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The Development Society is the home organization of the Development Studies

majors of the Ateneo de Manila Universtiy. The organization provides a venue for DS
students to apply the theories that they have learned inside the classroom regarding
socio-political and economic development in the country.

As a Development Studies major, the organization helped me have a deeper

understanding and a firmer grasp on the issues that the country is currently facing. It
has also led me to have better appreciation for those who are fighting for their
respective causes which stemmed from the problems that the country is currently
suffering from. An example of this would be the fight of the Sumilao farmers for their
ancestral land in Bukidnon. Through their walk from Bukidnon to Manila, they were
able to show to everyone how determined they were to fight for their rights.
Interacting with the farmers also gave me the opportunity to get to know them and
understand their plight as well. And now that their land has been finally given back to
them, I also share in their triumph for the justice that has been served them.

In a sense, I can say that the organization was a big part of how I see things now that I
am working for the government. I was able to meet a lot of people who also had a
deep love for the country and who were willing to make a difference in the society
that we live in. Being a part of that group, I learned that it does not matter how many
obstacles you will encounter on the way to finally achieving what you started out to
do. What matters is your conviction to fight for what is right and for the people who
will benefit from your actions. And now that I am working for the government, I am
given a chance to practice further what I have learned, and to be able to contribute to
the betterment of the lives of the underprivileged, no matter how small a contribution
it may be.

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