Topic List for MRCS

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Topic list for MRCS

By Dr. Soumen Paul

Topic List
Upper Limb
1. Brachial plexus
2. Erb’s palsy, Klumpke’s palsy
3. Horner’s syndrome
4. Wrist drop, Saturday night palsy
5. Claw hand
6. Ape thumb deformity
7. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
8. Cubital fossa
9. Muscles of arm, forearm with their nerve supply
10. Muscles of hand with their nerve supply
11. Proximal and distal phalangeal joint
12. Shoulder joint
13. Rotator cuff
14. Deltoid, Trapezius, Serratus Anterior
15. Adhesive capsulitis/Frozen shoulder
16. Impingement syndrome
17. Rotator cuff tear
18. Shoulder joint dislocation
19. Long thoracic nerve
20. Axilla, Axillary artery, Axillary lymph node clearance
21. All types of jerk
22. Median nerve
23. Radial nerve
24. Ulnar nerve
25. Anterior and posterior interroseous nerve
26. Cephalic vein
27. Dermatomes
28. Bones (Relation and orientation)
29. Fractures (Humerus #, Supracondylar #, Scaphoid # etc.)
30. Anatomical snuff box
31. Flexor and extensor retinaculum
32. Triangular and Quadrangular spaces

Topic List
Lower Limb
1. Lumbar and sacral plexus
2. Dermatomes
3. Muscles (thigh, leg compartments)
4. Gluteal region
5. Femoral ( canal, triangle, nerve,hernia)
6. Obturator nerve and canal
7. Adductor canal/Hunter’s canal
8. Greater and lesser sciatic foramen
9. Sciatic nerve, sciatica
10. Tibial nerve
11. Trendelenberg test
12. Hip joint anatomy
13. Knee joint anatomy
14. Popliteal fossa
15. Peroneal/Fibular nerve (Superficial,deep)
16. Arterial and venous supply of lower limb
17. Sural nerve
18. Arches of foot (ligaments, bone orientation)
19. Relation of medial and lateral malleolus
20. Ankle joint anatomy
21. Bones (relation and orientation)
22. Pes anserinus
23. Fractures ( Hip #, patella #, metatarsal # etc.)

Topic List
1. GI tract organs with relations, blood supply, nerve supply, lymphatic drainage
(a. Kidney
b. Ureter
c. Urethra
d. Scrotum and testis
e. Gallbladder
f. Appendix
g. Pancreas
h. Rectum
i. Adrenal gland
j. Prostate gland
k. Duodenum
l. Stomach)
2. Lobes of liver, Relations, blood supply, nerve supply, porta hepatis
3. Abdominal aorta and its branches anatomy
4. Coeliac axis
5. Superior and inferior mesenteric artery
6. Inguinal region, Illioinguinal nerve, genitofemoral nerve
7. Greater and lesser omentum
8. Common landmarks (e.g. Transpyloric plane)
9. Foregut,migut,hindgut
10. Right 2/3rd and left 1/3rd of colon details
11. Epiploic foramen
12. T12 – L5 (Streuctures at each level) (Image)
13. Pringles maneuver
14. Abdominal wall ( muscles,blood and nerve supply, clinical imp.)
15. IVC
16. Rectus sheath
17. Male vs Female pelvis

Topic List
Head Neck
1. Foramina of skull (details)
2. Cranial nerves (details)
3. Tongue (details)
4. Carotid endarterectomy
5. Carotid sheath
6. Parotid gland
7. External and internal carotid artery
8. Muscles of face
9. Lumbar puncture
10. Pharyngeal arch,pouch
11. Parasympathetic ganglion
12. Ansa cervicalis
13. Anterior and posterior triangle – contents
14. C2 – C6 (Relations)
15. Tongue, larynnx, pharynx, soft palate (Muscles, nerve supply)
16. Submandibular gland
17. Scalp layers
18. Vocal cord
19. Tracts and sensations
20. Cavernous sinus
21. Visual field defects
22. Subclavian artery
23. Extraoccular muscles action
24. Circle of Willis
25. Ear anatomy
26. Spinal cord
27. Face
28. Sympathetic nervous system – Anatomy

Topic List
1. Mediastinum
2. Angle of Louis
3. Ribs – Details
4. Thoracic duct
5. Trachea
6. Oesophagus
7. Thoracic aorta – Branches
8. SVC – details
9. Azygos system
10. Lungs – details
11. Heart – details
12. Thoracic movements during respiration
13. Muscles with dual nerve supply
14. Pleura
15. Heart valve locations

Topic List
1. Stress condition
2. Gastric secretions – details
3. Collagen
4. Pancreatitis
5. Electrolyte imbalances – details
6. Oxy – Hemoglobin curve : details
7. Diuretics – Site of action
8. JVP
9. Baroreceptor, atrial stretch, bainbridge, starling law, valsalva
10. Total gut absorption – which is absorbed where
11. Shock – details
12. Spirometry
13. FVC, FEV1
14. Total secretion of each gland
15. Saliva – secretion
16. Ca hemostasis
17. Colloid, crystalloid
18. SIADH – details
19. Acid base disoreders – details
20. Anion gap
21. Warfarin, heparin
22. Lung compliance
23. Refeeding syndrome
24. Peristalsis
25. CSF
26. Blood clotting test results
27. Cardiac physiology
28. Abnormal coagulation
29. ECG features
30. Renal physiology
31. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
32. Phases of wound healing
33. Urinary incontinence

Topic List
1. Acute Inflammation
2. Chronic Inflammation
3. Gastritis
4. Acute Intermittent Porphyria
5. Lead Poisoning
6. Cell Death
7. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
8. Cardiac Murmurs
9. Nerve Injury
10. Absence of The Vas Deferens
11. Cleft Lip and Palate
12. Choanal Atresia
13. Achondroplasia
14. Genetics and Surgical Disease
15. Tumour Markers
16. Hodgkins Lymphoma
17. Aggressive Fibromatosis
18. Hereditary Spherocytosis
19. Hypersensitivity Reactions
20. Koebner Phenomenon
21. Pheochromocytoma and Adrenal Lesions
22. Incidental Adrenal Lesions
23. Glucagonoma
24. Glioma
25. Thymus
26. Sarcomas
27. Trypanosoma Cruzi
28. Actinomycosis
29. Burns
30. Collagen
31. Amyloids
32. Steroid guideline

Plus some topics from Zaki note :

Topic List
1. Surgical Microbiology
2. Antibiotics: Mechanism of Action
4. Streptococci
5. Salmonella
6. Bacterial Gastroenteritis
7. Gastro Intestinal Parasitic Infections
8. Hepatitis B
9. Hepatitis C
10. HIV Testing
11. Meleney's Gangrene and Necrotising Fasciitis
12. Osteomyelitis
13. Surgical wound
14. Clostridium difficile
15. Cholangitis
16. Sterilization
17. Endemic pathogens all over the world
18. Encapsulated pathogens

Topic List
1. ASA score
2. Preparation for Surgery
3. Pre-operative Fluid Management
4. Intra-operative Fluid Management
5. Intravenous Access
6. Atropine
7. Anaesthetic Agents
8. Airway Management
9. Muscle Relaxants
10. Malignant Hyperthermia
11. Tourniquets
12. Blood Products - Cross Matching
13. Thromboprophylaxis in Surgical Patients
14. Proactive Care of Older People Undergoing Surgery (POPS)
15. Endoscopy
16. Discontinuation of medication before surgery
17. Rescue drugs
18. Antidotes

Topic List
1. Acute Dystonic Reaction
2. Acute Renal Failure
3. Brain Death
4. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
5. Management of Pain
6. Circulatory Support of the Critically ill
7. Cryoprecipitate
8. Massive Haemorrhage
9. Hypovolaemia and the Surgical Patient
10. Nutrition Monitoring - NICE Guidelines
11. Nutrition Screening - NICE Guidelines
12. Nutrition Prescriptions
13. Oral, Enteral and Parenteral Feeding - NICE Guidelines Summary
14. Post-Operative Fluid Management
15. Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction (POCD) Management
16. Pulmonary Embolism: Investigation
17. Surgical Complications
18. Surgical Site Infection
19. ERAS protocol
20. Post op anticoagulant regime

Topic List
Emergency medicine
1. Addisonian Crisis
2. Anaphylactic Shock
3. Compartment Syndrome
4. Fluid Resuscitation : Burns
5. Hypothermia
6. Local Anaesthetic Toxicity
7. Chest Pain in Pregnancy
8. Imaging in the Pregnant Trauma Patient
9. Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome
10. Thrombolysis or Percutaneous Intervention in Myocardial Infarction
11. Ventricular Tachycardia
12. Torsades De Pointes
13. Pulmonary Embolism: Details
14. Thoracic Trauma
15. Tension Pneumothorax
16. Thoracic Aorta Rupture
17. Vascular Trauma
18. Stroke: Types
19. Head Injury Management - NICE Guidelines
20. Head Injury - Paediatrics
21. Craniomaxillofacial Injuries
22. Oculogyric Crisis
23. Opioid misuse
24. Sickle cell anaemia

Topic List
Surgical techniques
1. Gases For Laparoscopic Surgery
2. Pneumoperitoneum - Therapeutic
3. Sterilisation
4. Suture Material
5. Suture Sizes
6. Methods of Wound Closure
7. Tissue Reconstruction
8. Biological Agents
9. Electrosurgery
10. Diathermy
11. Surgical drains
12. Anastomoses
13. Tissue reconstruction (Grafts and flaps)
14. Inguinal hernia surgery
15. Management of bleeding

Topic List
Legal issues
1. Audit and Research
2. Audit Categories
3. Consent
4. Cluster Randomised Controlled Trials
5. Incidence and Prevalence
6. Forest Plots
7. Normal Distribution
8. Pre and Post Test Odds and Probability
9. Qualitative and Quantitative Data
10. Relative Risk
11. Absolute Risk Reduction
12. Positive Predictive Values
13. Screening Test Statistics
14. Significance Tests
15. Power Calculations and Statistical Error
16. Statistics
17. Study Design
18. Study Desigm Evidence and Recommendations

Topic List
Surgical oncology
1. Oncogenes
2. Oncoviruses
3. Extravasation Injury
4. Chemotherapy Agents
5. Chordoma.
6. Secondary Malignant Tumours of Bone
7. Lung cancer
8. Lung Cancer: Non-Small Cell Management
9. Notes and Mnemonics
10. Tissue Sampling

Topic List
Abdominal surgery
1. Abdominal Incisions
2. Abdominal Stomas
3. Right Iliac Fossa Pain
4. Abdominal Signs
5. Acute Abdominal Pain - Diagnoses
6. Gynaecological Causes of Abdominal Pain
7. Splenic Vein Thrombosis
8. Diarrhoea
9. Abdominal Wound Dehiscence
10. Hernia
11. Malabsorption
12. Mesenteric Vessel Disease
13. Abdominal Radiology
14. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
15. Splenic Trauma
16. Groin masses
17. Enteric fistula

Topic List
Upper GI surgery
1. Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
2. Rockall Score
3. Dysphagia
4. Bariatric Surgery
5. Gastric Cancer
6. Gastric Emptying
7. Oesophageal Disease
8. Oesophageal Cancer - Treatment
9. Nutrition Options in Surgical Patients
10. Zollinger - Ellison syndrome
11. Insulinoma
12. Post gastrectomy syndromes

Topic List
Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery
1. Benign Liver Lesions
2. Biliary Disease
3. Surgical Jaundice
4. Gallstones
5. Courvoisiers Law
6. Assessment of the severity of pancreatitis
7. Pancreatic Cancer
8. Management of Acute Pancreatitis in The UK
9. Pancreatitis: Sequelae

Topic List
Colorectal surgery
1. Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding
2. Diverticular Disease
3. Ano Rectal Disease
4. Benign Proctology
5. Rectal Bleeding
6. Pilonidal Sinus
7. Colonic Polyps
8. Polyposis Syndromes
9. Laxatives
10. Genetics of Colorectal Cancer
11. Colorectal Cancer
12. Dukes Classification
13. Crohn's Disease
14. Ulcerative Colitis
15. Colonic obstruction
16. Appendicitis
17. Anal fistula
18. Rectal prolapse

Topic List
Breast and endocrine surgery
1. Aberrations of Normal Development and Involution - Breast
2. Benign Breast Lesions & Non-Malignant Breast Disease
3. Breast Cancer
4. Pagets Disease of The Nipple
5. Nipple Discharge
6. Lymphoedema
7. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
8. Gynecomastia
9. Parathyroid Glands and Disorders of Calcium Metabolism
10. Thyroid Disease
11. Thyroid Function Tests
12. Thyroid Malignancy
13. Blood Testing in Thyroid Disease
14. Thyroiditis
15. Hyperthyroidism
16. Pancreatic endocrine tumours

Topic List
Vascular surgery
1. Vasculitis
2. Vascular disorders of the upper limb
3. Axillary vein thrombosis
4. Ankle-Brachial pressure index
5. Acute limb ischaemia
6. Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber
7. Chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins
8. Lower leg ulcers
9. Vascular disease
10. Peripheral vascular disease
11. Aortic dissection
12. Abdominal aorta aneurysm
13. Amputations
14. Vascular Investigations
15. Mesenteric vessel disease
16. Lymphaedema

Topic List
1. Scrotal swelling
2. Testicular cancer
3. Priapism
4. Prostate Cancer
5. Causes of Haematuria
6. Renal stones
7. Lower genitourinary tract trauma
8. Renal lesions
9. Hydronephrosis
10. Functional renal imaging
11. Renal carcinoma
12. Benign prostatic disease
13. Penile fracture
14. Vasectomy

Topic List
Organ transplantation
1. Transplant types
2. Organ Transplantation: Immunosuppressants
3. Complications Following Renal Transplant
4. Renal Transplant: Details

Topic List
Skin disorders
1. Skin Diseases (Malignant and non-malignant)
2. Benign skin diseases
3. Sebaceous cysts
4. Malignancy and related lesions
5. Merkel cell tumours of the skin
6. Biopsy – types and examples

Topic List
Hand lesions
1. Hand diseases

Topic List
Head and neck surgery
1. Neck lumps
2. Neck Masses in Children
3. Submandibular glands disease
4. Parotid gland clinical
5. Diseases of nose and sinuses
6. Epistaxis
7. Voice production
8. Disorders affecting the ear
9. Rinne and weber test
10. Facial nerve palsy

Topic List
Surgical disorders of brain
1. Head Injury
2. Sub Arachnoid Haemorrhage
3. Interpretation of Pupillary Findings in Head Injuries
4. Third Nerve Palsy
5. Head Injury and Hematoma
6. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
7. Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome
8. Intracranial haemorrhage
9. Depressed skull fracture
10. Disorders of the oculomotor system
11. Classification of nerve fibres

Topic List
Paediatric surgery
1. Congenital Heart Disease
2. Tetralogy of Fallot
3. Paediatric Fluid Management
4. Meckel's Diverticulum
5. Paediatric Gastrointestinal Disorders
6. Paediatric GI Bleeding
7. Bilious Vomiting in Neonates
8. Biliary Atresia
9. Paediatric Umbilical Disorders
10. Paediatric Inguinal Hernia
11. Paediatric Urology - Foreskin disorders
12. Bronchogenic Cysts
13. Urinary Tract Infection - Paediatric
14. Urethral Valves
15. Vesicoureteric Reflux
16. Pediatric emergency
17. Testicular disorders-paediatric
18. Paediatric fractures
19. Paediatric proctology
20. Cryptorchidism
21. Intestinal malrotation in neonates
22. Talipes Equinovarus
23. Septic arthritis- Paediatric
24. Choanal atresia
25. Cleft lip and palate

Topic List
1. Avascular necrosis
2. Paget's Disease
3. Bone disease
4. Osteomalacia
5. Epiphyseal fractures
6. Scaphoid fractures
7. Eponymous fractures
8. Pathological fractures
9. Pseudogout
10. Knee injury
11. Knee collateral ligament
12. Paediatric orthopaedics
13. Perthes disease
14. Diseases affecting the vertebral column
15. Spinal disorders
16. Ankle injuries
17. Shoulder disorders
18. Upper limb fractures
19. Open fractures
20. Hip fractures
21. Osteoporosis


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