that 20cm3 of sulphuric acid exactly neutralised 25cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 potassium hydroxide. Calculate the

concentration of sulphuric acid in mol dm-3.

1) Write out the stoichiometric equation:

2) Determine the amount of moles of the substance you can work out the moles of:

Amount of KOH = concentration * volume = 0.1 x 0.025 = 0.0025 moles begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0025

moles FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting

3) Determine the amount in moles of H2SO4:

Amount of H2SO4 = 0.5 x amount of KOH = 0.5 x 0.0025 = 0.00125 moles

4) Determine the concentration of H2SO4:

Concentration = moles / volume = 0.00125 / 0.02 = 0.0625 mol dm -3

Essential Definitions

 Avogadro's constant - The number of atoms, molecules, ions or other chemical entities of a substance in one mole of that

substance. L = 6.02 x 1023mol-1.

Stoichiometry – 01

1.1 Mole concept & Avogadro's constant

1 Mole of something is equivalent to 6.023 x 10 23 (<-- Avogadro's constant) units of it - ie lots of atoms,

molecules etc. The periodic table gives molar masses - ie the number of grams of a substance required for 1 mol

of atoms. This can be extrapolated to molecules of known molecular formula.

Number of mols = mass / mass per mol

(Usually found on periodic table)

The coefficients in chemical equations give the molar ratios of reactants and products - ie 2A + 3B --> C. There

is 2/3 as much A as B, and 3 times more B than C involved in the reaction...Assuming the reaction goes to

completion, there must be 3/2times as much B as A for neither to remain...If this ratio is not followed, one will

be a limiting reactant, and so the reaction will have some of the other reactant left over when it completes.

1.2 Formulae
1.2.1 : Atomic mass, Molecular Mass, Formula Mass
All the mass per mol of a particular type of species...atoms, molecules or formula units. These can be found for

the periodic table, and will give the mass for 1 mol of the species (or rather the average accounting for different

isotopes and their relative abundance). Mr is the ratio between the molar masses of two species. Ar is the ratio

of the number of atoms between two species. These two ratios will be equal.

1.2.2 : Moles vs Mass

Moles is a number of something...every mol being 6.023x10 23 individual elements. Mass is the property which

results in 'weight' in the presence of Gravity. Given a molar mass, M a mass m and a number of mols N then:

An 'Empirical formula' is the formula describing the different atoms present in a molecules, and their ratios, but

not the actual number present. ie AxByZc could be an empirical formula if x, y, and z are in lowest common

terms. The molar mass can then be used to calculate the actual numbers of each atom present per molecule.

The empirical formula can be determined by percentage composition, or anything else which gives the ratios of

atoms present.

A Molecular Formula is similar to an empirical formula except that it includes the the number of atoms present in

each molecule, rather than the ratio. It will be an integer multiple of the empirical formula ie KAxByZc and can

be calculated from the empirical formula and the molar mass of the substance.
1.3 Chemical Equations
The mole ratio of two species in a chemical equation is the ratio of their coefficients - ie

The ratio of is , etc.

1.3.2 : Balancing equations

Change only the coefficients, not the subscripts to make sure all atoms, and charge is conserved (half equations

can be balanced by addition of electrons to either side...2 half equations can be added by making the number of

electrons equal in each, then vertically adding.)

1.3.3 : State symbols

 (s)-Solid,

 (l)-liquid,

 (g)-gas,

 (aq)-aqueous something dissolved in water.

Should be included in all chemical reactions (but won't be penalized).

1.4 Mass relationships in chemical reactions

Mass is conserved throughout reactions. This fact allows masses to be calculated based on other masses in the

reaction eg burning Mg in air to produce MgO and so to find the mass or Mg present in the original sample (ie

purity) - can be extended to concentrations - ie titration.

When a reaction contains several reactants, some may be in more is present that can be used in the

reaction. The first reactant to run out is the limiting reagent (or reactant). Knowing the number of mols of the

limiting reagent allows all other species to be calculated, and so the yield, and remaining quantities of other


1.5 Solutions

 Solvent - the substance you're dissolving in - ie water. it is in higher concentration

 Solute - the stuff you're dissolving in ionic compound or something.

 Solution - a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances.

 Concentration - the amount of solute per amount of mols per dm mols per liter or grams per

Apply the equation:

rather obvious from the units of concentration, but remember to covert everything into the same units.

Use chemical equations to relate the amount of one species to the amounts of others.

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