Admission Notice 2024-2025

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Admin/DC/02/2024-2025 Date: 11/05/2024


Sub.: Admission for Academic Year 2024-2025

Students are required to pay the fees for the A.Y. 2024-25 through the following payment methods.

The fees structure of for the Academic Year 2024-25 are as follows:

Course Sem 3 Sem 4 Total

S.Y. B.Com ₹ 28,126/- ₹ 28,126/-
S.Y.B.A ₹ 25,126 /- ₹ 25,126 /-
S.Y.B. (A&F) ₹29,031 /- ₹ 20,985/- ₹ 50,016 /-
S.Y.B.A.M.M.C. ₹27,981 /- ₹19,235 /- ₹ 47,216 /-
S.Y.B.M.S. ₹ 31,044 /- ₹ 23,685 /- ₹ 54,729/-
S.Y.B.SC (IT) ₹ 32,519 /- ₹ 19,810 /- ₹ 52,329 /-
S.Y. B.SC (C.S) ₹ 26,198/- ₹ 19,631/- ₹ 45,829 /-

Course Sem 5 Sem 6 Total

T.Y.B.A. ₹ 25,376/- ₹ 25,376/-
T.Y. B.Com ₹ 28,376/- ₹ 28,376/-
T.Y.B.COM (A&F) ₹ 29,281/- ₹ 21,235/- ₹ 50,516/-
T.Y.B.A.M.M.C ₹ 28,481/- ₹ 19,485/- ₹ 47,966/-
T.Y.B.M.S ₹ 31,544/- ₹ 23,935/- ₹ 55,479/-
T.Y. B.Sc. (I.T.) ₹ 32,519/- ₹ 20,060/- ₹ 52,579/-
T.Y. B.Sc. (C.S) ₹ 26,198/- ₹ 19,881/- ₹ 46,079/-

Candidate’s Processes:
● Candidates will receive a admission form link on the Institute website & SMS which will
redirect them to the ERP’s admission form page.
( )
● As their credentials will be shared with them beforehand, candidates can directly “SIGN
IN” using their respective Login IDs. (Provided by the Institute for admission of AY 2024-
● Candidates must review whether their eligible streams and other basic details are correct.
If any corrections are needed, candidates can contact the admin team for assistance.

. illing process cotutuenccs.

Upon successaul logi.. lhc fornr C.ndidatcs aF requned lo
complcte $en dpplic ionlominrhe providcd tabscquence.
. Insrrucrionsand notes*illbe provided wherclcr nNcssaq and applicable lorcandidatcs
lo Eler to *hile frUing oul tbc lornl
Appl.vTab -Candidaies*illbesho*n $eneligiblccou6esa omalically
CandidaDs can easily navielt back a.d fonh by utilizins the'PREVIOUS STEP or NLxl
STEP burhns located al thc bottom ol rescreei. Allendilclv. thev can acce$ nrcliouslv filled
sstions by clicki.g on ihc Especlive labs listed !r rhd ropoallrc screeD.

. Subjecls Tdb - cddidatcs are Equied to eled rhc "Subjects" frctu rhe oflcrcd lisl o1'

. Rcse^,tionsT.b-CandidatesnluslsPeci!lhcirrrconsritulion,l and'Socirl tuse^ariotrs

. Acdenic Tab - Cadidats nccd lo inpul lhen academic dctailsas applicablc and lhcD cllck
on thc
_S VE AND NEXT burto. tosucestully ele rhcirnlled nraomarnrn. Ifcand nles
*RESET" butto.
rish lo clctr thc filled nrlomaion. $cy cm do so by clickingo.lhc
. Docuncnls Tdb - Candidatcs aE required lo uplo.d llrc neceserr documcnls as specllied
'llE hrk for dou.lMdablc fom)s such as studenc and Parenrs A.ri_aAgina conscnr lnmr
*ill be prorided in rhc ln$ructionsNores s.ction for candidales lo dosdoad. Ther lomB.
piovidcd nr PD! fomar by lhe inslilule. musl be dosnloadcd. filled oul. satrncd. and then
uploaded by the
. Pcrsonrl md F.mily Tab - cMdidate .eeds lo ill $cn personll and lanilv details rs

. Subnitfo.n Tnb - lnlhis lab, cedidatcs aE requned b carcfullv reld lnd acccpt the l.rn1s
,nd co.d itions speci li ed. Uponacceprance. thcy can proceed ro lock drenapplication hmrs
and poceed *ilh lhe paytuenl ofthc admnsion lees.
. Candidales nx$ adheE to the giv.n squence andc..norskip ahead: rhcy can onb t(r'cd
. Upo. prinling the applicalion fom. candidaFs need tovisit lhe coll.gcand subhillhc prim.d
applicarion fonn. Only alicr this srep will lhc candidlte s application lilling bc considetd

A butron lbr paying the onli.c.dnri$ion lees ihcrcaner

Cdndidalcsare rcquiEd topaylhe lies vnhnr lhe lnne duarioD set bv rh. nsrnule.
tn ulse candidales hare any queies reglrdine fccs. such ,s panial palmenr or cxtensnni
rhc palnenr duradon.lhey can contact the adminisldivc ollice lora$GMnce.
A toceifl for lhe admission fees will bc gcneraled mcdialelv lolloNi.r succesniLl i
r only altd tbe adoission fce hls b€en paid, candid,tes will be able ro prinl lhenamlic'rbr

. TheOnline lles paynem link willadiv.rcaterthc loan srbmhsnnr.
. Denra Dralt darn in larou ol ]]]atE8aE!a!!!a!]eql]!89q|]\l1!l!]q!Irrrr!I!!j
Dearcc-. Dcmand. Dnft can be subnilted to l'' llooradnin ollicc counrcr no.5 & 6lllm
Monday ro l,riday bcrscer l0:30AM lo 0l::r0 PM onll.
. Studctrlcanopl lom predcfined ieesgroups:
. lill fes Thh includeslheenliE Iiestuctrtr lnrnrccou6c.
. l' lor odd Senesler (*hertver aDpli.ablc)
'l he lasr dale aor the paymenr ollees is2l/05102,1.
Kindly note that, no other modes ofpayment is active other thrn as mentioned



l. Students Noticc Boad

3. Manaeement Represenurivc (Son Copy)

1. Adiliiisrmrivc Omcer (Sotr Coty)

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