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UNIT-r | Automata Funglamentalas ie I Whet is fini Altomata 2 P A finite automata aa auacolle ewan aan " e- tuples (@ 2, 8:%oF) where ss Q@ — Finitt get ot state : SB - Input alphabet § - Transition function 4 - Shart state a F - set of inal Atate or ate pting siete. \Fox, example . h “The. FA wtih wee ateept whe only ~ a —* - a, S_ Pint ot 4 input symbols = Lransition functtor : Go — atart ata Weer | wea «set a final stabs. i) In NEFA, omy 4 given input sgmbo| zero, ane or more num ber od rans trons © owe niet ano Gene given atot. i P pee a A ees acenpting all At rings on Give fo | Diftorent@ bier BFA i tind Exo ee ; NDFA I. The pransition fail otis exocity one tate is QxXEZ eh (onversion of me gulox 5 brat the Applications of “Automata ; Thon i 4 4 : ) Automata theory playa an Important in compiler ole sign Tl) To Iproves;the correctness of the program, Automata thoy 14 uted iy Automata thiory deals with the designs f finite stati machines iv) Automata theory 48 The base langargen & De hint NFA ye. We iranian more pe. werful for the formal getransi ner Ne. tramittens ? oO we ae contains the Au bsinng | atak dinal brat a oO tw above KL a PFA Now Change non- final | final Atak Ft non final Atat 6-6-8 ¥ Truth CODFA for te language 1q. Cen " G4 8 uber 4 Tt Contains O00 jlo Find +h “Get op ms Luctom ate o,) ner Oe | het § be wet of all Adve Basis Assume n=! Te ee ee el yal ts nent!) hoa Ris 3 0 2 J 29 hel Puy ae | =) Pee RHS LDnducton hypo Phase © Amie eg gee a Z aR Cet) em (2! Trautnive Shep iNew 7 Eyn/. 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